Rick Morrissey
of The Chicago Tribune is suffering from a never before diagnosed disease in the U.S. called "NHL Media Overkill-itis":
Winter Classic hype too much to bear
I'm looking forward to the Blackhawks' game at Wrigley Field for two reasons.
1. The game.
2. The end of the game.
I'm not sure I've ever seen anything like the buildup for the Winter Classic, the outdoor game between the Hawks and the Red Wings to be played on New Year's Day. I understand the goose-bump factor here: It's very cool for an NHL game to be played in the elements and even cooler for it to be played in one of the cathedrals of baseball.
But, my goodness. You would think the pope were coming to Wrigley to announce his conversion to Scientology.
Full idiotic article: [url]http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/hockey/blackhawks/chi-2 8-morrisseydec28,0,1915877.column [/url]
Winter Classic hype too much to bear
I'm looking forward to the Blackhawks' game at Wrigley Field for two reasons.
1. The game.
2. The end of the game.
I'm not sure I've ever seen anything like the buildup for the Winter Classic, the outdoor game between the Hawks and the Red Wings to be played on New Year's Day. I understand the goose-bump factor here: It's very cool for an NHL game to be played in the elements and even cooler for it to be played in one of the cathedrals of baseball.
But, my goodness. You would think the pope were coming to Wrigley to announce his conversion to Scientology.
Full idiotic article: [url]http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/hockey/blackhawks/chi-2 8-morrisseydec28,0,1915877.column [/url]