The NFL is FIXED!!


Aug 31, 2013
Its transparent...

It is theatre, distraction for the masses...bread and circus to keep us preoccupied while we lose our freedom and our country.

The NFL betting was once a Line.
It was changed to a SPREAD. They dont need to throw games, just cover the spreads.

Its admitted that HOLDING can be called on EVERY Play. Think about that and the ramifications for throwing games, loss of down and loss of yardage.

Weve had illegal betting involving NFL players in the past Green Bay Packers Paul Hornung et al


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Its transparent...

It is theatre, distraction for the masses...bread and circus to keep us preoccupied while we lose our freedom and our country.

The NFL betting was once a Line.
It was changed to a SPREAD. They dont need to throw games, just cover the spreads.

Its admitted that HOLDING can be called on EVERY Play. Think about that and the ramifications for throwing games, loss of down and loss of yardage.

Weve had illegal betting involving NFL players in the past Green Bay Packers Paul Hornung et al

(sigh) I wish our trolls were new members instead of existing posters trolling under new names.


Aug 31, 2013
(sigh) I wish our trolls were new members instead of existing posters trolling under new names.

Youre welcome to check my IP address.
Im a new member, new here and never posted here in my life except the last 2 days.

Guess you cant fathom that NFL games are scripted, like the New Orleans Aints winning the Super Bowl after Katrina or the Patriots after the 911 false flag committed by our Cia and Israeli Mossad to drum up the war drums to fever pitch.


Aug 31, 2013
which exact game did Hornug throw? because they won a lot and by a lot, so not sure if betting was a spread then but I don't think they covered it that many times, and Hornug was just one part of the team.

Horning, Art Schlicter and others, Bet ON Football including their own games.
Thats an aside though, really.

The game itself has evolved into nothing it ever resembled, players playing both ways, ground n pound style into this speciality monstrosity it is today, to incorporate blacks into the play and to excel.

Additionally, the money involved and the ability to mold public perception, makes it ripe for scripted TEBOW, The Patriots post 911, The Saints post Katrina, The Steelers in the 1970s when 150,000 lost their jobs, pensions and health benefits after Wall Street
J EWs stole the loot, bankrupted the companies and moved operations to Japan. But the town had the Steelers to root for, didnt they?


Aug 31, 2013
The NFL is a business, first and foremost. In 1996, Financial World magazine valued the worth of the average NFL franchise at $174 million. Consumers spent $3 billion dollars on NFL team related merchandise. On average, more than 12 million viewers watch a regular telecasted game.

And it is television that feeds the most money to this ever hungry beast. Originally, each NFL team sold its broadcast right individually.
However in 1961, thanks in part to President John F. Kennedy, Congress passed the Sports Antitrust Broadcast Act, which paved the way for the NFL to market its games as a package. This first package was sold to CBS for $4.65 million.

Three years later it was up to $14.1 million. By 1974, with the addition of Monday Night Football, it was a robust $57.6 million. A 1978 poll showed that 70% of the nation’s sports fans followed football, compared to 54% pursuing baseball.

The prices escalated accordingly. By 1984, the networks were paying the NFL $434 million. In 1998, CBS paid $4 billion dollars for eight years, ESPN shelled out $600 million and ABC added an additional $550 million a year all on top of the $1 billion the FOX network had already paid out to the NFL.

Today, in 2009, the NFL earns nearly $6 billion a year in TV revenue alone.The only way these numbers can be recouped is via the ratings, and the resulting advertising revenue. But how has football become America’s #1 spectator sport?
Certainly, it offers drama, violence, and raw emotion for 12 hours every Sunday in the fall. Cinderella stories, remarkable comebacks, and unabashed tragedies in every play, game and season.

However, to develop these stories and keep those ratings soaring higher, I believe the NFL fixes (or scripts) its games to get the maximum output from its product. Super Bowls are not won, they are awarded. Some because of the stories they provide, others as rewards, but each for a reason:
Green Bay for bringing tradition back to the game; Denver and John Elway in 1997 for their long suffering seasons (perhaps at the League’s insistence); St. Louis and Tennessee in 1999 for their willingness to relocate for the League;
in 2000, the re-located Baltimore Ravens for their long time owner Art Modell, whose commitment to the NFL reaches back to the 1960s; and most recently, in perhaps one of the most blatant examples of scripting an entire season, the 2001 New England Patriots. In an immediately post 9/11 America, what more symbolic team could the NFL crown its champion than the Patriots who were the biggest underdog in Super Bowl’s 36 year history.

In 1971, former NFL star Bernie Parrish wrote, “With $139 million at stake for the owners, $84 million for the television networks, and up to $66 billion for organized crime’s bookmaking syndicates, and with what I learned as a player, no one will ever convince me that numerous NFL games aren’t fixed.”(26)

Now, thirty years later, with the dollar figures 10 times what they were then, one would have to be naïve to believe that the NFL would leave everything – its name, its money, its very existence -- up to chance.


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
"Denver and John Elway in 1997 for their long suffering seasons (perhaps at the League’s insistence)"

it seems they would have let the Bills win at least one of those Superbowls instead of them suffering through 4 losses.

can you tell me who is going to win this year? because id like to place a bet. But there are a ton of different storylines that you could buy into. What was it last year, brother vs brother? because they played that line during the regular season and it was a snooze fest, and no guarantee that it would be entertaining. They could have had one of the magical negroes win it all their first season, solidifying the read option and black quarterbacks even further. They could have had Manning come back from a crazy neck injury. Theres also rumors that the league came down hard on the Saints because they didn't want them to make it to the Superbowl and have home field advantage, the first time it would have happened in modern day football I believe. But wait, the Superbowl was brother vs brother, and they did have a magical negro at qb, why not let the 49ers win? I mean ESPN "respected" analyst Ron Jaworski already proclaimed him the best qb in football, thats without winning last year.

What tradition did Green Bay bring back again? are we talking about the Favre years?
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Aug 22, 2012
So why didn't the NFL gods see fit to script the Eagles winning Super Bowl XXXIX? Would have been a DWFs wet dream.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Youre welcome to check my IP address.Im a new member, new here and never posted here in my life except the last 2 days.

Guess you cant fathom that NFL games are scripted, like the New Orleans Aints winning the Super Bowl after Katrina or the Patriots after the 911 false flag committed by our Cia and Israeli Mossad to drum up the war drums to fever pitch.

I did, and the one you registered with is in India, but you have another one in Nevada. Looks like Bigunreal's "long lost son," with an all-caps insulting and repetitive style, has decided to grace us with his presence.

This poster is a great example of how ridiculous it is to take some truisms about the NFL and follow them to illogical conclusions, and also how this subject gets us to arguing among ourselves instead of focusing on supporting White athletes.

Virtually everyone understands that the NFL is a corrupt organization that practices "affirmative action" to an extreme degree and that some games and story lines may have been tweaked and maybe even fixed. But it's far more likely that it has been done for gambling purposes and not racial ones -- just one black QB has won the Super Bowl, the relatively Whitest teams are generally the most successful, ad infinitum. And as for the Patriots, rather than boosting "patriotism," they are the most disliked team in the country with Belichick, Brady, and their White dominated offense being particularly loathsome to the DWFs.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
To Original Poster, no offense, but you come off like someone who lost a lot of money on a bet and now you're ranting.

I think the NFL is "fixed" in that certain non-variables are arbitrarily put in place. Such as, a lot of undeserving Blacks given roster spots at the expense of more deserving Whites, the media slanting perspectives toward making certain players look better than they are, and others worse (see Kaepernick, and the contrast with Tebow, etc.). Perhaps, even "fixed" to the point that whistles are blown to negate certain plays, or give extra chances to produce a more media-favorable result.

But as for the league actually saying, "The [team] will win today, and everyone on the [other team] is in on the conspiracy and will knowingly take a dive," that's kind of pushing it too far.

A certain basketball player might be called for a foul or given free throws and you're thinking, "okay, that's rigged."

But you can't "fix" somebody sinking a long jumpshot. You can't *fix* Brady making a nice throw.

So yeah, the NFL might be fixed to the point that no matter what happens, the chips are stacked in a certain direction, but the players still have to execute the plan, and the general suckiness of too many of the Black players ensures that the relatively Whiter teams do better despite all of the absurdity.
Nov 28, 2011
Thank you Don for booting that tard.People like him are the last thing this forum needs.

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
The Ravens Broncos game last playoffs is suspicious . All they had to do was play a prevent defense. Ray Lewis winning the Stuper Bowl seemed like agenda number one on the list. Honesty demands that one at least entertain the notion.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
It's stupid to blame bookmaking operators for fixing games. I have made this point before and I'll make it again. Anyone who says that gamblers are fixing the outcomes of games to make money is crazy. Here's why. Bookies do not make money on the outcomes of the game. They make money on a percentage of the winners take. It's called the "vigorish" google it and find out what it means.

Bookies set the odds so that the betting is even on both sides. So when the game is over they get their profit from whatever the winners make. They only thing the bookies want to see is a lot of betting. The outcome doesn't matter. So the argument that sports gambling operations would want a fixed NFL is stupid.

Theoretically someone could make a bunch of money for themselves by fixing a game, but they would just be winning the money someone else bet for the other side. And the bookies would be happy with that.

Perhaps in the old days when the bookie operations were small it was tough for them to adjust odds fast enough to even up betting on both sides so payouts would be one-sided in that case. Thus one group of gamblers could "cheat" another by betting big on one side at the last minute. The danger with that is that the bookie couldn't cover it with losses from the other side and other then breaking the bookies legs, what do you have?

However if you are looking to make BIG money, and that is what you would have to do to be able to fix NFL games, then you are dealing with the large betting houses that would not be hurt by it. And I think the idea being promoted by "THE NFL IS FIXED" is that it is being done by the large sports gambling houses or similar. That makes no sense. Only someone not familiar with gambling would make such a claim.


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
The Ravens Broncos game last playoffs is suspicious . All they had to do was play a prevent defense. Ray Lewis winning the Stuper Bowl seemed like agenda number one on the list. Honesty demands that one at least entertain the notion.
I doubt it, even most dwfs don't like Ray Lewis and still remember the murder thing. They would have rather seen Colin Kaepernick and the 49ers win it, and what was suspiscious was the lights going out after the Ravens had a 106 yard td return, they were killing the 49ers by double digit points and no sign of slowing down, then 34 minute delay and the 49ers were able to regroup and come back only to lose by a few points.

edit: eh I misread and thought it said Ravens 49ers

Prevent defense only prevents you from winning, hate when teams start using it, you only have to dink and dunk your way after that, and Flacco is good enough to do that.

I see your point but then they will say what about those gambling things you pay to get good advice from, I see it all the time, pay this amount and guaranteed a winner. There is movie kind of based on it, Two for the Money. They would have interest in who wins based on who they told their clients to pick.

However, I think flags get thrown to keep things close and keep bottom feeder teams still in the season so fans keep going. The NFL wants that, that means more money for them. I am sure they would be happy with a ton of teams going 8-8. I don't think it affects things that much, Id say instead of a team going 2-14 they go 5-11 with a few wins at the end to give hope for the next season, I mean towards the end of the season there are plenty of games that have no impact on what will happen in the postseason.
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Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
There's always a lot of blowouts and plain boring games and a fair number of teams are usually out of it from Week One. Without fantasy football the NFL would have less of a hold over the public. And the league knows it as it has noticeably more fantasy football coverage and programming every season now.


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
I would say there is still a significant amount of older people who don't play fantasy that still watch the games, obsessed more like it, at least where I am from. Most can't even understand the concept of fantasy football, like how do you root for a player that is playing against "your team". But yes fantasy football has helped the NFL but even that it seems like dwfs are getting frustrated with. Guys that are hyped up putting up mediocre performances, injuries, and more injuries. The black talent pool is shrinking and can't even stay healthy, thats with them digging deep for talent at all the small schools like Towson and West Texas A&M. With the black talent pool shrinking and the refusal to let more Whites play, it doesn't matter how many flags you throw, the games just won't be interesting. However, hardcore dwfs will take a win no matter how ugly and boring it was and gloat all week about it. Sadly many of these fans will hold out hope until "they" (the team they root for) are officially eliminated from the playoff picture, this could be 7 and even sometimes 8 and 9 losses as 7-9 teams have made it in, so I I am guessing a few dwfs had hope until that 10th loss during those years.

I would say an example of what I was talking about is like Carolina last year, 4 game winning streak to cap off the season well after they were out of the playoffs. Cam Newton, the king of garbage time stats, including wins. 2-8 to start off the season and 5-1 to end it. The season before that 2-8 to start it off, 4-2 to end it. If I didn't know any better, I would say they progressed, but no, in reality they didn't but the record shows they were one win away from being .500 last year, the wins were just meaningless, the teams they beat either already had grasped a playoff spot or weren't in it and the team they lost to only had 1 win going into the game.

and btw, regarding Spygate, the only reason why people found out about it is because Mangini (assistant for the pats) was offered the head coaching job for the Jets, Bellicheck told him not to take the job and a big feud grew between the two, and Mangini knew exactly how to catch him being a former assistant.
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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
I just came across this one on, so I brought it over here for you football fans, googling up a related thread to put it on. I have no interest in football, so now I will run back to the boxing board before you mugs gang up on me and beat me up.

Boxing, unlike football, is a totally honest sport and pure as the driven snow - in fact it's almost as pure as the post-911 lower Manhattan air was after the govmt. said they tested it very carefully and found it to be pure as a mountain breeze - or the West Virginia water supply is now, likewise. Or boxing.

This article is almost two years old (though I just saw it on today's

MaximumWins's Blog

Reasons Why The NFL Is Fixed For Profit



Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
decent read, up until this one

"The Beginning of the Tim Tebow Era. Tim Tebow has a HUGE, and I mean HUGE Christian following. The guy can't hit a barn, but a decent athlete. Yet as the third string QB he is thrust into the starting role and the team magically "changes the entire offense" in a matter of weeks to suit him? Tebow was the number 1 jersey seller for the league without even stepping foot on the field. It was time to make him a star and they did ripping off several "magical" victories with poultry statistics. These teams were handing them games. If you didn't notice this, all I need to say it two words : Marion Barber. All the while the NFL is forcing religion down our throats with God's quarterback. "
and then more nonsense

"Wild Card Weekend: The Broncos magically beat the #1 defense in the league, the Pittsburgh Steelers to secure another round of ratings and profit. And for another "coincidence" according the NFL's communications website,, the Divisional round matchups will be rematches of some of the highest rated regular season games of the year. Patriots vs Broncos was the #4 highest rated TV program of the year and NY Giants vs. Green Bay Packers was the #3 highest rated TV program of the year. Each game drawing 30 million viewers. There was video of Steelers LB James Farrior winking at Tim Tebow during the overtime coin toss.This YouTube channel video was eventual pulled by the NFL and Youtube. Why? Why did the NFL force Youtube to pull this video? Why is he winking? Is he saying "don't worry kid, just throw the ball, we will lay down for ya."

If that were the case, he would still be starting right now. Unless the plan was to build him up as this guy that just wins games at qb only to be traded and used as a special teams guy, with a few predictable up the gut plays, after they asked him to add 15 pounds. Thats how you sell jerseys, right? If he were still starting, they would have more viewers. **** more people were excited about Tebow in Denver than Manning.
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white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I don't know how I found this doc. but it was at one time fixed(to a point) and had very shady owners many of whom were Jews....
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white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004