The Vikings were metrosexuals

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Well, now they're going after the last strong, white male stereotype - the ancient Vikings. Cambridge University historians are trying to recast the Vikings as men consumed with male grooming and personal hygiene, rather than raiding and pillaging.

Vikings preferred male grooming to pillaging
First the cowboy a couple years ago with Brokeback Mountain, and now the Viking. The cultural Marxists love to educate their revisionist history.
Revisionist history which portray White "manly" icons are feminized, wussified, etc.
The Vikings were a very clean people. Just look at their modern day descendants. Nothing wrong with being clean.

But don't let anyone fool you. They were BAD DUDES!
Edited by: Sean
Maybe they were researching the Minnesota Vikings.
You know, I've done a TON of research on the Vikings, norse mythology, etc. It's a field I'm very interested in. One thing that this articles is accurate about, is that the Viking were not big illiterate barbaric savages. They were indeed a very intelligent people. I feel the the traditional portrayal of Vikings a stupid barbarians is more negative than what this article says.
They may not have been stupid Barbarians but they weren't feminine hair stylists, either. In my opinion this article, and the study in general, is trying to lessen the image of Vikings as fierce warriors and fighters, and turn them into peacenik farmers and fishermen. It seems to me just another attempt to steal the fighting heritage and spirit of the white man. What idiot thinks that people of Norse heritage are not going to be proud of their forebears reputation as fierce fighters?? 'It's all about the children, the poor children, and their self-esteem, we can't have them thinking that they can be strong, courageous, and honorable.'Edited by: White Shogun
White Shogun said:
They may not have been stupid Barbarians but they weren't feminine hair stylists, either. In my opinion this article, and the study in general, is trying to lessen the image of Vikings as fierce warriors and fighters, and turn them into peacenik farmers and fishermen. It seems to me just another attempt to steal the fighting heritage and spirit of the white man. What idiot thinks that people of Norse heritage are not going to be proud of their forebears reputation as fierce fighters?? 'It's all about the children, the poor children, and their self-esteem, we can't have them thinking that they can be strong, courageous, and honorable.'

Very true. I too feel the article is pushing to "girly" the Vikings. I was just pointing out that the one accuracy in the article was that Vikings were indeed smart and cultured people.
I agree, Sean.
Alpha Male said:
First the cowboy a couple years ago with Brokeback Mountain, and now the Viking.  The cultural Marxists love to educate their revisionist history. 

What these "experts" and "historians" SHOULD be investigating is the latent homosexuality that is rampant in black ghetto culture. This is one of those "elephant in the room" topics that everyone seems to ignore, but in reality it is so obvious that its comical. In a nutshell, black men engage in homosexual activity while they are inprison/jail and when they are released, they practuce the SAME behavior on the outside. The kicker is that they claim its not "gay behavior" because they are still sleeping with women as well. This scenario would explain the astronimical HIV infection-rate in thr black community.

But apparently, some half-ass historians feel its more important to fabricate some ludicrous fable about Lief Ericsson being a metro.

Anything to degrade White men, right boys?

What a joke.
Edited by: Ground Fighter
When I hear crap like this it makes me sick. Another thing is youtube. I actually had a few blacks tell me they are gods chosen people. They claim the Klitschkos, and numerous other white fighters are really blacks that look like whites. LOL. They even claim the European empire was run by blacks. The ancient Irish were also black.
WA where did you hear this at??? haha
Celticb15 there is a group of blacks on youtube who call themselves black isrealites. They claim the Irish were really blacks. They also claim to have controlled Europe several hundred years ago. They keep posting crazy fantasy scripts from the bible about them being gods chosen people. They also state that white people whitewashed all the pictures of famous people like Napolean and others. They were all black according to them. Just type "black isrealites" in the youtube search engine.
You know anyone interested in some real Viking history should search for info on the Berserkergangs. Talk about tough guys. Berserkers were crazy! We all know how tough the average Viking was...well I remember reading that Viking ships that carried Berserkers on board could never sail too far from land, because they would need to go ashore every so often so that the Berserkers could get off and break stuff up, and let of some steam!
the attempt to feminize Vikings is a joke. they were obviously incredibly intelligent, super bad asses. now we just know that they also looked good while kicking ass and taking names.
whiteathlete33 said:
When I hear crap like this it makes me sick. Another thing is youtube. I actually had a few blacks tell me they are gods chosen people. They claim the Klitschkos, and numerous other white fighters are really blacks that look like whites. LOL. They even claim the European empire was run by blacks. The ancient Irish were also black.
Wow talk about getting desperate. The day the 100 meter champion is a white man is the day these losers are on suicide watch...
I spend alot of time om Youtube, and I know about those black ,self claimed Hebrew Isrealites. I watch alot of bible study type of videos on there, and one of these angry guys is always taking time to send me messages telling me not to bother tring to get to heaven. Says were all the devil whether we know it or not. Well, thats what they say in a nutshell. Some get detailed, and start twisting the Holy Scripture to be all Afrocentrc. But I love what Jimmy Chitwood says. Impossible to win an argument with an ignorante person. Thats perfect.
By the way. I was at Six Flags Over Texas in Arlington yesterday.I swear that half the peaple in there were black, and it was horrible. 2 hours of wating in line while being treated to freestyle raps, and sweaty exposed baboon asses. Around 7.30 p.m. there was a gang brawl and hundreds of people with kids , and families were running for cover up against the walls of shops, and what have you. Its was my wifes 21st b-day, and we couldnt ejoy it because of wonderful multicuturilism. Isnt diversity grand. Oh, and I got hit up for a hand out at least 5 times. They get mad as heck when you tell them no. Even when your not rude to them. I got threatend and so did my girl. A black guy that worked there actualy snuck a gun in there , and THERE WERE SHOTS FIRED! We had left by then , but heard thaton a cops radio in Dennys.Strangly it wasnt on the news in dallas that nigt. Hummm........
WA and other thanks ill have to check that out
i had never heard of this group, nor any of their music, before your post Don.

but the lyrics in their songs certainly are powerful.
P-NutLane said:
By the way. I was at Six Flags Over Texas in Arlington yesterday. I swear that half the peaple in there were black, and it was horrible. 2 hours of wating in line while being treated to freestyle raps, and sweaty exposed baboon asses. Around 7.30 p.m. there was a gang brawl and hundreds of people with kids , and families were running for cover up against the walls of shops, and what have you. Its was my wifes 21st b-day, and we couldnt ejoy it because of wonderful multicuturilism. Isnt diversity grand. Oh, and I got hit up for a hand out at least 5 times. They get mad as heck when you tell them no. Even when your not rude to them. I got threatend and so did my girl. A black guy that worked there actualy snuck a gun in there , and THERE WERE SHOTS FIRED! We had left by then , but heard that on a cops radio in Dennys. Strangly it wasnt on the news in dallas that nigt. Hummm........

Pnutlane are u serious? There were gang brawls at Great Adventure? It keeps getting worse and worse.
I speak from personal experience that Great Adventure (in New Jersey at least) is completely unbearable because of TNB. I got one kid thrown out and he snuck back in to threaten me and my wife, and was arrested soon after by the police. There were empty cigar wrappings in the bathroom as they rolled "blunts" with the casing. Most of the whites stood there uncomfortably while the little black thug cut in line in front of us, and got even more uncomfortable when I told him to get in the back of the line....Edited by: InfamousOne
Wasn't there a movie that came out last year that was loosely about the Vikings? Does anybody remember the title? I know the movie "The 13th Warrior" that came out several years ago really put the Vikings in a positive light and showed what fierce warriors they were.
guest301 said:
Wasn't there a movie that came out last year that was loosely about the Vikings? Does anybody remember the title? I know the movie "The 13th Warrior" that came out several years ago really put the Vikings in a positive light and showed what fierce warriors they were.
A movie did come out about vikings a little bit ago, but it was a Viking in America, who helped the Indians beat Vikings from what I read. I haven't seen it. 13th Warrior was pretty good. The final "Lo there do I see..." scene was very good. Watch "The Vikings" with Kirk Douglas and Ernest Borgnine. It's a very good older Viking movie.

As for cool Viking themed music, check these out:

In Pursuit of Vikings

To Holmgard and Beyond

Edited by: Sean
American Freedom News