The white rapper show on VH1

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
More anti-white filth from the network that basically started out as "music your parents listen to" which eventually morphed into MTV-lite. Seeing these white kids act like ghetto thugs and being paraded in the ghettos of the Bronx like its some sort of racial utopia. On last weeks episode, the rappers, after appearing on some stupid game show, went to a black barbershop to get their hair cut. What kind of self-respecting white person would want to associate with trash like this? BTW, this show is produced by some company called "Ego Trip" which has produced other anti-white, race baiting shows on VH1 in the past. I should write to them and complain about how I, as a white person, am offended by all the anti-white rhetoric their company is producing on their programming. I tried looking for a website to this company, but came up with nothing. I think they were some sort of web-zine or something, but I'm not sure. But if they are making money from advertisers off of anti-white propoganda, we need to let them know about it and how we feel about it
Just imagine if there was a show called "The black Country Music Star." The show would be taken off of the air, ridiculed for being racist.
this kind of propaganda is dangerous.90% of White girls who act Black and adhere to the wigger culture will give birth to Black children and the boys will gropw up rootless and confused.I got into a discussion with someone who claimed the culture aggresively promoted by Mtv and VH1 was,nt necersarily Black culture but something all encompasing,a set culture,standard of behaviour,shared music interests etc which includes all races of youth,and something that's just promoted by the aforementioned networks.This may seem the case on the outside looking in,but this culture is the manifestation of Black genes.It annoyed me when he tried to suggest that this toilet culture was just as much the responsibility of White youth and people like Eminem as Blacks.Blacks cant act any other way,the speech,bling,bowl[walk],bodylanguage,disrespect for authority and creation of unique music that reflects these behaviour norms for them.They dont create high culture and they've always acted like this,for hundreds of years.Difference is,in healthy societies past,Black culture and behaviour was abhored so White children were defacto cocooned from the crap.That it's now propogated in sports and entertainment as the ultimate cool,which the system is obviously using to f#ck White youth up.These show's are just a reflection of this.
When I first saw this show, it made me want to punch all of them in the face. The only one that I thought was "ok", was the one hot girl, Misfit, because it was pretty obvious that she wasn't a "rapper". She was just an aspiring actress or model trying to get some t.v. exposure. But as for the rest of them? Total embarrassments to my entire race.

What made me even more angry was the fact that they were trying to be "urban" and get "street cred" from all the blacks in the neighborhood. This is a slap in the face to someone like myself, who actually came from an inner city environment, because I DON'T act like a "wigger", nor do I aspire to. As a matter of fact, I've conditioned myself over the years, to behave in such a way that most people think I came from a well-to-do environment, and not the inner-city. The fact that these White people on this show actually want to revert backwards INTO the ghetto culture, is pathetic.You're supposed to do better in life, not worse. I wanted to grab these idiots by the back of the collar and make them live the first 18 years of my life. Then we'll see how much they "fantisize" and "romanticize" about urban life, once they get a taste of what I went through as a White kid in that environment. They make me sick.

Sorry to come off in such a hostile manner, but I just hate it when I see moronic, White, suburbanites trying to act and look "ghetto". And I just get very offended when I see them trying to glorify and imitate a lifestyle that would eat them alive if they were actually living it.Edited by: Ground Fighter
I hear ya GF. That hot white chick was from England as well, and she idolized black thugs like Juelz Santana (whoever the hell he is) and who waws that other douchebag who kept talking about "ghetto revival" like his surbaban white ass has ever lived in a real ghetto before
Iron said:
this kind of propaganda is dangerous.90% of White girls who act Black and adhere to the wigger culture will give birth to Black children and the boys will gropw up rootless and confused.I got into a discussion with someone who claimed the culture aggresively promoted by Mtv and VH1 was,nt necersarily Black culture but something all encompasing,a set culture,standard of behaviour,shared music interests etc which includes all races of youth,and something that's just promoted by the aforementioned networks.This may seem the case on the outside looking in,but this culture is the manifestation of Black genes.It annoyed me when he tried to suggest that this toilet culture was just as much the responsibility of White youth and people like Eminem as Blacks.Blacks cant act any other way,the speech,bling,bowl[walk],bodylanguage,disrespect for authority and creation of unique music that reflects these behaviour norms for them.They dont create high culture and they've always acted like this,for hundreds of years.Difference is,in healthy societies past,Black culture and behaviour was abhored so White children were defacto cocooned from the crap.That it's now propogated in sports and entertainment as the ultimate cool,which the system is obviously using to f#ck White youth up.These show's are just a reflection of this.

Amen brother, I agree 100%!!!
Lance Alworth said:
I hear ya GF. That hot white chick was from England as well, and she idolized black thugs like Juelz Santana (whoever the hell he is) [snip]

I saw one episode, and within two minutes the British girl said that she "doesn't like white boys." Whore.
JD074 said:
Lance Alworth said:
I hear ya GF. That hot white chick was from England as well, and she idolized black thugs like Juelz Santana (whoever the hell he is) [snip]

I saw one episode, and within two minutes the British girl said that she "doesn't like white boys." Whore.

I guess she prefers to get knocked up and have the "baby's daddy" leave her ass and never pay child support like so many of her "brothas" are known to do
My wife was parked on this show the other day for a minute or two and then changed it quickly. I thought it was a Saturday Night Live skit. This is actually a real TV show???

Ugh! In some ways, though, i've got to think there is a silver lining here. I mean, the vast majority of whites who watch this show, have got to know these people are fools, total clowns. And at some point, even the most spoiled, suburbanite wannabe, will equate wiggerish behavior with being a clown who will be laughed at by everyone.

Unfortunately, I thought the same thing would happen after that one movie about 5 years ago, with that kid Kenny who wore ski goggles. He was locked in the bathroom with some chick who said, "YOU ARE WHITE!" and he stopped the act.

Don't remember what that was called, but it was pretty funny and made total fun of wiggers. I thought that would have stopped the madness. Obviously not.
Lance Alworth said:
The movie was called Can't Hardly Wait

lol...Dammit Lance, you beat me to it. I was just about to type that. Anyway, I remember the kid in that movie with the ghetto ski goggles on his head. I wanted to run up to the screen in the theatre and punch him in the face.
I will never forgive Jessica (my ex) for dragging me against my will to see that movie.
Wiggers & mudsharks are some the best examples of brain-dead sheeple you can find. Folks, this is all part of the Globalist agenda to destroy American traditional values (& eventually America itself). Elitists like the Rockefellers have funded "both sides" for decades. Viacom owns MTV (the epitomy of "SheepleVision"), and who runs Viacom?....Goverment/Media-complex elitist Sumner Redstone. The socialists love destroying the foundation of our great nation. For much more insight on the "Hipcrock Culture" & other such scourge I would highly recommend you all read the following...

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
DixieDestroyer said:
Viacom owns MTV (the epitomy of "SheepleVision"), and who runs Viacom?....Goverment/Media-complex elitist Sumner Redstone. The socialists love destroying the foundation of our great nation. For much more insight on the "Hipcrock Culture" & other such scourge I would highly recommend you all read the following...

I know all about Sumner Redstone. He's the one who's behind all the wiggerish influence you see on MTV. He's a member of "the tribe", no doubt. I'm sure he would like nothing more than to see White-Christian females defiled by savages in the worst way possible. And by feeding our youth the garbage seen on MTV, he's basically doing just that.
Ground Fighter, yessiree! If you look at who funds many of these socialist-indoctrination endeavors, you can see who is (also) setting the agenda (e.g. - the globalist Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, etc.). It's gotten way out of hand. I was recently at an ice skating rink with my wife & kids, and the place kept playing rap-is-crap-is-rap mess (& this was in a nice area). It about made me sick when a group of middle class white kids started "rapping" along to some jungle-junk, urban-yodeling song. It's a crying shame that their daddies don't straighten their little punk asses out. My Dad kept us in line via a razor strap (old school style). Too many of these puke kids nowadays have no sense of decency, integrity, respect or priority.....and it's all by design of the "Powers That Be" (ie - the Globalist Power Elite)!
And I was hoping that song by Offspring "fly for a white guy" was pretty obvious in making fun of the wigger syndrome. I guess when you're that just don't get it. The anti-white media is actually affecting these guys racial self esteem, which leads to this behavior. We have to call these kids out when we see them.
DixieDestroyer said:
Ground Fighter, yessiree! If you look at who funds many of these socialist-indoctrination endeavors, you can see who is (also) setting the agenda (e.g. - the globalist Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, etc.). It's gotten way out of hand. I was recently at an ice skating rink with my wife & kids, and the place kept playing rap-is-crap-is-rap mess (& this was in a nice area). It about made me sick when a group of middle class white kids started "rapping" along to some jungle-junk, urban-yodeling song. It's a crying shame that their daddies don't straighten their little punk asses out. My Dad kept us in line via a razor strap (old school style). Too many of these puke kids nowadays have no sense of decency, integrity, respect or priority.....and it's all by design of the "Powers That Be" (ie - the Globalist Power Elite)!

yeah, they play that garbage at our local rink as well, but fortunately not when hockey games are going on. I think I would puke if I had to hear that as I was playing hockey
cutty said:
  The anti-white media is actually affecting these guys racial self esteem, which leads to this behavior.  We have to call these kids out when we see them.

I usually do...but only if their "wiggerness" is so blatant to the point that I HAVE to say something. My speech to them usually includes suggesting that they go to Harlem and see how "accepted" they are there. lolThat usally makes them think twice, and start acting and dressing like normal again.
Actually, they shouldn't just be called out, it should be legal to just kick their asses. Then go kick their dad's asses for not kicking their son's asses.
cutty said:
And I was hoping that song by Offspring "fly for a white guy" was pretty obvious in making fun of the wigger syndrome. 

I saw that video again recently. The most interesting part of that song was the chorus; the female singer was clearly "ethnic." I don't know why they did that, but I thought it was interesting.

I guess when you're that just don't get it.  The anti-white media is actually affecting these guys racial self esteem, which leads to this behavior.  We have to call these kids out when we see them.

It's a strange dynamic, isn't it? They guilt-trip White kids into thinking that it's wrong to be White, and then make fun of them when they act black. Fascinating. Edited by: JD074
Well, I think the Offspring was taking the anti-mainstream media position with that song. I was glad somebody started saying something about it.
I saw that show, watched it for maybe a minute. It was just too stupid for words. These days though, I guess it's just par for the course. It made me think of something George Lincoln Rockwell said back in the 60s. He said something to the effect that: "Integration would not raise the negro to the level of the whites, rather, it would drag the whites down to the level of the negro." When you look at who was actually behind the "civil rights" movement, and look at the sorry state of things today, I guess it's obvious that that was the intended effect from the beginning. That white rappers show isone of manyvery visible examples of the results of their plan.
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