Terrell Owens

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
It is only because the NFL panders to self-absorbed, megalomaniacal blacks andcontinually overlooks blackdysfunction -- and because the media loves to givesuch typesendless publicity -- that emotionally retarded punks like Terrell Owens are even allowed to play in the league much less be superstars.

If Owens had played before the mid-'80s, he would not have carried on like he is allowed to now. He either would have been kicked out of the league -- either by his teammates refusing to tolerate him or through a league edict -- or he would have been forced to behave himself on and off the field relatively close to civilized norms.

Justas Keyshawn Johnson is still ripping Jon Gruden, Owens never misses a chance to publicly rip Jeff Garcia. Garciais the All-Pro quarterback who made Owens a star under what had to have been very difficult circumstances for him. To his credit he has handled the one-sided "feud" with restraint and class.

[url]http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2004/football/nfl/10/20/bc. fbn.garciavs.owens.ap/index.html [/url]
Oct 16, 2004
What else would anyone expect from an idiot who stated that
the best players in the NFL are "... Michael Vick, number 1, and
myself, 1-A,"?

Yeah, the Eagles are doing well. The League also has an
agenda, and I'm interested in seeing just how far things can be
... orchestrated to arrive at the "best" outcome. Sure, maybe I'm
going overboard, but I always think back to Doug Williams and
his Superbowl performance. The Denver DB's were, eh,
suspiciously far off from their coverage targets to say the least.

TO is just another steroid filled jerk with the mind of a spoiled
and not too bright 9 year old.


the Eagles suck!!!!! they'll probably get to the Super Bowl (no one in the NFC) but they'll lose because they can't beat Brady or Manning and that's who they'll face.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I want to see Terell Owens run over the middle with Brian
Urlacher waiting for him.Then the only thing that T.O. will stand for is turn over!lol.Can you say fumble!!!
Urlacher would drop him so hard on his hot dogging ass
thae Owens wouldn't walk right for a week!


Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
Good to see this forum. We can only hope that others will become aware and willing to see the truth of what our sports media and of course the mass media is all about in the way they disparage whites and look for opportunities to exalt the blacks and other minoriites and downplay white acheivements in general. The (primarily) jewish-run mass media has a very powerful avenue and medium in the sports world and even the 24 hour networks like ESPN help further their "cause", sadly. I appreciate the honestly and frankness of the posts I see here and look forward to this site. I'm glad I found it.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Welcome to the forum,BeyondFedUp.We are slowly starting
to grow and we need all the input from everybody.White
males in general are looked down on from almost everyone.
The media,sports,& music concentrates are attempting to
take our identity away.We must fight for our rights and
be proud of our heritage just as other races do.As this
site shows,there are too many white athletes not getting
their chance for scholarships,playing time,or a fair share in being drafted at the highest level.Good to see
the membership growing.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I can't wait for next weekend so that my Steelers can
beat the Eagles.Pittsburgh gets better every week with
one of the best rookie qbs to ever play the game.Ben will
pick apart that Eagle Defense.T.O. is going to get held
to under 70 yards,count on it.The Steelers will slow
down the McNabb & Company.2 weeks in a row the Eagles
should have lost but have gotten lucky.Not this time.
Oct 16, 2004
White Lightning, I have a feeling the Eagles are going to be rather "lucky" many more times this season.

T.O.? Any white player with his attitude, his behavior, would be the league pariah. But for this clown, it's something that whites are supposed to worship. Whites are supposed to gape in awe while this moron carries on with less maturity than most eight year olds.

After his routine last week, maybe Ray Lewis and his gangsta' buddies will be looking to get even off the field. Things will get to that point before they get better. The lowbrow gang attitude, the gangsta' lifestyle, is still "rising" in the NFL. It hasn't hit full potential yet

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I agree Andreas.We need a Euro Invasion in the NFL!
The ratings would go through the roof!

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I have to admit that I loved seeing T.O. get shut down against the Steelers.So what does Owens do,he yells non
stop at McNabb on the sideline.He followed Donavan everywhere even when he was trying to ignore T.O. I see
this situation as a ticking time bomb.Every where Terell
goes,there is a cancer in the locker room.The Eagles will
be no different.I can't wait to see the NFL's chosen team
crumble from the inside.Will somebody please hurry up and
K.O. T.O. and company!LOL.


Oct 18, 2004
Pittsburgh took these guys down a few notches and I loved it.

Did anyone catch that pre game show on monday night with

that White womwn throwing herself at T.Owens in some kind

of race mixing soap b.s.?

They always find ways to push this garbage down our throats.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
It is incredible that during a televised event where millions of white men are watching that they have to be disgusted by the spectacle of a hot blond woman throwing her naked body at a savage like Terrell Owens. This is so intentially disgusting and demeaning that it is a new low even for our media. JB Cash will have something to say about this, count on it.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Next they are going to try to get us to watch prime time tv shows with nothing but interracial couples.This is the
media at its worst.They are trying to force feed us this
crap until we all say,hmmn,no big deal. I would like to see what the black guys would do if a black woman was in
a towell, and threw herself on a white man on tv.They would have J.Jackson & the world complaining.It's only ok when the shoe is on the other foot.Next we will have a man hitting on a man.I say, screw the media.America has to start standing up for it's values.I hope that they do fine them for this.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The "skit" was attacked for every imaginable reason except for the interracial nature of it. It's amazing to me how the "Christian right" is offended by sex related material but when it comes to miscegenation they are just as for it as the most rabid liberal and neoconservative.

Polls taken on this subject show that as late as 1958 only 2 percent of whites approved of interracial marriage. It took a Supreme Court decision in 1967 to overturn the laws against interracial marriage that still existed at that time in many states.

Now polls shows most whites (and other racial groups) in favor of interracial marriage (but with a significant minority still opposed). It's a remarkable turnaround, one that can be credited to one of the most thorough (totalitarian) social engineering schemes in history, enacted through the government, government schools, and the media. The athletic caste system is also a major ingredient in the program.

Of course the vast majority of whites are hypocrites on this subject. They'll mouth the proper PC platitudes, but most still seek out their own kind to date and marry, live near, and as teachers and classmates for their children. In that reality, along with the ongoing tidal wave of colored immigration, lies hope that current attitudes may begin to turn.


Oct 19, 2004
Another reflection of the "Mandingo Mystique" that is
so thoroughly implanted in the American sports
psyche. Note that it's not Owens who's doing the
chasing. He's the one that's irresistible, not her.
She's like a crack w****.

I've been surprised that the interracial aspect of this
hasn't been discussed more by the TV talking
heads. I've only seen it mentioned once on ESPN.
Skip Bayless's complaint was that it was racist
towards blacks by portraying the stereotype as "the
black man and a Kryptonite blond" or something like
that. Not even Michael Wilbon talked about it on his
show, and like most blacks, he loves to make race
an issue, even when it's clearly not the issue. Part of
the reason may be that some of the people who
have criticized it are black, like Tony Dungy and
Michael Powell. The media can't criticize them of
being "racist". (And they probably have white wives
anyway, so it'd be ludicrous to do so if that's the
case.) Of course the black ex-jocks on the Best
Damn show brought it up.

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
All of these networks (ABC, CBS, Fox) are AIDS infected filth, that air sitcoms full of immorality and degeneracy. So it shouldn't suprise anyone to see them air such tripe, such as the Desperate Housewives MNF skit. It is refreshing however to see the american people stand up and say "enough of this crap" even though most of them dont have the balls to admit the REAL reason they had a problem with this (the interracial angle) because you KNOW that is what caused such an uproar over this whole thing. I for one felt very uncomfortable watching this, and I'm sure millions of other people did as well
Oct 19, 2004
West Virginia
A lot of the reaction undoubtedly is a deeply subliminal reaction to the racial dynamics of it, as the bit itself was barely PG rated, positively mild for TV not to mention the movies. Nothing more was seen than a woman's back, far less skin than what the cheerleaders show.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Most of the comments I've seen on line or on talk radio dismiss the incident and call the NFL hypocritical for having scantily clad cheerleaders yet being upset at the skit. However I think there is a clear difference. In the skit there was clearly a sexual situation inferred. Woman offers sex to stranger in a public place. This is a big difference then watching cheerleaders, which is the equivalent of looking at pretty girls. Ask your wife or girlfriend if she thinks it's OK for you to eyeball a good looking woman, then ask her if it is OK to have sex with one in a public place. I think she can point out the diference to you.


Oct 21, 2004
This commercial was really in-your-face, cutting edge propaganda. The
t.v. networks stress this interracial sexuality whenver possible, of
course, but this was blatant even for them. The sad thing is that,
these kinds of overt messages work on many young people at a subliminal
level. Who knows, therefore, how many young white girls who were
inappropriately exposed to this nonsense will be just a little more
willing to consider interracial relationships when they grow older? I
also don't think it's an accident that the most arrogant and obnoxious
black on either team was the player chosen for the segment.


Oct 19, 2004
Well the interracial aspect was discussed quite a bit
yesterday on ESPN. Apparently Dungy said that it
was "racially insensitive", so the talking heads had to
respond to that. One of the more dubious
arguments given is that if they did the skit with
another team, they could've used a white player. I
don't know about that. Of course, they probably
would've been rejected if they offered it to a white
star; I can't imagine Peyton or Tom Brady doing a skit
like that. But I doubt if they were ever asked to do it
for another MNF show. They probably specifically
chose this week so they could do it with Owens.

Any intelligent, self-respecting woman wouldn't be
that interested in Owens. Dull, dumb women may
be impressed by his money, fame, and physique
(possibly chemically enhanced), but all that would
wear off pretty quickly for any decent woman. She
would have to get fed up with such a childish
buffoon. Besides, he can have the dumb women;
we don't need them in our gene pool.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
The more stars like T.O. in the nfl and the more some
teams will look at a guy like Bennett and Stokely who
are just as good and don't bitch all the time.Why the
hell would you want a overpaid crybaby on your team who
thinks he is the whole team.Just like K.Johnson, & Moss.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
What's sick is that the Eagles and several other teams ought to be engaged in a bitter bidding war to sign guys like Danny Farmer. Instead Philadelphia will sign black mediocrities and undrafted free agents who will never be even as good as Todd Pinkston, the stick figure with alligator arms who is out for the season.


What?Guys,c'mon.T.O. is a moron.I completely agree with you.But are you guys truly saying that you can if they want a stable team they MUST get a white guy?You're saying that back in the 80's when blacks were still being shunned from football,things would have been better because there were more whites?That doesn't make sense.

Not all blacks are jerks like T.O.Some like Jerry Rice,Marvin Harrison and Torry Holt are actually good proffesional people who dont spend all their lives in trouble.Actually,MOST of the blacks in the league are regular and arent always crazy and idiotic.

Who said whites dont act like jerks?Ever heard of Ryan Leaf?Cade McNown?I just dont get it.