The Real Racists

The Hamas game plan is to get a truce. Then they will prance around and proclaim that they defeated Isreal. The only way for Isreal to counter this is to kill every Moslem man, woman, and child. There are only a million of them. It would take only a week or two. No one will care.
I feel the US is the brake that is preventing this. If our economy gets worse, we will pull out of the mideast and let Isreal do as it pleases.
Moslem governments are cannot govern or defend themselves. No one will care if they are destroyed.

Sir, I used to think pretty much like you do. However, I got tired of not knowing what this affair between the Arabs and Jews was all about. I looked into it and found out that I was backing the wrong group of people on this. The Zionists (not Jews - Jewish is a religion, Zionism is an ideology) swindled the Arabs out of their land with the aid of the British and now all these years later, The Zionists are still at square one on this issue.

I didn't know what I was getting into when I first started studying this conflict. It all started in the late 19th century when an assimilated Austrian Jew named Theodor Herzl decided to try and reenstate the Hebrew homeland in Palestine. From there, the enterprise gained momentum until the Balfour Declaration was issued by the British in 1917 stating that England recognized Palestine as a "Homeland" for the Jews. Never of course, notifying or in any way discussing the point with the indigenous Arabs. The subject is immense. Look these things up.

You'll find that it is indeed the Palestinians who the ones who have been done dirty.

Take care Sir and have a good day.

Tom Iron...
screamingeagle said:
The Hamas game plan is to get a truce. Then they will prance around and proclaim that they defeated Isreal. The only way for Isreal to counter this is to kill every Moslem man, woman, and child. There are only a million of them. It would take only a week or two. No one will care.
I feel the US is the brake that is preventing this. If our economy gets worse, we will pull out of the mideast and let Isreal do as it pleases.
Moslem governments are cannot govern or defend themselves. No one will care if they are destroyed.

Without the US providing Isreal with aid the middle east would wipe THEM out in a few weeks. My hope is that the US is forced to withdraw from the middle east due to economic concerns, and Isreal is forced to peace with the middle east.
screamingeagle said:
The only way for Isreal to counter this is to kill every Moslem man, woman, and child. There are only a million of them. It would take only a week or two. No one will care.

I'm guessing you are Jewish or a John Hagee follower.
There is another option among others. Why don't the Jews practice what they preach? Rabbi Boteach and other Jewish religious leaders want us to open our communities, homes, churches, and families to blacks and third worlders. We should welcome them all for the sake of peace andunity, making them members of our families.

Of course, the duplicitous chosenim would NEVER consider such an option for themselves. I suggest they tear down the walls, invite the Palestinians into their homes, forcibly integrate them into their communities, businesses, and schools, and offer them their daughters as breeding cows. After all,that is precisely what they advocate for us.Wouldn't it be greatif they encouraged their women to shack up withthe Palestinians ... for the sake of peace, and brotherhood? For the sake of Tikkun Olam.
Bart said:
Of course, the duplicitous chosenim would NEVER consider such an option for themselves.  I suggest they tear down the walls, invite the Palestinians into their homes, forcibly integrate them into their communities, businesses, and schools, and offer them their daughters as breeding cows.  After all,  that is precisely what they advocate for us.  Wouldn't it be great if they encouraged their women to shack up with the Palestinians ... for the sake of peace, and brotherhood?  For the sake of Tikkun Olam. 

Bart, the irony of that situation is indeed noted. I actually wish that of doing here what they do in Israel, that they would actually do what they do in Israel here. Build the wall with Mexico, not forcibly integrate any one group with any other group, and allow people to practice the traditions they wish to practice without regard to political-correctness, but rather only to honesty and ethical behavior.

Trust me, I do not support Israel in any way, shape, or form. But, my lack of support for them does not blind me to support radical Islam groups such as Hamas. I do not feel sorry for the current condition of "Palestine," because of their corrupt leaders and poor decision making. Radical Islam is a religion fueled by hate, which wants to cut off the heads of anyone on their land. I can have no respect for people who choose to suicide bomb, whether it's their own people, Christians, or Jews. Like I said earlier, it is the type of behavior exhibited by a lower form of humanity.

The radical Muslims do not operate with reason or rationality, but pure tradition and hate. I say why don't they both just leave, because that piece of land is a pure hell-hole. Or the US could do the world a favor and nuke both of those groups, make the place entirely uninhabitable. Maybe that would take care of the problem.

Just so everyone knows, I am against both parties here. I understand why many here do not support Israel, because neither do I. But I will say I am absolutely astounded that otherwise intelligent members of this community show sympathy for the corrupt Third World radical Muslims in Palestine. We rightfully point out the thugish primitive behavior of people in this country who claim to be "opressed," so to me it just doesn't stand to reason that we would do the opposite for the same behavior in another part of the world.
American Freedom News