The Drunk White Fans of NASCAR

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The hatred of the drunk white fans toward Kyle Busch becomes so acute that he must be accompanied by security guards. I don't follow NASCAR but do know that the drunk white fans, as always, have a strong loathing for their own kind, especially certain whites who seem to really attract their wrath. In NASCAR, Kyle Busch and Jeff Gordon are hated big-time.
<H1>Don't ride Kyle Busch for wrecking Earnhardt</H1>
<H2>Persecuting driver for hard racing against Little E is hypocrisy at its worst</H2>

Three security guards followed Kyle Busch around Lowe's Motor Speedway, where his safety was presumably still in danger from a victory-starved "Junior Nation" incensed over the late-race accident that cost Dale Earnhardt Jr. a victory.
Grow up, folks.

Rest of article:
... yeah, or they can just get mad at Dale Earnhardt Junior for losing over seventy times in a row on occasions when Busch didn't graze his car.

Sheesh; no wonder NASCAR fans have a reputation as dull, rustic Walmart obsessed yokels.Edited by: GiovaniMarcon
I know we use 'drunk white fans' as an epithet to describe the white people in this country who idolize black athletes. But the white people who are wrecking this country don't drink beer or shop at Wal-mart. They drink wine spritzers and shop at Macy's.

The drunk white fans might like black athletes, but those drunk beer drinkers will be the first ones to complain about affirmative action, open borders, welfare queens, and the rest of the liberal policies that are wrecking this country.

I am less pissed off at the guy who wants to just do his job and watch football on Sunday than the liberal elite idiots who are actively working on selling us out to the highest bidder. The Bushes, the McCains, the Clintons, the professors, the journalists, the Hollywood ********, the green nuts who won't let us drill for our own damn oil, big pharma for keeping us all sick, the UN and everyone who supports it, NAFTA, NAU, and well every damn body else who is ruining this country and it's way of life.

The guys who watch NASCAR will likely be the only white men standing next to you with a gun when the sh*t hits the fan. The guy who thinks blacks run faster still doesn't think they deserve to be promoted over him, he doesn't want them dating his daughters, he gets more and more irritated every February when he has to endure another Black History Month, he gets mad when he gets passed over for a job despite being better qualified,and, well, you get the idea.

This is my tribute post to the drunk white fan. May your NRA membership never expire. May Muhammad never be the most popular boy's name in your lifetime or the lives of your descendants. May you and your descendants one day live again in a nation dedicated to actual liberty, with true freedom of thought and association, with truly free speech, and real freedom from unreasonable search and seizure. And may the courage of your forebears once again run strong through your veins.

Edited by: White Shogun
White Shogun said:
But the white people who are wrecking this country don't drink beer or shop at Wal-mart. They drink wine spritzers and shop at Macy's.

Nice rant Shogun. I tend to agree with .... hey wait a minute! I've had a few wine spritzers in my day.
White Shogun said:
I know we use 'drunk white fans' as an epithet to describe the white people in this country who idolize black athletes. But the white people who are wrecking this country don't drink beer or shop at Wal-mart. They drink wine spritzers and shop at Macy's.

The drunk white fans might like black athletes, but those drunk beer drinkers will be the first ones to complain about affirmative action, open borders, welfare queens, and the rest of the liberal policies that are wrecking this country.

I am less pissed off at the guy who wants to just do his job and watch football on Sunday than the liberal elite idiots who are actively working on selling us out to the highest bidder. The Bushes, the McCains, the Clintons, the professors, the journalists, the Hollywood ********, the green nuts who won't let us drill for our own damn oil, big pharma for keeping us all sick, the UN and everyone who supports it, NAFTA, NAU, and well every damn body else who is ruining this country and it's way of life.

The guys who watch NASCAR will likely be the only white men standing next to you with a gun when the sh*t hits the fan. The guy who thinks blacks run faster still doesn't think they deserve to be promoted over him, he doesn't want them dating his daughters, he gets more and more irritated every February when he has to endure another Black History Month, he gets mad when he gets passed over for a job despite being better qualified,and, well, you get the idea.

This is my tribute post to the drunk white fan. May your NRA membership never expire. May Muhammad never be the most popular boy's name in your lifetime or the lives of your descendants. May you and your descendants one day live again in a nation dedicated to actual liberty, with true freedom of thought and association, with truly free speech, and real freedom from unreasonable search and seizure. And may the courage of your forebears once again run strong through your veins.

True; I think too that it's the queers that are helping the country down the hellhole. Basically around Los Angeles you're the equivalent of Satan if you don't buy into gay-loving propaganda and support gay marriage.

It's amazing how gays and their f*g-hags are so "anti-everything," around my town, yet they seem to be snorting the most coke and spreading the most VD.

Basically, they see it as their birthright to sneer at sexual chauvanism and or racial awareness, but the minute they leave West Hollywood and enter Compton or Echo Park they can't wait to U-turn their Toyota Prius outta there and get back to the Chanel counter at Nordstrom.
I have told Earnhardt Jr. fans that he spoke a t a Rainbow coalition event and had reaction from 'You're a G__ D____
liar!" to actually throwing punches at me. They refuse o believe the son of their Idol could betray them in this manner.
Nascar fans and I am to a small degree one of them, are the least of our concerns here as Shogun so eloquently put it in his rant above. There is a pretty white lady where I work that's a big Dale JR, Mark Martin and Tony Stewart fan and can't stand all the foreign drivers like Juan Pablo Montaya in Nascar right now. She is not alone in that sentiment among Nascar fans and they are mostly the kind of people who will be with us when it really matters.
Wasn't Jeff Gordon voted man of the year by some homo group several years ago? Same thing for Garth Brooks I believe. Yeah, you can't say anything about the "royal" Earnhardt family. The are the gods who everyone worships with their little angel winged or halo'd "3" graphics.
It's #88 now, Reb. All the #3 things out there are collectors items now.
301, I'm talking about Saint Dale Earnhardt, not Jr. Everyone knows Sr. was an angel on the track, right?
Colonel_Reb said:
301, I'm talking about Saint Dale Earnhardt, not Jr. Everyone knows Sr. was an angel on the track, right?

That got cleared up. Yes Dale Sr. wasn't known as the intimidator for nothing. The Rick Mahorn of Nascar. By the way I just got solicited for a political poll and I took it and in the poll it asked if I was a Nascar fan. The poll didn't ask any other sports related questions, it was all politics except for the Nascar question. I guess Nascar fans are going to be pigeonholed just like the proverbial soccermoms now. I am only a marginal Nascar fan.
I have often wondered how many of the Little E fans saw the article that I read once on the internet. I wish I had kept it. He was interviewed by some kind of Black magazine, I believe a rap music rag of some kind. And in the interview he spent paragraphs putting down the old southern rebel racing fan. He repeatedly mentioned how anyone stupid enough to fly a rebel flag was just a stupid redneck and on and on. He said rebel flags should not be allowed anywear and so forth. And he continually put down rednecks and southerners. I was very surprised because his daddy was a southern redneck and Jr. makes his fame and image pretending to be one also. He is supposed to be a good old boy but that interview shocked me in how much he hates the whole culture. Of course he could have been just wanting to be liked by the black interviewer and the magazines readers. But I do know he loves that style of music. Oh well, I don't care for him anyway. Just interesting story I thought.
Little "E" has also participated in Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition as an event speaker. I also read the article you mentioned. It was about his close friendship with a Rapper who went by "Ludicras".
It wouldn't surprise me if all that stuff about Dale Jr. was true. Not very wise if he's bad-mouthing the very fan base that made NASCAR what it is. I could see him being a caste puppet though. I've never been a big NASCAR fan, but I'll take it over the NBA thug-ball any day!
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