The Future of the World is a Digital Prison

People of China seem to placidly accept everything thrown at them without a peep of rocking the boat. It's truly bizarre. Of course, you could say the U.S. is becoming more and more like that, but it wasn't always the case, unlike China.
People of China seem to placidly accept everything thrown at them without a peep of rocking the boat. It's truly bizarre. Of course, you could say the U.S. is becoming more and more like that, but it wasn't always the case, unlike China.
I think China also remembers their Communist Cultural Revolution. They are a fearful society that has given immeasurably control to the few.

America, on the other hand has grown fat and lazy and content with the easy life, that they will allow their God-given rights to be stripped away rather than disrupt the easy train. I’ve said before many times, until parents cannot feed their children, our rights will erode through complacency.

Once the option of compliance vs feed their children comes, then the population will rise up against the oppressors.
This is a good video by Jay Dyer. He covers the plan for worldwide domination and the removal of all individual rights. He goes over books
from the early 1900's and up where they tell us what's coming. Very eye opening and a good list of reading material.
Individual rights are a relatively recent innovation and frankly one that the ruling caste would prefer we didn’t have.

As for the future being a digital prison I’d say we are already there.

One third of your income is taxed away and your employer is forced to be an unpaid tax collector for the government.

Your house that you supposedly own requires large property taxes. Don’t pay them and you lose your house..

Most states hit you with a 7 percent or more tax on clothes.

The gasoline you buy includes gains for city state taxes.

Your alcohol does too, and of course you pay sales tax on that too.

It’s not exactly classic free market capitalism.
Individual rights are a relatively recent innovation and frankly one that the ruling caste would prefer we didn’t have.

As for the future being a digital prison I’d say we are already there.

One third of your income is taxed away and your employer is forced to be an unpaid tax collector for the government.

Your house that you supposedly own requires large property taxes. Don’t pay them and you lose your house..

Most states hit you with a 7 percent or more tax on clothes.

The gasoline you buy includes gains for city state taxes.

Your alcohol does too, and of course you pay sales tax on that too.

It’s not exactly classic free market capitalism.

All great points but this is a whole different level of control. They want to outlaw home ownership, car ownership, travel by plane or boat,
land, etc. etc. They don't want any of us to be able to own anything. You will even have to lease your cell phones and clothes if they
get their way. You will own nothing and you will be happy. They will have digital money that than can turn on or off based on your
behavior and whether your a good global citizen or not. It's 1984 but worse if it's not stopped. At least now you can find a way to make
money if they turn off your debit or credit cards and bank. In the very near future if they turn off your digital currency you starve to death.
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Is it that hard to stay off the net? Didn't have it for the first 40 years of my life and rarely get on it now. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Is it that hard to stay off the net? Didn't have it for the first 40 years of my life and rarely get on it now. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Yes it is. I need my net. I get withdrawal symptoms if my internet goes out. Info info info. Brain needs info. Plus it helps me hang out with smart people. Many of them smarter than I am.

What's harder though is watching the net slowly get captured and controlled by people who are all too willing the censor others and turn it from a forum for ideas into what I heard someone call a "narrative control apparatus." I've been off TV for three years now and when I do run across it and see a commercial I just shake my head and how malleable and unquestioning people can be.

Merry Christmas Menelik. You had some interesting posts over the years. It's always good to see an old timer drop in for a hello.
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