The Greatest Danger from Obama

I am still waiting for them to prove that BHO is an american citizen.

Sigh. I remember when we were a nation of laws and the constitution mattered. Now I know what Germans must have felt like when Hitler was elected.Edited by: screamingeagle
Reb, the n's are shooting off fire works. A lot of libs and Jews have Obama signs in their yards so maybe its them. I though the Hispanics were going to surprise the Jewish controlled media and voted against the black because hispanics don't like blacks so I thought.

The jews are going to have a bitter sweet feeling when their anti-white hero pulls out USA out of their Iraq war. The jews will have to get someone else to do their dirty work there for them or do it themselves.
That is why Liebermann(D) supported MCcain so strongly.
God save the white man! I understand he protects fools right?
Obama isn't going to turn his back on Israel, or withdraw troops from Iraq over night. I just don't see it happening. Just like the article Don posted, there is little actual real difference between the two candidates.
Furina, wow, shooting off fireworks, eh? Glad I'm not in the Deep South right now. I told all my friends back there to sleep a little closer to their guns for the next few nights. I'm not looking forward to going back there later this week for just that reason.
They stopped. I live in a white neighborhood but a black/hispanic area is literally a block away as the crow flies. Three blocks on foot or car. For Halloween I turned my lights out and the blacks still knocked. At one point there were so many on my front lawn it looked like an old time set from a Tarzan movie.
I think some may be surprised by how little the status quo changes.USA Inc. isan empire with two nearly identical parties that are in lockstep on all important issues. The idea that Obama is going to have all this unilateral leeway and that he'll use it to turn the U.S. into Liberia, it's not going to happen. Immigration policy and anti-white policies in general, supported by both monopoly parties, will continue to rapidly change America's demographic makeup and its values. The Caste System will continue, the media will continue its pro-corporate, anti-white agenda the same as it would have with McCain as their front man in the White House.

This election is symbolic of the coming non-white future, but the CFR, the Bilderbergers, the zionists, the corporate chieftains and the rest of the power structure are going to continue to shape policy. It's going to take an effective, fairly broad-based, non-Republicrat opposition to change the country's direction. Ron Paul got the ball rolling and it's up to the many millions who agree with him to keep building a counter-culture to the Washington/New York/Hollywood axis.Edited by: Don Wassall
I have commented to a few of my friends that I wonder how long it will take before blacks disown Obama and start calling him an oreo or talking about his white half. I don't think he is going to be able to do all the things for them they are expecting. I can't recall who said it, maybe Chris Rock, but was something like this is the United State of America, not the United States of Negroes and they had to cut the brother some slack.
About 40 years ago whites started suffering from "Afluenza" and started having 2 or 3 kids at most if any and having them later in life. On top of that blacks and other non whites kept having large numbers of children at even younger ages due to welfare. On top of that non white legal and illegal immigration picked up dramatically due to legislation against white friendly immigration laws and in many cases lack of legislation and systematic lack of enforcement. That is the real issue. The almighty dollar is insignificant in relation to our very existence. The white race would be better off realizing that and getting away from the materialism mind set that the Jews have hapily led us to. I agree that Obama is a mere footnote compared to our concrete problems.
But if a black man can lead, can a white man run?

And I don't mean to be funny, but will people realize that if anything the country is currently pro-black and that there could be a discrimination against the white athlete that the general public has the blinders on to?

I mean if a black man can be President, surely a white man could run for 1000 yards in the NFL right?
The other countries of the world, including China, aren't going to continue to let Washington borrow hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars to finance its spending. Just as the debt-based (and smoke and mirrors based) financial system gave way, Washington is no longer going to be able to wage wars all over the globe and maintain a giant welfare state at home. Obama is almost a messianic figure right now, but reality is going to quickly intrude on his agenda and the expectations of his followers. I think we have to look at his coming administration as a great opportunity to build healthy white awareness. Not mindless black-bashing, which iscounterproductive,but intelligent and forward-looking white consciousness.
Don Wassall said:
The other countries of the world, including China, aren't going to continue to let Washington borrow hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars to finance its spending.  Just as the debt-based (and smoke and mirrors based) financial system gave way, Washington is no longer going to be able to wage wars all over the globe and maintain a giant welfare state at home.  Obama is almost a messianic figure right now, but reality is going to quickly intrude on his agenda and the expectations of his followers.  I think we have to look at his coming administration as a great opportunity to build healthy white awareness.  Not mindless black-bashing, which is counterproductive, but intelligent and forward-looking white consciousness.

I agree with most of the above post.
Obama's mantra of acceptance of all is really a farce. He supports partial birth abortion (so much for "youth support"). He of course supports AA politics; more so than McCain. There will be more hard economic times ahead, with further acelleration of government waste and Obama will lose some of his clout.

Also if a black man can become President, will whites continue to accept the media elite idea that whites are truly closet racists? Obama got a higher percentage of the white vote than Kerry did. I hope this wakes whites up to the system of discrimination in place.

God willing people will begin to see things like sports with an aware eye. I voted for McCain, but maybe some good can come of this.

Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
PhillyBirds said:
Thankfully, not a whole lot of Obama supporters in Central PA. Should Barack win, I feel as if I'll escape the worst of it.

Too bad the people of Pennsylvania reelected that race-traiting scumbag, Jack Murtha.
White Shogun said:
I have commented to a few of my friends that I wonder how long it will take before blacks disown Obama and start calling him an oreo or talking about his white half.

Not long at all. O'Reilly of the ( conservative)
Fox networkangry over Obama criticism. I edited some of the offensive word to fit guidelines. The hammer seems to be coming down.

[url] bill-oreilly-demands-fbi-investigate-woman-for-saying-fk-oba ma/[/url]
<H2>Bill O'Reilly demands FBI investigate woman for saying "F* Obama"</H2>
<DIV =post-entry>

I'm not making this up. Maybe white conservatives who are the bulk of mainstream Republicans will finally start realizing that FOX News, far from being conservative, is just as hell bent on this Diversity and Hate Speech agenda that's rapidly criminalizing free thought in America as the rest of the MSM is.

Some religious nut of a black woman made a video of herself teaching a toddler to say "F* Obama" and "he's not my president." Then she started babbling the nonsense that he's not really black, but White/Arab, and he's the antichrist, 666 and all that. Gives Obama the finger, too.

And Bill O'Reilly shows the video on his program, and calls for the FBI to investigate this woman.

Investigate her? For what?

For not showing the proper respect to Obama.

That's the only "crime" this woman has committed. There's no doubt she's a religious kook, and an all around goofball, and is raising her kid to have a foul mouth, but since when are those crimes? From what I've seen, most black kids that age have been using the F word from before they were weaned.

But BO wants the FBI to pay her a visit, and it's not because a toddler is using the F word. First off, that's none of the federal government's business, and if it were, the FBI would never stop kicking down doors in the ghetto.

No, it's because she's saying rude things about Obama. Things which, no matter how offensive, are perfectly legal. But they wont' be much longer if O'Reilly has his way. Because, as he says in the video, "people have to be held accountable for this stuff."
Funny, no one has ever been held accountable for trashing Bush for eight years. I mean, they've written entire books about how idiotic Bush is, how stupid he is, how evil he is, how chimp-like... I don't like Bush, either, but I certainly don't want anybody to serve jail time or even pay a fine or attend 'anti-discrimination training' for expressing their opinion about him.
It has been revealed why the Obama-palloza was so peaceful in Grant Park. &0% of the tickets went to white people and the other 30% went to older blacks. The unticket crowd was kept a distance away. BHO was placed behind bulletproof plexiglass to protect him from Happy Fire.
It was so Trumph of the Will-ish.
I can't remember if this was the thread that talked about Obama and media bias towards him, but this Washington Post makes the case for Obama-philia:

A Giddy Sense of Boosterism

By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, November 17, 2008; C01

Perhaps it was the announcement that NBC News is coming out with a DVD titled "Yes We Can: The Barack Obama Story." Or that ABC and USA Today are rushing out a book on the election. Or that HBO has snapped up a documentary on Obama's campaign.

Perhaps it was the Newsweek commemorative issue -- "Obama's American Dream" -- filled with so many iconic images and such stirring prose that it could have been campaign literature. Or the Time cover depicting Obama as FDR, complete with jaunty cigarette holder.

Are the media capable of merchandizing the moment, packaging a president-elect for profit? Yes, they are.

What's troubling here goes beyond the clanging of cash registers. Media outlets have always tried to make a few bucks off the next big thing. The endless campaign is over, and there's nothing wrong with the country pulling together, however briefly, behind its new leader. But we seem to have crossed a cultural line into mythmaking.

"The Obamas' New Life!" blares People's cover, with a shot of the family. "New home, new friends, new puppy!" Us Weekly goes with a Barack quote: "I Think I'm a Pretty Cool Dad." The Chicago Tribune trumpets that Michelle "is poised to be the new Oprah and the next Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis -- combined!" for the fashion world.

Whew! Are journalists fostering the notion that Obama is invincible, the leader of what the New York Times dubbed "Generation O"?

Each writer, each publication, seems to reach for more eye-popping superlatives. "OBAMAISM -- It's a Kind of Religion," says New York magazine. "Those of us too young to have known JFK's Camelot are going to have our own giddy Camelot II to enrapture and entertain us," Kurt Andersen writes. The New York Post has already christened it "BAM-A-LOT."

"Here we are," writes Salon's Rebecca Traister, "oohing and aahing over what they'll be wearing, and what they'll be eating, what kind of dog they'll be getting, what bedrooms they'll be living in, and what schools they'll be attending. It feels better than good to sniff and snurfle through the Obamas' tastes and habits. . . . Who knew we had in us the capacity to fall for this kind of idealized Americana again?"

But aren't media people supposed to resist this kind of hyperventilating?

"Obama is a figure, especially in pop culture, in a way that most new presidents are not," historian Michael Beschloss says. "Young people who may not be interested in the details of NAFTA or foreign policy just think Obama is cool, and they're interested in him. Being cool can really help a new president."

So can a sense of optimism, reflected on USA Today's front page. "Poll: Hopes soaring for Obama, administration," the headline said, with 65 percent saying "the USA will be better off 4 years from now."

But what happens when adulation gives way to the messy, incremental process of governing? When Obama has to confront a deep-rooted financial crisis, two wars and a political system whose default setting is gridlock? When he makes decisions that inevitably disappoint some of his boosters?

"We're celebrating a moment as much as a man, I think," says Newsweek Editor Jon Meacham, whose new issue, out today, compares Obama to Lincoln. "Given our racial history, an hour or two of commemoration seems appropriate. But there is no doubt that the glow of the moment will fade, and I am sure the coverage will reflect that in due course."

One of the few magazines to strike a skeptical tone is the London-based Economist, which endorsed Obama. "With such a victory come unreasonably great expectations," its lead editorial says.

Web worship of Obama is nearly limitless. On YouTube alone, the Obama Girl song, "I've Got a Crush on Obama," has been viewed 11.7 million times. Even an unadorned video of the candidate's election night speech in Chicago has drawn 3.5 million views.

I am not trying to diminish the sheer improbability of what this African American politician, a virtual unknown four years ago, has accomplished. Every one of us views his victory through a personal lens. I thought of growing up in a "Leave It to Beaver" era, when there were no blacks in leading television roles until Bill Cosby was tapped as the co-star of "I Spy" in 1965. When the Watts riots broke out that year, the Los Angeles Times sent an advertising salesman to cover it because the paper had no black reporters. The country has traveled light-years since then.

It is hard to find a precedent in American history. Ronald Reagan was a marquee star because of his Hollywood career, but mainly among older voters, since he made his last movie 16 years before winning the White House in 1980. Jack Kennedy was a more formal figure after winning the 1960 election -- "trying to look older than he was, because he thought youth was a handicap in running for president," Beschloss says -- but quickly took on larger-than-life dimensions.

"The Kennedy buildup goes on," James MacGregor Burns wrote in the New Republic in the spring of 1961. "The adjectives tumble over one another. He is not only the handsomest, the best-dressed, the most articulate, and graceful as a gazelle. He is omniscient; he swallows and digests whole books in minutes; he confounds experts with his superior knowledge of their field. He is omnipotent."

Soon afterward, Kennedy blundered into the Bay of Pigs debacle.

The media would be remiss if they didn't reflect the sense of unadulterated joy that greeted Obama's election, both here and around the world, and the pride even among those who opposed him. Newspapers were stunned and delighted at the voracious demand for post-election editions, prompting The Washington Post and other papers to print hundreds of thousands of extra copies and pocket the change. (When else have we felt so loved lately?) Demand for inaugural tickets has been unprecedented. Barack is suddenly a hot baby name. Record companies are releasing hip-hop songs, by the likes of Jay-Z and Will.I.Am, with such titles as "Pop Champagne for Barack." Consumers, the Los Angeles Times reports, are buying up "Obama-themed T-shirts, buttons, bobblehead dolls, coffee mugs, wine bottles, magnets, greeting cards, neon signs, mobile phones and framed art prints."

A barrage of Obama-related books are in the works. Newsweek's quadrennial election volume is titled "A Long Time Coming: The Historic, Combative, Expensive and Inspiring 2008 Election and the Victory of Barack Obama." Publishers obviously see a bull market.

MSNBC, which was accused of cheerleading for the Democratic nominee during the campaign, is running promos that say: "Barack Obama, America's 44th president. Watch as a leader renews America's promise." What are viewers to make of that?

There is always a level of excitement when a new president is coming to town -- new aides to profile, new policies to dissect, new family members to follow. But can anyone imagine this kind of media frenzy if John McCain had managed to win?

Obama's days of walking on water won't last indefinitely. His chroniclers will need a new story line. And sometime after Jan. 20, they will wade back into reality.

[url] /16/AR2008111602374_pf.html[/url]
We may get a good feel of what it was like to live in the 1930s, economically anyway. Socially and demographically we'refar more third world now than then.

Obama Plans Largest Building Program Since 1950s

President-elect Barack Obama said he'll make the "single largest new investment" in roads, bridges and public buildings since the Eisenhower Administration to lift the sagging economy and create jobs.

Obama, in his weekly radio speech today, said his plan to create or preserve 2.5 million jobs will also include making public buildings more energy efficient, repairing schools and modernizing health care with electronic medical records.

"We won't just throw money at the problem," he said. "We'll measure progress by the reforms we make and the results we achieve -- by the jobs we create, by the energy we save, by whether America is more competitive in the world."

Obama spoke a day after a government report showed employers in the U.S. slashed 533,000 jobs last month, the biggest decline in 34 years. The job losses are "another painful reminder of the serious economic challenge our country is facing," Obama said.

The speech offered the first details of Obama's job- creation program. He said the investment in infrastructure will be the largest since President Dwight D. Eisenhower created the interstate highway system a half-century ago.

full article: [url];sid=aBcP iaRqqffg&amp;refer=worldwide[/url]
He is throwing money at problems. He doesn't even know what the problems are.
I am worried about this man. He has yet to prove he is an american citizen. How hard is it to hire a good forger to create phony documents? If he cannot do this, how is he going to handle the big issues? Edited by: screamingeagle
the latest lie about Obama being born in Hawaii has been thoroughly de-bunked.

Retired teacher cited as proof but she claims no first-hand knowledge

Posted: January 26, 2009
8:25 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

A New York woman (Barbara Nelson) quoted as saying she "remembers" the birth of Barack Obama and who was hailed as independent evidence of the president's eligibility to occupy the Oval office has told WND that's not exactly how things happened.

Instead, she told WND she could provide no specifics about the birth.

The interview by the Buffalo News with Barbara Nelson was cited by the Democratic Underground website under the headline "Independent Confirmation of Obama's Birth." ...

WND has reported on the many lawsuits filed in recent months that allege in various ways that Obama does not meet the "natural born citizen" clause of the U.S. Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, which reads, "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President."

Some allege his birth took place in Kenya, and his mother was a minor at the time of his birth - too young to confer American citizenship. The cases argue Obama's father, Barack Obama Sr., was a Kenyan citizen subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom at the time and would have handed down British citizenship.

There also are questions raised about Obama's move to Indonesia when he was a child and his attendance at school there when only Indonesian citizens were allowed and his trip to Pakistan in the 1980s when such travel was forbidden to American citizens.

Obama supporters jumped on the Buffalo paper's story when Nelson said she may be the only person left "who specifically remembers his birth."

The report said: "When Barack Hussein Obama places his hand on the Bible today to take the oath of office as 44th president of the United States, Barbara Nelson of Kenmore will undoubtedly think back to the day he was born. It was Aug. 4, 1961, at Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women & Children in Honolulu."

But Nelson told WND her knowledge of the birth came only from a physician, Dr. Rodney West, with whom she was dining, and the subject was brought up because of the mother's novel name and the "musical" name of the son, Barack Hussein Obama. She told WND the conversation also was memorable because Obama's mother's name was Stanley, named after her father, and the son also was named after his father.

However, Nelson told WND today, "I don't know in what capacity [West] knew about this particular birth."

She said the birth and the unusual names arose in a conversation with West, a leader in the development of obstetrics services throughout Hawaii before Obama was born.

However, she said the assumption that West delivered the baby, or that she said that, were just wrong. ...

The lawsuits over Obama's eligibility, however, remain pending ...

also, here is more of the "change" Obama promised.

Racism of the Congressional Black Caucus
President's spokesman cites 'membership policies' as explanation

Posted: January 26, 2009
10:16 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

At least three times racism has raised its head in recent days during the assembly and implementation of the new administration of President Barack Obama, and now his chief spokesman has cited "membership policies" as an explanation for the all-whites-are-banned practice of the Congressional Black Caucus.

Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs responded to the question from Les Kinsolving, WND's correspondent at the White House, following the conclusion of today's press briefing at the White House.

"To your knowledge has the president ever disagreed with the expressed hope that children 'could live in a nation where they would not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character' as made by Dr. King," Kinsolving asked.

"Has he ever...," Gibbs asked.

"Disagreed," Kinsolving finished.

"Not that I know of, no. I think he believes that's the goal of this country," Gibbs said.

Kinsolving continued, "Since the members of Congress who have applied to join the Congressional Black Caucus have been turned down because, as the black caucus' William Lacey Clay put it, 'they are white and the caucus is black,' my question: Does the president hope the caucus will stop this racial discrimination?"

"I will certainly look into... I don't know what ... prompted Mr. Clay...," Gibbs said.

"There have been three of them who have applied and they've been turned down because they are not black, and that is the policy of the Congressional Black Caucus, and if you can ask the president, I would be delighted to hear," Kinsolving said.

"I think the first thing to do is ask members of...," Gibbs aid.

"I have. I have," Kinsolving confirmed.

"...what their membership policies are," Gibbs said.

WND reported previously that the issue has been around for some time, at least since U.S. Rep. Pete Stark, D-Calif., was refused permission to join the organization because of his race.

Kinsolving recently documented in his WND column how Anh ("Joseph") Cao, the Vietnamese-American Republican from Louisiana who defeated the re-election bid of New Orleans Democrat William Jefferson, expressed an interest in joining because the district he represents is predominantly black.

Also, in 2007, Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., who is white, pledged to apply for membership during his election campaign to represent his constituents, who were 60 percent black. It was reported that although the bylaws of the caucus do not make race a prerequisite for membership, former and current members of the caucus agreed that the group should remain "exclusively black."

Kinsolving reported then Clay said, "Mr. Cohen asked for admission, and he got his answer. He's white and the caucus is black. It's time to move on. We have racial policies to pursue and we are pursuing them, as Mr. Cohen has learned. It's an unwritten rule. It's understood."

Kinsolving said Clay later issued an official statement from his office:

"Quite simply, Rep. Cohen will have to accept what the rest of the country will have to accept - there has been an unofficial congressional white caucus for over 200 years, and now it's our turn to say who can join the 'the club.' He does not, and cannot, meet the membership criteria, unless he can change his skin color. Primarily, we are concerned with the needs and concerns of the black population, and we will not allow white America to infringe on those objectives," the Clay statement said.

so, to clarify. according to negroes, all black = good and should be continued. all white = horribly racist, more horrible than words can describe, and should be stopped immediately with groveling apologies and money to be doled out to the poor oppressed victims.

less than a month in, and Obama has already completely abandoned his election pledges.

6 broken promises:
1. Make Government Open and Transparent
2. Make it "Impossible" for Congressmen to slip in Pork Barrel Projects
3. Meetings where laws are written will be more open to the public
4. No more secrecy
5. Public will have 5 days to look at a Bill
7. We will put every pork barrel project online

Obama: 'Public 5 days to look at every bill that lands on my desk

so much for the "change" he promised. now, just hope he leaves us some "change" in our pockets.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
less than a month in, and Obama has already completely abandoned his election pledges.

6 broken promises:
1. Make Government Open and Transparent
2. Make it "Impossible" for Congressmen to slip in Pork Barrel Projects
3. Meetings where laws are written will be more open to the public
4. No more secrecy
5. Public will have 5 days to look at a Bill
7. We will put every pork barrel project online

Obama: 'Public 5 days to look at every bill that lands on my desk

so much for the "change" he promised. now, just hope he leaves us some "change" in our pockets.

You mean a politician lied to get into office!!! That's an outrage! How could all the people who voted for him have any idea that he was going to lie to them? What is this country coming to!
The best thing I have to say about him so far is that he has at least managed to piss off Reid and what's her face within the first 60 days. Hope that's a harbinger of things to come.
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="98%" align=center><T>
<TD colSpan=2 ="title">Obama's Forced Servitude Agenda Moves Foward</TD></TR>
<TD ="textsmall">Published on03-19-2009</TD></TR></T></T></TABLE>

By: Lee Rogers

The push towards mandatory national service took another step today with the U.S. House of Representatives voting in favor of the Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act otherwise known as the GIVE Act.The bill was passed 321-105 and with a similar bill working its way through the U.S. Senate called the Serve America Act, it seems clear that a national service bill in some form will be passed into law.National service is of course a major part of Barack Obama's incremental agenda to implement a global prison system of total dehumanization and enslavement. The GIVE Act will setup a commission to explore the prospect of mandatory national service, indicating yet another small step towards their great dream of involuntary forced government servitude.

In section 6104 of the bill under subsection b, there is a list of specific topics that the newly formed Congressional Commission on Civic Service would explore.One of the items in this subsection states that the Commission would determine if a reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed.Below is the excerpt in its entirety.

(6) Whether a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed, and how such a requirement could be implemented in a manner that would strengthen the social fabric of the Nation and overcome civic challenges by bringing together people from diverse economic, ethnic, and educational backgrounds.

First off, there is no such thing as workable, fair and reasonable mandatory service.Mandatory service is just a politically correct term for indentured servitude or enslavement.On top of this, it sounds as if this Commission would be attempting to figure out a way to setup a Hitler Youth like program considering the language in the aforementioned item. It is interesting to see how most bills that attempt to erode liberty have strong bi-partisan support.The reason for this is because there are no differences between Republicans and Democrats besides superficial differences that are only generated for the purposes of public consumption.

In addition, this bill is a huge waste of money.We are in the midst of an economic crisis and these clowns in Washington DC want to funnel more Federal Reserve Notes into government to try to get people involved in national service?Maybe if the economy didn't suck so bad because of the insane government spending and the trillions of monies being created out of thin air by the Federal Reserve, we'd see more people volunteering.

With more and more people increasingly worried about the state of the economy, one of the last things on most people's minds is national service.It is outrageous that they would propose to establish a Commission to figure out a way to make national service a mandatory requirement for young people. As crazy as all of this is, this is an already admitted part of Obama's collectivist agenda.

Unfortunately, while everybody is distracted by the manufactured AIG dog and pony show over executive bonuses, this legislation is being pushed through with very little press and fanfare.With a Democrat majority in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, the establishment can forego much of the staged political theatre and just pass these horrific bills.It looks as if we will see this disgusting bill become law considering the widespread support the criminals in Washington DC are giving it.

************************************************************ ***********

and more info regarding this socialist bill:;pageId=92288

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="98%" align=center>
<TD vAlign=top colSpan=2>
<DIV =title>House Passes Mandatory National Service Bill H.R. 1388
The House passed a bill yesterday which includes disturbing language indicating young people will be forced to undertake mandatory national service programs as fears about President Barack Obama's promised "civilian national security force" intensify.</TD></TR></T></TABLE>Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood
American Freedom News