The Madness of a Lost Society


Nov 28, 2009
Yes, it's "madness", but I also believe it's intentional destruction of America and the West by the PTB. Americans have simply become sheep and utterly dumbed-down and I believe that is intentional too.

Just looked at the Fed list of bailouts and Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank were the biggest recipients. This was OUR taxpayer dollars. I'm sure China and Saudi Arabia, etc. got a bunch too. All this crap that people bought on Black Friday went to foreign companies and countries.

Everyone should go see the movie "Inside Job" to see how deep the corruption is now. All of the Universities are now a part of it too.
Jan 27, 2009
In the woods at my still.
The only good thing i can see in this is if we have an economic breakdown, the people in the video
will be the first to get chopped up.......
Edited by: lost


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Although I could have posted this article in many other threads here in the happy hour section, it just seems fitting in this one, as it illustrates the disdain for the masses that our ruling class has. It's actually rather amusing in a twisted sort of way:

December 03, 2010
<H1>Lame Ducks At Work</H1>Nancy Morgan

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As Paul Bedard of US News warns of an imminent stock market crash if Congress fails to extend the Bush tax cuts by December 15, our lame duck Congress continues to focus its efforts on other priorities.

The House yesterday passed and sent on to Obama for his signature a $4.5 billion "child nutrition bill" that would ban greasy foods and sugary drinks from schools. This legislation is being hailed as "groundbreaking" and will help our benevolent First Lady in her effort to establish 6,000 salad bars in schools across the nation. Michelle believes you can both lead a horse to water and make him drink.

As 2 million Americans face the loss of their jobless benefits just in time for Christmas, our elected representatives in the House were busy approving a $4.6 billion payout to black farmers and American Indians. Apparently they were discriminated against and these billions of our tax dollars are now necessary to soothe their hurt feelings.

As the latest jobless report showed claims continuing to increase, the Obama administration was congratulating itself on their brave decision to extend the ban on offshore drilling in Florida. The 6,000 jobs sacrificed by this ban were necessary, Obama claims, because of "safety concerns."

This ban followed on the heels of another Obama decision to set aside a "critical habitat" for polar bears in Alaska. This legislation was deemed necessary, despite the fact that it could add restrictions to future offshore drilling for oil and gas. Compassion for polar bears trumps higher gas prices. I kid you not.

While hundreds of freezing Americans lined up in Georgia yesterday to obtain government assistance for heating their homes, Congress was otherwise engaged. The House was busy passing a bill that would prevent advertisers from abruptly raising the volume to catch the attention of viewers wandering off when regular programming is interrupted.

Last week, Congress ignored the news that Iran's first nuclear power plant in the southern port city of Bushehr has started operations. And today, news comes that North Korea has added more multiple-launch rockets capable of hitting the South Korean capital. Yawn. Congress is otherwise occupied spending precious time trying to validate gays by allowing them to serve openly in the military.

Also ignored by our lame duck Congress was yesterday's report that premiums for employer-sponsored family health insurance increased an average of 41 percent across states from 2003 to 2009, more than three times faster than median incomes. Congress was otherwise occupied addressing the vital National Homeless Persons Memorial Day issue

Despite the fact that one of the largest union-administered health-insurance funds in New York is dropping coverage for the children of more than 30,000 low-wage home attendants, our Democrat-run Congress continues to insist that ObamaCare is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Not to worry. If you have connections, you might join 111 other entities in obtaining an exemption from the onerous regulations mandated by Obamacare.

As America's economy continues its downward spiral, news comes that the U.S. will probably be bailing out Europe. This, in addition to the millions of our tax dollars that we just found out were sent to overseas banks earlier this year.

Again, no need to worry. The IRS is stepping up enforcement efforts in order to ensure that greedy wealthy people are brought to account and forced to pay "their fair share." Hey, socking the rich plays better than actually cracking down on the $3.3 billion bucks government worker owe in tax arrears.

I'm not making this stuff up and this article is not satire. Welcome to Obama's America. And will the last one out please exercise eco-responsibility and shut off the lights (or blow out the candles).

Nancy Morgan is a columnist and news editor for conservative news site <a href="" target="_blank">
</A>She lives in South Carlina
Page Printed from: at December 03

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I don't see the stock market crashing, as mentioned in the article; a sustained bull market is more likely as corporations and banks are once again reporting record profits. The trillions of dollars of "bailout" money went to those at the top of the economic and social food chain and they are quite happy with the ongoing "recovery." As for everyone else, we are the neo-feudal serfs as the middle class continues to be systematically eliminated.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
Society's Insanity Plea

I could have posted this in many treads but this article by Mike Adams helps explain what's causing this Lost Society's madness. It explains how we are being poisoned and intentionally dumbed down by Big Agra and Big Pharma. A good read, especially for those who are "health conscience".

Society's insanity plea: the real cause behind global mass poisoning and the downfall of modern civilization

(NaturalNews) There are over five thousand species of mammals on planet Earth, but only one of them is insane. It also turns out there is only one species of mammal that intentionally poisons itself (and its children) by injecting toxic, neuro-damaging chemicals into most members of the species. That species is, of course, homo sapiens.

If you look around the planet these days, you see tens of thousands of species of mammals, birds, reptiles and even insects. Five things all these have in common is:

1) None of them eat processed foods. They innately eat raw, unprocessed, uncooked foods from nature.

2) None of them take prescription medications.

3) None of them inject their offspring with toxic vaccines laced with hidden chemicals.

4) None of them practice mechanized chemical agriculture / monoculture.

5) None of them live in delusional, artificial worlds of TV or the internet.

Yet humans, the most insane species on the planet, routinely engage in all five of these things, poisoning their own bodies, minds and children with heavy metals, pesticides, mercury, vaccine adjuvants, mind-altering medications, chemical solvents, GMOs and delusional mind programming.

And so it's not really a surprise to see where this brings us. Today our society is dominated by images of power hungry perverts (like Anthony Weiner) running for mayor, pathological liars in the White House, diabolically imbalanced artists like Lady Gaga headlining the music scene, brain-dead teleprompter readers delivering the evening news and MSNBC hosts preaching infanticide (baby killing) by calling it "post-birth abortion."

What is the root cause of all this insanity? It's POISON. Physical, chemical, biological poison.

Humans are poisoning themselves to death

Consider these shocking truths of modern society:

• Our food is intentionally laced with chemical poisons to make it look red (sodium nitrite), or taste savory (MSG), or last longer on the shelves (chemical preservatives).

• Our medicines are laced with fluorine molecules to make them highly reactive to brain cells (SSRIs).

• Our vaccines our formulated with trace levels of brain-damaging methyl mercury and chemical adjuvants to provoke an "inflammatory" response in the immune system which also happens to cause autism, seizures and brain damage.

• Our lawns are sprayed with synthetic poisons that cause Alzheimer's and depression.

• Our water supply is used as a toxic waste dump to dispose of fluoride compound chemicals that would otherwise have to be handled as toxic waste.

• Food intended for human consumption is intentionally stripped of most minerals, vitamins and nutrients to promote the maximum disease, while food intended for ranch animal consumption is fortified with minerals, vitamins and nutrients to promote maximum health. (If you don't realize your food is stripped of nutrition, ask yourself why your sugar and bread are both white when the plants they come from are green and brown...)

• The media teaches the public that nutrition is useless but that prescription medications are "essential nutrients" required for healthy living.

• There is lead in cosmetics, cadmium in rice, arsenic in seaweed, mercury in vaccines and aluminum in almost everything. The human race is being heavily poisoned with heavy metals.

These toxins cause brain damage

The cumulative effect of metals poisoning, fluoride poisoning, pesticide poisoning, vaccine poisoning and food additive poisoning is biochemical brain damage.

We are living in a society where 90% or more of the population is literally brain damaged beyond repair. This is why irrationality has gone wild everywhere you look. It's why people keep buying the same poisons that have already poisoned them while turning to medications to mask the symptoms of that poisoning, thereby poisoning themselves even further with the meds.

It's why the No. 1 treatment for cancer is a chemical ****tail ("chemotherapy") which causes, as its top side effect, more cancer. And it's why a rapidly-expanding subset of the population is now utterly unable to read, to parse words, to speak in coherent sentences or even to engage in anything resembling rational discourse.

The ramifications of this epidemic of brain damage are bewildering. For starters, the entire system of justice and democracy upon which our republic is based is contingent upon people being sane. The sacred concept of a "jury of your peers" depends on your peers being sane. The idea of voting for public office also requires sane voters in order to achieve sane outcomes, and the "free market" system of capitalism and consumer choice assumes that consumers make rational decisions to drive that market.

But they don't. Consumers are brain damaged, then brainwashed, dumbed-down and manipulated. Voters are deluded and intentionally confused. Juries are manipulated and misinformed. In every sector of society where a group of sane people was supposed to restore balance and reason, we now have insane people driving society even further into the ground.

We are living in an era of metals poisoning, chemicals poisoning and information poisoning

Never before in the history of the world has the toxic burden on human beings been so great (and tragic). Never before has the chasm between the sane and the insane become so wide (and so dangerous). We are living in an era where rationality is alien to the masses. As a very simple example, it matters nothing to the voters that Obama has violated virtually every single campaign promise he made in the elections, including labeling GMOs, closing Guantanamo Bay, reducing the federal budget deficit, protecting whistleblowers, improving government transparency, providing affordable government health care and protecting the Constitution.

He has grossly violated each and every one of these promises, yet his supporters somehow continue to believe in him. Such a belief is utterly irrational. It is, in fact, insane.

But it is no more insane than the beliefs of those who blindly supported the Bush administration, or the Clinton administration, or any administration for that matter. What blind supporters all have in common is that they are brain damaged and therefore unable to think rationally.

The situation has become so perverse that anyone who exhibits even a trace of rationality is immediately and publicly despised. For example, those who see the impending economic collapse (such as Paul Craig Roberts and Gerald Celente) are widely ridiculed for understanding economics and finance. Those who see the rapid construction of the police state society taking place right now (like Alex Jones) are branded conspiracy theorists. Those who expose the dangers of GMOs or the criminality of the pharmaceutical industry (like myself) are branded "anti-science" because we aren't tricked by the quack science dogma of the for-profit biotech industry.

Only brain-damaged people are now considered "normal" because that's what is publicly accepted. As a personal example of this, I have a younger distant relative who was a mathematical genius is grade school. He could multiply two 3-digit numbers in his head in mere seconds and was on track to becoming a math genius superstar. But as he entered middle school, he discovered that being smart made you unpopular. So he dumbed himself down and began to act stupid in order to fit in. He became very popular with the "in" crowd and abandoned his mathematical genius.

To this day he has never resurrected his genius, yet he falls for the common delusion of today's youth who all believe they will have "jobs waiting for me" when they get out of college. The truth is that this kid gave up his only real advantage and now faces a life of mediocrity and conformity.

This is the problem: When the incidence of brain damage across society is so widespread that exhibiting intelligent behavior gets you shunned as an outcast, society is already in its final stage of collapse. You are watching it unfold.

Why Americans of the 1950's were our greatest generation

Adults who ran society in the 1950's were raised on real foods in the 1920's and 30's. Those foods consisted, in large part, fresh home-grown garden foods. GMOs didn't exist. Toxic vaccines were barely on the radar. Chemical food additives were rarely consumed and pharmaceuticals were considered medicines to be used exclusively on sick people, not the entire population.

As a result, most people who lived in the 1950's strived to be healthy and intelligent. Many were outright geniuses by today's standards. The grade school mathematics taught in the 1950's included subjects that, today, are college courses: algebra and basic geometry, for example. Ten-year-old kids in the 1950's could read classic American novels. Today's kids can barely read comic books.

Engineers and scientists of the 1950's were brilliant, healthy and hip. With nothing more than simple, mechanical slide rules, they could perform high-level mathematics that would make today's college professors cower in awe. But today's scientists are often just corporate hacks spewing fraudulent science on patented medications or GMO seeds.

In the late 1940's and throughout the 1950's, Big Food cranked up its factories, churning out processed, nutrient depleted foods at a pace never before witnessed in the history of human civilization. So the kids of the 1960's got raised on "imitation" foods -- things that looked and tasted nutritious but lacked any real nourishment. By the 1970's, they were all eating white bread and getting shot up with vaccines formulated with hidden cancer viruses like SV40.

As the 1980's rolled in, Americans who were raised on imitation foods became pathetic and lazy, and in the 1990's they became delusional, falling for the dot-com boom which soon became a bust. By the early 2000's, America had fully entered "brain damage" mode which was only exacerbated by the arrival of George W. Bush, the nation's first truly brain-damaged president who had difficulty completing sentences or finishing thoughts, which is apparently what made him so popular with voters who shared the same cognitive disability.

The children raised in the early 1990's on prescription medications and junk foods are now society's young voters. They are Obama supporters, and they're heavily damaged with metals, pesticides, vaccines, GMOs and synthetic chemicals. This generation is wholly incapable of learning or grasping even basic concepts of mathematics, history, science or even language. Functionally illiterate and cognitively nullified, they are the new "zero-class workers" upon which the Obama economy is based. They have no skills, no reason and essentially no value to society other than simple manual labor skills which will soon be replaced by humanoid robots.

Yet here in America, they still have a vote. That's exactly why political campaigns will continue to pander to their ignorance, defying all rationality in the quest for proxy popular support from the great masses of the truly clueless.

Rush Limbaugh calls these people "low-information" voters. But he's only half right about that. They aren't merely low information; they're clinically brain damaged. Because you can throw all the information you want at them but none of it sticks. The brains no longer possess the neurology to store, process and retrieve meaningful information.

In effect, they are no longer functioning members of a civilized society.

You are surrounded by the brain damaged masses

These people are everywhere around you, sitting on your local city council, taking your order at the restaurant, shuffling paperwork at the local insurance business office, pouring the concrete slab for your next house, and even diagnosing your health symptoms at the local clinic. They are the society you see around you, and they are the reason that society is crumbling.

They are victims, of course... victims of the deadly "scientific" dogma of chemicals, GMOs, quack medicines and toxic vaccines. The damage, however, is now so widespread and so complete that society will never recover. From here, it's all downhill with the lobotomized masses until society hits bottom and a massive die-off ensues.

One day, rationality and intelligence will once again be valued as attributed to admire and encourage in our youth. When that day comes, you will be witnessing the rebirth of a civilization that rises from the ashes of our present-day "brain damaged" society. Historians will consider the era from 2000 - 2020 to be the most bizarre in human history, of course, where broken neurology led to broken societies... and ultimately to global collapse that caused the mass die-off.

The lesson in all this? When food is no longer nutritive, and instead becomes a carrier for poison, society cannot survive. If you want to fix society, you have to fix the food first.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Rush Limbaugh calls these people "low-information" voters. But he's only half right about that. They aren't merely low information; they're clinically brain damaged. Because you can throw all the information you want at them but none of it sticks. The brains no longer possess the neurology to store, process and retrieve meaningful information.

In effect, they are no longer functioning members of a civilized society.

Good article, scary but good.

I've spent the past 30 years trying to wake Americans up, but as the writer above notes, "it doesn't stick." Even if you have a meaningful conversation with someone, usually the next time you see them it's like starting all over again from a blank slate; whatever knowledge and wisdom you tried to impart to them was quickly overcome and overwhelmed and thus forgotten by the mass media culture that they mindlessly absorb every day. I don't know if it's all caused by poisoning, but it's a definite phenomenon found in the masses. I've been convinced for a long time that there's a very limited group of Americans in which the light bulb is capable of going on. But however small it is, it's worth it to try and reach new people with truth.
Dec 10, 2012
Good article, scary but good.

I've spent the past 30 years trying to wake Americans up, but as the writer above notes, "it doesn't stick."..
But however small it is, it's worth it to try and reach new people with truth.

Something that I've never figured out, is why did America's cultural/& moral transformation accelerate so quickly with the baby-boomer generation. A lot of America's traditional moral & racial attitudes had been static for generations.

The high divorce rates, obsessive political correctness, basically cultural & political Liberalism @ all levels seemed to be elevated by that generation.
What caused the uniquely profound fracture between them and their parent's beliefs (?)

Every generation rebels to a degree against the previous one.. But baby-boomers really went off the grid. All the modern cultural shifts on racial, sexual, moral attitudes seem to be the direct work of baby boomer thinkers/activists..
am I missing somethin' (?)

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Something that I've never figured out, is why did America's cultural/& moral transformation accelerate so quickly with the baby-boomer generation. A lot of America's traditional moral & racial attitudes had been static for generations.

The high divorce rates, obsessive political correctness, basically cultural & political Liberalism @ all levels seemed to be elevated by that generation.
What caused the uniquely profound fracture between them and their parent's beliefs (?)

Every generation rebels to a degree against the previous one.. But baby-boomers really went off the grid. All the modern cultural shifts on racial, sexual, moral attitudes seem to be the direct work of baby boomer thinkers/activists..
am I missing somethin' (?)

I don't claim to have the exact answer, but as a Christian, I will say one thing I believe was the cause of our moral breakdown was, that The Bible was permanently taken out of public schools in 1963 and made way for a new liberal way of thinking from so-called humanist intellectuals who think they're smarter than God..........Furthermore,, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, HE GAVE THEM OVER TO A DEPRAVED MIND, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, murder, God haters, etc.....Romans: 1;28-32' please, if you haven't read The Bible, read the book of Romans, very prophetic, whether you're a Christian or not!

We are living the way the Romans did in their time of self-proclaimed greatness... looked what happened, it's just a matter of time.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I don't claim to have the exact answer, but as a Christian, I will say one thing I believe was the cause of our moral breakdown was, that The Bible was permanently taken out of public schools in 1963 and made way for a new liberal way of thinking from so-called humanist intellectuals who think they're smarter than God..........Furthermore,, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, HE GAVE THEM OVER TO A DEPRAVED MIND, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, murder, God haters, etc.....Romans: 1;28-32' please, if you haven't read The Bible, read the book of Romans, very prophetic, whether you're a Christian or not!

We are living the way the Romans did in their time of self-proclaimed greatness... looked what happened, it's just a matter of time.

I agree with you, Carolina Speed, and I would add that going back even further, as the people of the U.S. became successful and prosperous, they got lazy and started to focus on material things to a larger and larger degree. Now entertainment is almost a constant in our society, from the cradle to the grave. When you are being entertained you aren't paying attention to what is really going on around you. In many ways our advances and success as a country have helped hurt us, or we've allowed them to.

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
I agree with you, Carolina Speed, and I would add that going back even further, as the people of the U.S. became successful and prosperous, they got lazy and started to focus on material things to a larger and larger degree. Now entertainment is almost a constant in our society, from the cradle to the grave. When you are being entertained you aren't paying attention to what is really going on around you. In many ways our advances and success as a country have helped hurt us, or we've allowed them to.

Excellent point CR, as the parents of the post war era became successful and lazy they were lulled into a false sense of security and the secular humanists were there to capitalize. Many examples of this in the Bible of how people sometimes come to worship material things in life instead of God and as
God says when you turn your eyes from him and on yourself, it can only lead to destruction. I think everyone here can agree this is happening to the U.S.

However there is good news in II Chronicles 7:14, the Bible says, " if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sin and will heal their land.

CR, I don't know what it's going to take for this country to get back the way it used to be, but it's really disturbing to think what else we could witness in our lifetime!


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Yes, it is very disturbing to think about. The best thing we can do is to be as prepared, spiritually, emotionally, and physically as possible for whatever may happen.