The decline


Dec 22, 2004
I sense the NFL is in decline. And two marketing moves will hurry up the process. First is this stupid territory rule where the channel that is not carrying the afternoon late game can't show any live feeds after 4:15 ET even if the game is being shown on their own station unless it was the originally broadcast game.. Secondly this NFL network channel is a joke to me. Yeh right. I am going to fork out bucks to watch a football game that is interrupted 100 times a game by commercials, challenges and other meandering road blocks.
The NFL is the most polarising racial sport today. What other sport starts to splinter at the highest level where white athletes are not to be found at certain positions, cornerback being the most obvious? Yeh hockey has few blacks but blacks aren't playing hockey at all levels.. White kids play football in high school although they aren't as serious about it as in the past.
I watched a lot of college football this year as usual and some NFL but I think the NFL is by far the worst of them all. The media gets on the NBA but at least the NBA has white guys at all positions. The NFL relies on gambling more than any other sport which is not a plus in my book. And the lack of great teams today makes things as dull as dishwater.

And the NFL is riddled with jerks and the media also gives god like status to the likes of Vick and Young. And they receive tons of off hour media time in the papers and on TV. YAWWWNNNN
Out of all the major sports if the NFL went under as it is currently laid out I wouldn't miss it much. Give me college football, college and pro hoops, tennis, soccer , hockey and baseball and T and F. The NFL which used to be great now pretty much sucks.
Yep, the NFL really sucks, Players like Urlacher, Alstott, Shockey, Matt Jones keep me but soon I will just watch NCAA
ESPN serves only one purpose...exposing Steven A. Smith as a racist we all know he is. His show is the only reason I watch that channel, as it is almost like fuel for my racial consciousness. I only watch it to hear what blatently racist things he has to say about Whitey.

But other than that, I have no use for ESPN. I mean come on, they dropped hockey from their network coverage!!! They dropped the entire sport of hockey!!!
Hockey is MY sport, like some of you guys favor football and baseball. Dropping that entire sport from their coverage is criminal as far as I'm concerned.Edited by: Ground Fighter

I'll bet we all know why they dropped hockey!More and more,I'm am hearing people say that they refuse to watch espn and the nfl ! American sheeple awaken?
One other dirty secret re: the NFL. DRUGS!!! Word is steroid use is beyond the pale. Oh wait they have a strict policy. BS.. The players have easily beaten the tests and more than any other sport--T and F maybe in a tie with the NFL--pro football is the most drug riddled sport going. So why is baseball taking the heat and no one else it seems. First baseball is more white and Bonds is chasing a revered black man's record.
But don't be fooled. The NFL is so loaded with fake testosterone it is a joke that the media turns the other cheek. I am not one of these guys who says performance enhancing drugs are the worst thing ever but it is hypocritical of the media to bash the living daylights out of baseball and let the juice league NFL get away with total abuse. Bottom line maybe is they know baseball can survive the slings and arrows. The NFL they protect because there is a sense things could really fall apart . Money is the driving force but nothing new with that concept.
LabMan said:

I'll bet we all know why they dropped hockey!More and more,I'm am hearing people say that they refuse to watch espn and the nfl ! American sheeple awaken?

It is a disctinct possibility. However, its still an uphill battle for us. To be honest, there are a number of reasons they dropped hockey, and here they are:

1. Its 99% White.

2. It is a sport made up of very, very, tough White men, who don't take any lip from anyone. These guys get teeth knocked out, bleed all over themselves, and then line up for a face-off like nothing happened. Not only that, but hockey players literally beat the hell out of each other all game, but when its over, they shake hands and leave whatever problems they had, on the ice. They make the black, cry-baby, NFL players look like nancy-boys. ESPN can't have White guys show-up the bruthas in the toughness department, now can they?

3. The game doesn't identify with the typical, black, ghetto-afflete, mentality, which is what ESPN wants. There's no "shuckin' & jivin'" in hockey, like there is in "bassa-ball", so black youth and wiggers cannot identify with it.

4. Hockey requires more skill than ANY other sport. People forget, hockey is a whole different bunch of sports thrown in to one: Skating, hitting, fighting, and the game of hockey itself. Its a hell of a lot harder to defend against a hit while you're on skates, than it is on turf. Sports like basketball and football are one-dimensional, and are much easier to play in comparason to hockey.

5. Hockey players tend to be model citizens (with a few exceptions), and this makes the traditionally blacker sports look REAL bad. ESPN can't have a super-athlete like Jaromir Jagr, who happens to be a stand-up guy, make Allen Iverson look like the thug that he is. The funny thing is, they both come from harsh environments, Jagr comes from war-torn Eastern Europe, and Iverson is a product of the ghetto. Yet, behavior-wise, they are polar-opposites. Geee, I wonder what the reason for that could be? lol.

6. One aspect of hockey that most people don't understand unless they have played it, is that it takes a lot of parental involvement at the youth level. Its not like most ghetto sports run by the city, where equipment is provided for them free of charge and there is a bus to take the players everywhere. At lot of the responsibility is up to the parents to get their kids to the rink on time, which is another reason it DOESN'T identify with minorities. My parents were always there to take me to practice at 6:00 a.m. on a Saturdays, and always got me whatever I needed as far as equipment.

7. Hockey is Euro-Centric by nature. The sport of skating was invented in Europe as a means of ice-travel. People of Caucasian decent are just anatomically built for skating and the game of hockey. Every black kid that I knew as a youth who tried to skate or play hockey, always struggled. What might benefit them in basketball, works against them in hockey. Edited by: Ground Fighter
great write up, only one thing: Jaromir Jagr is from Czech Republic, there was no war there during his lifetime. living under communist regime was harsh, but his country wasn't war torn.
backrow said:
great write up, only one thing: Jaromir Jagr is from Czech Republic, there was no war there during his lifetime. living under communist regime was harsh, but his country wasn't war torn.

I'm a big Jagr fan so I know he's a Czech, but I got side-tracked for a bit there. And for some reason I was thinking "Croatia/Yugoslavia", I always get those countries mixed up.Either way, he's still "my niqqa".
98% of any NFL game is fluff and boredom. Sluggish pace, way too many commercials. I think there is often more competition between advertisers to create the best commercial than there is competition between the teams on the field.

I might watch one or two possessions of a game, that's all I can take any more. I'll check in now and then on a game, and watch the highlights for who beat who.

If I want to watch a whole football game, I'll go to a local high school game.

Edited by: Hockaday
The NFL's product has been in decline for some time, ever since white players began to be systematically shut out in noticeable numbers, and it's beenparticularly pronounced this season. The mind-numbing array of receivers whooften have trouble makingeven simple catches is symbolic of a league that is artificially engineered to ever more ridiculous proportions by kowtowing to a ghetto ethos in order to promote a farce of "black athletic supremacy."

The enormous interest in both gambling and fantasy football helps considerably in masking the amazing lack of fundamentals and players who regularly "take plays off" despite the money they're paid. The NFL also has a media juggernaut behind it promoting it in a way no other sports league has ever had.

The way the Super Bowl culminates in a national holiday of patriotism and consumerism is indicative of how importantthe NFLis ideologically to the Caste System and to the larger System in general.

The NBA's similar decline was more noticeable, because that league had emerging competition from European players coming into the NBA, and from international teams of white players defeating the NBA's best black players. Unfortunately the NFL looks to remain an unchallenged monopoly for the foreseeable future. Only an awareness of the Caste System by a sufficient number of players and fans will change the way the league is run.Edited by: Don Wassall
So, sunshine, what was the last "great" NFL team? The Patriots of SB's XXXVI, XXXVIII and XXXIX? What's your definition of a "great" team? Not that I disagree with the assessments on this thread, I agree with them. Me, I SLEEP on Sunday afternoons usually. Especially since I now have a much more physically demanding job than the office job I had previously. As for beating the system regarding drug tests, Tim Green's The Dark Side of the Game devotes an entire chapter to how players do just that (things like pumping clean urine into you, et al.).

in my opinion, it's not just the NFL game that is suffering from a decline due to their embracing of the black afalete. the NBA has also undergone a transformation from one of the greatest pro leagues in all of sports to little more than an afterthought to most sports fans. i feel both leagues have been crippled by their acceptance of the ghetto culture value system... take a look at a couple of very recent examples that point this out.

the first is from the "very talented" television personality michael irvin. heh. the second is a column by Sports Illustrated's Rick Reilly (who i disagree with often, but is spot on this time, in my view). also, i had to type up the Reilly piece, so if there are any typo's, cut me some slack.

"It may not work, but it looks good, and that's all that matters."
- Deion Sanders on his "TV pen" on the NFL Network before the Chiefs-Raiders game
now this may not seem like a big deal, but it is indicative of a larger problem. blacks value style over substance and image over ability no matter how silly or stupid it is to do so. Irvin's pen couldn't even write so he had to borrow another one to jot something down, but so what? because it LOOKS good.
and white people are falling under the spell.

Paging Dr. Barry
by Rick Reilly
appeared in the December 11, 2006 issue of Sports Illustrated

Some things in sports make no sense. The foul pole is fair. Olympic divers dive, shower, then dive again. Michael Irvin continues to be on TV.

But nothing in sports is more ridiculous than bazillion-dollar athletes who can't make free throws.

So many players look like they are flinging live quail. Unguarded, 15 feet from the hoop, they've got as much touch as a sumo wrestler wearing catcher's mitts. Shaq is a career 52-percenter and dropping. Ben Wallace is so sorry, he takes paint off the rim. You know it's bad when teammates slap hands with the shooter after he misses. (Hey, dude! Pretty close!) And all the while there's a perfect solution that every player rebuffs out of sheer vanity.

Rick Barry.

The former ABA and NBA All-Star forward is the second-best free throw shooter of all time (90.0%, behind only Mark Price's 90.4%). He was as automatic as a Bulova, as reliable as sunup. And he shot them all granny style. Underhanded. From between his legs.

"I would shoot negative percentage before I shot like that," Shaq once grumbled. The Diesel has turned down Barry's offers of help over and over. "He said it wasn't good for his image," Barry says.

Uh, Shaq? You take fouls as though you were heaving a piano at a plate-glass window. What image are you going for? The Hulk?

But it's not only Shaq. Nobody wants Barry's helps, not even his kids. Four of his sons have played professionally, but they all refuse to shoot like him. "Dad," his son Scooter once told him, "it's hard enough being your son without shooting like that."

Don't they know he improved Warriors teammate George Johnson by 40%?

Me, I'm a 63-percenter. I found this out by going to my neighborhood gym and shooting 500 free throws. O.K., that sucks, right? But then I did what NBA bricklayers won't do. I went to see Rick Barry.

Now 62, he still looks as if he could come off the bench for an NBA team. Or at least the Knicks. And he can still sink free throws like cops sink doughnuts.

"I make so many in a row, I get bored," he says. His wife, Lynn, says, "I've senn him not shoot for a year and then stand up and make 100 straight. He can make 20 straight with his eyes closed."

"Eyes closed?" I scoffed. "Prove it."

He made 11 in a row his first try.

After about three hours he had me making gobs of them underhanded-12 in a row once, five in a row with my eyes closed. The shot is so soft that a lot more balls loaf around on the rim and drop in. And you think, Why don't more people try it?

"Because it's ugly," says my pal Bill Pearson, who played for Wisconsin in the '70s.

I stuck to it. Through snickers and punk kids muttering "gay" and an old guy at the Y one day shaking his head and then saying to his buddy, "That's how guys shoot when they can't shoot anymore."

Oh, yeah? Within two weeks I'd grannied my free thorw percentage up to 78. Yes, I looked like Aunt Bea at the county fair, but 78%!

You want ugly? Let's talk the stroke of Ben the Brick. At 41.9%, Wallace is the NBA's all-time worst free throw shooter. You could make 41.9% drop-kicking them in an Oscar de la Renta gown. Maybe Ben had that headband over his eyes. "If Ben were serious," Barry says, "I know I could get him shooting better than 70 percent."

Wilt Chamberlain, who for years held the record for the most pathetic free throw-shooting season ever (38.0%), is one of the few guys to go underhanded in an effort to improve. He got better but then gave it up. "I felt silly-like a sissy," so he went back to his old line drives.

Had Wallace swallowed his macho, gone underhand last season in Detroit and shot only 20% percentage points better, he'd have made 60 more foul shots. Sixty more points might have made the difference in a lot of games, especially because Detroit could have kept him in at the end of a lot more close ones.

I reached out to the chronic clankers- Shaq, Wallace, Bruce Bowen (55.0% this season), Emeka Okafor (51.2), Brendan Haywood (42.6), and Tyson Chandler (whose 32.4% threatens the all-time mark)- and asked the simple question: "What would it take to get you to shoot free throws like Rick Barry?" Not one called me back. Or e-mailed me. Or texted. Or had their p.r. guys call me back. Zero. None.

Do you know why? Because NBA players care more about looking cool on SportsCenter than winning games for their teams. Sissies.
this is a much more obvious example, and one that i briefly touched on in an NBA thread. NBAers are paid to win ball games, but they'd rather suck harder than an Orik vacuum than do their job if it "doesn't look cool."

if i worked at my job like that, meaning if i didn't execute properly because it "crimped my style," then i'd be looking for another job real quick.

sadly, white America has embraced this laughingly stupid, incredibly backwards rationale instead of ridiculing it as it deserves.Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood
Jimmy Chitwood said:
I reached out to the chronic clankers- Shaq, Wallace, Bruce Bowen (55.0% this season), Emeka Okafor (51.2), Brendan Haywood (42.6), and Tyson Chandler (whose 32.4% threatens the all-time mark)-

Those are some ridiculous numbers.
Sorry guys but I don't see the NFL corporate machine on the down anytime soon. I need not look any farther than perennial loser franchises such as Detroit, Cleveland, and Arizona still selling tickets, merchandise, ect.. even though they still suck year after year. America loves their "good ol" NFL boys.
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