The Great Climate Change Scandal

In the midst of record low temperatures across 1/2 of the country, I thought I'd ask where are all the Global Warming theorists now?

Al Gore and his ilk are very quiet. If anyone here, sees or reads any stories on this scandal, please post.

All you have to do is go to Yahoo occasionally, or any of the weather channels to see some sort of "climate change" propaganda. They had a big story about how Australia is having the hottest summer on record, so that's all the proof they need. You saw the story recently about the ship that was stuck in the Antarctic ice for two weeks? None of the news agencies mention that it was an expedition for a bunch of warmers who were going down there to observe the lack of ice!!
.....And just as I mention it, Yahoo has a story:

According to this article, the reason for the cold here is that it's warm in the arctic and all of the cold air is here now due to the "Polar Vortex". We're freezing ourselves with all of this global warming, according to this double-speak article.

edit: This is based on information from NOAA, a government agency. Since they're the government, they have to be right, their isn't any politics being played in these erstwhile agencies.......
Global warming:

5-degree temps forecast for NY, could break 1896 record

By Bob Fredericks and Post Wires

January 6, 2014

USSA isn't the only place hustling the global warming scam. Switzerland imposed a permanent gasoline tax to fight global warming (translation: to make politicians richer and to help put up more "fight racism" billboards and to help the welfare programs for the black africans they are importing).
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Al Gore is too busy counting all the money he made from selling his failed TV station to Qatari owned Al Jazeera. The same Qatar that consumes more fossil fuels per capita than any other country on earth.
All you have to do is go to Yahoo occasionally, or any of the weather channels to see some sort of "climate change" propaganda. They had a big story about how Australia is having the hottest summer on record, so that's all the proof they need. You saw the story recently about the ship that was stuck in the Antarctic ice for two weeks? None of the news agencies mention that it was an expedition for a bunch of warmers who were going down there to observe the lack of ice!!

Yes FootballDad, I saw the story and you're correct that none of the news agencies mentioned that it was a lot of warmers on board, however, I googled global warming and a story there did mention it. How ironic is this story!

Also, I was at least looking for maybe Fox News to have something on one of their shows about it. I don't watch much, but I have seen Joe Bastardi on Hannity debunking Global Warming.
Colder weather IS a sign of global warming. Didn't you know?

Besides it's not "global warming" it's "climate change", colder weather is a CHANGE so the theory is correct.

See how simple it is?
Colder weather IS a sign of global warming. Didn't you know?

Besides it's not "global warming" it's "climate change", colder weather is a CHANGE so the theory is correct.

See how simple it is?

Well right on cue. I was wondering if someone would question the reasoning behind this nonsense. On Hannity this evening he questioned time after time why the government would spend $7.45 billion of research on Global Warming that has changed to "climate change."

All Joe Trippi could say was that climates do change. It gets colder in some places and warmer in others. No mention of "Global" Warming."

These same idiots are the ones that said another "Ice Age" was coming in the 70's to a warming trend 10 years ago. Maybe they were right the first time, because it feels like an ice age is coming down here.:smile: I hope you guys north of us are keeping warm. Be careful up there!
These same idiots are the ones that said another "Ice Age" was coming in the 70's to a warming trend 10 years ago. Maybe they were right the first time, because it feels like an ice age is coming down here

personally, I don't think attempting to forecast weather trends makes scientists idiotic.. The idiotic part is that their global warming forecast has become largely unquestioned Gospel.. Do u remember the series,'In Search of..'? One of my favorite reruns, was the episode forecasting 'The Coming Ice Age'. Like u stated, this was reflecting projections from the late 70s (prior to the global warming Fascism).. peace.

The biggest winter storm to hit us here in the Carolinas in 10 years is here and headed up the east coast. We're getting at least a foot of snow and maybe more!

Watch out CF brothers up north and along the eastern seaboard this is a nasty one!
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The term "global warming" is somewhat misleading, climate change is more accurate.

I'm older than most of you here, and I can't remember a winter where I grew up in the 1960s when the ground wasn't covered with snow from mid-December until early April. Although there were mild and warm spells as the jet stream changed it's path, thaws and cold snaps, the seasons were generally more predictable, with less fluctuation than nowadays.

Unseasonably warm spells and severe cold snaps seem to be occurring much more frequently throughout North America the past 25 years. Where I grew up, now the ground can be without snow in February, and there can be unusual cold well into June.

Where I live now, it seems we're establishing new temperature records every week or two. Last week we set a record for coldest day recorded for several dates, and this afternoon we're near the record warmest for Feb 12.

I remember the first time I went to the top of Blackcomb mountain in late summer, there was a huge glacier behind the peak. I went back fifteen years later, and the glacier was gone.

When I was a schoolboy, I learned about the Caspian and Aral Sea in geography. I was shocked a few years ago to learn the Aral Sea no longer exists! Many other inland lakes such as Lake Chad in Africa have shrunk in size.

The worst environmental degradation is in overpopulated China and other parts of Asia. Many rivers are heavily polluted and the air is becoming lethal.

Bees, essential for pollinating crops, are disappearing around the world.

Environmental problems are all too real, especially loss of biodiversity, and will only get worse as the population continues to increase in Africa and Asia. I've been following this closely since the 1980s, and believe me, there's going to be a rude awakening within a few decades.
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The Aral Sea shrinking has zero to do with climate. The Sovet Union diverted several of the rivers that fed into the Aral Sea during the '60s for agricultural irrigation. The Soviets knew this would kill the sea but they didn't care because they wanted to become a cotton exporter.
The Aral Sea shrinking has zero to do with climate. The Sovet Union diverted several of the rivers that fed into the Aral Sea during the '60s for agricultural irrigation. The Soviets knew this would kill the sea but they didn't care because they wanted to become a cotton exporter.
I didn't say it was due to climate, although that may have been a contributing factor and hotter and drier summers in the area have resulted from it.

It's one of many examples of environmental disasters due to human activities.

However, the disappearance of Blackcomb glacier and Kilimanjaro glacier are the direct result of climate change.
I've had an annoying day. :angry:

I knew snow was coming to Raleigh NC, but I didn't know it was going to come down so fast once it started or that it was going to stick to the roads as quickly as it did...the snow we had a few weeks ago was different, it came down slower and it took a decently long time before it started sticking to the roads. I think the city salted last time and didn't salt this time...what are my tax dollars going towards again?? You can't afford some salt?? I blame myself partially for leaving the house on a day like today, but I expected the roads to be in the same condition as the last big snow we had.

Anyway, I noticed the snow coming down and remember that I had intended to go to Lowes Home Improvement to buy a bale of hay to help keep my rabbits warm. I set off for Lowes and in the timespan that it took me to leave my house and arrive at Lowes (1.5 miles away) the roads went from drive-able to snowy and fishtail-inducing. Almost had an accident on the way there because my truck started sliding.

I buy my hay and head for home. Almost had an accident in the parking lot because some goof tries to rush out in front of me (annoying in good weather, really bad idea in this kind of weather) Can barely get up the hill leading to the main road to get to my house. Driving slow as can be, people fish-tailing, accidents happening all around me already.

Get really close to my house, think I'm home free. Start heading down the hill to my house, and my truck starts sliding against my will into the PT Cruiser in front of me. I tap the back end of it, just barely, but manage to get my vehicle stopped. Think, "coulda been worse, no big deal". Get out of my truck intending to exchange information, PT Cruiser driver yells at me, "Watch out for the car!!" Have to scurry to the opposite side of the road to avoid getting run over. Another vehicle rear-ends mine, then another vehicle side-swipes mine, leaving a huge scratch down the driver's side, tearing up my driver's side mirror, and pushing my truck up onto the curb over somebody's mailbox. :angry: PT Cruiser driver drives off, slides into somebody else's vehicle further down the hill. Cluster***k is the best word to describe it. Called the police, they said there were so many accidents going on at the time that if nobody was hurt we should all just exchange information and file a report later.

Exchange information with Mr. Side-Swiper as frantically as I can, snow falling down getting wet on my paper making the ink blurry, check the back of my truck for damage and don't bother exchanging information with Mr. Rear-Ender because I couldn't see any damage, go talk to the nice lady in the house whose mailbox I knocked over and give her my information and phone number. Super sweet retired lady in her 80s. She also gave me a nice toboggan because she saw how cold I was. :D

Mr. Side-swiper and I both decide to leave our vehicles where they are because everything is just a mess and both of us can walk to our destinations. Get lucky and find a pair of gloves in my glove compartment (doh!). Remember that damn bale of hay in the back of my truck. :mmph: Realize there's really no other option than to carry it home through the neighborhood, looking like a damn fool hefting a bale of hay through a city neighborhood in a snowstorm. Meet up with Mrs. PT Cruiser as I'm walking, offer to exchange information, she declines because there was no damage to her vehicle. :dance: She too was close enough to walk to her destination. I guess it's a blessing we were all so close to where we had to be, but on the other hand, if I had made it just one more block I would have been home safe!!

Finally make it home with my bale of hay, have to walk up the huge hill that my house is on, and throw it in the shed. All wound up now. Make myself some lunch and pace around the house. Suddenly terrified to go outside in case I slip and fall and knock myself unconscious and freeze to death, so I wait for my roommates to get home before I go outside and feed my rabbits. Finally able to give them each their pad of hay. It wasn't worth it.

When the torrent of snow lets up a little, walk back with my roommates to retrieve my vehicle. Nice lady's mailbox is not actually damaged, just the post that it was attached to. We already have a post-hole-digger so we're gonna go put it back up for her when the weather is better. It'll cost us about 12 dollars as opposed to hiring someone which would cost over $100 probably.

Have I mentioned that I HATE snow?? I am hoping will all my heart that this winter has just been a fluke and that it's not gonna continue to get worse with subsequent years. But either way, the South needs to start getting better prepared for this kind of thing, and I need some better tires.

If anyone is buying a vehicle anytime soon, go ahead and get 4-wheel-drive or whatever the hell kind of vehicles handles this weather well. If this winter is any kind of foreshadowing for the future, nothing else will do.
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Climates naturally change. However, there has been substantial, global geo-engineering of weather for years, using HAARP, atmospheric aerosoling (Chemtrails), and NEXRAD to control weather. This has resulted in droughts, flooding, super storms, and anomalous weather everywhere these criminals are allowed to conduct their program.
I didn't say it was due to climate, although that may have been a contributing factor and hotter and drier summers in the area have resulted from it.

It's one of many examples of environmental disasters due to human activities.

However, the disappearance of Blackcomb glacier and Kilimanjaro glacier are the direct result of climate change.

The summers were drier because all the water was being siphoned off.
I've had an annoying day. :angry:

I knew snow was coming to Raleigh NC, but I didn't know it was going to come down so fast once it started or that it was going to stick to the roads as quickly as it did...the snow we had a few weeks ago was different, it came down slower and it took a decently long time before it started sticking to the roads. I think the city salted last time and didn't salt this time...what are my tax dollars going towards again?? You can't afford some salt?? I blame myself partially for leaving the house on a day like today, but I expected the roads to be in the same condition as the last big snow we had.

Anyway, I noticed the snow coming down and remember that I had intended to go to Lowes Home Improvement to buy a bale of hay to help keep my rabbits warm. I set off for Lowes and in the timespan that it took me to leave my house and arrive at Lowes (1.5 miles away) the roads went from drive-able to snowy and fishtail-inducing. Almost had an accident on the way there because my truck started sliding.

I buy my hay and head for home. Almost had an accident in the parking lot because some goof tries to rush out in front of me (annoying in good weather, really bad idea in this kind of weather) Can barely get up the hill leading to the main road to get to my house. Driving slow as can be, people fish-tailing, accidents happening all around me already.

Get really close to my house, think I'm home free. Start heading down the hill to my house, and my truck starts sliding against my will into the PT Cruiser in front of me. I tap the back end of it, just barely, but manage to get my vehicle stopped. Think, "coulda been worse, no big deal". Get out of my truck intending to exchange information, PT Cruiser driver yells at me, "Watch out for the car!!" Have to scurry to the opposite side of the road to avoid getting run over. Another vehicle rear-ends mine, then another vehicle side-swipes mine, leaving a huge scratch down the driver's side, tearing up my driver's side mirror, and pushing my truck up onto the curb over somebody's mailbox. :angry: PT Cruiser driver drives off, slides into somebody else's vehicle further down the hill. Cluster***k is the best word to describe it. Called the police, they said there were so many accidents going on at the time that if nobody was hurt we should all just exchange information and file a report later.

Exchange information with Mr. Side-Swiper as frantically as I can, snow falling down getting wet on my paper making the ink blurry, check the back of my truck for damage and don't bother exchanging information with Mr. Rear-Ender because I couldn't see any damage, go talk to the nice lady in the house whose mailbox I knocked over and give her my information and phone number. Super sweet retired lady in her 80s. She also gave me a nice toboggan because she saw how cold I was. :D

Mr. Side-swiper and I both decide to leave our vehicles where they are because everything is just a mess and both of us can walk to our destinations. Get lucky and find a pair of gloves in my glove compartment (doh!). Remember that damn bale of hay in the back of my truck. :mmph: Realize there's really no other option than to carry it home through the neighborhood, looking like a damn fool hefting a bale of hay through a city neighborhood in a snowstorm. Meet up with Mrs. PT Cruiser as I'm walking, offer to exchange information, she declines because there was no damage to her vehicle. :dance: She too was close enough to walk to her destination. I guess it's a blessing we were all so close to where we had to be, but on the other hand, if I had made it just one more block I would have been home safe!!

Finally make it home with my bale of hay, have to walk up the huge hill that my house is on, and throw it in the shed. All wound up now. Make myself some lunch and pace around the house. Suddenly terrified to go outside in case I slip and fall and knock myself unconscious and freeze to death, so I wait for my roommates to get home before I go outside and feed my rabbits. Finally able to give them each their pad of hay. It wasn't worth it.

When the torrent of snow lets up a little, walk back with my roommates to retrieve my vehicle. Nice lady's mailbox is not actually damaged, just the post that it was attached to. We already have a post-hole-digger so we're gonna go put it back up for her when the weather is better. It'll cost us about 12 dollars as opposed to hiring someone which would cost over $100 probably.

Have I mentioned that I HATE snow?? I am hoping will all my heart that this winter has just been a fluke and that it's not gonna continue to get worse with subsequent years. But either way, the South needs to start getting better prepared for this kind of thing, and I need some better tires.

If anyone is buying a vehicle anytime soon, go ahead and get 4-wheel-drive or whatever the hell kind of vehicles handles this weather well. If this winter is any kind of foreshadowing for the future, nothing else will do.

That's a rough deal. I like to make fun of southerners reaction to snow when they get some but for the most part it's no laughing matter. I lived in the south for a while and it's scary driving when the roads get slick. Even here in the north it takes a couple of snows before people get the hang of it. I own a 4 wheel drive for just that reason. It's been a very cold and snowy winter, so much for global warming. One thing I have learned is that if you are in an accident in a icy area, don't leave the vehicle, because if you've lost control it means the next guy is going to also, better to be wrapped in a metal/plastic box then out on foot.
I believe in climate change, but I do not believe it is man-made. The climate is going to change over time, and people are only inflating their opinion of themselves if they think they cause it. As for driving in snow, you have to get experience driving in it to learn how to do it. If you don't get it very often, that can't happen.
Global warming, now rebranded climate change, is being used by the leftists as a weapon against White people.

The goal, as always, is to destroy White societies and profit while doing so.

They want to destroy the technology of the West and loot the wealth of the West.

This is why valid scientific inquiry regarding this matter is discouraged. The leftists have determined that a belief in global warming is politically useful to their anti-white agenda so they suppress all science that may contradict this view.
Environmental problems are far worse in the third world.

There are no conservationists in many countries. Environmental preservation seems to be something only white people care about. I been around natural history organizations all my life, and I've yet to see a non-white person volunteer for conservation activities.

Watch some good environmental documentaries like The Cove, The 11th Hour and Home.

I don't recommend Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth because it's BS and not scientific.

Environmental problems are all too real. The USA is in much better shape than China, India and other Asian countries.

Air Pollution Conquers Most Cities in China

There are virtually no birds or other wildlife in Haiti, because the negroes have destroyed the natural environment. It's disturbing to see a landscape that was once a tropical forest teeming with biodiversity now with virtually NO plant life.

Haiti is on the left, the Dominican Republic on the right:


Haitian hills stripped bare of vegetation. Looks like a desert, but it's actually a fairly wet climate :

Global warming, now rebranded climate change, is being used by the leftists as a weapon against White people.

The goal, as always, is to destroy White societies and profit while doing so.

They want to destroy the technology of the West and loot the wealth of the West.

This is why valid scientific inquiry regarding this matter is discouraged. The leftists have determined that a belief in global warming is politically useful to their anti-white agenda so they suppress all science that may contradict this view.

What? I'm not trying to single you out, so please don't take offense, but could you elaborate on the "goal, as always, is to destroy white societies". I can't seem to piece together the rationale for this.
American Freedom News