"THEY" are Winning :(

Sickening and horrible way to start the day.. I'm wondering what other media outlets will pick up the story..
Sad beyond belief, this guy is a junkie and might not know what is up and what is down, so he will probably escape a hate crime charge because of this. But this is another sign that court system is failing society, this man should have been locked up years ago...
This is a must watch video for everyone here. I repeat you guys really need to watch this video. Thanks.


A good video. I already knew most of it but I've been researching this stuff since 2005. Other people should just flip through it and make sure it isn't the first time they've heard what is being said. It isn't just the jews that are the problem. It's Freemasonry, the Shriners, the Catholic Church (not all Catholics the senior leadership), the CIA, the Jesuits and probably a hundred other things as well. If Trump isn't exposing this **** in the next five years it will not be good for us.
King was a nine term congressman. In other words, he had become a career politician.

May many more of these types get shown the door soon.

King was the only person in congress who wasn't a total cuck. Him losing is not a good sign even if he is replaced by an acceptable conservative.
1) Over the years, I've made multiple accounts, but I don't remember them and got locked out so I made this one. What happened to Col. Reb? I believe I started posting in the Fall of 2004. I started off as a libertarian and Civic Nationalist, and I've become far more sympathetic to White Nationalism as I've seen history take its course.

2) There was this huge rift between the Civic Nationalists and White Nationalists that emerged in 2017 which made it more difficult for us to truly defeat the bureaucratic and corporate apparatuses. When Steve King was betrayed so convincingly, it looked bad and was demoralizing, but honestly, it didn't make a difference because King didn't really have any real power anyways. The Republican Party has now become the party of Civic Nationalism, which I think we all regard as a major improvement over where it was when I was posting in 2004, but it's not White Nationalism. While I think White Nationalists and Civic Nationalists should definitely work together, this has proven quite difficult for a variety of reasons. For starters, a sizable portion of Civic Nationalists like Enrique Tarrio aren't White and fear that White Nationalists' goals are inherently bad for them. I don't think this needs to be the case at all since the country is big enough for both of our factions. I also think White ethnozones would help Civic Nationalists cultivate their values immensely.

3) MAGA needs to organize without Trump and get more folks into the NSA, FBI, and upper echelons of the military, and we should try to convince Trump to foster that. The gov't bureaucracy or Deep State runs our country about 90% of the time with Congress, the President, and the Court being relevant the other 10% of the time.
1) Over the years, I've made multiple accounts, but I don't remember them and got locked out so I made this one. What happened to Col. Reb? I believe I started posting in the Fall of 2004. I started off as a libertarian and Civic Nationalist, and I've become far more sympathetic to White Nationalism as I've seen history take its course.

2) There was this huge rift between the Civic Nationalists and White Nationalists that emerged in 2017 which made it more difficult for us to truly defeat the bureaucratic and corporate apparatuses. When Steve King was betrayed so convincingly, it looked bad and was demoralizing, but honestly, it didn't make a difference because King didn't really have any real power anyways. The Republican Party has now become the party of Civic Nationalism, which I think we all regard as a major improvement over where it was when I was posting in 2004, but it's not White Nationalism. While I think White Nationalists and Civic Nationalists should definitely work together, this has proven quite difficult for a variety of reasons. For starters, a sizable portion of Civic Nationalists like Enrique Tarrio aren't White and fear that White Nationalists' goals are inherently bad for them. I don't think this needs to be the case at all since the country is big enough for both of our factions. I also think White ethnozones would help Civic Nationalists cultivate their values immensely.

3) MAGA needs to organize without Trump and get more folks into the NSA, FBI, and upper echelons of the military, and we should try to convince Trump to foster that. The gov't bureaucracy or Deep State runs our country about 90% of the time with Congress, the President, and the Court being relevant the other 10% of the time.

Welcome back to the site! Great post. I haven't seen Col. Reb on in sometime. Alot of great posters have gone "missing" over the years.
1) Over the years, I've made multiple accounts, but I don't remember them and got locked out so I made this one. What happened to Col. Reb? I believe I started posting in the Fall of 2004. I started off as a libertarian and Civic Nationalist, and I've become far more sympathetic to White Nationalism as I've seen history take its course.

2) There was this huge rift between the Civic Nationalists and White Nationalists that emerged in 2017 which made it more difficult for us to truly defeat the bureaucratic and corporate apparatuses. When Steve King was betrayed so convincingly, it looked bad and was demoralizing, but honestly, it didn't make a difference because King didn't really have any real power anyways. The Republican Party has now become the party of Civic Nationalism, which I think we all regard as a major improvement over where it was when I was posting in 2004, but it's not White Nationalism. While I think White Nationalists and Civic Nationalists should definitely work together, this has proven quite difficult for a variety of reasons. For starters, a sizable portion of Civic Nationalists like Enrique Tarrio aren't White and fear that White Nationalists' goals are inherently bad for them. I don't think this needs to be the case at all since the country is big enough for both of our factions. I also think White ethnozones would help Civic Nationalists cultivate their values immensely.

3) MAGA needs to organize without Trump and get more folks into the NSA, FBI, and upper echelons of the military, and we should try to convince Trump to foster that. The gov't bureaucracy or Deep State runs our country about 90% of the time with Congress, the President, and the Court being relevant the other 10% of the time.
Good post which I mostly agree with and welcome back.

Just curious, what were your previous posting names on CF?
American Freedom News