The man who would be president

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Straight from Mr. Obama's website:

(Please note they think these are good things, and make him deserving of being the President of the United States.)

From Senator Obama's two short years in the U.S. Senate:

- $25 million to US agencies in SE Asia to fight bird flu
- $4 billion (that's billion) to the CDC to fight bird flu
- $52 million to end violence in the Congo
- $20 million African Union peacekeeping mission in Darfur
- $13 million for "Special Court" in Sierra Leone

Maybe Mr. Obama should run for President of Sierra Leone or the Congo, instead of the United States.
Oct 24, 2005
Barry O wants us to "create a dialog" with Syria and Iran. These are nothing nations. We should be giving them orders.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
[url] News&storyid=2007-03-08T175745Z_01_N08425164_RTRUKOC_0_U S-USA-OBAMA-FINES.xml&src=rss&rpc=22 [/url]

BOSTON (Reuters) - As he prepared to announce his campaign for the White House, Democratic Sen. Barack Obama took care of some unfinished business at Harvard University -- paying about $400 in parking fines dating back to his days as a law student.

Two weeks before the Illinois senator officially entered the presidential race on February 10, he paid parking fines he received while attending Harvard Law School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, a Cambridge city official said on Thursday.

"I think it's great, we always like to collect," said Susan Clippinger, director of Cambridge's Traffic, Parking and Transportation Department.

Obama paid Cambridge $375 on January 26 for 17 parking tickets received between 1988 and 1990, she said. He paid neighboring Somerville another $45 for late fees on two parking tickets from the early 1990s, a Somerville official added


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
How could you graduate from those institutions with unpaid parking tickets? I know you can't anywhere I've ever been to school, and thats quite a few places.
Oct 24, 2005
How did he graduate? In the college I went to, we were warned that we could not graduate unless all fees and finds were paid. I know some people who did not receive diplomas untill they paid what they owed.

Then again, I never was, or knew a legacy. Then again, maybe, I just went to a better college.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Typically DC traitor...shelling out OUR taxpayer dollars to foreign interests while allowing American jobs to be outsourced overseas by the thousands!
Oct 24, 2005
Somebody asked me who is the worst president in the history of the US. Without hesitation, I said it would be Barack Obama if he is ever elected.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Barack Hussein Obama. Middle name says it all.
Oct 24, 2005
barry O's latest scandal. Just heard that Barry O has bought some stock and then tried to pass laws that would increase the value of those stocks. This is the only work he has ever done in the senate.
Nov 8, 2006
We've got some great choices in 2008. A crooked Chicago system politician, a lesbian witch or various assorted Zionist Republicans. Time to use the "write in" line, I guess.


Nov 2, 2004
Unfortunately, this man IS the president. And that IS a yarmulke on his head.

The photo is much larger in the print version of today's NYPost.

Oct 24, 2005
It should be noted that Presidente Jorge said that Samaria and Judue are areas that Isreal occupied in 1967 and should give back. Samaria and Judea were occupied in 1948 by Jordan (Under British leadership) in 1948 and liberated in 1967. I think Jorge is trying to play both sides at the same time. Only a year left...


Nov 25, 2004
screamingeagle said:
It should be noted that Presidente Jorge said that Samaria and Judue are areas that Isreal occupied in 1967 and should give back. Samaria and Judea were occupied in 1948 by Jordan (Under British leadership) in 1948 and liberated in 1967. I think Jorge is trying to play both sides at the same time. Only a year left...

Spoken like a true zionist. I couldn't find Samaria and Judea on the current map of the world. People don't realize that there is still a strong zionist movement that is intent on conquering or as screamingeagle puts it "liberating" all of greater Judea. That is why they still occupy land outside their border. We here about radical islam all the time, but what about state-sponsored "radical-judiasm?"

Sorry screamingeagle and guest301 but I just get real tired of the Israel cheerleading and the muslim bashing that Accompanies it. The muslim bashing is a neocon trick that I won't fall for and neither will most on this board.
Oct 24, 2005
If you are using the map provided by the Palestinian Authority, you won't find Israel either.
Samaria and Judea are the traditional names of the regions now called by the MSM as the "West Bank."

I try not to bash the Moslems, but their arragence and ignorance is overwhelming. Can you imagine any other religion that would riot because of a teddy bear? When gas is over $3.00 a gallon, it is hard to defend them.
We should be nice to each other. If Obama gets in, he might throw all the members of Caste Football into the same Concentration Camp.

BTW, what are neocoms? I cannot find someone who will defind this term. Who are the neocoms.


Nov 25, 2004
screamingeagle said:
If you are using the map provided by the Palestinian Authority, you won't find Israel either.
Samaria and Judea are the traditional names of the regions now called by the MSM as the "West Bank."

I try not to bash the Moslems, but their arragence and ignorance is overwhelming. Can you imagine any other religion that would riot because of a teddy bear? When gas is over $3.00 a gallon, it is hard to defend them.
We should be nice to each other. If Obama gets in, he might throw all the members of Caste Football into the same Concentration Camp.

BTW, what are neocoms? I cannot find someone who will defind this term. Who are the neocoms.

Your asking a board of mostly Christains, atheists, and few sprinklings of other religions to support Jewish Zionism because an ancient map once called it Judea. It ain't gonna fly. The people on this board are just too smart for the usually "blame the moslems" BS and then "please fight the moslems for us" BS. Christians shouldn't give a d@mn about Jewish Zionism. If anything they should kick both Jews and Moslems out of Judea - but that isn't the Christian way - at least not in modern times.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Kaptain Poop said:
screamingeagle said:
It should be noted that Presidente Jorge said that Samaria and Judue are areas that Isreal occupied in 1967 and should give back. Samaria and Judea were occupied in 1948 by Jordan (Under British leadership) in 1948 and liberated in 1967. I think Jorge is trying to play both sides at the same time. Only a year left...

Spoken like a true zionist. I couldn't find Samaria and Judea on the current map of the world. People don't realize that there is still a strong zionist movement that is intent on conquering or as screamingeagle puts it "liberating" all of greater Judea. That is why they still occupy land outside their border. We here about radical islam all the time, but what about state-sponsored "radical-judiasm?"

Sorry screamingeagle and guest301 but I just get real tired of the Israel cheerleading and the muslim bashing that Accompanies it. The muslim bashing is a neocon trick that I won't fall for and neither will most on this board.

What's the big deal Kaptain Poop. There are plenty of Jew-bashing and muslim excuse making on Caste football threads and very very few of the Opposite point of view. So what if screaming eagle puts a opposite view in play. You Anti-Zionists are the super majority around here(at least those who bother to post) and why be threatened or overly annoyed with a opposite posting? I can't even remember the last time I even remotely posted something Pro-Israel here. It's a waste of time for me, a needless distraction for why I am here and no minds will be changed. But you go for it Screaming Eagle if you are up to the abuse for doing so.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I thought screamingeagle was describing Bush's attitude toward the region, not his own.

For the record, I stand against both pro-Israeli Christians and anti-Israeli Muslims simply because neither of them have the best interests of the United States of America at heart.

As for the definition of 'neocom,' I don't know the term, either. But if you mean 'neo- con, well, Google (and wikipedia) are your friend:

Are you a neocon?



Apr 14, 2005
screamingeagle said:
Somebody asked me who is the worst president in the history of the US. Without hesitation, I said it would be Barack Obama if he is ever elected.

Sorry but LBJ is the worst ever with George W running a close 2nd


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
whiteCB said:
screamingeagle said:
Somebody asked me who is the worst president in the history of the US. Without hesitation, I said it would be Barack Obama if he is ever elected.

Sorry but LBJ is the worst ever with George W running a close 2nd

And don't forget "misery index" Jimmy Carter and Slick Willie. I have issues with FDR as well. The new deal entitlement programs have ruined us.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Good one C Darwin!
I hadn't yet heard of the neo-coms, but Hillary fits the bill feaux shwah.


Nov 2, 2004
George Bush takes his orders directly from New World Order central and Jerusalem. He is not an American. He is a Skull-and-Bones Zionazi. He has plenty of time left as the Israeli President of the United States to erect a cruel war against the entire Middle East.

I'm not sure what all this jibber-jabber about Judea and Samaria and Tel Aviv Beach is all about. Who cares? The message is that You Don't Count. You are a White American, and You Don't Count. All that counts is what Jerusalem wants and what the New World Order Satori want. George will have his war, and it will negatively affect all of us

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
C Darwin said:
screamingeagle said:
BTW, what are neocoms? I cannot find someone who will defind this term. Who are the neocoms.

Egg on my face. Maybe I should have made better use of Google (and wikipedia) myself.

Good one, though. Edited by: White Shogun
Jan 5, 2005
United States
2,000 years is a long time. When discussing the modern state of Israel, it is impossible to draw a direct lineage to the State that existed around 1 AD. The claim of modern Israel is based and almost entirely supported around the idea that the land was promised them by God, which is supported by ancient texts that were written down by Jewish hands.<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

So basically, we have a group of people who, backed by the U.N., displaced people who had been living on the land we now call Israel based upon not only a claim written down over 2,000 years ago, but that they are the people named in that claim. Think about that. That's like me saying that I am entitled to land in Denmark because I say I'm of Saxon heritage and they lived there 2,000 years ago by the decree of Odin.

There is no evidence that modern Israelis are the direct descendants of the Jews that were sent into the Diaspora by the Romans. They clearly take in converts (including the entire nation of Khazaria), who should have no claim to that land, and they clearly have mixed with non-Jewish inhabitants of the nations they emigrated to, which in 2,000 years (given 3 generations in 100 years) could result in someone having a statistically insignificant amount of true Jewish blood running through their veins (In just 60 generations or 2,000 years someone could be considered Jewish, given that they come from a line where the original maternal Jew mixed with a non-Jew and each generation followed suit, with 1/576,460,752,303,423,000th Jewish blood in them.).

In a very real example, the same logic could be used by the United Nations to grant Mestizo's ownership of the Southwestern United States based upon their mythological belief that it is the homeland of the Aztec people. This belief of course is supported by nothing more then their claim to not only BE the Aztec people (of which clearly most of them are not) but their claim that the land of Aztlan was theirs at some point thousands of years ago, and is promised by THEIR god to be theirs again. Do you think Americans would just stand by and allow the Mestizo's to come and occupy their land without a fight?

I have no problem with people moving into a land and taking possession of it. It's the way of the world. My problem is with the way modern Israel accomplished their task. In occupying the land of Israel, they defamed the Germans, transferred a massive amount of wealth from White people (in the form of reparations for the supposed Holocaust, as well as tax dollars in the form of foreign aid) destabilized the middle East which resulted in the loss of a Christian nation (as Lebanon was swamped with Muslim refugees who tilted the balance of power against the ruling Christian government) and became actively involved in manipulating White governments through the power of international banking (which has long been controlled by Jewry), media manipulation and subversive measures (U.S.S. Liberty, Nuclear Espionage against the U.S., etc.). I believe it is dishonorable to behave in this manner, and I believe Israel should be forced to stand on her own two feet and face those who believe she should not exist without the aid of the White Nations. I personally don't care if she extends her border all the way to the Sea of Japan, as long as Whites are not forced through manipulative tactics to participate.

Edited by: reclaimsocal

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Another excellent post, socal. I have pointed out the comparison of the U.S. Southwest to the Jews claims for Israel myself. It's a perfect example.