The Draft Sucks


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Yes the NFL draft sucks as the picks reinforce the "black as superior athlete" meme over and over. White players with better measurables or better college production are passed over for 'projects' and unknowns. But while fans may think that the draft is a way of restocking teams with the best players available the fact is that the NFL is very important to those that control the media for one important reason. It provides one of the only positive real life images of black males in the country. Do not ever lose site of the fact that the NFL is a propaganda tool first and foremost. It will make the baffling decisions to make heroes of people like Michael Vick and Michael Sam, while crucifying someone like Tim Tebow much more clearer.

And with race relations at a low point what with blacks rioting every time a black criminal manages to get his dumb ass killed, it is very important that the NFL put on its annual love fest of black athletes so as to remind whites just how great black people really are. So we get a parade of black athletes dressed up in suits, with tattoos hidden, dread locks washed, room brightning smiles flashing, happily putting on the jersey of the local team. In short all of the things that have proved to make 21[SUP]st[/SUP] century white men cheer and modern white women swoon.

The popularity of the NFL borders on religious fervor. Probably more people worship their local football team in person or on TV during fall Sundays then worship in a house of God. On Thursday night the parishioners of NFL fandom said a prayer to Roger Goodell in hopes that he would announce to them the savior their team has been looking for. Most fans consider the Super Bowl as the football equivalent of Christmas and this Thursday’s Draft Day would be the sports Easter. The game celebrates a rebirth, a new influx of players, mostly black, that bring with them the promise of taking their teams to the Promised Land.

Public attitude manipulators realized long ago that white people have a genetic weakness in regards to their passion for what group they consider their “homeâ€￾ team. This absurd fanaticism expresses itself in irrational behavior, like spending hundreds of dollars on team sports wear, obsessively following the local team, painting their bodies for games, and even getting tattoos of their beloved team carved into their skin.

It forces otherwise sane white men to consider the black players that play for the local team as some kind of kin that deserve special affection usually only reserved for family or close genetic relatives. Despite the clear disdain black athletes have for white people and white culture, the white sports fan will still obsessively support even the most despicable of black players as long as they are part of “theirâ€￾ team and can help the team win.

A stark example of this type of thinking is the case of Jameis Winston, the first pick in this years draft. Winston played for a southern college, Florida State, in the evil racist bigoted South. He was charged a year ago with sexual assault, basically for raping a white woman. The local authorities did all they could to cover up and make the case disappear, the college did what it could to ignore the situation and not punish Winston in anyway that would damage the teams fortunes. The white men on the police force and local prosecutors, media, college officials, etc were complicit in what appears to be the unpunished rape of a white woman. In the not so long ago past this kind of alleged crime would not have been met with indifference and support for the black man but instead serious ramifications and the possibility of a real honest to goodness lynching.

Draft Day is another frightening example of how white people have surrendered in-group loyalties to whomever the media-corporate-political system commands. May God help us all.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Draft sure does suck. Idiot fans could care less if another white guy is picked. Not as Long as there a superhuman thugs available..

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Lots of wisdom, have it posted on the homepage as well.

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Lots of wisdom, have it posted on the homepage as well.

Agreed! Lots of wisdom in J.B.'s post. I was one of those people in the sense that I loved football, not the fawning over black players part, just paid it more attention than I should have, and I still enjoy it, but mostly when teams like NE or GB are playing when I can see white players on both sides of the ball. I rely heavily on the knowledge of CF members to direct me to white friendly teams. Thank you CF members!

Football as well as other sports were many times the biggest priority in my life, mainly because my sons excelled in football, baseball, track, and wrestling. However, I found out the hard way that athletics are only temporary part of life. As I've said on the NFL draft thread, I have no interest in the draft. I do check out the thread from time to time to see where the top white players are drafted, but it no longer disappoints me or controls the way I feel, because I know it's only temporary.

J.B. makes a good point in: there are many people worshipping their local football teams on Sunday's rather than being in the house of God. That's very true. As a Christian, there are subtle ways I can influence people I know as well as other Christians of this mindset. I even brought this exact point up in my Sunday school class one morning. I said, "How many Christians are more interested in watching or attending the Panthers game rather than being back here in Church service Sunday night." Then use the passage from Romans 1:25,"They exchanged the truth for a lie, and worshipped and served created things rather than the Creator. The Apostle Paul wrote this letter to Christians in Rome and everywhere, where Christians as well as pagan Romans began worshipping false idols, men, gladiators, etc. instead of God.

Even Roman Satirist Juvenal said," everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things; bread and circuses/games." Sounds prophetic.

I encourage everyone here, if you have children, involve them in any sport they are interested in, but don't make it your life.

I would teach them lasting word of God first, but I understand all here are not believers. Then, emphasize their academics. I told mine: no good grades, no athletics. It worked out well for them.

If your sons or daughters are good enough, they will get their college paid. It may not be D-1 FBS, but there's many opportunities in D-1 FCS and below. Getting their education is the most important part of college as you all know.

"The grass withers and the flower fades, but the word of God lasts forever." Isaiah 40:8.

Football and all this madness we see in the world, thank God, is only temporary, but God and his word lasts forever!

"For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord FOREVER. Therefore encourage each other with these words. I Thessalonians 4:16-18.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Agreed! Lots of wisdom in J.B.'s post. I was one of those people in the sense that I loved football, not the fawning over black players part, just paid it more attention than I should have, and I still enjoy it, but mostly when teams like NE or GB are playing when I can see white players on both sides of the ball. I rely heavily on the knowledge of CF members to direct me to white friendly teams. Thank you CF members!

Football as well as other sports were many times the biggest priority in my life, mainly because my sons excelled in football, baseball, track, and wrestling. However, I found out the hard way that athletics are only temporary part of life. As I've said on the NFL draft thread, I have no interest in the draft. I do check out the thread from time to time to see where the top white players are drafted, but it no longer disappoints me or controls the way I feel, because I know it's only temporary.

J.B. makes a good point in: there are many people worshipping their local football teams on Sunday's rather than being in the house of God. That's very true. As a Christian, there are subtle ways I can influence people I know as well as other Christians of this mindset. I even brought this exact point up in my Sunday school class one morning. I said, "How many Christians are more interested in watching or attending the Panthers game rather than being back here in Church service Sunday night." Then use the passage from Romans 1:25,"They exchanged the truth for a lie, and worshipped and served created things rather than the Creator. The Apostle Paul wrote this letter to Christians in Rome and everywhere, where Christians as well as pagan Romans began worshipping false idols, men, gladiators, etc. instead of God.

Even Roman Satirist Juvenal said," everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things; bread and circuses/games." Sounds prophetic.

I encourage everyone here, if you have children, involve them in any sport they are interested in, but don't make it your life.

I would teach them lasting word of God first, but I understand all here are not believers. Then, emphasize their academics. I told mine: no good grades, no athletics. It worked out well for them.

If your sons or daughters are good enough, they will get their college paid. It may not be D-1 FBS, but there's many opportunities in D-1 FCS and below. Getting their education is the most important part of college as you all know.

"The grass withers and the flower fades, but the word of God lasts forever." Isaiah 40:8.

Football and all this madness we see in the world, thank God, is only temporary, but God and his word lasts forever!

"For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord FOREVER. Therefore encourage each other with these words. I Thessalonians 4:16-18.

Nice post, JB Cash, as usual! The weird in/out group thinking/allegiance you mentioned is something that has baffled me ever since I started waking up to the reality of the anti-white discrimination that is the caste system about 15 years ago. Team fannery really is anathema to supporting the cause of White athletes, since there are no truly pro-White programs. Even supporting a few Whites on a team doesn't equal support for the whole team (usually majority black), so the two can't coexist. Rabid team loyalty is akin to the insane party affections we've watched slowly destroy this country for most of its history.

Nice reply, Carolina Speed! Team fannery and the love of sports by Americans in general is sickening, and especially so among professing Christians, as we are to have no other gods before us. The extent to which many church goers and their children have become so much like the world when it comes to constantly participating in athletics (and a host of other behaviors), even on Sunday mornings, is a clear sign of the extent to which believers have been conformed to this world, instead of providing a contrast to it that would point the lost to Christ. I've certainly failed in this area many times, and although nobody is perfect, I do strive to be an example in my daily life. I've been looking for a new church home for well over two years and I almost puked when recently visiting a Sunday school class that was poorly attended because so many of the parents had kids who were playing ball that morning. It is easy to see where their priorities lay. It isn't really about doing those things on Sunday though, although that looks worse. It is about constantly being involved in those things to the point that they take away from more important family and faith based activities. Running up and down the road going from one child activity to another while ignoring home instruction about tasks that will be very helpful to them when they are grown doesn't do them any favors. In fact, it only handicaps them in the future. You made a great point about those things being temporary. Focusing on long-lasting skills, faith, and academics should be much more important to parents. Of course, I haven't mentioned those parents who push their children into activities and/or athletics, even though the children don't seem interested in doing them. That is just as harmful, if not more so, as it could foster resentment, bitterness, and even hatred of the parents over time.