The Nordics used mind-altering plants, especially fungi, for thousands of years before we used alcohol. Opium was our only real pain killer from the middle ages onward to the 19th century.
Yet somehow we managed to form civilizations where the majority of citizens were not addicted to 'shrooms, and were at least FUNCTIONAL alcholics, (European drinking habits being what they are).
In America's "Golden Age", anyone big enough to reach the counter could take their money into the General Store and buy a jug of whiskey, a jar of opiate, any gun made, some of them automatic, and a case of dynamite. And things were better than they are now.
So any drug laws are just another handle for the gub'ment to jerk us about. Sure, they were passed using hysteria about "reefer-crazed" Blacks and Mexicans, but really, if we are going to ban something here, why make it the PLANT?
Speaking of plants, you realize that you, me, and anyone else CAN be convicted of drug charges if someone so desires. No question. Several police departments have ALREADY been investigated for falsifying evidence so they could practice theft under siezure laws. Those are just the ones who have been caught.
And then there's Rush Limbaugh...I could almost forgive him for giving a pass to the Jack-booted thuggery of the DEA while being a drug addict, if it weren't for the fact that he made jokes about "Wacko" Texas while his supposed-enemy Clinton was having his ATF thugs burn women and children to death in Waco as a trial run of what kind of attrocities Americans would tolerate. No, Limbaugh and his Right-Wing socialists friends are in no way our allies or worthy of respect.Edited by: White_Savage
Yet somehow we managed to form civilizations where the majority of citizens were not addicted to 'shrooms, and were at least FUNCTIONAL alcholics, (European drinking habits being what they are).
In America's "Golden Age", anyone big enough to reach the counter could take their money into the General Store and buy a jug of whiskey, a jar of opiate, any gun made, some of them automatic, and a case of dynamite. And things were better than they are now.
So any drug laws are just another handle for the gub'ment to jerk us about. Sure, they were passed using hysteria about "reefer-crazed" Blacks and Mexicans, but really, if we are going to ban something here, why make it the PLANT?
Speaking of plants, you realize that you, me, and anyone else CAN be convicted of drug charges if someone so desires. No question. Several police departments have ALREADY been investigated for falsifying evidence so they could practice theft under siezure laws. Those are just the ones who have been caught.
And then there's Rush Limbaugh...I could almost forgive him for giving a pass to the Jack-booted thuggery of the DEA while being a drug addict, if it weren't for the fact that he made jokes about "Wacko" Texas while his supposed-enemy Clinton was having his ATF thugs burn women and children to death in Waco as a trial run of what kind of attrocities Americans would tolerate. No, Limbaugh and his Right-Wing socialists friends are in no way our allies or worthy of respect.Edited by: White_Savage