The Propaganda of Nickelodeon

About the school thing, you're right. All-white environments don't prepare kids for interaction with the larger America. I was lucky--in high school alone I've been to a 99% white school and a 90%+ black school. I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I know what's up when it comes to race, and in the US, with our psychopathic masters, almost *everything* has to come through that prism sooner or later.
whiteCB said:
...and ultimately crappy parents will raise crappy kids and good parents will raise good kids.

The current president of The United States is the result of 'crappy parenting' for two straight generations.
Yes black children seem to be similar to white children at a young age. Then we separate. Can anyone explain this anomoly?
ABsprinter, hidden caged up spitefulness is taught to black children at a young age by their parents. Childrens innocense does not act as a shield for long, and gods love wears off the negreos as they grow older.

Nickelodeon teaches young children to sympathize with the negroe cause. It is rooted in vengeance and they cannot live in peace. Look at what they to themselves in Africa. White liberal marxists say the "English" started those wars but we how full of sh*t that is. I cry BS.

Peace be with you.Edited by: TheDuke