The "Klitschko" movie trailer...

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I expect the film will have very limited exposure in this country.
Those who control the mass media will probably see to that.

It might only be shown at the Tribeca Film Festival in lower Manhattan.
ww said:
I expect the film will have very limited exposure in this country. Those who control the mass media will probably see to that.

"Vitali Breaks All The Rules"

The opening Youtube image, which doesn't show up here, tells the story.
But thats the great thing about the internet, the jewish media can't hide this from us now.

From what I can dig up, the movie will open in German theaters around the first of June,
and in a few months they will haveit online with english subtitles.
And also, site's like YouTube and the boxing forums will be full of clips
So the media need not hide it because they cant!
Edited by: lost
IMDB says it opens up June 16. I guess they mean in the USA, but maybe that's just for the yuppies and metrosexuals in Tribeca. I doubt if it will be shown at local movie theaters. That wouldn't suit the Hollywood agenda, and I think everyone here (except Mister 2Stoopid)
knows what that is. But yeah, hopefully it will be available online.
Here's the Tribeca Film Festival schedule;3301=170176&amp;curView=browseDetail&amp;sortBy=title

It's actually scheduled to open this Sunday, the 24th, at a theater on West 23rd Street. Too bad I'm not still in NYC. Well, not really.
American Freedom News