The Future of the White Race

Jan 13, 2006
The birth rate in Euorpe is about 1.5 children per woman. This being inclusive of immigrant women who average 3 children. In the United States white women average 1.9 children compared to blacks who average 2.5 children and hispanics who average 3.1 children.

Resultingly in America Whites under the age of 18 make up only about 50% of that respective age group. Blacks make up 16% of the 18 and under age group compared to only 10% of the 50+ age group. And Hispanics make up 23 percent of the under 18 age bracket and only 7 percent of those over 50.

In the United States, Europe and in all other prodominatly white nations, whites are fast becomming the minority.

HOWEVER, there is good news. Allow me to explain...

Studies show that rich whites are more likely then poor whites to have children. This being the case in every nation where caucasions live. Even nations such as Brazil and Argentina.

Studies also show that the taller, better looking, smarter, and better personality that a person has the more likely that they are to become weathly or upper middle class. While as the shorter, less attractive, dumber, and less sociable a person is the more likely that person is to be poor.

Whites are the only people in the world other then the Japaneese who are more likely to have children when richer then poorer. With all other groups of people it is the poor who have more children.

So it is possible that while the white race is becomming smaller that it is also becomming more dynamic. Taller, stronger, smarter and more personalble.

The average white American is already slightly taller then the average black American, and the average white person has an IQ score of 100 versus the average black person who has an IQ score of 86. This representing a huge difference in intelligence.

Finally, in addition to the significant genetic differences to be observed and the possibility that the white race is "cleansing itself," of impurities we should also take a look at inter- racial merriage.

Many Phycologists suggest that people marry those of other ethnicities for one of three major reasons.
1) They do it because they can not find a suitable partner of their own ethnicity
2) If a minority group is small enough then their attributes become sexually attaractive as they are seen as being rareitys. Instinctively we try to preserve what is different through propogation.
3) If an indiviual is a member of a very small ethnic group then he or she instinctively will try to pair up with someone who is more mainstream.

In the United States and Europe racial minorities are not small enough to be considered rarities. Whites who match up with such individuals simply can not find a suitable white mate.

Often times, but not always, whites who marry ethnic persons are not found attractive by other whites. So they go for someone of anouther background. Despite popular belief white men are more likely to end up with ethnic women then visa versa.

This contributes to additional white ethnic clensing beacuse it rids us of unwanted white persons. (short, unintelligent, ect)

Many believe that there are more attactive white women then attractive white men. Phycoligically, this is the case whith most ethnic groups. Attractive white females who can not find an attractive white male may therefore opt to go for an slightly attractive ethnic male. Although this is rarely the case.

Finally, we hear things about NORDIC white attributes such as blond hair and blue eyes, dissapearing. This is not possible. The opposite shall occure. This being despite the fact that nordic attributes are recessive.

Although few people take eye color or hair color into accound when picking a mate they do take facial features and height.

Nordic Whites are statistically taller then other white groups. With this, white females are more likely to be attracted to nordic whites as height is considered a very important attribute in todays society. The Netherlands has the worlds tallest population averageing with males averaging 6'2", Germany is number two at 6'1". Italians, by contrast, average 5'7". White Americans males are only 5'8.5"; this being because many white Americans are Celtic, the Irish average only 5'8".

Statistically, nordic whites are also slightly more intelligent the other whites. Although the differences are negligable.

In Conclusion, the white race exists for a reason. Whites are very selective in who they choose as a mate. When a suitable mate is not found inter-racial marrage occures. Nordic whites are most desirable thereby forever preserving nordic traits. The white race is quickly becomming smaller, however, it is also becomming more dynamic. This should bode well for whites in sports in the future as a small minority may dominate athletics. Finally, realize that with all other groups of people in the world worst attributes a person has the more likely they are to have children; this makes such groups bigger yet less dynamic.
I thought poor and uneducated whites were having more children than upper class and middle class white women.
I never thought I'd say this but SAVE RUSSIA!!! I'd rather have a Russian mob at Coney Island than black and mexican "gangstas" and pandillas everywhere.

P.S. As a person with a mild accent that doesn't pronounce R's like most people do, the media's spelling is kind of offensive. A lot of white people would say "gangsteh" or even "gangsta" but would never spell a word like that.
Alot of White liberals are aborting themselves off the Planet, just as Margaret Sanger wanted.

There are still a few White Refuges in the World (Eastern Europe, Iceland) so for the few next hundred years or so The Race will survive, however it would be an improvement if current trends would change. If Ahmadinejad or Kim Jong Il were to nuke D.C. or New York causing all the brainwashing televisions to go blank that would destroy alot of the multi-cult propaganda and White Women wouldn't be able to follow the race-mixing instructions of Oprah anymore.

Worse is Better for Now.
That's cruel and has a terrible connotation. There is a very peaceful solution without killing millions of innocent people. Races are naturally formed, people should marry and fornicate with whomever they wish. The media needs to show that white males are just as attractive as "minorities?".
White Nationalism exists not because the white race is better, but because the white race is worse (at the moment anyway.) We're a weak, decadent, disloyal, cowardly, self-destructive race (again, at the moment.) You can say all you want about inventions, technology, science, the West, civilization-building, etc. So what? Our wonderful inventions won't be much comfort when we're powerless, oppressed minorities in "our" countries.

We desperately need help. What this immigration disaster has shown is that things can change very quickly. In the blink of an eye we'll have 30, 50, even 100 million more non-white people in the US. It'll only take a few more generations for white people to become an "also ran" in the world.

We're not superior, we're inferior, and without an enormous intervention of some kind, our future is bleak.
It can be pretty easy to become pesimistic about white survival when you really open your eyes to whats happening.From the 1990's the world population each year is gaining the equivalent of a country the size of Shri Lanka.Roughly 100 million,by 2050 the world population will be 10 billion.How many of them 10 billion become tommorows immigrants,refugees asylam seekers etc.That population growth will be due wholly to the third world.The do gooders and bleeding hearts who work and sponsor the aid agencies,Oxfam,christian aid and the UN have been partly responsible for this and they are the same types opening the gates of our own nations to millions of them.Whats even more depressing is the fact that the white populations of the world seem to be in terminal decline.So these exploding Third world populations have become a very real threat to our shools,neighbourhoods,towns,cities and nations.The very way of life.I read an article that Russia's losing about 1 million people a year and that if these demographic trends continue it will cease to exist as a nation in the next 70 years.Its going to take alot of intelligence,activism and organisation to save us from this mess.In many nations already,non whites comprise almost 50% of the under 20 demographic.The biggest threat to white survival is White altruism and egalitarianism.These egalitarians need to understand that their insane ideas are going to destroy the way of life for countless people.
JD074 said:
White Nationalism exists not because the white race is better, but because the white race is worse (at the moment anyway.) We're a weak, decadent, disloyal, cowardly, self-destructive race (again, at the moment.) You can say all you want about inventions, technology, science, the West, civilization-building, etc. So what? Our wonderful inventions won't be much comfort when we're powerless, oppressed minorities in "our" countries.

I agree. But what bothers me the most about our race's situation, is that I am having a tough time believing what has become of White people as a whole. Just think, we ARE the descendents of Vikings, Germanic tribesman, Roman soldiers, Huns, etc. (people who were ferocious, warriors) and yet, most of our race has developed into this new breed of cowards.

Is the media's portrayal of us on T.V. and in movies to blame? Absolutely. But WE are not innocent either. We contribute to emascualting and embarrassing ourselves everyday- at work, in practice, in a social setting, etc. Every time you DON'T fight back, you destroy another piece of whatever credibility WE have left.

For example...

The next time you are put in a situation where you are the butt of a joke because of your race, defend yourself, and tell whatever idiot is telling it, to piss off.

The next time one of our "colored brethren" disrespects you or your female accomplice in a bar or nightclub, do the right thing, don't just stand know that to do.

The next time you're on the football field and a minority player gets in YOUR face, spit in HIS.

I bet you all think I'm being a bit childish? Fine, think that way. Am I militant in my thinking as well? Absolutely (I won't hide it), but so are millions of minorities in this country who hate us, and want to see us dead. That IS the cold, hard, reality of things. Most of you on this site know the political score in this country, so I don't think I have to elaborate.

Bottom line: We are in serious trouble if we don't take the initiative and change things ourselves. No one is going to do it for us.

Go to the gym, work out, read, educate yourself, learn a means of self-defense, etc. Do things that are beneficial to your lifestyle, both physically and mentally.
Iron said:
So these exploding Third world populations have become a very real threat to our shools,neighbourhoods,towns,cities and nations.The very way of life.

But perhaps that way of life is the problem. We've become too decadent to resist own demise.

Iron said:
In many nations already,non whites comprise almost 50% of the under 20 demographic.

That's what's so scary. It may already be too late. Half of all children under 5 in the US are non-white. That's all the proof we need. What will the Western World look like when the Baby Boomer generation dies? Our predominant influence will be a thing of the past.

Iron said:
The biggest threat to white survival is White altruism and egalitarianism.

Well said.
Ground Fighter said:
Am I militant in my thinking as well?

You better be!

We all better be!

But perhaps that way of life is the problem. We've become too decadent to resist own demise.

Yeah, i definately agree,but despite my post their are some positive trends.Anthony Browne a British intellectual recently released a book titled The Retreat of Reason i hav'nt read it,but know what its about and he argues that political correctness and Western altruism can only really come from a position of strengh,but as that strengh disipitates then so will thse ideas.

He writes 'Political correctness is the invention of Western intellectuals who feel guilty about the universal triumpth of Western Values and economic prosperity.However threat to the influence of the West may bring political correctness to an end.

'Political correctness is essentially the product of a powerful but decadent civilisation which feels secure enough to forgo reasoning for emoting,and to subjugate truth to goodness.However,the terrorist attacks of sept 11th 2001,and those that followed in Bali,Madrid and Beslan,have led to a sense of vulnerabilty that have made people far more hard headed about the real benefits and drawbacks of Western civilisatin'.

'Even the long unrivalled economic dominance of the West will come under challenge from the newly flourishing economies of India and China.Westerners will stop feeling guilty about their position when it has to be defended against rival cultures and ideologues'.

This sums up what may save Whites in this world.In many European countrys and the US aswll immigration is the number 1 issue.I think people are now finally starting to wake up to the fact that if they sit down and do nothing everything they have come to appreciate will disappear.Its an instinctive reaction to the threat they now feel for them and their children.The Minuteman a group of civilian volunteers sum this up well.Nationalist parties across Europe are now gaining at a fast paced and our liberal elite are increasingly seen as a laughing
stock who are out of touch with real people.Ethnic nationalism is growing amonst all races and cultures,you will have racemixing and multiculturalism but only up to a certain point,ethnic interests ,instinct and the human need for cultural identity and belonging then take over.You see this in the prison race riots,multiculturalism can only exist to a point and this is something the people who rule us will never understand.But these are all positive trends.
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