The Bus's Book

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
A new book by Jerome Bettis that won't be released until next month is the big topic in these parts, where the lives of most white people revolve year-round around their mostly black Steelers.

From the excerpts of the book publicized so far, Bettis does a lot of whining. He thinks Kordell Stewart was treated unfairly by Bill Cowher and the Steelers front office when in reality Stewartwas babied to a sickening degree because he was hyped early on as thefirst of the "new era" of super-athletic running black QBs that was supposed to quickly sweep over the NFL, a fanciful notion that Cowher did his best to fulfill.

Bettis complains that he himself was treated unfairly by the team, and by the fans on occasion, even though Bettis was treatedlike a king by the team and the community as a whole, far more than he deserved. One local sportscaster, Mark Madden, ripped on Bettis for years, calling him over-rated anda two-faced hypocrite who was totally unlike the public imagehe and the media carefully crafted for him. Now the drunk white fans are realizing he was right.

What strikes me, yet again, is the huge gulf between the perceptions of blacks and that of many whites, even some of the drunk white fans who otherwisenever have a clue. The entire run-up to the Super Bowl two seasons ago, and the Super Bowl itself, was centered around Jerome Bettis. He was honored and praised again and again.And in the gala coverage leading up to his retirement from the NFL following that season,the networks were fighting each other to employ him, ala the way they fought over Tiki Barber.

In short, no American could ask for better treatment than what Jerome Bettis received, yet he's still an ingrate filled with barely concealed racial resentment. Blacks demand that whites love them unconditionally, and when they do it's still not enough. It's never enough. But the ever-loyal and ever-duped white fansstand waiting and ready to worship the next black athlete presented to them as their idol by the media. by: Don Wassall
Don Wassall said:
A new book by Jerome Bettis that won't be released until next month is the big topic in these parts, where the lives of most white people revolve year-round around their mostly black Steelers.

From the excerpts of the book publicized so far, Bettis does a lot of whining.  He thinks Kordell Stewart was treated unfairly by Bill Cowher and the Steelers front office when in reality Stewart was babied to a sickening degree because he was hyped early on as the first of the "new era" of super-athletic running black QBs that was supposed to quickly sweep over the NFL, a fanciful notion that Cowher did his best to fulfill.

Bettis complains that he himself was treated unfairly by the team, and by the fans on occasion, even though Bettis was treated like a king by the team and the community as a whole, far more than he deserved.  One local sportscaster, Mark Madden, ripped on Bettis for years, calling him over-rated and a two-faced hypocrite who was totally unlike the public image he and the media carefully crafted for him.  Now the drunk white fans are realizing he was right.  

What strikes me, yet again, is the gapingly huge gap between the perceptions of blacks and that of many whites, even some of the drunk white fans who otherwise never have a clue.  The entire run-up to the Super Bowl two seasons ago, and the Super Bowl itself, was centered around Jerome Bettis.  He was honored and praised again and again.  And in the gala coverage leading up to his retirement from the NFL following that season, the networks were fighting each other to employ him, ala the way they fought over Tiki Barber.

In short, no American could ask for better treatment than what Jerome Bettis received, yet he's still an ingrate filled with barely concealed racial resentment.  Blacks demand that whites love them unconditionally, and when they do it's still not enough.  It's never enough.  But the ever-loyal and ever-duped white fans stand waiting and ready to worship the next black athlete presented to them as their idol by the media.

I cant wait till the book comes out next month. Jock books rarely dissapoint.

(With the exception of Wilt claiming 20K and Deion Sanders claiming he didnt attack that reporter in the lockeroom, when it was obvious he did)
Yeah Don, that perception gap is pretty much a chasm at this point. How Bettis can say those things with a straight face.... What will Cowher think when he reads that he treated "slash" (joke) unfairly? It's funny, when I read the name Kordell Stewart for a second I had no recognition of the name so far had he fallen off the radar but then I remebered that abysmal pc experiment.

How are we to co-exist with a people who seem to view logic as oppression and honesty and accountability as racism?
I saw Jerome Bettis & a few Rams players years ago when he played for the Rams here in Cali. It was at a bowling alley, I was with my friends playing pool. Anyhoo, it was apparantly obvious he didn't like signing autographs for the white fans but took all the time in the world for his black fans.

I didn't talk to him or go up to him, it was pretty obvious he didn't really want any white people to talk to him. So I didn't. LOL
Kordell really did fall off the face of the earth. The last I heard from him was when he was cut from the Ravens. I wonder where he is now. It's weird to think that someone that was pushed to the moon as much as he was fell just as quickly as he rose to stardom
the Bus-with-no-gas-pedal saga continues... in addition to the Bus's apparent racially motivated statements that have been pointed above, now it has come to light that he also faked an injury in order to stick around longer.

this dude is a loser.

furthermore, if the tailback position is all about pure speed, then how in God's name did this fat ass EVER get a carry?!?

the story: [url] &prov=ap&type=lgns[/url]Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood
Is this the same Kordell that Cowher kissed on the side line? My god, the hatred was just so evident. Bus, thanks for pointing out how 'da man was really keeping Kordell down. What a joke.
I just read some of the stuff the Bus wrote. He sure is a deceptive weasel. I'm sure the Steeler fans still revere that fat retard.
Poacher said:
Yeah Don, that perception gap is pretty much a chasm at this point. How Bettis can say those things with a straight face.... What will Cowher think when he reads that he treated "slash" (joke) unfairly? It's funny, when I read the name Kordell Stewart for a second I had no recognition of the name so far had he fallen off the radar but then I remebered that abysmal pc experiment.

How are we to co-exist with a people who seem to view logic as oppression and honesty and accountability as racism?
The Kordell Steward experiment cost that veteran Steelers team a championship. After O'Donnell was canned for making Larry Brown look like Lester Hayes. How many years did Kordell Steward waste for that nucleus. Even in the season where finally got it all together he blew up in the playoffs. I will say these that Snuffy was probably kept around for an outreach program to the pink crowd in Pittsburgh....
white is right said:
The Kordell Steward experiment cost that veteran Steelers team a championship. After O'Donnell was canned for making Larry Brown look like Lester Hayes. How many years did Kordell Steward waste for that nucleus. Even in the season where finally got it all together he blew up in the playoffs.

In that Super Bowl game, O'Donnell threw 2 interceptions. One was his fault but the other one was caused by the intended receiver running the wrong route. But quarterbacks always get the blame for picks never receivers, especially if the QB in question is white. Even though he led the Steelers to the Super Bowl for the first time since their dynasty of the '70s, O'Donnell's career in Pittsburgh was instantly and permanently ended by those two interceptions, such was the demonization he received from the fans,and he wisely signed to play with the Jets the next season.

Pittsburgh fans have for decades used white quarterbacks as the whipping boys for their collective racial psychodramas. Terry Bradshaw was treated poorly for most of his career, while the hatred directed toward Cliff Stoudt and Mark Malone was simply unfathomable. One bad game by Tommy Maddox two years ago led him to retire because of the vicious treatment he and his family received from the drunk white fans. The only exception was Kordell Stewart. Almost all the fans loved him and sported his jersey. It took years and years of poor performance, big time chokes in playoff games,and "gay" character traits before they finally turned on him. Bill Cowher reluctantly but decisively finally followed suit.

We see the same phenomenon with other black quarterbacks such as Vick and Culpepper, where they are idolized long after it is apparent they aren't very good, and the drunk white fans finally realize the obvious and turn on them,ever eager to embrace the Next Great Black Thing hyped by the media.Edited by: Don Wassall
How does a fat, slow guy like Bettis get a NFL feature back role, while quality white RBs are forced to bulk up (granted, not up to the Bus's supreme girth) and be fullbacks or tight ends?

He's living proof that you make a star out of almost anyone, if you give a them enough carries. 3.9 YPC, definitely hall of famer material.

(one of his later years was 250 carries for 3.3 YPC)

Bettis was not a victim, but a beneficiary of two prevailing NFL biases: a bias towards anyone from Notre Dame, and one for black feature backs. You couldn't have more of a silver spoon for the NFL. Unlike most white RBs, he converted from collegiate fullback to pro feature back.
Edited by: FieldThrower
Bettis was a slightly lesser version of Mike Alstott IMO b/c Bettis had more favourable conditions in his career to acheive in. Alstott averaged 3.9 as well (just like Bettis) until a bad final two or three years under that anti-white prick Gruden brought his YPC to 3.8. I recall Eddie George who has 10000 career yards averaged about 3.6 for his career on better teams than Alstott. I recall Eddie George being heralded as one of the best in the league when he led the AFC in rushing with 15xx yards for the season. Mind you he had about 410 carries.
Don Wassall said:
white is right said:
  The Terry Bradshaw was treated poorly for most of his career, while the hatred directed toward Cliff Stoudt and Mark Malone was simply unfathomable.

As a long time Steeler fan, i'm not sure if the fan hatred against Stoudt was unfathomable enough.
Honestly, he made Kordell Stewart look like Peyton Manning. In the only year with the Steelers that he got significant playing time, 1983, these were his stats:

Passing Stats& nbsp;& nbsp;Rushing Stats
GComp AttPCT YDY/A TD INT Att Yards TD
16 197381 51.7 25536.7 12 21 774794

And for the few years he was QB for the Steelers, Mark Malone's numbers were just as bad if not worse. Especially his last year with the Steelers, in 1987.

They really were horrible quarterbacks.

The real issue is the point Don makes quite often. White fans do not BOO black players with the same vigor as they do white players. Probably due to white guilt.
thats the one thing ill never understand, jerome bettis is a running back, but alstott is a fullback. Look at how fat bettis is and look at how athletic and strong alstott is by comparison.
Alstott didn't have the speed of guys like Lumsden, Staley, or even Leonard. That said, he was fast-moving for a "tank" model RB. Just check out this run from back in his Purdue days.
(surely faster than Bettis, or Ron Dayne)

Another guy that was great in college was Tommy Vardell. He went from being "Touchdown Tommy" at Stanford to just another generic white fullback for the Browns, Lions and 49ers.

[url] htm[/url]Edited by: FieldThrower
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