The Devil’s Brigade


Dec 28, 2004
I've seen this movie a few times.I don't like the combat scenes because I don't like to see White men killing other White men.But this is one of my favorite movies.The reason I like this film is the training they get in preparation for battle.The long hikes,hand to hand fighting,tough training to produce tough men.I'd like to be able to run or be involved in such a camp for white males and turn them into white tigers.Do any of you know of such a camp?Do you think we could start one?We can break this caste system wide open by turning out an assembly line of rugged,strong,tough white males.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I think many white males are already tough and rugged. We just need to get their mind right!

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
We could use a camp for training running backs.Using
plyometric drills,sprinting and weight training.It could
be for the kids that are not given scholarships and will
have to walk on.Also for the kids forced to go to small
schools or junior colleges.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Good ideas guys, but how do we get something like that started?


Dec 28, 2004
There are SOME White males strong and tough but we need a lot more!Most of the White males I see could use at least 4 months of camp to get them ready for life.What I see for the most part is White males from Eastern Europe kicking butt with very few exceptions.In Boxing without the Russians/Ukrainians we would have very little to cheer for.I think White males are getting weaker instead of stronger.To break the Caste System we must turn out tough White males by the carload and flood the sports scene with them.Like the influx of Eastern Europeans in boxing.They will not be able to ignore us.We can cry all we want but only White males full of spirit and testosterone can break the system and restore the ROAR!!!

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I like your attitude Gary and there is alot of truth to
that.Just look at the NBA and Boxing,the Europeans are
coming in massive numbers.Come on kids in this country,
get some back bone,put down the video games for a while,
and start working out!You would be a great boot camp
leader if there was a camp for these kids.Excercise also
makes the mind sharper too.It has been proven over and
over in studies.


Dec 28, 2004
The place they trained in for the Devil's Brigade was Fort Harrison in Montana.In the Dirty Dozen they put up a few lousy buildings.We would need some land and could get by with a few buildings for barracks.Good food-trainers that knew what they were doing.Lots of P.T.-Judo-Boxing-Running-Weightlifting-lots of sports.Show a film at night-Showing White males being brave and tough-We need to unbrainwash the young White males from all the PC trash they get in everyday life.Instill in them there own Identity-restore there pride-give them something to live for,train for and fight for.I don't teach hate-I would rather instill a sense of destiny.What would happen to America if thousands of White males became men of faith,courage,convictions?Then backed it up with rugged,tough bodies capable of tremendous things!Imagine the NFL,NBA,MLB-filled with White males-Boxing Champions-UFC Champions-Major College Sports team filled with tough White males that won't back down from anybody.That is my DREAM!!!!


Oct 19, 2004
I've read that blacks watch more TV, on average, than whites.
Also, that they're the most overweight group in America. I
wouldn't doubt if they also play the most video games. Obesity
has become an epidemic, and most Americans, both adults
and kids, need to get in better shape. No doubt about that.
But at the same time I think our issue here is mostly political.
We have the white athletes in a lot of these sports, like football,
but they're just not getting treated fairly.

We've talked at length about the good white high school
football players that get ignored by Division I schools. If they
ever get recruited, the perception that whites are weak and soft
would start to fade as these kids excel in top programs. But
we're probably a long way off from that happening,


Dec 28, 2004
The problem is only half political.Until recently we had one good White Heavyweight per decade.The Eastern Europeans changed that,gone are the days of Peter McNeely and Terry Daniels who made White fighters a laughing stock.The Russians gave us pride and showed us we could WIN if we are tough enough.Yes the system is against us-BIG TIME.But what if we had 100 Luke Staley's?They are not going to shut them all down.We may be at war with the Chinese in the near future-the reasons will be political-but tough men win wars-not politicians.We need a camp to turn out the biggest,toughest White males you have ever seen!Instead of crying about the system-lets work together and build a tougher group of White males.Lets not kid ourselves we need a lot more stronger,tougher White guys!We need them NOW!How many White American fighters do we have?


May 20, 2005
You've a point.

We need to teach our children and brothers to "Walk as Wariors for all of their days" as the Dog Brothers put it. Something like the Boy Scouts, only more martial, would be ideal.

Unfortunately, it can be legally and politically difficult to set up some sort of group that is specifically for whites. However, their are stealthy ways around it.

Religion is one good way. Some Folkish Asatru (Folkish=racially conscious Asatru=Native European religion) groups have "warrior guilds" for members interested in training in self-defense and fitness together.

I take Jujutsu/self-defense classes at a Baptist church. The demographic of my class is all white as you would expect. There is also a children's class. It does my heart good to see these young white children on the mats wrestling, hitting pads learning EFFECTIVE self defense. Of course, the instructor has a Chinese wife, but she's a nice lady and nobodies perfect. Even though these people have the non-racial attitudes typical to the church today, they are effectively training decent white people to be strong and fierce at need. Edited by: White_Savage


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I know of several people who take similar martial arts classes at church or school. I, unfortunately am not one of them. I wouldn't mind learning it though, or learning to box.


Dec 28, 2004
I like your posts-Colonel you should be a Brigadier soon!Until the day comes when we have a camp for training White Warriors the training will be left up to the parents.White Savage you made a good point-the self-defense must be effective and not just some pretty boy stuff.Grappling/Ground fighting should always be included.Good food is vital for young people to help them reach there full potential.I'd like to see all young White kids learn how to swim,fight,do good in school,never enter the military unless they're officers,every White child should be physically fit and learn another language{French,German,Russian,etc}.We could train White children that could turn America around.


Oct 19, 2004
Gary, there are some extenuating circumstances concerning
boxing that others have mentioned. I don't think it's a good
gauge for what's going on in America. Football is better. So
many whites play it (as opposed to boxing,) yet we don't have
even one starting running back in the NFL. It's absurd.

The bottom line is that white participation in a sport is based on
interest, talent, and opportunity. Now one can argue about the
"interest" part when it comes to boxing, but not football. And if
the talent is also there (and we are suggesting that it is,) then
it's all about opportunity. Like I said in another post, if white
high school seniors are getting offers to play Div. I baseball,
soccer, hockey, volleyball, tennis, lacrosse, wrestling, etc., and
Div. III football, basketball, and track, where are they going to
go? To me that slotting process is the main issue (and the
slotting of positions within sports.)

Maybe I'm naive, but I feel like if our white athletes get the
opportunities, they'll find a way to succeed. They have the
work ethic, the brains, the talent, etc.

I'm not saying that training camps are a bad idea, I just don't
know how practical it is given our resources (or lack thereof.)
At the very least we would need people who really know how to
train people. There are legal and medical issues involved.
Safety and injury prevention would have to be an important
foundation to this training- especially the hard training that you
have in mind. Does anybody here have knowledge like that?
That stuff can get very complicated.

Instead of crying about the system-lets work together and
build a tougher group of White males.

I understand your frustration. Maybe we can brainstorm and
come up with a bunch of ideas and trim away all the fat until we
can come up with something that we can really do. I don't
have any ideas at the moment so I shouldn't bad mouth yours
too much. What do I know, it could work.

But what if we had 100 Luke Staley's?They are not going to
shut them all down.

Are you sure? I wouldn't underestimate the Caste System....

How can we be sure that we don't already have 100 Staley's?
Or at least 10 or 20?


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I think slotting is the biggest problem in football. It starts so early and just gets worse. I would say that there have been 100 Luke Staley's , just not all at D1 schools. Many D2 and D3 backs have been left out to dry when their on the field performance proves they have a legitimate chance at an NFL spot. I can think of several just in the last few years in Division 2 alone. I would say though that the lone Division where white running backs are still truly encouraged is at the D3 level. The vein of white running backs in D2 is getting smaller every year. The Western teams have them in good numbers, but not the East. The good news is, most of the recent D2 national champions have been very white teams, and some from out West.


Dec 28, 2004
You men all make sense-One thing I believe is we have to many White kids eating twinkies and watching Mr.Rogers.With some training we could make people sit up and take notice.I don't think White males should join the military,even though White males take to military training like a duck takes to water,96% of the special forces are White!Yet where are the football scholarships?We should boycott professional sports unless White males are well represented.Hit them in the pocketbook!!Who is the spokesperson for White males?We don't have one!We must all stick together-No scholarships-no combat!Send the blacks,hispanics and gays the government loves so much.


Oct 19, 2004
One thing I believe is we have to many White kids eating
twinkies and watching Mr.Rogers.

There's no disagreement there. But the point I'm bringing up is
that the black kids are even fatter and watch even more TV!
That's what I've read anyway. Black females in particular are
the fattest group in America, but that doesn't seem to be
hindering their presence in women's basketball and track. So
while white America should get healthier and more fit,
ultimately it's an intellectual/ political/ social problem that we're

We should boycott professional sports unless White males
are well represented.Hit them in the pocketbook!!Who is the
spokesperson for White males?We don't have one!We must all
stick together-No scholarships-no combat!

All good points. We should do and have those things. But let's
consider the practical issues involved. A boycott would require
massive organization, marketing, and communication skills, for
example. "We must all stick together." That's a wonderful
sentiment, but how difficult will that be to implement? I can't
even begin to imagine how much work it would require to really
turn this into a bonafide movement. For now all we have
is this wonderful website. There's nothing else out there for us.
There's no cohesion among whites on this issue outside of the
loyal supporters of Caste Football. Not even other white
racialists agree with us. If they're not sympathetic how are
mainstream white sports fans, conservatives, and others ever
going to support us?

I don't mean to be pessimistic, but realistic. It's great that we're
here openly discussing these problems. But when it comes to
actually going out there and doing something we need to "trim
away the fat" as I said before.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
White_Savage said:
We need to teach our children and brothers to "Walk as Wariors for all of their days" as the Dog Brothers put it.

Why? So the Yids (not my word) can send them off to fight in foreign wars? Best thing for white people is too get smarter and more racial. there will always be plenty of strong tough white people. Look at the iron-man contests, the triathleons, the marathons, its all white people. What we need are the right kind of thinking skills not the right kind of fighting skills.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
You bring up a good point JD in how are we going to get together and start a movement. Whites have long been known for fighting amongst each other. We have done this and lost ground for far too long. It's time we changed that, but how?


May 20, 2005
Nope, sorry, one thing doesn't have to do with the other thing. When I say "teach them to walk as a warrior", I mean teach them they CAN take down any ******* or other that threatens them, and they are RIGHT to defend their White way of being in the world. If they knew they were tough and didn't have anything to prove, maybe so many of our best white kids wouldn't have joined up and wouldn't be in W's mad little crusade.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
A point commonly made about the toughness of white men is the disproportionate number of white males who make up the elite units of the U.S. military, like Navy Seals, Green Berets, Army Rangers, et al.

One thing that is overlooked IMO is the ASVAB score necessary to enlist into those units. I'm of the opinion that there are a large number of non-white men who attempt to make it into these units but are not accepted because they do not have the mental aptitude for it, instead of lacking in physical fortitude.

Or, perhaps both?

In addition, the caucasian warrior mindset is different than the mindset of other peoples. The white fighter will not back down or cower in fear even in the face of overwhelming odds. He'll march into certain death if he knows it is necessary to save his nation, his family, or his cause.

Remember the Alamo?
Dien Bien Phu?

On a personal note, I noticed this phenomona in war games I participated in as an Infantryman in the U.S. Army two decades ago. The white soldiers took the exercises seriously and tried hard to achieve the training objectives; the black soldiers got themselves "KIA" as soon as possible so they could sit around instead of toughing it out in the field.

At the conclusion of the day's games you'd see nothing but white men left standing on the training field.


May 20, 2005
Sure, theres the mental ability/mental toughness aspect. But we have strength and endurance over rhem too.

My take-white men have the mental and physical qualities most suitable for war. Blacks, vis a vis their record of being conquered by everyone who's tried, don't seem too.

Yet they constantly try to convince whitey he's as "weak" and blackey should be regarded as the epitome of tough and fierce?


Dec 28, 2004
Perhaps the blacks don't do well enough on the ASVAB to get into the Army Rangers and other special forces units-BUT they still get into major colleges to play major sports and make major money!I want those same opportunities for White males.I want to see some teams with an all White offense-all White defense.Lithuania[small nation]beat the "dream team"-WE CAN PLAY BASKETBALL.A White male tough enough to be a Seal should also be tough enough to play football in college.I hope the Russians continue to do well in boxing.I don't care if they're foreigners-A MAN'S RACE IS HIS NATION.ALL WHITE MEN ARE BROTHERS!!I want to see young White kids tough enough and strong enough that nobody will push them around or try to take their lunch money-no black will dare try to take Bill Kazmaier's lunch.I'd like to have a camp with a platoon size[42]group of White teens with the right mindset!In 10 years it could grow to many hundreds- with that many tough well trained White males we would rewrite the record books!!We don't need more punks that are weak sissies that make us all look bad-We need more Ken Shamrocks,Mark Colemans,Jeff Bagwells,Peyton Manning's,Jack Dempsey's etc!!!!


Dec 28, 2004
Until we can get a camp-send your White males to Ken Shamrocks Lion's Den School in California or Dan Severn's School in Michigan.Get into some type of grappling self-defense.There are many things that could be done!Only let your sons go into the military if they can be officers,ROTC[college programs].Avoid being a poor enlisted man as a White male you will truly be at the bottom of the food chain!


Oct 19, 2004
Best thing for white people is too get smarter and more
racial. there will always be plenty of strong tough white people.
Look at the iron-man contests, the triathleons, the marathons,
its all white people. What we need are the right kind of thinking
skills not the right kind of fighting skills.

My sentiments exactly.
What white people need to
understand is that it's not evil to have a sense of pride in one's
culture and heritage. And that it can be peaceful, and doesn't
require "hating" anyone. In other words, it can be a positive,
happy experience, not negative and "scary." We need to get to
the point where we're not accused of being bigots just for
openly expressing that pride. That's a knee-jerk reaction that
must come to an end.

Once that happens things will change for us. Until then whites
will continue to be guilt-tripped into hating and punishing


Dec 28, 2004
We need both skills-thinking and fighting.Lets face it the NBA is very black,so is the NFL,so is most of college football.Yes we control some sports-UFC,World's Strongest Man Contest-but the major sports with the money we don't control.Is there a Caste System?Yes-can we beat it-YES.But we have got to do more then we are doing now.I don't want to hurt any of my White Brothers feelings but posts like"Who is your favorite black athlete"?WHO CARES!!Let's build up our own guys.ESPN will take care of the blacks just fine.All we here from the jock sniffers who run the networks are praising blacks.Lets BUILD UP THE WHITE BROTHERS!