As someone who believes in the infallible Word of God, I must ask why do you think it was removed, that is to say why would God allow it removed when it could be instrumental in our understanding of end times?
In my opinion it was removed by men that are the same groups that control all of society. They didn't want people to know about the
fallen angels that breeded with women to make the Giants firstoff. Secondly they decided along time ago to push the lie of the heliocentric
earth as being a round ball that rotates around the moon and sun. The complete opposite of the truth. The earth is a circlular disc surrounded by the
Antartic Ice Circle. We have the Firmament Above us which cannot be breached and cannot be destroyed. They have tried. Remember my friends that everything the elite do is to try and pretend there is no God. Hence why they will eventually say the Aliens made earth and all humans. The aliens are demons pure and simple. The earth did not start from a Big Bang out of nothing and we do not evolve from Apes. Yet they
push all the lies including that we went to the moon in the school books. All to try and disprove the Most High God.
They all serve the Devil and have to push his lies to keep their money and power. They do so with glee & happiness. For what so good is it
for a man to gain the whole world but lose his Soul. Your Soul is more valuable than all the money on earth. They will find out one day
as we will all be judged. God will not be Mocked and HE is Always in Control. God will turn their Evil into Good. We are slowly seeing all
of the lies be revealed. As it says in the Bible, nothing is secret that shall not be revealed.