The Caste System Writ Large

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Exactly 6 of Obama's pending 35 judicial nominees are straight White men. According to Steve Sailor, here's the breakdown:

"17 of the 35 pending judicial nominees are women, 15 are ethnic minorities and five are openly gay, according to White House statistics. Six are straight white men."

The forced replacement of White men in anything and everything is really picking up pace. This is why the Caste System isn't going to change no matter how many qualified and potentially qualified White football and basketball players there are, as White men are being shown, and celebrated, by the media as a rapidly shrinking (and despised) minority in every sphere of life. White men have even become a noticeable minority in the reporting of sports, replaced first by blacks and now by White women.

Obama's second term is going to continue to be a full-scale assault on what's left of White society and values. And of course the Republicans and "conservatives" will continue to be all but worthless as the alleged "opposition." Just notice how few Republicans are openly standing up for the Second Amendment. The NRA (and Gunowners of America) have had to shoulder the full burden of opposing the gun grabbers.

Here's Sailor's short article on Obama's second term:
for whatever it's worth, I really appreciate your commentary.
I'm a relatively young guy.. raised in a family where I was taught to take every man as an individual (not reduce, dismiss, or penalize him for just his race, religion, etc)

but it's plainly obvious now, we live in a culture where everything, EVERYTHING is about taking from White men, and reditributing those opportunities, wealth & resources to ethnic minorities.
Even tho' White men haven't been perfect in historic race relations.. On a sliding scale, there has never been a group in human history more committed to fairness than White Americans. It has been our moral distinction, & made America unique in it's beacon to the emmigrants of the world.. but our capacity for fairness & opportunity is now being manipulated to destroy us.
Giving everyone a fair chance, is drastically different than giving up our own chance.. which is what White America seems to be knee-deep in now.. Handing a civilization over to ppl incapable of upholding it, is not fair or wise.. it's suicide. & all the ethnic minorities who always demand fair play, come from cultures with NO history of that fair play (patriarchal, tribal Africa, caste India, etc).. they're dishonest hypocrites. Trust, I'm doing everything in my legal power to avert the extinction of White America.
6 Out of 35 judicial nominees are straight white men? Geez...

I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and here in Ontario our Political Leader is an openly gay, radical feminist, and almost admitted man-hater named Kathleen Wynne. In the USA, this would be a similar position as whoever holds most political authority in a state, which is known as I believe "Governor".

I was absolutely infuriated to learn of Kathleen Wynne becoming premier here in Ontario, and it honestly makes me want to leave this province and live somewhere else. Not only is she an open lesbian, but she has a past of radical feminism and is essentially a (white) man hater. She's one of those women who became a "lesbian" after a failed marriage with a man.

I honestly feel sorry for the white men in USA and my advice is to get the hell out now... USA is headed the same direction as South Africa, just at a slower pace. The most honest advice I can give to white men living in North America is to either LEAVE and immigrate to another country or embrace a different lifestyle. USA, Canada, and most European countries are too left leaning and as a white man, they are working precisely against your immediate interest. The best thing in my opinion, is to move abroad, or go to a conservative, European country (maybe Russia, or Belarus).

Personally, as a 24 year old white male, Ive found a good direction in the conservative Middle Eastern community. I have posted my pic on this site before and pics of my ex girlfriends who are all Muslim, Middle Eastern. One of the things that attracts me to Islam and Middle Eastern culture is the conservatism that is prevalent here. There are no homos, need for racial diversity, pandering to blacks and so on. These agendas don't exist. Its a much healthier mindset.

Jesus Christ what is this god damn world coming to? Lesbians, Homos, Negroes, and cross-dressers are literally leading our Churches, laws and societies and becoming primary decision makers. Its getting to the point where I can't stand living here anymore and I'd like to move somewhere else, even if it meant a somewhat reduction in quality of living.

Trust, I'm doing everything in my legal power to avert the extinction of White America.

That's a noble effort, but I think that battle has already been fought and lost as evidenced by the subject matter of this thread. USA is going downhill and with each passing year is becoming less and less friendly to the straight white man. Demographic trends are further pronouncing that fact.

At this point, I would honestly recommend leaving the USA and moving somewhere else, or embracing a different lifestyle and/or forming an autonomous self governing community. I don't think real change will be made politically in favour of the white man, and even if it was, it would be short-lived because of demographic patterns. USA is not working in the interest of straight white men and lobbying for change from within is a losing cause, in my opinion...
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BoxingSpecialist2, Sir, Respectfully, I don't think anything's been won or lost yet. We're just in the preliminary stages of what's coming in my opinion. As far as Obama picking all these type of people, I don't think anyone is surprised. Who would he pick, Pat Buchanan types? Obviously not. But the reason for all this overkill of picking as many freaks as possible is actually a sign of fear. Our adversries know time is running short for them. That something is going to happen and it most likely will be a violent revolution. They also know that the nucleus of that revolution will come from the best people in the country. Not the riffraff who support them. So they're doing what they can before the inevitable fighting begins. As far as running away, that's your business. You do what you must.
The problem with giving Negroes, lesbians, gays, cross-dressers, and man-haters positions of political power is that it gives them and their opinions leverage and legitimacy to the average person. Ultimately, it normalizes and encourages their behaviour in terms of social norms, social laws, and everyday life.

Here in Ontario, because we have an open lesbian, man hating feminist as our leader, she has made changes to the educational curriculum and young children, aged 7 and 8 are now being taught that coming from 2 men or 2 women is normal, and actually, just as good if not better than coming from a heterosexual, traditional home. I personally was educated in Canada from 1995-2011 and I found the curriculum awfully abusive and biased against white men (in the way it taught slavery, colonization, and oppression), so nowadays, they have extended that bias even further to include heterosexual couples.

The damage done from this type of social conditioning certainly includes the creation of a white guilt complex for many whites (this is why many whites are Liberals, Negro-sympathizers, and minority rights champions), and now possibly some sort of straight guilt complex and/or ostracism.

Don Wassall has brought up the judicial nominations in USA, and this issue is largely parallel to my example of Kathleen Wynne in Ontario. When you give these kinds of freaks and nonwhites legal power, it just gives them legal legitimacy and leverage to the average person, ultimately normalizing their stance.

BoxingSpecialist2, Sir, Respectfully, I don't think anything's been won or lost yet. We're just in the preliminary stages of what's coming in my opinion. As far as Obama picking all these type of people, I don't think anyone is surprised. Who would he pick, Pat Buchanan types? Obviously not. But the reason for all this overkill of picking as many freaks as possible is actually a sign of fear. Our adversries know time is running short for them. That something is going to happen and it most likely will be a violent revolution. They also know that the nucleus of that revolution will come from the best people in the country. Not the riffraff who support them. So they're doing what they can before the inevitable fighting begins. As far as running away, that's your business. You do what you must.

Thank you for your comment and I respect your opinion! Unfortunately, I am not as optimistic as you, and its hard for me to imagine some sort of violent revolution taking place here in Canada. Whites here don't even care about their own race's self-interest or interest of their children.

I would say that power already has been ceded to Marxists in Canada and USA, so I would consider it "too late" by now. Political power and the law already favours them, and with the way that demographics are changing in North America, it's only going to keep getting worse.

In some ways, whites have themselves to blame (mainly white liberals) for the condition that USA and Canada are in. Going back to say, the 1950's, these were probably good places for whites to live, but somewhere along the line, political and social power was voluntarily ceded to leftists and/or Jewish supremacists and that spelled the end.

Even though its unrealistic for now, the best thing that could happen to racially aware whites in USA would be to form their own government and self-appointed community. That or immigrate to somewhere in Europe or the Middle East. Clearly, the American government and American law is working against the interest of straight whites.

You speak of a violent revolution and that would also be a solution for whites, however, you're more optimistic than me!
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for whatever it's worth, I really appreciate your commentary.
I'm a relatively young guy.. raised in a family where I was taught to take every man as an individual (not reduce, dismiss, or penalize him for just his race, religion, etc)

but it's plainly obvious now, we live in a culture where everything, EVERYTHING is about taking from White men, and reditributing those opportunities, wealth & resources to ethnic minorities.
Even tho' White men haven't been perfect in historic race relations.. On a sliding scale, there has never been a group in human history more committed to fairness than White Americans. It has been our moral distinction, & made America unique in it's beacon to the emmigrants of the world.. but our capacity for fairness & opportunity is now being manipulated to destroy us.
Giving everyone a fair chance, is drastically different than giving up our own chance.. which is what White America seems to be knee-deep in now.. Handing a civilization over to ppl incapable of upholding it, is not fair or wise.. it's suicide. & all the ethnic minorities who always demand fair play, come from cultures with NO history of that fair play (patriarchal, tribal Africa, caste India, etc).. they're dishonest hypocrites. Trust, I'm doing everything in my legal power to avert the extinction of White America.

Very well stated, with wisdom and common sense. Unfortunately wisdom and common sense are in very short supply among Whites these days.
The problem with giving Negroes positions of political power is that it gives them and their opinions leverage and legitimacy to the average person. Ultimately, it normalizes and encourages their behaviour in terms of social norms, social laws, and everyday life.

The damage done from this type of social conditioning certainly includes the creation of a white guilt complex for many whites..

hi.. I agree with every word in this stretch of your post.. but I don't share your (understandable) pessimism. Hear me out..
Even in a household/culture of White Liberals & DWFs, their children still possess, within themselves, the genetic raw materials that created the Western world. Even facing rising minority populations & influence, White North American bloodlines that remain intact, can still produce another George Washington, Robert E Lee, Thomas Edison, etc. As long as that bloodline is maintained (which millions are still doing) there is always promise for White North America.
I leave you with the thoughts of Jefferson Davis 1864, (who admittedly lost the war, but made a timeless evaluation here)-
"Assured success awaits us in our holy struggle for liberty & independence, and for the preservation of all that renders life desirable to honorable men.. The fruits of that success will not be reaped by you alone, but your children, and children's children.."
hi.. I agree with every word in this stretch of your post.. but I don't share your (understandable) pessimism. Hear me out..
Even in a household/culture of White Liberals & DWFs, their children still possess, within themselves, the genetic raw materials that created the Western world. Even facing rising minority populations & influence, White North American bloodlines that remain intact, can still produce another George Washington, Robert E Lee, Thomas Edison, etc. As long as that bloodline is maintained (which millions are still doing) there is always promise for White North America.
I leave you with the thoughts of Jefferson Davis 1864, (who admittedly lost the war, but made a timeless evaluation here)-
"Assured success awaits us in our holy struggle for liberty & independence, and for the preservation of all that renders life desirable to honorable men.. The fruits of that success will not be reaped by you alone, but your children, and children's children.."

I am happy that you agree with my comments and ultimately what's great about this site is that many people here share similar views as those I expressed, so its a great place to discuss, share, and further develop ideas.

You also make a great example, with your quotes and more optimistic viewpoint! Yes you are right that it just takes one revolutionary to change the course of things! Great point you make.
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