The Results of Importing Blacks to a College Town


Jan 8, 2010
The Results of Importing Black Students to a College Town

</font>I am a police officer in the upper northwest and have been a cop for 16
years. Like many in my current community, I came here originally to
attend college. Our city is small and predominantly white, and the
university population is mostly kids from white, upper middle class

Our university tries its damnedest to recruit and attract minorities,
but the demographics seem to remain constant. Our local community
college is a different story. They have been recruiting athletes from
large urban areas for years and have contributed significantly to our
community's young black population. It seems for every young black male
recruited to play basketball or football, several male friends follow
him from his community to ours. Subsequently, there are a large number
of young, non-enrolled, unemployed black males living in our community.

One of the most obvious effects of this trend is the ghettoization of
one of our older student neighborhoods. In the last twenty years, this
multi-square block area has become almost exclusively subsidized
housing, attracting the rest of our community's dysfunctional welfare
class. This neighborhood abuts our university's east side and still
houses many students. The predictable result of this is a significant
increase in black on white crime.

These crimes take on several distinct forms. The most prominent are the
random strong-arm (or armed) robberies in which a single white student
is confronted by a group of black males and robbed. The net gain of
these robberies is often only a few dollars or at best a cell phone,
however, most are accompanied by an assault of some sort. Many times
these assaults result in serious injuries. These robberies occur when
some student is walking alone, to or from campus, often through this
same area.

When I have responded to this neighborhood to handle a call, I quickly
learned that I could expect absolutely no cooperation from the blacks I
encountered. Those that were not openly hostile would lie about
whatever they might have seen to protect another without compunction. I
find this particular characteristic fascinating. Even the most
hard-core, white-supremicist prison gang parolee will display the body
language that shows discomfort with lying. Many will tell you that they
can not answer a question before they will lie. But almost without
exception, blacks can lie to your face without the slightest indication
of an internal moral conflict.

On the opposite side of campus is a student neighborhood that contains
most of the fraternities and sororities. This neighborhood is the
epicenter of the weekend party scene with thousands of students roaming
around in search of bars and parties until the early morning hours.
When I was a student in the early eighties, this scene was relatively
peaceful and rarely required the presence of law enforcement. In the
last ten to fifteen years, however, the atmosphere has changed to an
alcohol fueled, violence prone environment requiring a great number of
officers to keep the peace.

Another significant change is the racial make-up of this scene. Once
exclusively university students, now has mixed in large groups of black
or Hispanic males, many of which are local gang members. Ironically,
this demographic is almost always welcomed by the majority white
student population. As recently as fifteen years ago, most of the loud
music emanating from the bars and parties was white rock and roll, it
is now almost exclusively black rap and hip-hop.

The allure of black ghetto street culture amongst the white
middle-class youth is a significant factor in this dynamic. There is an
almost child-like expectation that the affection for that culture by
the majority group will somehow be reciprocated when it plays out on
street level, face-to-face encounters. It almost never is. It is
amusing in a cynical way to see the repeated shock expressed by these
white college kids when that affection is met with unrepentant
violence. Whether it is the white male student who is beaten down for
taking issue with a black male making a pass at his girlfriend, or the
girl herself who is assaulted for rebuking such an advance, these kids
are often attacked for just looking at a group of black males the wrong

As a cop, I've often encountered these victims who, out of frustration,
will express their anger and humiliation with an occasional racial
epithet. This accomplishes little and allows other white kids to look
on and express scorn at their racist attitude. Most often, however,
they direct their anger at us for not keeping them safe.

It's so richly ironic that these upper middle class white college students will often stand on the street corners yelling "F*ck <leo_highlight style="border-bottom: 2px solid rgb255, 255, 150; : transparent none repeat scroll 0% 50%; cursor: pointer; display: inline; -moz--clip: -moz-initial; -moz--origin: -moz-initial; -moz--inline-policy: -moz-initial;" id="leoHighlights_Underline_0" ="leoHighlightsHandleClick'leoHighlights_Underline_0'" ="leoHighlightsHandleMouseOver'leoHighlights_Underline_0'" ="leoHighlightsHandleMouseOut'leoHighlights_Underline_0'" leohighlights_keywords="the%20police" leohighlights__top="http%3A//" leohighlights__bottom="http%3A//" leohighlights_underline="true">the police</leo_highlight>!"
as officers patrol this neighborhood. They do it to get the attention
of their friends and prove their "street cred" to the crowd. Yet, when
they become the victims of this random violence by the same black kids
they've been trying to impress, they blame <leo_highlight style="border-bottom: 2px solid rgb255, 255, 150; : transparent none repeat scroll 0% 50%; cursor: pointer; display: inline; -moz--clip: -moz-initial; -moz--origin: -moz-initial; -moz--inline-policy: -moz-initial;" id="leoHighlights_Underline_1" ="leoHighlightsHandleClick'leoHighlights_Underline_1'" ="leoHighlightsHandleMouseOver'leoHighlights_Underline_1'" ="leoHighlightsHandleMouseOut'leoHighlights_Underline_1'" leohighlights_keywords="the%20police" leohighlights__top="http%3A//" leohighlights__bottom="http%3A//" leohighlights_underline="true">the police</leo_highlight>.
If officers ever have a black kid detained for any reason, you can
count on the white kids to harass the officers and claim they are
racists for doing so. I actually used to be shocked myself by this
behavior, but no more.

The other black on white crime amongst the college kids that is often
not reported is the home-invasion robbery. Many of these upper middle
class white kids are small time growers or dealers in marijuana. This
activity is very open due to light penalties for possession and a
movement to emulate California's medical marijuana laws. Inevitably
they will share or sell some marijuana with a black kid they meet
socially. A short time later a group of several black males will kick
their door down, brandish guns and demand the marijuana. We've had kids
shot during these robberies and yet for everyone we investigate,
probably three go unreported for obvious reasons. I've had black males
that I've interrogated admit that they consider our town a <leo_highlight style="border-bottom: 2px solid rgb255, 255, 150; : transparent none repeat scroll 0% 50%; cursor: pointer; display: inline; -moz--clip: -moz-initial; -moz--origin: -moz-initial; -moz--inline-policy: -moz-initial;" id="leoHighlights_Underline_2" ="leoHighlightsHandleClick'leoHighlights_Underline_2'" ="leoHighlightsHandleMouseOver'leoHighlights_Underline_2'" ="leoHighlightsHandleMouseOut'leoHighlights_Underline_2'" leohighlights_keywords="target" leohighlights__top="http%3A//" leohighlights__bottom="http%3A//" leohighlights_underline="true">target</leo_highlight>-rich environment for robbery and burglary, especially in the student neighborhoods.

You have written before about trends in black on white rape. While we
have a significant number of sexual assaults, mostly involving
significant alcohol consumption, I have not seen a similar racial
component in these cases. This may be due to a factor I find equally

There seems to be a never ending supply of young white middle-class
college girls who will enter into dating relationships with these
lower-class, un-enrolled, unemployed, thuggish black males. I'm sure
the allure has a lot to do with the popularity of this type of male in
pop culture these days; but I still shake my head because many of these
relationships end in domestic violence.

The pattern is usually the same. A few days into the relationship the
black male will often move in with the female. She will then begin to
financially support him. He will often take over use of her vehicle,
forcing her to do without for days at a time. He will often take her
checks or credit cards and run her into debt. It is only when he
continues to womanize that she will take issue and confront him. This
often results in an assault.

One would think that people would make rational observations about a
certain group's behavior, especially if it impacts them personally in a
negative way, and make adjustments in their own actions and
associations. However, the liberal dogma prevents this self
preservation. Subsequently my community and many others continue to be <leo_highlight style="border-bottom: 2px solid rgb255, 255, 150; : transparent none repeat scroll 0% 0%; cursor: pointer; display: inline; -moz--clip: -moz-initial; -moz--origin: -moz-initial; -moz--inline-policy: -moz-initial;" id="leoHighlights_Underline_3" ="leoHighlightsHandleClick'leoHighlights_Underline_3'" ="leoHighlightsHandleMouseOver'leoHighlights_Underline_3'" ="leoHighlightsHandleMouseOut'leoHighlights_Underline_3'" leohighlights_keywords="target" leohighlights__top="http%3A//" leohighlights__bottom="http%3A//" leohighlights_underline="true">target</leo_highlight>-rich environments.
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Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
There seems to be a never ending supply of young white middle-class college girls who will enter into dating relationships with these lower-class, un-enrolled, unemployed, thuggish black males. I'm sure the allure has a lot to do with the popularity of this type of male in pop culture these days; but I still shake my head because many of these relationships end in domestic violence.

The pattern is usually the same. A few days into the relationship the black male will often move in with the female. She will then begin to financially support him. He will often take over use of her vehicle, forcing her to do without for days at a time. He will often take her checks or credit cards and run her into debt. It is only when he continues to womanize that she will take issue and confront him. This often results in an assault.

Women are more emotional than men, and so are more easily influenced than men by the positive portrayal of black men in the entertainment industry.

The young women are sometimes left pregnant and/or emotionally scarred - or, most often, with a venereal disease such as herpes or gonorrhea.

Negroes are promiscious by nature. In the natural world, some creatures are monogamous (like swans and wolves), and others are promiscious like (chickens and chimpanzees).


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
I've heard that the Northwest is deracinated, and there's definitely more and more half-breed affletes coming from those parts.

No doubt, blacks have gotten the memo... White "parents" aren't teaching their kids about racial realities. It's sad.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Deadlift said:
I've heard that the Northwest is deracinated, and there's definitely more and more half-breed affletes coming from those parts.

No doubt, blacks have gotten the memo... White "parents" aren't teaching their kids about racial realities. It's sad.

These parents dare not run afoul of the cultural marxist spawned "PC police" & be (falsely) labeled as the (new) taboo "r word".

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
I think it's only fitting that at least some of the victims of this negro thuggery are sons and daughters of diversity promoters.

I don't know how much more of this we can take.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
This scenario has happened dozen of times and will continue unless white people and parents wake the F up. I put most of the blame on the white misguided and liberal parents. The only thing that can somewhat correct this problem is for law enforcement to lay down the hammer, convict and incarcerate these anti social affeletic types. I won't be holding my breath.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Also the community colleges who feel they must recruit these criminals shoulder the blame as well. When they welcome these thugs they should have their good looking daughters at the reception.
Nov 8, 2006
I bet these kids were very surprised to learn real life negroes don't behave like the ones they see on the Talmudvision.

Ultimately, this is a White problem. The current marxist jew stranglehold on our education system and media creates whiggers who are then victimized by the dead ends of evolution. Until and unless this changes this same pathetic story will be retold again and again.

I think the first thing we need to make clear is that we can no longer run away from America's racial mess. It's coming to your doorstep, ready or not. Our back is to the wall: stand or die. Edited by: Run Stuffing LB


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Some very good points throughout.. These community colleges should be ashamed of what their programs have become. They recruit guys that barely got out of high school and bring them into their town to play sports? Really??? It's time schools get back to the basics and demand kids to be Student Athletes. Community colleges should be held to higher standards academically. If a kid can't pass a community college class, he shouldn't be at the school.

I'd be interested to see what some community colleges overall GPA as a team is. If I'm a coach I'm looking at how that correlates to percentages in the weight room. Usually(at least on the high school level) a team that has a relatively high GPA, will have a high weight room attendance and will be succesful on the field. If you can count on your guys off the field, then you can count on them on the field. Ask Northwestern and Stanford about that.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Women have been allowed to run wild in America because feminism has destroyed all the restraints that used to exist to control the very pronounced dark side of female nature. In a healthy society, nice guys get the nice girls, but in the U.S. (and Britain, Canada, Australia and parts of Europe), nice guys too often are at the bottom of the dating totem pole, with thugs and a-holesat the top. Edited by: Don Wassall


Sep 27, 2010
New Jersey
Sir, that is terrible. My brother has a friend up in Washington State and he's been there, he says the people especially around places like Seattle and Portland are some of the wimpiest, most liberal people he's ever been around. His friend is a Navy guy and he's fed up with these morons, the only good part about that area is the scenery and weather, I couldn't live amongst such wusses. Part of me feels bad for the girls, but the other part says they deserved it, lie with dogs and you get fleas, it sounds terrible but I got a strong streak of schadenfreude in me. Lucky we didn't have any of these "affaletes" in my community college
Apr 22, 2005
Well, the wimpy liberals of Portland and Seattle must be doing something right. Not many major US cities manage to keep the black population in single digits. They also grow some damn fine basketball players out there -- Kyle Singler, Kevin Love, Luke Ridnour, Jon Brockman, Spencer Hawes, et al.


Nov 28, 2009
GreatLakeState said:
Well, the wimpy liberals of Portland and Seattle must be doing something right. Not many major US cities manage to keep the black population in single digits. They also grow some damn fine basketball players out there -- Kyle Singler, Kevin Love, Luke Ridnour, Jon Brockman, Spencer Hawes, et al.
The only reason why those cities have even single digits as opposed to only a few is because of their Affirmative Action policies. They actually had to recruit from outside of these cities to satisfy their ridiculous, Cultural Marxist, AA policies. "King" county (as in "Martin Luther" King), where Seattle is located, used to be named something else not too long ago. Also, since there are "some damn fine basketball players out there -- Kyle Singler, Kevin Love,
Luke Ridnour, Jon Brockman, Spencer Hawes, et al"
then why the hell the need to recruit ignorant, punk-ass, criminal, low-life, thugs from somewhere else?
Apr 22, 2005
So you'd rather live in Detroit than Portland or Seattle?

The county Seattle is located in has always been King County, but some jokers switched which King it was named after. I know "my" politicians certainly don't represent me, so I'm not sure why it would be any different in the Northwest and am not going to condemn hundreds of thousands of white people who are living happy black-free existences as "wimpy liberals."

Ridnour, Brockman and Hawes all played for their state schools, so no "ignorant, punk-ass, criminal, low-life thugs from somewhere else" took their place. I believe Singler's younger brother plays at Oregon as well. As did first-round pick Luke Jackson. The Gonzaga legend was built on the talents of young white men from the Pacific Northwest, who must have been "wimpy liberals" too.


Apr 13, 2005
This is a good rundown on how black ghetto culture wedges itself into a community run by "diversity" advocates. Thanks Kalo.

My old hometown has a community college with a basketball program. An older house off campus was purchased for the players who were often black (the college has no dorms). It quickly became a drug and hot property den and the police made frequent visits to the place in search of missing persons or to quell disturbances. The regents finally shut it down because the costs of repairing the place every semester had gone through the roof.


Nov 28, 2009


Jun 28, 2010
GreatLakeState said:
Well, the wimpy liberals of Portland and Seattle must be doing something right. Not many major US cities manage to keep the black population in single digits. They also grow some damn fine basketball players out there -- Kyle Singler, Kevin Love, Luke Ridnour, Jon Brockman, Spencer Hawes, et al.

Maybe its the lack of sunshine hah, blacks have a harder time living without Vitamin D, they need more of it than whites.