Teddy Atlas - Worst Boxing Trainer??

Is he the worst boxing trainer?

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Nov 23, 2008
I found some old thread on this one, from Eastside Boxing and BoxingScene...

Here are two comments from each forum that stand out (to me)...


Look at what Donny Lalonde had to say about him:

Overall I was injured a lot while with Teddy and he refused to acknowledge
these injuries which made them worse. By trying to "be a man" as Teddy would
say. My injuries are so documented, he is completely nuts, as if two
shoulder surgeries and many subsequent tears are "in my head", both hands
broken and incorrectly aligned wouldn't have something to do with my
injuries? Again, "in my head" he had to convince me I wanted to fight??
"After one year of struggling to establish a cohesive relationship with
Teddy, Dave and I decided that it was in our best interest to try another
"Teddy is well known, he is a good self promoter so I don't have to get into
who he is but as it related to me his training style was not effective for
me and that is all I really have to say about him as a trainer. I was World
rated before I met Teddy, I was World rated when "I left Teddy but more
likely because David had earned such respect with sanctioning organizations with his work with Ray Mancini than my ring performances.
"Generally speaking I performed poorly when I was being trained by Teddy as his focus on negativity had reduced my overall confidence in myself."


Atlas' knowledge of the game is immense unlike most people in this forum who think they are ****ing experts because they have watched a few fights

michael grant and michael moorer are good fighters but not great so comparing what teddy has achieved with them to what roach has done with pacquiao is just silly pacquiao was a remarkable talent to begin with he just got much better under roach who saw his true potential

as for the pulling a gun on tyson thing he was trying to protect his daughter at least he had the balls to do something about it unlike the people surrounding tyson including cus d'amato let him get away with all sorts just because he was very talented

maybe he could be a bit more positive in the corner but that's not his style also you need to know what your fighter responds to

moorer thinks he knows best which is why he got knocked out by foreman despite teddy telling him don't stand in front of him (i'm sure he warned him about the right hand aswell) and why roach also had to let him go when he brought him in to help train manny

i understand you guys not liking teddy but give the man his due he knows more about boxing than all of us combined
Eastside Boxing tends to favor Atlas, while BoxingScene tends to bash him.
j41181 said:
Eastside Boxing tends to favor Atlas, while BoxingScene tends to bash him.
I think Eastside is jewish owned, I don't know about the scene.
So it's not surprising they would support the "Little jew" Atlas.

Also IMO eastside's discussion forum is the most anti-white of any on the net and
many blacks, DWFs, and selfhateing liberalswho have been laughed off the other forumstend to congregate there.....

Edited by: lost
That would have been written before Teddy took his gun and went to Donny Lalande's house with the admitted intent of murdering him, and the only reason he didn't was because Lalonde was not at home.
Accurate comment here from the boxingscene thread:

Grant was a better fighter before Atlas trained him. He might be better after him as well. Teddy is an egomaniacal control freak. If I managed a fighter, he would be the last guy I ever hired.

And read this:

Teddy Atlas Article

Donny Lalonde responds to Atlas

by Dave Spencer, fight news Canada


Fight News recent interview with ESPN commentator and trainer Teddy Atlas has drawn quite the reaction from fight fans all across North America. In the exclusive interview, Atlas touched on having to go to Winnipeg and broadcast a fight of Donny Lalonde in 2003, a former world champion on the comeback trail at the time, and somebody Atlas had trained years previous. It is revealed in his book, "Atlas: From the Streets to the Ring: A Son's struggle to Become a Man," that Atlas came very close to murdering the Golden Boy from Winnipeg in his New York City apartment, many years previous to their reunion in Winnipeg. In the book, Atlas describes getting a gun and going into the city, ready to get the job done. Getting buzzed into the building by another tenant and knocking on Lalonde's door. "If he had opened the door, he was dead," Atlas writes, "I would have pulled the trigger, turned around, and walked away."

Teddy waited through the night, waited for Lalonde to return, phoning the apartment periodically. When he finally got through, Lalonde's girlfriend picked up. Atlas asked if Donny was there, and when the answer came back yes, he hung up and started making his way over to the apartment, still intent to finish the job he came to do. Somewhere during that walk, Atlas changed his mind, for whatever reason, he decided not to go down the path that would take Lalonde's life and forever alter his own, likely ruining it. Lalonde who had let Atlas go as a trainer, had no idea how close he actually was to dieing, had no idea that had he not been out that evening, he would have likely been dead.
No trainer is worse than Buddy McGirt. If you see McGirt in the corner it is a 100% lock that his charge will lose - often by KO.
I would call Teddy Witless the worst high profile trainer. There are probably even worse than him at the lower levels. Some posters here predicted that Teddy would be bad for Povetkin's career, and he has been.

Teddy likes to fancy himself Mr. Integrity, but when he pulled a very good fighter like Povetkin out of the Klitchko fight, after all those predictions that Vlad would lose to other fighters he showed how dishonest he can be. He made those predictions out of spite because he's just a vicious insecure little wannabe (but never was) who likes to wave guns around.
McGirt is a sure fire sign that his fighter will be a punching bag for X opponent and you will see Mcgirt says something on the lines " I'm not going to let you take this punishment anymore" and then he wobbles through the ropes and waves the fight over. How a trainer could make hay off of reviving Arturo Gatti's career for another 10 years is beyond me.....Edited by: white is right
Talk about the apple not falling far from the tree. Being from an upper middle class family you would think your sons wouldn't grow up to be a street fighter and a murderer.
Teddy was in full-psycho mode last night. He ranted on and on, expressing his irrational hatred for Fonfara.
Atlas likes to fantasize that he is not finished and through and irrelevant. Like his comments though, his brain however is a mash of pig feces and squish-mud. The good news is he is very easy to avoid by turning the sound off when watching a fight or by changing channels and watching the fight via another broadcaster.
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