The Color of Crime: Chicago


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Diversity is our strength?

Crime stats of Chicago.


It looks to me like 96.8 percent of homicide, 93.3 percent of rape, 96 percent of robbery, and 91.8 percent of aggravated assault â€" 94.5 percent of violent crime in Chicago - is committed by African-Americans and Hispanics.

If African-Americans and Hispanics were removed from Chicago, 95 percent of violent crime in Chicago would disappear along with them.

How does race have nothing to do with crime? Why does the media pretend there isn't a connection here?
No, Bart and LabMan, the media tells us it's because they all beez poor, kept down by the WHITE MAN! All of this violence and crime is just our just desserts! Now, if we just hand over all of our money, property, businesses, and then all pick up and move to Antarctica, everyone will sing kumbaya and things will be just and happy!
Those stats are rayciss!!
I can't even fathom why the constant pandering and appeasement of blacks exist. Yesterday A & E had a show about the KKK and how they killed innocent blacks during the late 50's and early 60's. Whatever crimes the KKK committed against blacks pale in comparison to the million or so hate crimes committed by blacks every year against whites. West Virginia is 97 % white and the poorest state in the nation. You don't see white committing crimes in record numbers there. They can shove the poverty bull.
You can simulate being a negro by drinking about six or seven beers: the poor impulse control, the loudness, the willingness to become violent over the most trivial matters, the belief you're incredibly witty and talented, the sudden lose of balance without being touched by anything, etc.

The kosher media is on its last legs. They're going to keep denying reality right up to the bitter end in some sort of pathetic stand on principle. Thanks to the internet, more and more Whites are discovering that the "stereotypes" made up by "racism" are actually very heavily based in truth. The jew is not happy about this.
An article entitled "Chicago under seige."

Chicago has seen over two weeks of constant mob attacks on white people by black thugs. Here are some of the latest crime stories from the city.

White 15 year old mugged at gunpoint by all black seven person mob near Ogilvie station. Whites fear for their lives, forced to walk in pairs, as attacks continue despite numerous arrests. Notice that ABC7 blatantly CENSORS all mention of race. Recently Chicago Tribune editor Gerould Kern confessed to censoring black crime on the pages of the Tribune. As you can see by this news report, there is a unified effort to censor black crime. Imagine that mobs of white people were attacking blacks all over Chicago. It would be the biggest news story in the western world. Every newspaper and television station would be screaming the races of the perpetrators and the victims.
Jussie Smollett was indicted for felony disorderly conduct for filing a false police report by a grand jury. He is going to be arrested.
American Freedom News