The chump turns down $1.5m to fight Wlad

Jan 19, 2005
Toney turns down $1.5m to fight Wladimir Klitschko.I knew toney would do this.He is a gutless coward.After all the trash talk about white heavyweights especially Vitali and now Wlad,he chickens out of fighting Wlad.

Well so much for old school! has the story.more to come.
Toney's scared to death of being beaten by a White guy in front of millions.In light of what he's said regarding white heavy's recently,this is the definate reason why he would turn down such a big payday to fight Vlad.I think the recent takeover of the heavyweight division and the white takeover of boxing in general has made Toney mentally unstable.Its almost like every myth he ever in believed in growing up has been shattered and turned upside down.He dos'nt understand what's going on,this isnt supposed to be happening.Well Toney,this isnt the eighties anymore,and the film White men cant jump where the Woody Harison character is treated like the routine White chump is fictional.Toney recently stated in an interview with a Hip Hop magazine'Black men are the sh*t,all white men want to be us and all white women want to f**k us'not to mention the rant he went on in the post fight press conference after the Rahman fight in front of the world's media about White fighters not having what it takes.He also called Europeans dumb in an interview on ESPN.

This is one insecure thug.He's scared.I hope Wlad really follows up and carry's on calling out this pussy.
Nah he knows he isn't going to win. I really don't think he is that scared. He is just realistic(to a point). The writing is on the wall for him, he is decaying rapidly and has only a shot to beat a weaker champion such as Rahman. Even Valuev would beat the Toney who looked old fat and slow, very easily....
Great post really do think "chump" Toney is scared.He says he is the best heavyweight on the planet and he can beat both Klitschkos on the same night.Then back it up Toney.If I were Wlad I would follow toney everywhere and I mean everywhere.Camp out in front of his home,follow him to the gym,supermarket,Dunkin Donuts,Denny's,IHOP and etc.Everywhere and anywhere Toney goes Wlad should be there.Toney is home sleeping ,Wlad should be under his bed waiting for him.Toney can run but he can't hide.
Umm Wlad is the champion he really doesn't need Toney. Toney is just a big money fight that is easy. I think because Toney can't bring out the flaws in Wlad Toney may well be the easiest opponent for him(eventhough I think Toney is infinetly better than a Brock and some other proposed opponents).
Even thought I would like to see him knock out Toney,why not try to get another belt.If not,maybe he can avenge his loss to L.Brewster.
So typical of a ghetto boy. Big talk no action. I Knew this fight would not happen.
Toney has always had a good defense. He is a master at avoiding punches, and he avoided a lot of punches by deciding to not fight Vlad. Toney should hang it up. He's starting to look like Sam Langford, and sound like Riddick Bowe.

Ten years from now, Toney may well be punchdrunk, and nobody will care, except whimpy little white sportswriters.
wtf is wrong with toney??? even though he knows he will lose he will still get 1.5 million... i think youre right when you say he dont want to be beaten by a white guy...especially one that will knock him out...i will say one thing in his defense...he talked about vassili jirov with a little respect
the situation is this.Wlad is allowed a voluntary defense before his mandatory is due.oleg maskaev is fighting rahman.sergei Liakovich is fighting kevin mcbride from what i am hearing.Valuev just got done fighting.calvin brock has his hands full with timur Imbragimov.Wlad has a date open right is toney going to do sit and wait for the winner of maskaev-rahman.Toney thinks rahman is going to win.he is surely mistaken.I have a strong feeling rahman is going to be put to sleep against maskaev come august.what will toney do?if he wants a shot at the title he is going to have to fight one of the white champions.I would rather see toney get ko'd by wlad,but any of the champions will do.after vitali's destruction of danny williams he offered toney a title fight 60-40 split,f**kin toney said no and outbid himself.he never intended to fight vitali just like he never intended to fight wlad.he is staying as far away from wlad as possible.toney is all talk and nothing else.toney lost against rahman.wlad-toney is the best lucrative fight out there right now.everyone else is busy.toney is a gutless coward.nothing more then a chump.
DAMMIT!!! I wanna see his fat black ass get punched like a heavy WLADIMIR dammit!!!!
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