The SPYWARE Conspiracy


May 30, 2005
After analyzing how spyware is spread, I have
concluded that it clearly a government conspiracy to force consumption
of anti-spyware products. It is like the old comedy skits with
the 3 stooges. They are exterminators and they put termites in
people's back yards. Or the Mob robbing houses to sell
It is not just the government, but also the out of
work programmers from the turn of the century. They form
companies. The government has made very little mention of the
computer crime, identity theft, and fraud so far which leads me to
believe they take pay offs from the programmers, or worse.
Certainly, big companies and/or government agencies (sometimes, there
is no difference) are attaching virusus and spyware to some files, in
order to "punish" those millions of Americans out there who download
music and videos off the internet. These companies are furious that the
public has the power to bypass their overpriced and watered down CDs
and movies by simply searching for and downloading their own choices
for free. Funny, isn't it, how whenever technological advances cause
human beings to lose their jobs, our fearless leaders say that we must
make way for "progress," but in a case like this, when technology has
made it possible for consumers to have fantastic choices for no cost,
these same forces stomp up and down and yell, "no fair!" The battle
over downloading files for free is, imho, one of the first great
internet wars. If we are going to keep our corrupt leaders from
grasping control of this wonderful medium, we have to win every one of
these battles. Sorry for the rant...
Great Post!!! Lets beat these guys on their
own front. Check out this site. It has some cool
tricks. To learn how to counter these viruses the best though.
one has to learn how to program in many languages. I know C++ and
Java and have participated in a few wargames.

The idea is to exchange ideas with other people to
improve computer security. FInd a good wargame where the
people are not corrupt. and hustlers.

Edited by: IceSpeed2
American Freedom News