The Book of Enoch (Illustrated)

White Lightning

Staff member
Oct 16, 2004
Here is the full Book of Enoch. It was removed from the Holy Bible to hide things from humanity in my opinion. If you take the time to watch
this video, it will open your eyes to things you never even dreamed of. All Praise, Honor & Glory to the Most High God.

Here is the full Book of Enoch. It was removed from the Holy Bible to hide things from humanity in my opinion. If you take the time to watch
this video, it will open your eyes to things you never even dreamed of. All Praise, Honor & Glory to the Most High God.

As someone who believes in the infallible Word of God, I must ask why do you think it was removed, that is to say why would God allow it removed when it could be instrumental in our understanding of end times?
As someone who believes in the infallible Word of God, I must ask why do you think it was removed, that is to say why would God allow it removed when it could be instrumental in our understanding of end times?
In my opinion it was removed by men that are the same groups that control all of society. They didn't want people to know about the
fallen angels that breeded with women to make the Giants firstoff. Secondly they decided along time ago to push the lie of the heliocentric
earth as being a round ball that rotates around the moon and sun. The complete opposite of the truth. The earth is a circlular disc surrounded by the
Antartic Ice Circle. We have the Firmament Above us which cannot be breached and cannot be destroyed. They have tried. Remember my friends that everything the elite do is to try and pretend there is no God. Hence why they will eventually say the Aliens made earth and all humans. The aliens are demons pure and simple. The earth did not start from a Big Bang out of nothing and we do not evolve from Apes. Yet they
push all the lies including that we went to the moon in the school books. All to try and disprove the Most High God.

They all serve the Devil and have to push his lies to keep their money and power. They do so with glee & happiness. For what so good is it
for a man to gain the whole world but lose his Soul. Your Soul is more valuable than all the money on earth. They will find out one day
as we will all be judged. God will not be Mocked and HE is Always in Control. God will turn their Evil into Good. We are slowly seeing all
of the lies be revealed. As it says in the Bible, nothing is secret that shall not be revealed.
WL I don’t think evolution is anything more than a mask for ignorance but a lot of the rest, I don’t know. I think there is pretty convincing evidence for the universe having a beginning and expanding uniformly and what’s wrong with God willing it into being from there?

The Bible is many types of books. Some are history, some poetry, etc. I don’t think it must all be taken literally (though I agree there is plenty in there that needs to be)

We have to stop putting limits on God’s creation abilities.

It plays right into the hands of those who deny the existence of God to begin with
No one is putting limits on God. He could make a million galaxies if he wanted to. My point is if he made the solar system and planets, etc. he would have talked about it. If it were possible to go beyond the Firmament he would have said so. We agree to disagree on this. No
disrespect to you or anyone else. Just my honest beliefs down to my Soul. Free Will is a wonderful thing as no one forces anyone to
believe or not believe.
WL I don’t think evolution is anything more than a mask for ignorance but a lot of the rest, I don’t know. I think there is pretty convincing evidence for the universe having a beginning and expanding uniformly and what’s wrong with God willing it into being from there?

The Bible is many types of books. Some are history, some poetry, etc. I don’t think it must all be taken literally (though I agree there is plenty in there that needs to be)

We have to stop putting limits on God’s creation abilities.

It plays right into the hands of those who deny the existence of God to begin with
I don't agree with some of it either, but what is the "pretty convincing evidence for the universe having a beginning"? I've always heard it called the Big Bang Theory (perhaps the funniest and most ridiculous "theory" I've ever come across), which by definition means it's conjecture or an explanation for something that is not proven. And if God created the universe, that means it always existed in some form of because God always existed. So what is the "convincing evidence"?
I don't agree with some of it either, but what is the "pretty convincing evidence for the universe having a beginning"? I've always heard it called the Big Bang Theory (perhaps the funniest and most ridiculous "theory" I've ever come across), which by definition means it's conjecture or an explanation for something that is not proven. And if God created the universe, that means it always existed in some form of because God always existed. So what is the "convincing evidence"?
There are a lot of people who have described it (Lemaitre, Hoyle, etc), and they do a better job than I will here.

I guess I was just respectfully saying to WL (who I think posts a lot of very insightful things) that we need not take all of the Bible literally with respect to creation and still revere the truth contained within it.

I don’t believe in evolutionary theory for instance, because I don’t think the evidence supports it, it because of literal interpretation of genesis.

Hope that clarifies
I’ve always believed that when Genesis says out of the darkness He created light to mean creation of the universe.

What is great is we can have small disagreements about some of these things while still maintaining our faith in the Lord.
I’ve always believed that when Genesis says out of the darkness He created light to mean creation of the universe.

What is great is we can have small disagreements about some of these things while still maintaining our faith in the Lord.
I agree with you on this. I trust the Holy Bible more than anything in the world. The Book of Enoch is new to me but with my belief
in a flat round earth for years now due to decades of research, it lines up so much on that along with countless other things. I think
it's best to listen to it an hour at a time with no distractions. So far I see it lining up with the Bible but going way more into detail. It's
fascinating to understand more about the earth and many other Biblical things. I will now use a combonation of both in my faith studies.
Stephen Meyer wrote a book called the return of the God hypothesis. He does a good job of pointing to the big bang, along with nucleosynthesis and the discovery of dna as supreme evidence of God’s design. The theory of evolution is completely retarded and has no evidence. The greasiest chemists in the world can’t create a single cell from non-living material but it somehow happened under a rock millions of years ago? James Tour does a great job illustrating the complexity of the cell, dna, proteins, sugars, etc that go into making life. It’s so obvious we are created it’s embarrassing that anyone with a working brain could believe in evolution
Stephen Meyer wrote a book called the return of the God hypothesis. He does a good job of pointing to the big bang, along with nucleosynthesis and the discovery of dna as supreme evidence of God’s design. The theory of evolution is completely retarded and has no evidence. The greasiest chemists in the world can’t create a single cell from non-living material but it somehow happened under a rock millions of years ago? James Tour does a great job illustrating the complexity of the cell, dna, proteins, sugars, etc that go into making life. It’s so obvious we are created it’s embarrassing that anyone with a working brain could believe in evolution
Great post. The everyday Joe who believes in evolution is ignorant and has been lied to. Any scientist who believes in the standard macro evolutionary theory is a coward and deserves open ridicule and mockery.
The whole intelligent design movement has a lot going for it scientifically (Meyer, Behe, Dembski, etc). I’ve read a bunch of the books and found them quite interesting and convincing. Highly recommended to anyone who let the idea of evolution destroy their faith. It certainly had a part in destroying mine but fortunately I was able to overcome that when a buddy of mine pointed me in their direction

I’m not as religious as I once was because I hate the way the church knuckled under to covid but that doesn’t negate their science based approach at all

Hope y’all read some of their stuff
The mainstream Bible is full of politically incorrect stuff. Wouldn’t “they” have also removed all the anti-homosexual stuff, the part where Jesus kicked the moneychangers out of the Temple, etc? If they wanted to give us a PC Bible to lead us astray, they’d give us one that only had the “love your enemies” crap that liberals always twist to use as a weapon against Christians.
The mainstream Bible is full of politically incorrect stuff. Wouldn’t “they” have also removed all the anti-homosexual stuff, the part where Jesus kicked the moneychangers out of the Temple, etc? If they wanted to give us a PC Bible to lead us astray, they’d give us one that only had the “love your enemies” crap that liberals always twist to use as a weapon against Christians.
Great points Gator Dad. I still believe in the Holy Bible with and study it daily. The knowledge you can learn is amazing and it never gets
old never how many times you read it. I like to listen to it on the audio sites and close my eyes and picture the stories. Many of the sol called
antichrist leaders are pushing for it to be banned in places. Maybe someday they will try to do it worldwide. I believe we are living in the
end times or as close to it as we can get. Only God knows for sure but I'm trying to get my faith right.

As far as the Book of Enoch I enjoyed it and look forward to going through it again sometime soon. This year was the first time I ever
read or listened to it. It goes in depth in detail into many things that I wondered about. I think they removed it from the Bible to hide
more of the truths including about the earth we live on. Good to have you here on this board Gator Dad.
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