The meaning of Judeo-Christian


Nov 23, 2008
Patriotic, or a Neocon garbage?

I know many of you guys have some sort of resentment towards Jews, which I can clearly understand. Even though this article gives enlightenment of Jews, their contribution, and place in American history, it also attacks many vital issues concerning the aims of the Socialist/Marxist/Globalist/Elitist/Secularist nutcases. Their aim in wanting to "change" America forever (for the worse) from it's true founding fundamentals (Judeo-Christian), and from those who make and define America, white people.

What does 'Judeo-Christian' mean?
By Dennis Prager
March 30, 2004

The Uniqueness of America

The United States of America is the only country in history to have defined itself as Judeo-Christian. While the Western world has consisted of many Christian countries and consists today of many secular countries, only America has called itself Judeo-Christian. America is also unique in that it has always combined secular government with a society based on religious values.

But what does "Judeo-Christian" mean? We need to know. Along with the belief in liberty â€" as opposed to, for example, the European belief in equality, the Muslim belief in theocracy, and the Eastern belief in social conformity â€" Judeo-Christian values are what distinguish America from all other countries. That is why American coins feature these two messages: "In G-d we trust" and "Liberty."

Yet, for all its importance and its repeated mention, the term is not widely understood. It urgently needs to be because it is under ferocious assault, and if we do not understand it, we will be unable to defend it. And if we cannot defend it, America will become as amoral as France, Germany, Russia, et al.

First, Judeo-Christian America has differed from Christian countries in Europe in at least two important ways. One is that the Christians who founded America saw themselves as heirs to the Hebrew Bible, as much as to theirs. And even more importantly, they strongly identified with the Jews.

For example, Thomas Jefferson wanted the design of the seal of the United States to depict the Jews leaving Egypt. Just as the Hebrews left Egypt and its values, Americans left Europe and its values (if only those who admire Jefferson would continue to take his advice).

Founders and other early Americans probably studied Hebrew, the language of the Jewish Bible at least as much as Greek, the language of the New. Yale, founded in 1701, adopted a Hebrew insignia, and Hebrew was compulsory at Harvard until 1787. The words on the Liberty Bell, "Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land . . . ," are from the Torah. Vast numbers of Americans took Hebrew names â€" like Benjamin Franklin and Cotton Mather (kattan in Hebrew means "little one" or "younger").

The consequences included a strong Hebrew Bible view of the world â€" meaning, in part, a strong sense of fighting for earthly justice, an emphasis on laws, a belief in a judging, as well as a loving and forgiving, G-d, and a belief in the chosenness of the Jews which America identified with.

The significance of this belief in American chosenness cannot be overstated. It accounts for the mission that Americans have uniquely felt called to â€" to spread liberty in the world.

This sense of mission is why more Americans have died for the liberty of others than any other nation's soldiers.

It is why those who today most identify with the Judeo-Christian essence of America are more likely to believe in the moral worthiness of dying to liberate countries â€" not only Europe, but Korea, Vietnam and Iraq. That is why America stands alone in protecting two little countries threatened with extinction, Israel and Taiwan. That is why conservative Americans are more likely to believe in American exceptionalism â€" in not seeking, as President Bush put it, a "permission slip" from the United Nations, let alone from Europe.

The second meaning of Judeo-Christian is a belief in the biblical G-d of Israel, in His Ten Commandments and His biblical moral laws. It is a belief in universal, not relative, morality. It is a belief that America must answer morally to this G-d, not to the mortal, usually venal, governments of the world.

That is why those who most affirm Judeo-Christian values lead the fight against redefining marriage. We believe that a pillar of Judeo-Christian values is to encourage the man-woman sexual and marital ideal, and to provide children with the opportunity to benefit from the unique gifts that a man and a woman give a child, gifts that are never replicable by two men alone or two women.

That is why those who most affirm Judeo-Christian values are unmoved by the idea that the war in Iraq is moral if Germany, France, China and Russia say so, but immoral if they oppose it. We ask first what G-d and the Bible would say about liberating Iraq, not what Syria and other members of the U.N. Security Council say.

That is why those who most affirm Judeo-Christian values believe that war, while always tragic, is on more than a few occasions a moral duty. Nothing "Judeo" ever sanctioned pacifism. Of course, the Hebrew Prophet Isaiah yearned for the day that nations will beat their swords into plowshares. But another Hebrew Prophet, Joel, who is never cited by those who wish to read the secular value of pacifism into the Bible, said precisely the opposite: "Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. Let the weakling say, 'I am strong!'"

And that is why those who want Judeo-Christian values to disappear from American public life affirm multiculturalism, seek to remove mention of G-d from all public life, and make Christmas a private, not a national, holiday.

The battle over whether America remains Judeo-Christian or becomes secular like Europe is what this, the Second American Civil War, is about. Edited by: j41181
Jul 14, 2007
I believe adding "judeo" to "Christian" was simply done as a way to get Christians on the bandwagon to support Israel and other Zionist causes. From what I understand, "judeo" was never used by Christians until about 50 years ago or so. The author likes to cite the Hebrews leaving Egypt, and compare it to the settlers leaving Europe, leaving their values at the same time; you could use the same imagery of the Christians leaving Judaism and its values at the time.

I never say Judeo, and always correct people when they say that because Christians are always duped into supporting Israel and Zionism, sending money to them and their causes and praying for them and the death of their enemies. But when do the Jews ever sit in their synagogue and pray for the survival of Christians in America. When do they send money to Christian churches, people and causes here in America and in Europe?

Jews can be Jews and do what they want to do within the confines of the law. But I will never support Zionism, send any money to any of their causes, which are often detrimental to myself (Zionism), or give any emotional support to them. I know there are Jews who are against Zionism, and that's admirable. But I will still not consider myself of Judeo-Christian, because their faith is theirs and not mine, and I won't fall for that clever mind trick that dupes people into supporting Israel and Zionism.


Nov 23, 2008
Thanks for clearing things up for me, ES!

It's funny how the "judeo" thing started some 50 years ago, when the term (let alone belief) was never used prior to 1950. It all began after WW2, when Jews got the entire world's (especially the USA's) sympathy over their plight, and holocaust.

WW2 has in many ways, weakened the resolve of the white race.


Oct 7, 2009
On the far Right
The term Judeo-Christian is a term used to describe the shared principles (usually the moral code) of Judaism and Christianity as both were established by the same God. However, after Christ the right relationship between man and God is the Christian religion, not Judaism. To me the term seems more suited to a non-religious observer of religious history than anyone who practices either faith.

The article is neo-con garbage. The author insists that it is a moral imperative (presumably a Judeo-Christian duty) to liberate other countries by war. This is clearly in conflict with the Christian teaching on Just War. Killing is only sanctioned if it is the exectution of a justly convicted criminal (certain offenses) or in self-defense or defense of others (in most explanations of justified killing a nation possesses only the right to defend itself). Nor were the Old Testament Israelites instructed to practice neo-con Wilsonianism and the modern state of Israel does no such thingeither (at least not with its own soldiers).I think the author realizes that God's actual instructions to ancient Israel would make modern sensibilities uncomfortable so he replaces the idea of becoming a nation established on a certain piece of ground and separated unto God with neo-con drivel about spreading liberty throughout the world. Furthermore liberty is not the primary end of either religion; obedience to God's law is. Christianity does not support religious conversions at the point of a sword so why would it support political conversions at the point of a sword? The author is slipping ideas into the term Judeo-Christian which do not mesh with one or both of the faiths. As the term Judeo-Christian is not a faith itself it can only refer to the common points of the two religions; it cannot imply its own principles (especially anything in contradiction to either religion) as the author attempts to do with his foreign policy position. Edited by: Paleocon


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Ditto to ES & Paleocon. The article is Zionist/Neocon propaganda. Judeo is more accurately applied as "Judeo-Bolshevikism"...not to Christianity. The Jews missed their chance when they denied & crucified Christ Jesus the Savior. I believe in Christian Supersession (of the Jews) from a punitive, economic & structural standpoint. Christian-Zionism is fallacious and dangerous.

Zionism vs. The Bible

The Truth About Zionism & America

Q&A on Israel

Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Pathetic article but great summations of the truth by Electric, Paleocon, and Dixie!


Nov 23, 2008
To everyone, thanks a bunch for discrediting this article!

It's truly shameful how conservatives have become today!

Will the "real" conservatives please stand-up!

Edited by: j41181


Nov 25, 2004
I noticed this trend probably around my late teen years (late eighties) along with new prayers in church that slipped the word "Israel" into the prayer language. Now the Luthern church I belonged to has OK homosexual ministers.

Our founding fathers were staunchly Christian, but isn't it interesting that there is not one American symbol that even remotely resembles the cross? That's unlike most European nations of which our founding fathers came from. The star of David and what appears to be a menorah is on our currency. There were wolves among the sheep even way back then.