The Equality Fallacy: A White addiction


May 20, 2005
I have come to believe that our country will perish from it. I don't believe White Americans are going to "wake up". It makes White Americans feel too good about their moral righteousness, in comparison to those "racists", racism being worse than necrophillia in today's world. It lets Whites ignore the fact that the nature of the world is a red-in-tooth conflict where nearly every living being subsists on the death of some other thing, where the fit 10% of most species watch the other 90% die. The average White, Conservative or Liberal, has a view of societal relations no more mature or realistic than the most saccharine children's T.V. program. Worst of all, it makes Whites think they might somehow enjoy a measure of security when they are no longer in dominant in numbers. They believe that if they just treat everyone with love and equity, the descedants of peoples they enslaved/drove off won't bash their heads in, rape their wives, and eat their children. They are like children pulling covers over their head to keep the boogeyman away.

Convince me I'm wrong, please.
Nov 8, 2006
If you want to educate whites on why this is a poor idea South Africa and Zimbabwe are good starting points. That's our future if we stay on the road we're on right now.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I tend to agree with the most pessimistic view. However human action is a strange thing. As whites become more and more of a minority eventually there will arise some sort of group defensive mechanism. Will it continue to be appeasement and self destruction as in South Africa and Europe? Who knows? History is influenced by men who arise to meet chanllenges. Some sort of leader could yet rise to represent us. It's not impossible.

I have seen a complete reversal of the roles of the races in this country in my lifetime. It could reverse again. I think the corporate media control would have to end but that could happen too. Here in America there is the wild card in that we actually have 3 distinct peoples vying for survival unlike in other places where there generally is only two. What alliances and confrontations will occur in a 3-way struggle? There are many scenarios, not all of them bad.

At any rate it will be many years of pain and frustration for all of us. And it could get very bad. The thin veneer of civilization could disappear quickly, I think we all saw that vividly during Katrina. If that happens then events may come at us more quickly then we could imagine. I recommend preperation. It is the edge our people have always had, the ability to plan for the future.
Jan 5, 2005
United States
Relying on White America to "wake up" is no less pulling the covers over your head then political correctness is to the lemmings. This point is a major reason why I think White Nationalism will never get off the ground as a viable political movement, because people aren't going to buy it no matter how its packaged. The terms Liberal and Conservative have warped meaning in this country as our political spectrum goes from extreme leftism to just right of center, there is no extreme right position that has even minor influence. Basically for people to "wake up" it would take not only those who are for all intents and purposes centrists to shift far right, but they would need to take a good chunk of the White leftists with them.

Its hard, I am in a constant battle with the public education system to teach my children that Whites are not evil. Just the other day I'm helping my son with his social studies and right there in his book it says that the Forty-Niners stole the majority of their land from the indians and "even slaughtered many of them". Now not only is this factually wrong, as the native-Californians had no concept of land ownership and existed in numbers that are so marginal that it would have been impossible for them to claim such a vast territory, but it is also a horrible slander against the people who made it possible for there to even BE a public school system to teach this crap in.

Just as the Greeks fell, then the Macedonians, the Romans, the Spanish, the English and the French, the White Americans will eventually fade away and it will be up to the few who are up to the task to start building the next white Empire.


Apr 13, 2005
I, too am pessamistic about our survival. This sickening Obama-Love has made me more so. Whites stumbling over themseleves to kiss his ass makes me ill. Meanwhile a black thug smacks a 101-year-old white woman and robs her and no outrage and no racial linkage.

I am convinced that some terrible crisis must befall us to shake us from our comfortable illusions. My generation has lived fat and sassy without any real challenges to rock the foundations. But the signs are that it is coming.