I'll repost my "rant" from the Jeremy Lin thread here also, because as long as we're only dreaming about wonderful solutions without doing anything to work towards them, Whites, at least in America, will continue to rapidly hurtle toward marginalization and worse. At least in Europe there are active and vigorous nationalist political parties in nearly every country. But in the U.S., Whites don't even try, it's always excuses and premature obituaries, never action. Repost:
If you want to see something like that (a united White Europe), it can only happen through a long and painful process. We can't begin to talk about something like that when we are currently at zero organizationally. Step 1 is to join the American Freedom Party, hopefully as an activist but at the least as a paid annual member, and realize that an organization, an idea, a dream, can only be fulfilled if one is willing to stick with something when it is small and weak and do what he can to help it grow. Otherwise we have no future.
I know, the reasons not to support a pro-White political party are endless. Someone was part of a "third" party in the past and it didn't succeed therefore he'll never help another one. The next one won't support a small third party until it succeeds, thereby guaranteeing that it won't. The next one is afraid of having his name and address appear on any mailing lists. The next one was ordered by his wife or girlfriend not to get involved and he meekly obeyed. The next one is just too busy. The next one read the party platform but one issue he disagrees on so he prefers not to join. The next one has lots of great ideas for the few people actually willing to be activists to implement.
And on and on it goes. And when Whites do attempt to organize, they quickly engage in infighting, and everyone wants a title of some kind. Cats should be insulted by the phrase "as hard to herd as cats," because White people are far worse when it comes to coherent, organized action.
The internet has only compounded the situation. The internet is great, but just as it has brought us together as a virtual community, it has made it easier than ever to come up with excuses not to do anything more than post, and as the decline in posting on even an effective and pioneering site like Caste Football illustrates, even that is too much to ask of most aware Whites.
The internet has allowed there to be far more widespread dissemination of information, which is wonderful, but it's just as obvious that after almost 20 years, the internet is not going to save Whites from the present situation.
What is? It may well be too late, but no one knows the future. In the late 1980s, no one believed that in a few years the Berlin Wall would no longer exist, nor the Soviet Union. The power structure in the United States is determined to rule the world, but it has myriad difficulties in all areas domestically and overseas, not to mention it's morally and financially bankrupt. It's far from omnipotent. But it continues to prevail mainly because the one group that should be organized to oppose it -- White Americans, the main victim of deindustrialization and globalization -- is a sadsack collection of apathetic whiners -- and I'm referring to racially aware Whites, not DWFs.
It's going to take hard work, lots of grunt work, to effect positive change. Right now, we're still posting brilliantly but otherwise doing nothing but hoping the system somehow collapses without being pushed, and that in the aftermath a pro-White system miraculously rises from the ashes. To put it in posting jargon, lolol.
Our only hope is to roll up our sleeves, submerge our egos, and begin the long march through the institutions that our enemy did. The system is now so corrupt that it probably doesn't need much of a push to develop some huge cracks, but as long as there's no organized opposition, only hoped-for solutions without working towards them, then we're doomed.
Disclaimer: I'm not addressing anyone in particular, only venting after 30 years of trying to wake up Americans and finding over and over again that the biggest impediment is the vast majority of those who know what's going on, at least in part, but make excuses over and over again for not being willing to leave their comfort zone even a little bit. Right now we're nothing but pathetic dreamers and losers.
Wow, this is a great post which states the absolute and uncompromising truth that racially aware whites need to read. All members of the site should read this post and the post should be stickied! I have to say as a member of this site, it's very much an informative, learning experience for me coming on this site and familiarizing myself with various opinions of users who post here. I consider myself fortunate to post here, and I was pro-white before coming to this site, but since coming here Ive gained further perspectives thanks to reading the posts of others. Ive learned new ideas and perspectives.
For racially aware whites, its a question of organizing ourselves, being productive, and working towards common goals. That is the only way our situation and rights will experience improvement. As an additional note I would say it is imperative that racially aware whites try to "convert" other whites to pro-white/far right wing thinking. I personally spend a lot of time doing that in real life.
Posting anonymously online isn't enough. Anyone who truly belives in the topics and issues discussed on this site should involve themselves in some sort of real life activism as well. Personally I have posted my personal pictures on this site and one of the reasons I do that is because
*I want to be public* about my political, racial, and social views, and I realize that the only way white issues will be improved is by people being public and non-apologetic about their views. In my personal, social, and love life, I am honest and public about my racial views and actually I find it empowering. I consider myself pro-Caucasian and pro-white (this means I support white, Arab, Persian, and some Hispanic issues). It hasn't damaged my friendships, dating relationships or career at all. Granted, I live in Canada, which is less anti-white than USA, but still. What's interesting as well is that as a pro-white man, many of my friends are Arabs and Persians, and even some Browns (Indians and Pakis) and they are completely aware of my pro Caucasian, pro white views and OK with it. As a white male, I also date many Middle Eastern Muslim females and they are completely aware of my views.
One of the problems I find in real life, is that there aren't many resources available to people who are pro-white and want to connect with other pro-white people. For example, here where I live in Toronto, there literally aren't any pro-white, pro-Caucasian, or pro-European groups that one can go to and volunteer in. There are some soft conservative groups but, not right wing enough for my tastes and they ignore all the important issues like Zionism and race. Here in Toronto, my dream is to establish some sort of pro-Caucasian group which would work to improve relations between whites and (Christian, Bahai, Zoroastrian and Muslim) Middle Easterners and focus on Caucasian goals and issues.
If I was in the USA I would certainly join your party and do my best to contribute towards it.
However, in my own opinion sometimes I think that whites in the US would be better to organize themselves and form their own community. We have to be honest about demographic trends in the USA and it won`t be that long until whites are a minority. At that point, any sort of democratic solution would be almost impossible (if its not already). So, what Im saying is that I`m not sure that a political party designed to gain power within the existing system is the best way to go about it.
Ultimately I am in complete agreement with your main point though:
whites need to organize themselves and work towards common objectives. Posting online isn`t enough. Lack of organization among racially aware whites has strongly contributed to leftist victories in public policy and the media. In my own opinion, it begins with being honest, unapologetic, and upfront about your views in your personal life. Since becoming public in my personal life about my pro-white views, I haven`t lost any friends at all. Actually, its given me a unique position in that I am able to convince other whites (particularly males) as to why they should be pro-white. Its empowering on many levels.
It just takes a few people to start the ball rolling and I really think that since Ive came out as being pro white in my own social circle. Many other white males are probably close to coming out as well and
it certainly changes people`s opinions when they see normal everyday people admitting they are prowhite and providing non-hateful, rational arguments to support their views. Basically, what Im saying is that a good first step to take is to be honest about your views with friends, family and so on.