The Coming Attack on Talk Radio


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
The coming government attack on talk radio and websites/blogs such as this is being pushed by the Globalist Elite to limit (& eventually end) our 1st Amendment rights. These "Crapitol sHill" lackeys are total pawns for their Globalist masters (the same ones pusing the NAU, Amero, etc.)...

***The Hildabeast & Bahbah Boxer conspiring to clamp down on talk radio... by: DixieDestroyer
Feb 22, 2007
New Jersey
Exactly what are they planning to do? Label certain channels as "extremist" and then ban them? So who determines what is extremist and what isn't? Now extremists lose thier first amendment rights?

This is what Billary Clinton will do when she is elected into office? I swear she isn't a democrat, she is a total socialist.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
The libs are just trying to start up another legislative bill called the "Fairness Act" or words to that effect that means for every conservative radio talk show out there on a individual radio station there has to be a liberal one as well. But the marketplace is what gives dominance to conservative talk radio and that's why Air America failed, nobody wants to listen to that crap. The libs already dominate the Newspapers, TV networks and Cable news outlets but they are frustrated that they can't control all the different ways people get news these days.It's because of all the new media and radio talk shows that they haven't been able to cram this amnesty bill down our throat yet. I emphasize the word "yet".


Apr 16, 2005
The timing of this has me really suspicious, considering Trent Lotts comments about talk radio two days ago. I think this is an attempt by the one party system to take immigration off the talk radio shows, and redirect conservatives anger elsewhere. It's all a calculated ploy IMO!!!
Dec 6, 2005
I'm more worried about attacks on the Internet than viacom controlled talk radio. This is a smokescreen to keep patriots from seeing the control the government is trying to take of the net. This is really our last free outlet to communicate without having to worry about a lawsuit or getting fired.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
You're all quite wise to be very concerned. The Globalists are pressuring their DC puppets to clamp down on free-speech so the NWO agenda can go "full speed ahead". The Globalist Elite owns the "leadership" of both parties lock, stock and barrell.
Jan 5, 2005
United States
Talk Radio is just a medium for Liberals to tell conservatives how to think like "conservatives". By setting the standard for conservatism somewhere near the middle of the political spectrum, they can call anything that is truly "right" extreme and marginalize it. The sooner people realize that the Hannity's and Limbaugh's of the world aren't going to stand up to the establishment on the truly important issues (anything that speaks truthfully towards race, governmental corruption, globalism, etc.) the sooner we can all get on with identifying what it is we stand for and from then the war to take back our Liberty can begin.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Reclaimsocal..."Pawn Vanity" & "Hush Bimbo" are NeoCON mouthpieces who perpetuate the bogus Left/Right paradigm. However, I don't want to see Uncle Scam openly trying to reel in talk radio (one iota). We need to fight against any Fairness Doctrine legislation on "Crapitol sHill".


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Here's the lastest on Feinstein, inc's plans to bring back the "Fairness Doctrine" asap...

"Feinstein might push for fairness doctrine"

WASHINGTON, June 24 (UPI) -- U.S. Sen. Diane Feinstein, D-Calif., said Sunday she is "looking at" the possibility of reviving the fairness doctrine for U.S. broadcasters.
Feinstein, speaking on "Fox News Sunday" with Sen. Trent Lott, R-Miss., said talk radio in particular has presented a one-sided view of immigration reform legislation being considered by the Senate.

U.S. talk radio is dominated by conservative voices.

"This is a very complicated bill," said Feinstein. "Most people don't know what's in this bill. Therefore, to just have one or two things dramatized and taken out of context, such as the word amnesty -- we have a silent amnesty right now, but nobody goes into that. Nobody goes into the flaws of our broken system."

Feinstein said the measure before the Senate "fixes those flaws" but that doesn't get presented on talk radio, which she said "pushes people to ... extreme views without a lot of information."

Asked if she would revive the fairness doctrine, which used to require broadcasters to present competing sides of controversial issues, Feinstein said she was "looking at it."

"I remember when there was a fairness doctrine," she said, "and I think there was much more serious correct reporting to people."

***Reference article/url...

[url] ight_push_for_fairness_doctrine/9684/ [/url]Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
More on the fraud of the so-called "Fairness Doctrine". You can bet'cha bottom-dollar the Globalist's puppets on Crapitol sHill will be pushing to get this bill into law...especially in light of their scAmnesty bill not passing!

Fairness Doctrine About As Fair as Patriot Act is Patriotic
Cheaters Don't Like The Score, So They Try To Change The Rules

Prison Planet | June 28, 2007
Paul Joseph Watson

The Fairness Doctrine is about as fair as the Patriot Act is patriotic. Its supporters are fooled by this veneer of rosy lexicon while overlooking the basic fact that this is about government regulation and suffocation of independent media.

John Kerry, Dianne Feinstein (pictured), Dick Durbin and Nancy Pelosi have all called for the reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine over the past week.

Liberals clamor for a reinstitution of the Fairness Doctrine because they believe it will reign in Fox News and talk radio kingpins like Rush Limbaugh, but the fact is that Rupert Murdoch holds fundraisers for Hillary Clinton - the establishment media are intimately intertwined with the apex of both political parties. Fox News will not be targeted, this will only be used as a tool to shut down bloggers and other independent media that don't drink either the Republican or Democrat kool-aid.

Enforcement by law that broadcasters afford "equal time" to the opposing view spells the end for advocacy journalism and calls time on two of the most popular newsmen in recent years from different sides of the political spectrum, Lou Dobbs and Keith Olbermann.

The very article you are now reading will be a criminal violation of the Fairness Doctrine should it return.

Why are the political elite attempting to revive this Frankenstein despite the fact that it was thrown out after being judged unconstitutional 20 years ago? The establishment is furious that the influence of the dominant media is beginning to wane and is being diluted by grassroots independent media and the Internet.

They are seething at the fact that every new assault on our freedom that they try to wrap in glossy propaganda is being exposed and opposed with viral activism organized as a result of independent media.

This isn't about censoring the right-wing, it's about putting the structure in place to make any criticism of government illegal save jumping through 200 flaming hoops. This is about regulation of the Internet in alliance with new proposals to impose Chinese-style controls on free speech.

They are losing the debate on every issue from the amnesty bill to the centralization of power and the North American Union.

At this late stage in the game, they don't like the score so they are attempting to change the rules by re-defining freedom of speech altogether.

***Reference article link...

[url] r_as_patriot_act_is_patriotic.htm [/url]

****However, here's some good news

"House Proposes Ban on Fairness Doctrine Funding"

By Ira Teinowitz

The House of Representatives moved today to ban the Federal Communications Commission from reviving the Fairness Doctrine, which required broadcasters to offer competing viewpoints in a balanced manner when presenting controversial issues.

The House inserted a ban on government spending in behalf of the doctrine into an appropriations bill, acting at the urging of GOP conservatives. Democrats charged the move was "a political stunt" aimed at quieting unwarranted conservative talk-show hosts' fears that the doctrine could return. The legislation was awaiting a final vote at press time.

Democrats admitted some concern about the lack of balance on talk radio, but said there was no immediate prospect for the Fairness Doctrine's revival.

"It's long since gone by the board because of court decisions and various FCC decisions," said House Appropriations Committee chairman David Obey, D-Wis., who readily accepted the GOP amendment, then saw conservatives spend half an hour rising to praise it. He called the move "another political exercise" intended to fix fears coming from "talk radio and yap-yap TV."

"I want to see the real Rush [Limbaugh]. I want folks like him to be exposed to American audiences in all his bloviated glory. Let right-wing radio go on just as they do now. ... Rush and Sean [Hannity] are just as important as ... Paris Hilton. I would hate to see government moderate it to give them an ounce of credibility," Rep. Obey said.

The amendment was proposed by U.S. Reps. Mike Pence, R-Ind.; Jeff Flake, R-Ariz.; and Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas. They acted after Sen. Diane Feinstein, D-Calif., and Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., endorsed the doctrine's revival and Matt Drudge's Drudge Report Web site featured a clip of what turned out to be a months-old interview in which Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry also endorsed it.

Aides to Sen. Kerry and Sen. Durbin said neither senator is sponsoring legislation. An aide to Sen. Feinstein said she has directed staff to look at the possible changes to the communications law "to ensure there is a degree of fairness," but that she has no active proposal.

House Energy & Commerce Committee chairman John Dingell, D-Mich., and Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, chairman of one of its panels, also have talked of holding hearings.

Conservatives today called the Fairness Doctrine outmoded.

"As kids say, this doctrine is so 20th-century," said Rep. Mark Kirk, R-Ill.

"If the Fairness Doctrine is put back in place, you will silence the public," said Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore., who owns a radio station.

Rep. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., called any plan to reintroduce it "a bald-faced attack on free speech. Proponents don't like what they hear on the radio. The content of radio and television shows should be directed by station managers, not the government."

Rep. Tom Feeney, R-Fla., said Republican conservatives on the air acknowledge what they stand for.

"The difference is that Rush Limbaugh knows and admits he is a conservative. Dan Rather and Katie Couric don't admit they are liberals," he said.

Rep. Pence said today's amendment will send "a deafening message" that Congress doesn't want the doctrine reinstated.

***Reference article link...

[url] s.php[/url]Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
More exposure of the Orwellian "Fairness Doctrine" via Mike Pence's Broadcaster Freedom Act...


By Cliff Kincaid & Andy Selepak

July 6, 2007

Three Republican Senators, John McCain, John Thune, and Norm Coleman have stepped forward to introduce the Broadcaster Freedom Act, as questions linger about comments attributed to Senators Hillary Clinton and Barbara Boxer regarding re-imposition of the so-called Fairness Doctrine on broadcasters. The Fairness Doctrine is viewed by many on the political left as a way to muzzle or silence conservative talk radio.

The battle for control of talk radio is on.

McCain said that the Broadcaster Freedom Act "would prevent the Federal Communications Commission from reinstating" the Fairness Doctrine. He said the federal government should not be required to "police the airwaves to ensure differing viewpoints are offered."

The Broadcaster Freedom Act has been introduced in the House by Rep. Mike Pence with 111 co-sponsors. Pence's amendment prohibiting funding of the Fairness Doctrine in fiscal year 2008, even though there is no chance of it being resurrected under the Bush Administration, has passed the House.

The current chances of getting the Broadcaster Freedom Act passed in the Democratic-controlled House and Senate are viewed as slim or none because it would stop a future Democratic Administration from re-imposing the Fairness Doctrine.

"Since President Reagan's repeal of the 'Fairness Doctrine,' the number of talk-radio shows nationwide has grown from fewer than 100 to over 1,000 today," McCain declared. "In addition to talk radio, Americans are able to find opposing viewpoints in more places than ever before, including the Internet. With the great number of media sources available today, divergent viewpoints do not have to be offered on the same radio or television show, but can be found simply by channel surfing, reading a newspaper or browsing an Internet blog."

Inhofe Accuses Hillary

Senator Hillary Clinton, a presidential candidate, has taken no public stand on the return of the Fairness Doctrine. But she has been accused by a colleague, Senator James Inhofe, of supporting legislative action against talk radio.

On Thursday June 21, 2007, Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) appeared on the John Ziegler evening show on KFI 640 AM in Los Angeles. Inhofe discussed with Ziegler a conversation he overheard, and then joined, with Senators Clinton and Barbara Boxer where they discussed the need for a "legislative fix" to "have balance" in talk radio after complaining about talk radio being "nothing but far-right-wing extremists." The Inhofe and Ziegler interview can be heard here.

On June 22, 2007, Inhofe was on Sean Hannity's radio program, explaining that he misspoke, and that he overheard the Clinton and Boxer conversation three years ago, not "the other day," as he told Ziegler. But the date of the conversation was not as important as the conversation itself. Inhofe was saying that Clinton and Boxer wanted federal government interference in radio programming. The Inhofe and Hannity interview can be heard here.

Inhofe retold the story, which he said he had told "at least a hundred times," about the conversation he overheard "on an elevator going up to vote." He said he overheard Senators Clinton and Boxer saying, "All we ever hear is extreme right-wing stuff on these radio shows. We got to do something about it, there's got to be a fix to this thing."

In response, Inhofe told Boxer and Clinton, "You girls don't understand, it's market driven, and there's no market for your liberal tripe." Inhofe then told Hannity, "Liberals don't understand that there aren't people out there who are just waiting for them to come up with a great liberal audience that can join in."

On Hannity's program, the conversation got more in-depth, with Hannity asking Inhofe about a report from the Center for American Progress, a George Soros-funded group, on diversity in radio programming.

Hannity noted that the group is led by "Hillary's front man John Podesta," who had served as Bill Clinton's chief of staff. Hannity said the report included "a lot of recommendations, all government regulations, to intimidate radio owners and station groups," adding, "there's other talk about bringing back the Fairness Doctrine."

Clinton and Boxer Issue Denials

Clinton and Boxer deny the conversation described by Inhofe ever took place, with Boxer saying, "Senator Inhofe either needs new glasses or needs to have his hearing checked because the conversation never happened."

Clinton spokesman Philippe Reines responded, "Jim Inhofe is wrong. This supposed conversation never happened, not in his presence or anywhere else." Inhofe said he wasn't really surprised that the two would deny the conversation took place. But he said that he hears Democrats complaining about conservative talk radio all the time.

When asked by Hannity if he believed the Fairness Doctrine would return, Inhofe asked "Do these people want to do the same thing with CNN? Do they want to do the same thing with the networks?" He then added, "I don't think there's a chance it would pass because you guys are going to do your job and make sure there is such a thing as the First Amendment."

However, as AIM has demonstrated, the chances of a Democratic President and Congress getting the Fairness Doctrine passed into law are actually very good. There are only 111 co-sponsors of Pence's Broadcaster Freedom Act in the House. Only three Senate Republicans, McCain, Thune and Coleman, have endorsed it in that body.

But the Fairness Doctrine is not the only item on the liberal agenda. Another is opposition to "media consolidation." This means they want to prevent conservative-oriented broadcasters from getting more powerful and influential?by putting limits on the number of radio stations and media properties they can own or control.

For his part, Hannity acknowledged that liberals will continue to push for the Fairness Doctrine and for more government regulation to force more liberal voices on the air. He talked of a "blueprint... to structurally shift through regulation ownership rules to silence talk radio, or to force stations to take programs that they don't want..." Hannity added, "There's a direct assault on the First Amendment from a lot of corners going on now."

Hillary's Allies

Also on Fox News, Alan Colmes wondered why, if what Inhofe alleged was true, Clinton and Boxer had not acted against talk radio. "What have Hillary Clinton and Barbara Boxer done in the last three years to advance this legislatively?" Colmes asked.

In fact, as AIM has documented, Clinton has relied on a front organization, Media Matters, to help advance her agenda in the media. Media Matters head David Brock has called for the return of the Fairness Doctrine. In fact, Brock's Media Matters was reported to be behind a website,, which was specifically set up in support of a bill by Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine. The website has since been taken down.

Writing about, James Gattuso noted that the site was "co-sponsored by Andrew Jay Schwartzman of the Democracy Access Project, David Brock of Media Matters, and Tom Athans of Democracy Radio."

Athans, co-founder and former CEO of Democracy Radio, is an interesting figure who may stand to benefit if the federal government mandates the sale or breakup of media properties. Athans, who also served as an official of the liberal Air America radio network, is the husband of Michigan Democratic Senator Debbie Stabenow. He developed and produced the liberal Ed Schultz and Stephanie Miller radio shows.

Liberal McCain Booster

AIM discovered that was registered to Nicco Mele, the webmaster for Howard Dean's 2004 presidential campaign and co-founder of EchoDitto, an organization that creates "vibrant online communities." Its projects include the Rosie O'Donnell blog and the Clinton Global Initiative website.

Ironically, Mele made statements in support of John McCain's presidential run. "A lot of people are asking me about John McCain," Mele wrote. "When I worked for Common Cause, I worked on the McCain-Feingold bill and worked closely with Sen. John McCain's office. After Sen. McCain lost the Republican primary in 2000, I traveled with him as part of a group of campaign finance reform staffers as we criss-crossed the country working to secure support for the McCain-Feingold bill. I have long admired Sen. McCain's work on campaign finance reform and his independent streak. If Sen. McCain runs for president, he's got my support."

Air America Sees Green

Meanwhile, the liberal Air America radio network has been re-launched, after going through bankruptcy, with support from such figures as Bill and Hillary Clinton. The network was sold in March to Green Family Media, run by the Green family. Stephen Green became chairman of the board and Mark Green became president of the new Air America.

Bill Clinton appears in the Air America "relaunch video" and Hillary was interviewed on the air when the new owners took charge. "You are really important," Bill Clinton told them. "This is a big deal."

Mark Green was on Fox News Sunday on July 1, declaring that progressives were really not interested in bringing back the Fairness Doctrine. He said, "I don't want the government to mandate speech." But he also said that a station should go through a "license renewal proceeding" and represent "diverse communities."

Green's comments were denounced as doubletalk by some conservatives. But his remarks were consistent with what we know about Democratic plans to bring back the Fairness Doctrine. They know they can't get it back under the Bush Administration so they've figured that it's better not to talk about it. That is why so many joined in the 309-115 vote in favor of the Pence amendment.

The Plan

It's better, from the liberal point of view, to use this time to talk about community involvement, diversity, and the licensing procedures for broadcasters which already exist. It also makes sense to hold hearings or conduct studies on the matter, such as what Rep. John Dingell is doing. Dingell, chairman of the House Commerce Committee, which has jurisdiction over the Pence Broadcaster Freedom Act, has requested a federal study of how broadcasters encourage "hate crimes."

This process could lay the groundwork for bringing back the Fairness Doctrine or even mandating the sale of various broadcasting properties to people like the Greens and Tom Athans. But that will only happen when a Democratic president is in the White House and the FCC is safely in Democratic hands.

Liberals are biding their time, thinking that time is on their side.

It will be up to conservatives, especially conservative talk radio, to defeat them.

***Reference article...


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
If the Liberals succeed in largely shutting down talk radio, I think they will over play their hand. When people start to feel they have no voice or influence whatsoever in politics and the way this country is run that's when rebellion starts up and the tree of liberty gets nourished with a little more blood. I am not advocating that at this point but I do feel the country is headed down that road and they won't have anybody to blame but themselves.
Feb 22, 2007
New Jersey
If this applies to media (radio based) I say we force them by law to apply it to other forms of media as well.

This would destroy the liberal media bias existing today. I would love to see them argue that the fairness act only applies to radio.