the pope interesting tidbit



did anyone know that the pope was born on a solar eclipse and had his funeral on a solar eclipse, is that bizarre or what? concidence? don't believe in concidences, not like that anyway? has anyone read the prophecies/visions of st malachy in the 1100's who has predicted amazingly accurate details of all the popes up till now and he says there are two popes left or just one depending on who you listen too. supposedly there is one good one left who is in charge for just a short period of time and the last one will be peter the roman ika peter the terrible. food for thought and no i am not a wac job. something is going on here, check out hal lindseys latest article on his website for more details.
message to white lighning and colonel reb, check out hal lindsey's website as you guys always seem to be ahead of the curve on most things anyway.
First off,what is Hal Lindsays website.I will go check
it out.I could tell you some info I have on the Pope
but you have to be careful what you post.I have a
article that would really open some eyes but at the
same time,I wouldn't want to offend anyone/or catholics
that come here.There are alot of theorys going on.
it's called hal lindsey's oracle and look up his april 9th column. the website is not hostile to catholics, at least not from a protestant evangelical point of view. he mainly deals with bible prophecy and world events(politics) from a christian perspective.
A jewish-german pope. wow! With the catholics church silence throughout the holocaust, this kind of thing is amazing and i think good news because to my knowledge he is a traditionalist about church teachings, I am not a catholic and i disagree about their doctrine on many things, particulary their practical deification of the virgin mary who would say herself that their is too much focus on her and not enough on her son. but that being said, i don't want the church to become any more liberal or pc. time will tell.
Howdy Aragorn777! Your observations on Il Papa Benedict XVI are most welcome

A brief note from a long-time student of Catholic Traditionalism: The new Pope is NOT, repeat, NOT a traditionalist. Far from it, he is a dyed-in-the-wool liberal, masquerading as a conservative, and totally committed to the Vatican-II revolution that destroyed the traditional Catholic church. He is to the Catholic Church what Neo-cons and George Bush are to White Nationalist America.

Whole volumes of literature and websites are dedicated to chronicling the demise of the Catholic Church, its traditional Mass, and the feeble and failing counter-revolution against Vatican II. The most reliable source of all is

At this location, "Father Moderator" keeps watch over the Catholic Traditionalist movement, and is the sharpest internal critic in the world of the "New Vatican". The largest, but not so effective, Traditionalist Catholic Organization in the world is the Society of St. Pius X, who operate chapels and churches "under the radar" worldwide trying to preserve the Traditional Latin Mass. Their propaganda can be examined at

Happy reading, and Habemus Papum!
To be honest Real George, much of what you just wrote is a little above my head. I hope you are wrong about rastinger but you may be right. I believe the next pope will be a very evil one and a apostate. time will tell about all this and rastinger in my mind is nothing more than a trasitional pope who is 78 years old whether he is conservative or liberal, his time will be short. As far as bush and the neo-cons go i think you guys should lighten up sometimes on that.I to beleive that there is a conspiracy for a new world order, one world goverment, cfr , illuminatti and all that stuff. I just don't blame the jews for it like some of the sites that are occasionally recommended on caste football say. i didn't like bush the father but i do like bush the son and i think he is fighting this war for a lugit cause, this war on terror. he is also doing a good job of spreading democracy in the arab world. look at afghanistan. iraq, lebanon, the disarming of libya and the reform movements underway in iran and egypt. bush 's purpose is to make america safer by confronting terror and spread democracy and i think god's purpose is to open the doors to the gospel of christ in these muslim countries just before jesus's soon return. I have a nationalistic isolationist streak in me too(except where it concerns isreal) but sometimes we have to take the battle to the enemy before they take it to us. the two oceans are not much of a protection anymore.
Arargorn777, I have been familiar with Hal Lindsey for a long time. He writes some great stuff. I'll check that out on his site out soon.
How could the new pope be Jewish when he was a member of the Nazi Youth group?
Bart, he was jewish by ethnicity and not so much by his faith and he did a good job of hiding his ethnicity when he was young. Good question though.
I'm going to give the guy the benefit of the doubt as to whether he is liberal or conservative until I can see for myself what he will do in certain situations.
I was addressing my earlier post to bear arms and not bart, my mistake.(In responce to your question)
Howdy Gents

The very first thing Benedict Arnold XVIhas done in his official capacity is to pre-emptively surrender to the New World Order and all the "other religions" in the world. St. Pius V he is not! St. Thomas Aquinas he is not! St. Augustine he ain't! But a perfect carbon copy of the last four Universalist Popes.

PB16 will wishy-washy the world to tears, the great "conservative", doing exactly what his NWO handlers tell him to

Ditto(not as succinct as your post colonel reb)but you beat me to it.Over my head again and i'm not sure that I mind. Real-george may be right but distinguishing between fact and rhetoric is too difficult at times. Certainly not a fan of the NWO though.
Me either, but I don't see the pope in that light, at least not yet.
Hello again Gents

Some recommended reading to counter the "Over my Head" syndrome


1) A History of Secret Societies, by Daraul 2) Pirates and the Lost Templar Fleet, by Childress and 3) The Rothschild Money Trust, by Armstrong. Available immediately right on this website!!

and two seminal works available from numerous sources on internet:

1) "Masons Control the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church," by Le Roux, 2) "The Illuminati and the Catholic Church", by Terminello

That ought to hold you for a while. After you read you can share insights with ANU readers of "Happy Hour". They're not all easy reading, but worth the effort. Your insights after reading will be appreciated and valuable

Thanks much
I dont think Jews can be called an ethnicity.
Why not? We are sometimes called a distinct race and then by others not a race. Some say we are just a particular kind of religion(judiasm).We can be one or all of these things depending on your point of view and circumstances. Being a jewish christian who believes in Jesus, some orthodox jews would consider me a traitor and not a jew anymore. But I still am of course because heredity can't be changed.I understand the confusion, Bear-Arms, some don't consider hispanics a distinct race set apart from others as well.It depends on who you are talking too. Some say they are a part of the white race.
But your main point was that jews couldn't be considered a ethnicity. Why not? Irish, scotch, italian are all consider ethnicities, why not someone who is jewish?
I just think it would be odd doing it with a similar religion like Christianity. You wouldn't say Christians are an ethnicity. They come in a variety of forms as do Jews I guess. Like Sammy Davis Jr couldnt be an ethnic Jew
I'm not sure whether judiasm was something Sammy Davis Jr. adopted later in life or was he naturally jewish.I don't know Bear-Arms if you know this but there are ethnic black jews as well; descended from the union between Queen Sheba of Ethiopia and King Solomon. In fact; about a decade or so ago 18,000 ethiopion jews were emergency airlifted to isreal in the midst of a civil war there. Some say that was a fulfillment of prophetic scripture although I don't remember exactly where that is at.Some also say that the lost ark is being protected and hidden in ethiopia for these last 2500 years in underground caves until it's time to arrive back on the world stage. Your point is right about Christianity not being considered a ethnic group, but you can be jewish by heredity and be a agnostic or athiest at the same time. There are lots of them.I believe I'm right here but I am kind of struggling to get my point across and i'm probably the only jew(part jew, scotch irish su indian) that is a member of caste football.If somebody else can answer this more persuasively and articulately, please do.
Aragorn777, I'''m not sure what you are trying to get across, so I really can't help you with that, but I did see something interesting in one of your posts where you said Irish are considered an ethnic group. Did you know that the Irish were considered a racial group here in the US until after the War Between The States? Then, as they became part of the dominant group of society and inter-married, they became just an ethnic group. Pretty interesting stuff if your part Irish like me.
I guess ethnicity refers to the culture as well so got me it's all to confusing for me to understand.

I just say I'm American now anyway.
Colonel Reb, I didn't know that being irish in early america was considered a distinct racial group. Not sure what the scientific basis for that would be but it's interesting.
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