The New Nigg...


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Brilliant! Must read.******s/#comments


No matter how hard Tea Party leaders and attendees claim they're fighting for abstract ideals and not race, you would think from the Left's reactions that Tea Party gatherings were mobs of goose-stepping, hood wearing, Fascists with a swastika flag in one hand and a noose in the other. No matter what Tea Partiers say or how many black Country singers they put on stage, to the Left the Tea Party movement is the reincarnation of the Klu Klux Klan.]No matter how hard Tea Party leaders and attendees claim they're fighting for abstract ideals and not race, you would think from the Left's reactions that Tea Party gatherings were mobs of goose-stepping, hood wearing, Fascists with a swastika flag in one hand and a noose in the other. No matter what Tea Partiers say or how many black Country singers they put on stage, to the Left the Tea Party movement is the reincarnation of the Klu Klux Klan.

This is going to continue for one simple reason: the Tea Party movement is fighting on the Left's terms. Tea Partiers have bought in the great hypocritical lie of the Left. Since the 1960's the Left has preached the idea of colorblindness. However the truth is since the 1960's everything the Left does is predicated on race. From Affirmative Action, illegal immigration, Multiculturalism, Hate Speech laws, Speech Codes on campuses, to the election of Barack Obama; every single thing the Left does is for the advancement of non-whites over that of whites. If race is meaningless why was it so important for a black man to be elected president? If race is meaningless why is the mixing of different races (diversity) such a great strength? The problem is Tea Party attendees don't see these obvious contradictions and instead repeat the Left's mantra that race is meaningless.

For the Tea Parties to be effective, indeed for all of white America to be effective they need to stop arguing on the Left's terms. However it's not a simple matter of being explicitly white as Jared Taylor suggest. What is really going to change the condition of white America is how they stand up for themselves explicitly. The entire tone of white America (exemplified by the Tea Parties) has to change. For this to happen we need to swallow our pride and admit what none of us want to hear: whites are no longer in charge. We are not losing our country, we have already lost it. (snip)

Edited by: Bart

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
The 'OD' puts out the best WN essays on the net. I check their site daily.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Yes, an excellent article. One reason Ihaven't calledmyself a conservative for over 25 years is because there is nothing of value left to conserve. The institutions of power and control are in hands that are extremely hostile toward Whites,including our continued existence as a people. Without a realistic appraisal of who's in charge and what their agenda is, Tea Party supporters will remain a dozen steps behind in their awareness. Of course the "conservative media" -- much of it actually neo-con controlled -- does everything possible to keep it that way.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Good article indeed. I consider myself a PALEO-conservative, Constitutionalist...and always clarify ensure I'm not mistaken for a NeoCON.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I consider myself a WN/Paleo-Conservative.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Colonel_Reb said:
I consider myself a WN/Paleo-Conservative.

Same here...a Paleo-Conservative/(strict) Constitutionalist & WN.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Don Wassall said:
One reason I haven't called myself a conservative for over 25 years is because there is nothing of value left to conserve. 

Don, the circumstances we currently face, as you so appropriately phrased it, is "there is nothing left to conserve."Â It seems as though every single institution is tainted in some perverted, genocidal fashion. For God's sake, even something as trivial as TV commercials have, for decades, been a medium for the evil empire to flex its ubiquitous "might"Â against the atypical few who choose to exercise their right to self-regulating thought. You know you're living in a genuine psychological prison when Money-First, Race-Last neocons such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O' Reilly, Michael Savage, Ann Coulter, and Glenn Beck are considered the voice for "our kind."Â

I fully acknowledge the fact that most whites are "too far gone" to be deemed worthy of "conserving." The sad irony is that they probably think the same of a person such as me (an ethnocentric, a white supremacist, a racialist). That's the kind of absurdly apparent adversary we presently face"¦one that "plays one white man against the other."Â

Did you ever notice that whites are only able to experience "rebellion"Â when the act or ideal is intrinsically against their race, against their offspring, against their parents, against traditional values, or against themselves? And how can we blame them for merely "falling in line"Â with the rest of the good soldiers? From the cradle-to-grave, Marxist dogs are barking in their ears, telling them how wretched and pathetic they are. Immunity from this virus takes a unique sort of person.

In the New Eyes of white men and women, everything that was once meaningless is now believed to be meaningful. This is the essence of our unadulterated hell.
Edited by: Thrashen


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
I concur with that opinion, Thrashen, and Don's post. The original ideas that founded this country as the Grand Experiment and begat the Constitution and Bill of Rights, are so far removed from what the government in this country has become and is becoming, that Don is right, there is nothing left to conserve! How is it possible to "roll back" all of this wonderful "Progressive" change??
Jan 27, 2009
In the woods at my still.
Don Wassall said:
Yes, an excellent article.  One reason I haven't called myself a conservative for over 25 years is because there is nothing of value left to conserve.  The institutions of power and control are in hands that are extremely hostile toward Whites, including our continued existence as a people.  Without a realistic appraisal of who's in charge and what their agenda is, Tea Party supporters will remain a dozen steps behind in their awareness.  Of course the "conservative media" -- much of it actually neo-con controlled -- does everything possible to keep it that way. 

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Thrashen and Don once again hit the nail on the head.