Thanksgiving 2011

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
i know i've not been able to visit the site regularly or post very often this past year, but i just wanted to take the time to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving.

although i'm sure life has thrown all of us some curves this past year, i can bet we all have something to be thankful for. i created this thread so we can share with one another on this special occasion.

to start it off, i'm thankful for my family's health, a job (which isn't such a sure thing in this so-called economic recovery), a wonderful woman who thinks i'm great, and this site ... which keeps me from going completely out of my mind at the idiocy that most White folks refuse to see.

may all of us be blessed in the coming year. cheers to you!


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
The Destroyer from Dixieland is thankful for....Christ Jesus the Redeemer & God's Holy Word, my wife & kids, my Godly upbringing & the endless blessings, grace, mercy that the Lord provides. Everyone have a safe, enjoyable Thanksgiving. :)


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
I am grateful for my health, job and family and friends that I have. I am thankful for this great site and the posters who inform and educate me on a daily basis. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Most importantly regarding this site, I most thankful to Don. His time, courage, intellect and vision is a God send to all racially aware White people. Thank you Don. :hail:


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone on the site. I hope everyone is healthy and happy. With the year quickly coming to an end hopefully whites success in sports get even better.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Happy thanksgiving guys. You are all like a second family to me. I know I've said it before but it's true. I'm very thankful as well for a job, food, family, God, friends and too many things to list. I'm also want to thank both Don and the members here. This site does give all of us peace of mind in this crazy world we live in. One last thing. Go Ron Paul.


Nov 23, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Found this article on Thanksgiving interesting

Thanksgiving is the time when we remember the White men and women who left everything they had and knew behind in order to seek out freedom and self-determination in a new land. It marks their efforts to survive, and more, to bring this continent out of the stone age, to hack from a wilderness occupied only by primitive savages, the greatest nation in the world.

Today nonWhites and their liberal collaborators are trying to rewrite History in order to discredit and defame America’s White ancestry and heritage. The enemies of our race want to distort and lie and brainwash our children against their own inheritance. They would have us believe that Thanksgiving was some kind of interracial Kumbaya songfest and love-in, rather than what it truly was, a celebration of the successful colonization of the new world by a group of White folks who had had a rough year and wanted to mark their harvest by giving thanks to their God. So, when you hear the liberals start to lie about Thanksgiving, remember the truth: America is a better place, it is what it is, because of Whites coming here. If it had been left to the savages, it would have been just another Third World stone-age cesspool from the start.

Thanksgiving today celebrates the founding of Yankee nation with the Plymouth colony, but the Jamestown colony was establish about 13 years before the Plymouth colony. Jamestown represents the found of the Southern (Confederate) nation. This country has at least two foundings, probably, more but only these two groups seem to have asserted themselves early on. Though, the Germans could form a third if they had asserted themselves they would have emerged as King maker.

It has been said that the Yankees are Anglo-Saxons, while the South is Saxon-Celtic in the old stock. Basically, the old fights between the Scots and the English replays in the USA as fights between the North and the South.

The outsiders use these national grudges of White nation to invade the White nations as White nation fights White nation.

This should be a time to be Thankful for the blessings that our nations and the White Race has received.
Oct 24, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here.

BTW, One way of destroying Thanksgiving is the overpromotion of "Black Friday." In my day, no one wanted to be at the stores on Friday and those he did, didn't want to arrive before noon.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Nice thread, JC! I'm thankful for many things, but especially my parents who made sacrifices and did what it took to raise us right, my loving wife, my job, my home, my health, and my salvation through Jesus Christ. I'm also thankful for Don and the men who have made CF my online home for almost 7 years. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!