The truth about blacks


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
America was founded by whites who flourished for years. They made this country into a great nation and had virtually nothing when they arrived here. That is changing my friends. Supposedly in 50 years whites are supposed to be a minority. What will become of this country when we are a minority. Nothing. It will be much poorer and problems will be rampant. Blacks hate us. It is a known fact. They commit ten times more crimes verse whites than whites on blacks. The media doesn't ever cover these stories. When a white commits a hate crime its all over the media and you have that jive ass Al Sharpton going crazy. He is the biggest racist on the planet but the media praises him. I am very proud of my white brothes in boxing. I now have a sport that I can watch and something to cheer about. Also the european invasion in the nba is good. Dirk Nowitzki is my favorite player and always wil be. I will never cheer for a thug like Allen Iverson or Carmelo Anthony. They are racist against me so why should I give a damn about them. My parents came here 30 years ago from Poland and I will be damned if some black man will try to take everything away from them that they earned with hard work. But blacks are trying. They want to eradicate us off the planet. This is the truth my friends. Another issue I have is all the talented polish players I see. Yet none of them are in the nba. They would rather have thugs like Kobe Bryant and praise them. We are the ones at fault however. Whites are the oneswho go to these Nbagames and buy blacks jerseys.We are paying them their millions. To stop it. Yes there is a way. Don't support nba games.Why give money to someone who hates you. Iam afraid of what will happen to my white brothers. But I will support them until the end.
I think your preaching to the choir brother. We get it. All any of us can do is to choose where we spend our sports dollar wisely and spread the word to open minded people.
Speaking of Al Sharton...Recently there has been a video of a white woman bartender being beaten up by a Chicago cop. It is all over the internet.
Al Sharton has not said a word. Either has Jesse Jackson. Their silence is condemning.
well sharpton hates white people. what can u do. its going on and on. the media puts him on tv like he is a savior. this is not my point. what about when blacks become the majority. Then what.
whiteathlete33 said:
well sharpton hates white people.  what can u do.  its going on and on.  the media puts him on tv like he is a savior.  this is not my point.  what about when blacks  become the majority.  Then what.

I'm out of here!
Are you saying that Al Sharpton and jesse Jackson are race hustlers? Who would have thought?!

If you want to see what happens when Blacks take over? Look at Zimbawee and Detroit.
Check out New Orleans. Black juries refusing to convict black murderers of whites. Thousands of murder convictions otherwise, yet only 5 given death sentences in the last decade due to sympathetic fellow negroes. Black judges, black police officers, black District Attorney's office (DA whose office was orderred in civil court to pay off 50 whites he fired and he still holds office). Black mobs who state on MLK day, "no whites on canal street today" and beat whites and Asians. Unreasonable black mayor reelected I might add, unreasonable majority black city council. Running off a mulatto Puerto Rican school board president because he was "too white." Poor white kids cannot use the public school system due to prejudice black bullies.
Black sucker punching my friend in the back seat of my car and then when I roll over a negroe kid's bike lying in the road blocking my path all the ******s on block come out like roaches from the wood work to lie saying I hit the 7 year old ****** on the mangled bike. Thank God the white cop lied to the ignorant negroes and told them the 7 year old was too young to testify so he could not charge me with that. Of course the backwards and crooked police dept screwed things up so we could not charge the ****** who sucker punched my friend. The policeman on the scene was a "traffic cop" who could not take a battery report and the cops we called left seeing the other cop was on the scene. We later filed a police report that amounted to no warrant. Lazy bastard New Orleans police. Oh I did get a ticket for "failure to maintain proper vigilance" for running over a parked ****** bike obstructing the road way. My friend fixed the ticket so screw the lying ******s.

My dad was on a jury, one of the few whites ever to get selected due to default probably. The case: In the French Quarter a negro had gotten in a fight with a white guy and the white man got the better of it. The ****** got in his car put it in reverse and pinned the same white guy against a building severing his legs off. A fat ass ****** woman on the jury told my dad she did not care what he had to say that no matter what she was voting not guilty. The ****** got off and my dad was disgusted by the reality check.

Now I have to listen to ****** loving whites from safe havens of sorts like Minnnesota and hear how evil our people are to be racist against blacks. Somehow I hold my tongue but I cannot promise I will forever or my fists for that matter.

Its an evolutionary war and the ******s know it but the majority of whites are in denial. I tell them, "come to New Orleans, you'll see a microcosm of the future." sorry so dam long....
Sorry for your experiences Sean. I can honestly say I know what its like to be railroaded for being guilty of nothing but having white skin. Thats why the double standard infuriates me so much.
Thanks. I am over it so to speak. I should have let my friend out of the car to beat the guy senseless. My friend was only 17 at the time but he was 6'1" about 260 lbs and he was mean and smart. He wrestled in college. I just thought it was better to flee the situation though rather than have it escalate to fighting the whole block. Any way that is just one small example of how they are quuick to attack without much or any provocation and how they will all lie as a group. They have no conscience and the fact they use Chritianity as a pretense to gather and commiserate is a farse.
Sean, right on man. The jungle bunnies don't stop. They rape our children, rob our mothers, and play the race card any chance they get. This country is sh*t. It only goes on here. In Poland the skinheads beat the ******s all the time. They try to go there to study because Africa is a warzone. If sh*t keeps getting like this i may just go back to my homeland of Poland.
From what you say and what I have heard whites seem tougher in places like Poland, and other East European nations. I think white people in the US(myself included) are too soft on avearge and are not willing to potentially sacrifice their health/money/legal status in order to go to the matt with negroes. Negroes seem to know this and push us to get what they want on the streets etc.

In my bike story above there was a very old white couple who were out on their porch that afternoon. I begged the old white lady to tell the truth what really happened so I would not get arrested for hitting the negro on the bike. The lady balked and just said she did not want to wake with a knife in her gut. When some of the negroes walked up to intervene the old white woman almost broke her arm off waving and kissing ass to them. I was mad about it the but now I don't hold so much resentment towards the old white couple. I might feel differently had I gone to prison however.
you speak the truth sean. It's different in Europe. I can't stand the bullsh*t here anymore. I love all my white brothers, whether u are from Poland, Germany, or Iceland. WHITEPOWER
ironfist said:
whiteathlete33 said:
well sharpton hates white people.  what can u do.  its going on and on.  the media puts him on tv like he is a savior.  this is not my point.  what about when blacks  become the majority.  Then what.

I'm out of here!

Amen. When that happens, you guys can come visit me in Australia with the rest of the White people who have a strong sense of pride and don't take any crap.
Australia could be a strong hold for us to have a home land but what I have read about the liberal mind set that did away with the white Australian immigration policy scares me for Australia's white future. For example in the last 40 years the mongoloid population in Australia went from less than 1% to 10%. I heard the liberal government makes it hard for white South Africans to seek refuge there but I want to believe that is overstated.

Maybe Australian politics will sway back hopefully. I know the land give aways to the Aborigines are not popular with the whites. The back lash against Islamic outsiders was refreshing too that whites stood up to them undermining the nation. I like Australian history especially the parts where the government and the common man refused rich land owners' requests to bring in cheap foreign workers. America lacks that strong back bone in our history having caved to the wealthy land owners bringing in slaves and other non whites all in the name of the short sighted goal of a quick buck. I think the strong minded Australians will eventually persuade their government to secure whites' best interests again.Edited by: Sean Carlisle
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