The Shoah Project


Mar 14, 2011
Ive noticed through the years a lot of anger toward the " tribesman". When 14 of the 32 NFL teams are Jewish I kind of see the power they have for such a small minority. Ive made it clear here that I have Jewish friends, I had a Jewish girlfriend and I dont think all Jewish people have an agenda. One of my favorite reads is Ben Stein in News Max a conservative magazine. He is intelligent, likable and most important, a Republican. I do like some of them but heres a reason I dont.<div>Whether or not people on this site liked Schindlers List it is a powerful movie that actually ends up as a bunch of propaganda at the end. I love Steven Speilberg becasue Jaws is a great movie to me personally. Noone here has to agree. But Speilberg after the accolades of Schindlers List started something called the Shoah Project. Its purpose was to pay workers to fly all over the world and videotape every single Jewish person who survived the Holocaust. Then these tapes were chronicled and given to the Yad Vashem muesem in DC. I personally dont know if Speilberg contributed money but he actually had the balls to go in front of Congress in 1994 and lobby them for cash to fund his project. He actually got 2 million dollars out of them. Wow. I mean wow!!!!!!! </div><div>For a man that was worth 300 million dollars at the time to do what he did defies logic. You kind of wonder why stereotypes persist about Jewish people being notoriously cheap. Maybe he was just trying to bring attention to his cause. I dont know but what he did dosent help my cause in trying to accept the SPielbergs, Madoffs and Rothsteins of the world. Scott Rothstein was a lawyer in Miami who is known for the 2nd biggest Ponzi scheme in this country.</div><div>What also kills me about Schindlers list is when at the end the Schindler Jews are sitting outside their factory and the Russian kid on the donkey comes and tells them they are free. So the Jews respond" well where do we go" ? The kid replies " dont go east , they dont like you. And dont go west they dont like you either." Wow, if that wasnt blatant propoganda for the creation of a Jewish State, Why dont critics ever ask " WHY DONT THEY LIKE YOU"? </div><div>When the idiot Mel Gibson stupidly stated that Jews have started every war has been started by Jews. I was waiting for some news program to actually discuss if this was true or not. Nothing. Its a dumb statement but it should have least been discussed by some pundits.</div>


Jun 28, 2010
14 out of 32 is a pretty big number considering how small they are population wise, not to mention you are forgetting everything else, the general managers, the media, rivals/scout that influence what coaches do etc. Not just in the NFL, but on the lower levels where the problems begin. There is a sports magazine out right now that talks about the recruiting process in college. One coach spoke against it anonymously, about how he doesn't have the time to watch footage of every single high school athlete, so at the camps where they are working out in shorts, he tries to understand why everyone is hyped up about a particular 4 star recruit, he asks someone from another program, football wise, whats the word on this kid, his response "hes already got offers from Miami etc, we gotta give him an offer". He couldn't get anything about football related of WHY the kid was good, just that he was highly rated. Needless to say he watched film of the kid and thought he was garbage. Im willing to bet that the anonymous guy works for a team like Nebraska.

Rivals and Scout have more power than you think. Go look at the recent first round picks the past few years. Ever wonder about the players that DON"T look like they belong there? most likely they were given a bunch of stars out of high school by these services.

Asking congress for money isn't balls, its greed. Mel Gibson RISKED everything he had to make the Passion, thats BALLS. He spoke out against the chosen people, thats BALLS. What exactly did he say that was stupid again?

Edited by: snow

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
jewish people are not evil. they are just not white and have conflicting ethnic interests with white people. mixing is a poor choice. and so is multiculturalism for that matter.