The Rich and Taxes


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Help Obama, pay no taxes?"

The New York Times is reporting that GE paid no Federal Taxes in 2010 despite reporting a $14.2 Billion worldwide profit.

Remember how Obama pledged to go after those multi-national corporations? GE owns NBC, MSNBC, and Telemundo. These are the networks that most aggressively supported Obama during his presidential campaign.

No wonder the Rich love taxes!


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
"Nothing to see here, move along now" as sheeple, DWFs, liberals, and drones walk on by without ever batting an eye.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Obama supporters don't care about what happens under his regime. It's just about supporting him and whatever he supposedly stands for. Those people know that the govt is not ever going to do the right things. Instead of tilting at windwills, like so many of us here, they understand that they have no say in the matter and instead just choose to represent themselves as something regardless of whether or not its meaningful or not.

They are in many ways, less ridiculous then conservatives or Tea partiers that fool themselves into thinking that they are having an effect on anything. They understand when you cannot effect the substance of something then all you have is the style, and so they focus on that.

If you understand the thinking behind Obamas support you will realize that nothing that happens, nothing that he or his administration does, will ever make a difference to them. Bush supporters were very similar.

It's the only way to be engaged in modern politics. Modern politics represents almost nobody of any persuasion, so any support of one person or party must be done with the understanding that they will rarely if ever do anything you like. In other words they will never "represent" you in any real sense of the word.

Thus if you want to be involved in politics you have to fool yourself into thinking that one person or party is "yours" and support them even as they do nothing that you really believe in or want them to.

That is also why there are so many DWF's. Why engage when it's meaningless, why pay attention when it makes no difference. Why care at all when so many others do not?


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Well said.

Since his "triumph"Â￾ in the "Great American Popularity Competition"Â￾ and being bequeathed the illustrious title of "National Ringmaster,"Â￾ Barry Soetoro has been ruthlessly, absurdly, almost comically treacherous to those serfs responsible for his election.

As expected, Millionaire-Socialist-Boy has instituted nothing"¦the polar opposite of "Change."Â￾ He's devoted absolutely nothing to developing non-fossil fuel energy, his feigned interest in the BP Oil Spill was all too obvious, he increased military spending and sent thousands of additional troops to fight the Zionist "war without a victor"Â￾ in Iraq and Afghanistan, he's done nothing to create jobs or stabilize the economy, he bombed Libya (killing thousands of random citizens) for no apparent reason, he created an economy-destroying National Healthcare Bill"¦

Not quite. Much like Jorge "Wigger"Â￾ Bush, none of these injustices were actually his decision. A "figurehead"Â￾ has no ability to "decide,"Â￾ he's merely a smiling face, an expensive suit, a teleprompter which can inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.

The tyrannical American political oligarchy is not influenced whatsoever by "Mr. POTUS."Â￾ The act of casting ones "vote"Â￾ is to align one's self with the "make the insignificant feel significant"Â￾ exhibition. However, as Jax mentioned, it's difficult to resist the siren's song of (believing that you are) "choosing sides."Â￾

White "PeonMan"Â￾ must liberate himself from the system's predetermined, calculated games"¦.but such a act would necessitate a large portion of the "mob"Â￾ to exercise free thought, free will, a backbone, a sense of pride, manhood, fortitude, an unpolluted mind, etc. These virtues have been lying dormant in white men for many generations.

But yeah, General Electric Affirmative Action Corporation paid no federal income taxes whatsoever in 2010"¦don't fret; white working men (and white families) will suffer, once again, so that those who despise them may flourish.


Nov 23, 2006
A piece entitled "A Reader Says Tax The Rockefeller And Ford Foundations To Reduce Super-Rich Influence"

If you have noted, thanks to such web sites as, that many corporations, such as Microsoft and GE, pay either no taxes or virtually no taxes, you may still have missed the other "no taxers or virtually no taxers". Who are they? Well, two names come to mind: Rockefeller and Ford. So how can I be so sure?

Now I'm talking the super rich, not the upper middle class, who according to David Cay Johnston's book, Free Lunch were already were paying 27% of the taxes when that book was published. Of course, another tax avoidance scheme for the super rich are the tax exempt municipal bonds.

And lest I ignore Johnston’s book Perfectly Legal, let me make a plug for that as well, and one may realize that the very people, who have retained the incredible power to strongly influence, if not dictate government policy, pay so little in taxes, if any at all, for all intents and purposes non-tax payers.

Let me suggest that taxes are for people, who work for a living, not for those, who do not.

Yes, if we taxed at 100% the wealth of the super rich, we could not pay off the national debt. But if we taxed them at the proportions the rest of us pay and took away their influence, I would bet the national debt would decline precipitously—and middle class America would not be disappearing.