The Hispanic Pastime


Oct 21, 2004
I just can't understand the stupidity of those who run Major League
Baseball. For the past few decades, they have purposely ignored their
hardcore, traditional fans with a slew of distasteful changes.
Astrotuf. Softball-stye uniforms. Four divsions, with League
Championship series. The Designated Hitter. Player Strike after player
strike, with complete owner capitulation every time. More divisions,
with wild card teams. Interleague play. Incredibly rich players, with
no toughness, many questionable injuries and absolutely atrocious
attitudes towards fans. What's next; a game clock? A home run derby to
replace extra innings?

Baseball has always been my favorite sport, but I really lost interest
in it about five strikes ago. I grew up loving the old Washington
Senators, and yearned for baseball to retuirn to the nation's capital.
With the new Washington Nationals arriving this season, and their
unexpected success, I have begun following baseball a little bit again.
However, it is really hard to get into things when every other player
is named Jose or Pedro. In the case of the Nationals, they have a
mind-boggling number of Hispanics and/or blacks. I grew up rooting for
guys like Del Unser; it just isn't the same rooting for Jose Guillen
and company. I'm sorry, but it defies belief that a near-majority
(it might be a majority for all I know) of Major League baseball
players come from tiny islands like the Dominican Republic. With all
the well organized little leagues and camps in this country, how can
there not be far more outstanding white American baseball players than
outstanding Venezuelan or Domincian Republic players? Much like the
question of how there can be more outstanding white European basketball
players than outstanding white American players, I think the only
rational answer is that powerful forces are making it happen, for their
own social engineering purposes. Baseball is still proclaimed to the
"national pastime." If you just look at the names on the rosters, that
nation isn't the U.S.A.
Don posted an interesting article about this awhile back. Link
It is a shame to see the sport being over-run with immigrants. It makes you wonder where it will lead. All these college guys are white Americans, and they get stuck in the minors. You can't tell me most of them aren't good enough to play in the Bigs. As always, the question remains, what do we do about it.
American Freedom News