The Jetsons

Sean Carlisle said:
Let's just say none of the characters were black. What would that say about the future Deus?

It would suggest there is hope for the future!

Seriously, though as long as this esteemed collection of well-adjusted adults is engaged in discussing cartoons, let us not forget the best, most pro-white major cartoon ever broadcast on network TV: Jonny Quest.

Jonny Quest featured great characters, engaged in healthy adventures. They were intelligent, curious, honorable and courageous. Hell, the only cartoon name better than "Jonny Quest" was his Dad's sidekick, "Race Bannon."
white is right said:
The only major studio that wasn't Jewish controlled was United Artists. It was founded by Chaplin, Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks Sr(he was Jewish). MGM and Warner Brothers were both Jewish owned. These days I think United Artists is owned by a multi-national conglomerate.

Chaplin was Jewish as well, I believe. He was notoriously lustful, and his favorite targets were young white starlets.
sport historian said:
You might check out an article by Roger McGrath in the August Chronicles Magazine.

Got a link? I went to and couldn't find the article.

And back to the Jetsons... I believe those 24 eps aired on ABC in the 1962-63 season, which was the third season (of a six-season run) for "The Flintstones". IMO "The Jetsons" is an example of a series packing quite a lot of excitement into a one-season run.

In the mid-'80s "The Jetsons" actually came back with a couple of seasons of all new, syndicated episodes, airing weekdays in the late afternoon/afterschool block, mixed in with the episodes from 62-63 (whose laugh tracks were erased to keep in line with the newly minted eps).

If you visited the 1964-65 New York World's Fair (I didn't; I was three years old in '64 and my folks left me with my grandparents while they went up
, but I would not have remembered anyway
), or have seen pictures thereof, you would get a good feel for the architecture in the Jetsons' world, just by looking at the outsides of the different pavilions. All that was missing was those motorized flying bubbles!

According to legend, the Jews became involved in the movie industry because no one else wanted the job. It was considered a low class industry. These were fearful men. They came from areas that if you said the wrong word, the cossacks would burn down your village. They did not want to insult Christians but were unsure of what to do.
the Jewish owners formed an alliance with the Roman Catholic church. Catholics are the largest christian denomination, and are not forbidden by doctrine to see movies. All the RCC wanted was that there would be no anti-catholic films and no obscene movies. The anti-catholic part was easy, but what is obscene? That is often, even today, is hard to define. Easy, just let the catholics decide. The catholics were the censors. The comic book industry used the same strategy.
The catholics could also deliver an audience. They thought the "Knute Rocke story" was a football story, catholics saw it a catholic movie. They flocked to see "Boys Town," and those movies with Bing Crosby as a priest. When I seen a movie from the 30's and 40's, I do not remember any proestant minister. There were no movies about Martin Luther or John Calvin.
After WWII, jews worried less about pograms, and relied less on the Catholic censors. Movies have gone downhill since.
The day the music died(when it came to movies) was the day Midnight Cowboy was made. After that seamy movies were in vogue.
Even at the dawn of Hollywood, the ethnicity of those who dominated the decision-making process was very evident. For instance, in that supposedly "patriotic" age, why wasn't there a single movie made about George Washington, or Thomas Jefferson, or Benjamin Franklin or John Adams? Hollywood specialized in making bio-pics of far lesser known historical figures, but curiously steered clear of the founding fathers, and the whole revolutionary age in general.

There is some question as to whether Charlie Chaplin was Jewish; many sources say yes, others say no. At any rate, her certainly seemed to sympathize with the Soviet Union.

On the subject of the Jetsons, when you watch that show now, are any of you filled with the same kind of disappointment that I am, over how the future has actually turned out? Where are those cool flying cars? We're still driving the same kind of gas-guzzlers, and flying in almost the same airplanes. The predictions made about the future, on shows like that and at the World's Fair, were certainly a lot more exciting than the reality. Other than the crucial invention of personal computers, we really haven't made a lot of progress.
#1 Ward Cleaver was an architect. His service in the Seabees during WWII is often referenced throughout the show.

#2 The Flintstones was a primetime show shown in the same hour block with Johnny Quest (which is still a damn good cartoon).

Yes, most of everything shown on television and the movie screen is crap with a social democratic twist. There are a few exceptions.

King of the Hill is one example. Hank Hill is a conservative, traditionalist white guy from TEXAS of all places. He is competent and commanding. The women are portrayed as floozies, morons or ersatz, self-centered types. The Laotian immigrant neighbor is a braying, bigoted jackass. Every story centers around Hank confronting liberal vagaries or classic human weaknesses and beating them. It is well written and hilarious without being dirty. The humor is plain, straight forward and laced with brilliant insights. The bad guys are frequently lefties.

Mike Judge created King of the Hill. He is also responsible for Beavis and Butthead, which was grossly misunderstood when it first came out.

Come to think of it, King of the Hill deserves its own thread.
Midnight cowboy was the first X-rated movie to win an oscar. This made sleeze respecable. Ironically, John Voight is speaking out for John Mccain and conservatives.
The Graduate was another sleezy movie. I forgot if that came out before or after Midnight Cowboy. Both have Dustin Hoffman in them. Hmmm, is Hoffman the guy who destroyed Hollywood?
Many would date the sea tide change in movies withBonnie and Clyde. It was hyper-violent and had a countercultural "crimminal as hero against the system" theme.
Bonnie and Clyde could also be viewed as the tide changing movie. It had excessive violence for it's time. I would say the Graduate was the model T of the new movie themes and values. It danced around the seamy nature of Midnight Cowboy and other later movies. Those movies all made Rebel without a Cause seem Mary Poppins like .......
Edited by: white is right
screamingeagle said:
According to legend, the Jews became involved in the movie industry because no one else wanted the job.

Nothing could be further from the truth. A lengthy but interesting read. Learn how Thomas Edison and Walt Disney were jewed and how the Chosen gained control of Hollywood.

"Jews had now taken over control of Disney. They used the Touchstone and Miramax to make racy and anti-Christian movies that Walt Disney would never have allowed at his studio. Although gays were prohibited from any activities at Disneyland while Walt was alive, after the Jewish takeover, Eisner openly invited and courted homosexual groups to hold "dances" and events at the theme parks.<?:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /><O:p></O:p>

As we go to press a number of magazines have carried news articles gloating over how "Disney would be turning in his grave" if he knew what had now happened to his theme parks and movie productions.<O:p></O:p>

From the very beginning Disney was considered a "goy" outsider by the Jews who stole from Thomas Edison. They had defied the "goy" Edison and by their tenacity had beaten him. They blocked out Disney because he wasn't one of the self "chosen" and Disney had to fight his whole life to break into the closed Jewish society called Hollywood.<O:p></O:p>

Disney didn't like Jews and used every means at his disposal to counter them. According to Eliot, Disney at an early age had been informed by his father about the self "chosen" and how they operated."
Bart said:
Although gays were prohibited from any activities at Disneyland while Walt was alive, after the Jewish takeover, Eisner openly invited and courted homosexual groups to hold "dances" and events at the theme parks.<?:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /><O:p></O:p>

Disney is a thoroughly homosexual corporation now. In fact, many (but not enough) Americans are aware of the Jewish nature of Hollywood, but far fewer are aware that male homosexuals have taken over not just the media but the government as well. The District of Corruption -- and the "conservative" Republican Party even more so than the Democrats -- is full of closeted and uncloseted male homosexuals. The Jeff Gannon scandal, almost completely swept under the rug by the corporate media, is indicative of the influence the "alternative lifestylists" have in D.C. from the president on down.
Things are so bad in Capitol Hill, that if I see a Republican blustering about family values, I think one he is a closeted gay or he has prostitutes on speed dial.....
If a Democrat is urban and gay he can be pretty open about it. Look at Barney Frank he openly had gay prostitutes going in and out of his office and he was elected repeatedly in his Boston congressional district....
The death of Walt Disney. That is what brought down Hollywood! Ever since he died, the quality has gone downhill.
white is right said:
Things are so bad in Capitol Hill, that if I see a Republican blustering about family values, I think one he is a closeted gay or he has prostitutes on speed dial.....
If a Democrat is urban and gay he can be pretty open about it. Look at Barney Frank he openly had gay prostitutes going in and out of his office and he was elected repeatedly in his Boston congressional district....

Supposedly, when Frank was pressed by the GOP, he threatened to "open the books" all all the closeted RINOs he had dirt on. Further proof the GOP & DNC are 2 sides of the same Globalist Elite controlled coin!
What interesting directions this thread has taken! From George Jetson to Barney Frank! Well ... Let me introduce of piece of Jetson-ism to you, and see if anybody remembers. I am an old codger, you know.

George was a mid-level manager/engineer in "Spacely's Sprockets" corporation, run by the portly but paranoid Mr. Spacely. Jetson and Spaceley enjoyed (or perhaps dreaded) a love-hate relationship. Jetson frequently came up with innovative ideas to increase productivity at Spacely's Sprockets, despite his being a mid-level shop-floor kind of guy. So Spacely used to listen/watch closely to Jetson -- he had good ideas. And sometimes it got Jetson in trouble with jealous, more senior management!

Also in play was Spaceley's main competitor. Why it was none other than "Cogswell's Cogs" run by a slick, and perhaps unscrupulous, Mr. Cogswell. Cogswell and Spaceley engaged in nearly non-stop backstabbing in the grab for inter-galactic market share (it was implied that their components were important to some sort of space travel). Cogswell was a great judge of talent -- he noticed Jetson! And tried to steal him away from Spaceley nearly every episode of The Jetsons.

But Cogswell would often be disappointed in what he got out of Jetson, who occasionally would leak company secrets or suggest neat ideas to Cogswell. George would play his boss off against the company's main competitor! A lot of balls for a mid-level manager in a 1960s cartoon sitcom. Ultimately, Cogswell would send Jetson back to Spaceley because he discovered another of George Jetson's attributes: Laziness! George would promise Cogswell, but not always deliver. Sometimes it was unclear why Jetson was unable, usually, to complete the handoff to Cogswell. Was it a subconscious loyalty to Spaceley? Did he find Cogswell to be too unscrupulous?

There was plot tension in The Jetsons! And well-developed characters too. Try to find that in today's world of nihilistic bullkrappe cartoons a la Ren and Stimpy. I admired George Jetson. He worked a super low-stress job, was fawned over by his boss, and had the most beautiful wife in the universe.Edited by: Realgeorge
Realgeorge said:
I admired George Jetson. He worked a super low-stress job, was fawned over by his boss, and had the most beautiful wife in the universe.

"Daughter Judy" was a hot little number, too!
I never heard a better feminine faint than from Judy Jetson! (And not just over Jet Screamer.)

And let us not forget Elroy and his ham ra.., er, intergalactic stereoscopic (or whatever it was called).

As for Astro, he was cuter than Scooby-Doo, a doggie whom H-B should have put to sleep LONG before he'd accumulated too many dog years. Heck. Wonderdog on "SuperFriends" was cuter and more noble than the Grating Dane of H-B.

Didn't care much for the shade of Jane's hair, though.

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