The Winter Olympics


Sep 27, 2004
by J. B. Cash
The Winter Olympics: White People's Winter Athletic Extravaganza

(2/12/05) The XX Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy have begun, and as always it will be a big treat to see great white athletes on our TV every night. The Winter Olympics are OUR games. A time for white people to shrug off the numerous non-whites of the world that have glommed on to our society and forced their way into our sports entertainment. For a couple of weeks in February we will get to see athletes that look like us, act like us, and share the same cultural and genetic traits. How refreshing!

We can plan on enjoying athletic competition minus the preening, the bragging, the over blown self-congratulation, the childish antics and the thuggish behavior. [Sigh.] If only the sports that fill our daily lives were so free from the dark cast that haunts them, as well as our cities and society. We will also be free from every sportscaster and analyst telling us that the white athlete in question is "not the best athlete in the world" but an "overachieving, hard worker" with "a lot of heart". Those are the tired cliches that must be used when whites compete against blacks in an effort to constantly demean the physical attributes of whites and perpetually over-inflate the abilities of blacks.

A couple of news stories have made their way into the headlines criticizing the Winter Olympics for being too white. Thus once again we see that as white people we can never be left alone to enjoy our own people and our own culture, not even in our native lands or in our traditional games. In Europe, Muslims are allowed to harass us in the native lands of our ancestors. In America transplanted Africans and trespassing mestizos harass us in the lands our ancestors carved out from the wilderness. It is amazing that the white race, which brought civilization to a savage world, can continue to sit by and suffer such insults to our people and culture.

From the Washington Post:

Where the Rich and Elite Meet to Compete
By Paul Farhi

"Never mind the usual puffery about what this month's Winter Olympics are all about. Sure, there's the beauty of sports, the spirit of friendly competition, the dedication of great athletes and all that. But the Winter Games are about a few other things as well: elitism, exclusion and the triumph of the world's sporting haves over its have nots.

"What the Winter Games are not is a truly international sporting competition that brings the best of the world together to compete, as the promotional blather would have you believe. Unlike the widely attended Summer Olympics, the winter version is almost exclusively the preserve of a narrow, generally wealthy, predominantly Caucasian collection of athletes and nations. In fact, I'd suggest that the name of the Winter Games, which start Friday, be changed. They could be more accurately branded 'The European and North American Expensive Sports Festival'. . ."

The author of the article is a well-rewarded accomplice of the traitor-press. A card-carrying member of the occupying media that lives within our borders with the express intent of destroying us from within. His views are not that unconventional. I only wish the Olympic Committee would take heed from him. I for one would love if the Games were referred to as the "White People's Winter Athletic Extravaganza" or some other racially descriptive name.

Remember that the original concept of the Olympics is not of a "world" competition but of a competition of the white countries of Europe. When the Greeks first set up the Olympics they had no desire to invite blacks from Egypt or Asians from China even though they knew those people existed. The Olympics are a native European event intended for Europeans.

Bryant Gumbel also chimed in with remarks that would be unforgivably racist had they been made by a white sportscaster concerning a primarily black sports event. Gumbel likened the Winter Olympics to a GOP convention (reason enough to pillory him) and scoffed at the idea that the white athletes in the Olympics should be considered "world class." Gumbel has made a career out of pitching liberal causes in the guise of objective news. He is the poster boy of affirmative action in the media and he repays his masters well.

I notice that one of the "barbs" thrown at the white athletes is that they are well to do. To the people that think like the authors of those hit pieces that is another of the many faults of white people: we work too hard, make too much money and take too good care of our children. Why can't we be more like blacks and be satisfied with a life of public assistance, poverty, and child neglect? Although it occurs to me that a pair of skates is much cheaper then a pair of Air Jordans and a ski outfit is half the cost of a Dr. J throwback jersey.

It's fitting that white people can find solace from the absence of non-whites in these winter games. The cold weather is the defining environmental characteristic of why we are the way we are. Cold weather forced our distant ancestors to develop the survival instincts necessary to survive the harsh winters. It was necessary to create and develop astronomy and mathematics so as to be able to accurately predict the amount of time until the crops had to be harvested. A keen sense of long term planning was also honed in this type of environment and lasts with us to this day.

Unlike the hunter and gatherers that lounged around in yearlong hot weather picking up whatever fruit or carcass lay on the ground, the northern peoples had to make plans to store food and fuel. They needed a variety of clothes for the seasons and had to build secure winter housing. Thus the necessity for being productive in the summer so that it would carry them through the winter created a range of skills and mental processing ability that is superior to any other race on the planet.

So we learned to love the snow and cold. In the way of our people where every problem presents the challenge of a solution, we not only built the greatest human society on the planet but did so while playing games in weather that would kill any tribe of non-whites.

It is fitting that we should celebrate and play in the ice and snow. While the rest of the world hides away from the winter we embrace it. And why shouldn't we? The cold weather has given us our clear white skin, our blond and red hair, our green and blue eyes, found nowhere else in the natural world except among the DNA of our people. The most northern of our tribes, the Nordics, are universally acclaimed as the most attractive human beings on the planet because of the beauty bestowed upon them by the climate of their evolution.

Many white people have bought into the media programming that one should "head south" and away from the northern climate disparagingly referred to as the "rust belt." Many times I have heard people disparage the cold winter weather and vow to move to the heat and humidity of the South. Many times I also see them moving back, unable to find comfort in eight months of air conditioning. How can anyone favor the energy-sapping heat and humidity of an oppressive summer day over the bracing jolt of a cold crisp winter morning is beyond me.

I also note that it is old people that frequently move south. That makes sense since the elderly are by nature weaker and cannot live comfortably in the cold weather. Once again the cold weather is a measuring stick for strength and perseverance.

Northerners do not spend the winter idly. The Olympics showcase many of the things that we do in the winter. Downhill skiing, cross-country skiing, skating, sledding, hockey, activities that are popular among white northern populations. And Winter Olympic events are activities not only done by the superstars in Turin, but by many of those watching at home. I doubt that many people who watch the Summer Olympics do much long jumping or run 110 meter hurdles, not to mention toss the discuss or shotput. But many people ski and skate, and unlike most professional sports, hockey is an avid amateur recreation sport for old and young alike.

There will be a few non-whites in the Winter Olympics. You will not be able to miss them because the press will provide non-stop coverage of them. It seems stale and old to continually devote exhaustive press coverage to athletes merely because they are non-white. When will the media tire of this? It's so forced and contrived that it has become embarrassingly patronizing.

Despite all that, the Olympics will feature a collage of attractive white athletes with rosy cheeks and clear blue eyes. They will hail from small towns in America, tiny hamlets in Canada, and mountain villages in Europe. They will carry with them our culture of success, hard work and honor. We should be proud to cheer them on, phooey on those that would try to rob us of our pride in the best of our young people. At Caste Football we look forward to the XX Winter Olympiad as the best possible kind of sports entertainment.



.Edited by: administrator

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Am I the only one missing the photos? They didn't load properly when I read the article, another great one from J.B. Cash!
Dec 18, 2004
The 1980 Winter Olympics were noteworthy because the US ice hockey team beat the Soviet team, plus the Finns to win the Gold Medal. This was big news at the time with the American ice hockey team receiving much praise in this country.

However, I remember one columnist (don't recall his name) who didn't join in. He wrote something like, "All the American players were white and from the same section of the country. They weren't representative." This was over 25 years ago, but this mentality has become typical in the press, both print and electronic.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Sorry, the pics don't want to come through. One of them is the same one used with J. B.'s article on the homepage.


Nov 7, 2004
Well, those Olympic snowboarders anyway, dress like, well, since epithets are banned on CF suffice it for me to say that they dress like, well, think hip hop. Freestylers too. And this is not the first board I've pointed this out on.



Nov 7, 2004
Don Wassall said:
Sorry, the pics don't want to come through. One of them is the same one used with J. B.'s article on the homepage.

What are the other pictures of, Don?


Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
There's one other picture, similar to the one on the homepage -- a few young American Olympic athletes standing together and smiling.


We are in some respects like the Serbs in Tito's Yugoslavia, told to stay quiet while the "minorities" are allowed their celebrations. I suggest we take the simple first step towards regaining our patrimony, and that step is the active questioning of the liberal authority. The most powerful word in the English language is "Why." We should learn how to use that word against those that advocate our displacement.


Jul 30, 2005
Awesome article! It seems that in America today the legitimacy of a sporting and/or cultural event is entirely dependent on how much said event appeals to that 12% of the country's population known as african-american. Who cares if 70% of America loves the 1980 Hockey team...there were no blacks on the team so american blacks couldn't enjoy it therefore it is not worthy of consideration. God, that attitude makes me mad. Like the current argument about Babe Ruth not having played against blacks so his accomplishments are some how tainted. Screw people who think like that. Let them invent their own damn sports. It's as if these people expect whites to ignore their own heroes and embrace only non-white ones. Oh wait...that IS what they expect.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Good one! Speedster. I like what poacher said about the 1980 american hockey team and the fact that 12%(blacks) of the american population don't care about it. You will have white people in droves see a crappy movie like "glory road" or even a decent one like "Remember the Titans" but how many blacks went to see the Miracle on Ice. We seem to have alot of respect for their sports history even when it is contrived but they have no respect for ours.


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
Is it me, or do the Americans seem to have the most black in them at the Olympics. Trash talking, showboating, clothing style and lack of team spirit all seem to indicate to me the negative influence black culture is having on young white Americans compared to young whites of other countries.
Oct 24, 2005
Last Saturday I watched the 12.5 K Biatholon. This is a combination of Cross country sking and target shooting. In this event, the king of the Biatholon, Norway's Ole Einar Bjoerndalen, kept on missing. (You have five shots, for each miss you have ski a lap on the 150 meter penalty loop. France's Vincent Defranse could not miss, but Bjoerndalen was able to keep up with Defranse. On the last shooting session, Defrasne missed twice while, the Norwegion missed once! The last 2.5 KM they were neck to neck! In the last turn, Defranse falls! It seems over, but Defranse gets up and outsprints Bjoerdalen to win!
It doesn't get much better than this! This is why we like to watch sports! Long live the winter oly


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Isn't it great to have a sport where someone shots a gun! Now that's sporting!

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
jaxvid said:
Isn't it great to have a sport where someone shots a gun! Now that's sporting!

Yeah, just don't do it with Dick Cheney! Just ask Whittington!!

Sorry, couldn't resist!
Oct 24, 2005
Congradulations to all the athletes who participated in the Winter Olympics. The United States did well. They won the most medals in any foreign Olympics. Only the Salt Lake City Olympics exceeded this total.
There was talk about how low the TV ratings were. The Olympics rating exceed Monday Night Football, the World Series, and NBA finals.
As for me, I am going to find out where the closest Biatholon takes place. It looks like fun.