Theory of Evolution & Declining Birthrates In the "Intelligent" "1st World".


Mar 20, 2020
In the 1800's, Charles Darwin laid the foundation for The Theory Of Evolution when he suggested that over time, sexual selection practices within a reproducing species will pass on characteristics which are "strong" and associated with better chances of survival and comfortable living. Conversely, characteristics which are "weak" and associated with lower chances of survival and less comfortable living will be weeded out. Individuals possessing favourable characteristics will reproduce and pass on into the gene pool of the species, individuals who possess unfavourable characteristics will be sexually left out, not reproducing, and thereby eliminating these unfavorable characteristics from the species.

Many humans interpret that as meaning that the more intelligent a human is, the more likely he or she is to successfully reproduce. In past times this may have been true, because humans who were intelligent enough to hunt and gather food and stay warm would stay alive and pass their genes on, but humans who were not intelligent enough to hunt and gather food and stay warm would possibly die and/or not be able to find a mate, thereby not passing their genes on.

In the Advanced and oh so educated Western 1st World today, we have on the one hand constructed a welfare society which rewards unintelligent and unproductive people with welfare, who without welfare would probably not be able to reproduce. In many nations such as UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy and so on, the Government will heavily subsidize the parents of a child with a taxpayer welfare until the child is 18. This means that the least intelligent people of society can simply stay home, not work, or work irregularly, and still afford to reproduce because the more intelligent and productive persons in society are paying for that. That is what we have become as a society. It is common knowledge that these welfares are abused by criminals, drug addicts, thugs, bums, and the like, who have a child and use taxpayer money to pay for it. On the other hand, the Western World has seen rising personal debt levels in recent years to the point that Western people are now more endebted than anywhere else in the world, and the cost of housing and things of that nature are through the roof, not to mention you are taxed quite heavily as a worker in the West. So, the purchasing power that an average Westerner professional has today is less than in previous generations. This means, if you are an intelligent person and seeking to reproduce "responsibly" by preparing, budgeting, and paying for your child you are going to have a very hard time to do that and it's almost at the point it is unaffordable if you're attempting to make intelligent rational decisions.

And then of course there's all the "Women's Rights" mumbo jumbo. Women in the West are now highly educated, in fact in Universities in the West they have outnumbered men for more than 15 years (whether a University is still a higher education is very debatable), and are encouraged to pursue an independent life and career before having marriage and children. The result of that is many Western Women put off marriage until later in life and having children becomes harder as people get older, particularly women, and after the age of 35, there is a good chance a woman will need costly medical interference or IVF to become pregnant. Marriage rates in the West are at historic lows, and statistics show that young people today are putting marriage off until late 20's to early to mid 30's. From a reproduction perspective, that is not a wise choice.

If you look at this source:

It will tell you average number of children born per each woman in each nation over the world. What you'll notice is that every single European and Western country has an effective negative birthrate, meaning that a woman is having less than 2.1 children in those countries. (2.1 childs per woman is needed to sustain the population level, because a birth also requires a man, and 2 children would roughly "sustain" its 2 parents). For example: Spain (1.2 child per woman), Italy (1.3 child per woman), Ukraine (1.4 child per woman), Austria (1.5 child per woman), Germany (1.6 child per woman), Czech Republic (1.6 child per woman), England & Ireland (1.8 child per woman). North America shows Canada (1.5 child per woman) and USA (1.8 child per woman). This means that all of these nations rely on immigration to stabilize and grow their population, if there was no immigration the population would be shrinking, or roughly sustaining in the case of UK and USA.

If you look at African, poorer Asian, or poorer Middle Eastern nations, you will see exponentially higher birthrates.

In fact you could say looking at those global birth rate statistics, that:
- Less Educated Populations = More Babies
- Less Women's Rights = More Babies
- Poorer Populations = More Babies

If you wanted to get even closer to the truth you might say that as a woman becomes more educated, and earns more money, and has a job, the less likely she is to have a child. It's gotten to the point in Western countries that as I said, working taxpayers are subsidizing unproductive and sometimes criminal welfare recipients who receive welfare for children and produce absolutely nothing of value for society at large, often times not even working.

On a global level, it is undoubtedly true that poorer and less educated people have more children, but even in Western society that is true, as the most intelligent people in the West often do not have children due to a cost/benefit ratio as I discussed above, so instead they basically subsidize a welfare recipient's ability to have children.

The conclusion to draw here is that Less Educated and Less Economically Productive people are reproducing at a much higher rate than Educated and Productive people are, and those are the genes that are going to be passed on. What do members of this site make of that? Unintelligent people ruling evolution? Or could it be that what is intelligent and unintelligent has been mixed up, and maybe the West has it backwards? Maybe those tribal countries actually are more intelligent than we are here in some ways? Perhaps the West has become overly decadent in promoting Women's Rights? I'd love to hear this board's opinion on this topic of The Theory of Evolution and how it explains Less Intelligent people reproducing more successfully today than intelligent people and why educated people = no kids but highschool dropouts = many kids. In the long-term what effects will it have on society if it is only the uneducated and unintelligent that reproduce?
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