Ted Turner : Adopt 1 Child Policy


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Globalist Elite B lister Turner gives a nod to Red China & the PTB's eugenics agenda in the same pitch.

Ted Turner: Adopt China's one-child policy to save planet

By Christian Boone

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Atlanta's most unguarded tongue is at it again, telling global leaders meeting in Mexico that the rest of the world should adopt China's one-child policy, according to a Toronto newspaper.

"If we're going to be here [as a species] 5,000 years from now, we're not going to do it with seven billion people."

."If we're going to be here [as a species] 5,000 years from now, we're not going to do it with seven billion people," CNN founder Ted Turner said Sunday at a conference discussing the impact of demographic trends on the future of greenhouse gas emission.

If such a plan was adopted, the father of five said, poor people could profit from their decision not to reproduce by selling fertility rights.

China claims its policy has resulted in 400 million fewer births since 1979, limiting emissions growth even as the country becomes more industrialized. But critics argue the mandate has contributed to more abortions and high levels of female infanticide.

Former Irish president Mary Robinson said such a radical proposal is a non-starter.

"If we do it the wrong way, we can divide the world," said Robinson, who, in a dig at Turner, added "[many] people in the climate world could communicate this very badly.

Of course the former Braves owner is no stranger to controversy. A look at some of his more colorful statements over the years:

In 2008, Turner, appearing on Charlie Rose's PBS show, warned that if global warming is not properly dealt with, most of mankind will be destroyed "and the rest of us will be cannibals." At that time he advocated a two-child limit per American family.
He later apologized for his 2001 observation that Ash Wednesday adherents were "Jesus freaks." In the same interview, Turner called opponents of abortion "bozos."
He defended Iran's nuclear ambitions, telling Reuters in 2006, "They're a sovereign state. We have 28,000. Why can't they have 10? We don't say anything about Israel â€" they've got 100 of them approximately â€" or India or Pakistan or Russia."
Turner was also sympathetic to North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il, telling CNN's Wolf Blitzer in 2005 the U.S. should "give ‘em a break," adding that the isolated regime posed a "non-existent" threat to America. When Blitzer suggested North Korea's missiles could reach Alaska, Turner demurred: "Well, what, the Aleutian Islands? There's nothing up there but a few sea lions."
PR maven Bob Hope, an executive with the Braves when Turner owned the club, recalled an incident in which his boss offended a Jewish group with an off-color quip. Turner penned a long letter of apology, signing it, "Yours in Christ."



Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
I dont understand the 1 child policy in China because you shrink a lot in population by doing that but the chine's aren't. Like you guys know in a bit developed society you need 2,15 kids for 2 parents to stay at same size population.In western countries only whites think about the world is overpopulated when we already shrink becuase white women have 1.7 children on average which make us shrink 30% a generation.Not long ago a whitey talked to me about the overpopulation and that to many people are born and I said that it didn't hold up for europeans who are already shrinking in population with the women having 1.7 kids , he had nothing to say.I will always say this and the same when a white starts to me about it again.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I discuss declining total fertility rates in my classes. Most students are shocked by how low the numbers are for native born Americans, especially when they understand that a significant part of the predicted change in racial demographics in this country will be due to Whites not having enough children. Native population shrinks and the immigrant population grows. I also discuss how fertility rates in several European countries are below the replacement rate and how some of them are actually seeing their population decline.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
DixieDestroyer said:
In the same interview, Turner called opponents of abortion "bozos."

Quantitatively, Turner's "master plan"Â￾ to limit the amount of children born in the U.S. would have little adverse effects upon white mothers interested in birthing white children. With the exception of Mormons, Mennonites, Amish, and some fundamentalist Christian sects, legitimate "white male-white female"Â￾ marriages usually produce two children.

With Jewish Supremacists barking the odious songs of selfishness, materialism, female superiority, anti-whiteness, anti-masculinity, anti-traditional, racial indifference, and faux environmentalism into their ears, morning, noon, and night, cradle-to-grave"¦such a result is expected.

My "stance"Â￾ on abortion is rather unique"¦I'm strongly in favor of non-white abortions (which should be encouraged and could even be paid for, in full, by American taxpayers), and strongly opposed to white abortions (which should be completely illegal, with a few exceptions).
Oct 24, 2005
I agree. Black Africa, the Moslem world, and mexico should adopt a one child policy. Eurpoe and White America should have as many children as possible. Only white people can create quality children.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
Ted Turner is scum and I do agree that White people need to start having more children. However, if you want to decrease non-White births there are 2 proven solutions.

First, industrializing a country lowers birth rates. People in farming cultures will always have more kids. Working white collar jobs are distractions that take away from creating a family. Europeans and American Whites are "too busy" with careers to have kids. As for 3rd world countries industrializing, they don't. The globalist don't allow this to happen in many instances because they can rape third world countries for resources and cheap labor. See IMF, UN, et al.

Second, is to eliminate all forms of welfare in first world countries. All welfare does is allow non-Whites to have more children at our expense.Edited by: Freethinker


Jul 29, 2008
I wonder how a pond scum like Ted Turner has managed to become a billionaire. Someone should tell this clueless clown about the consequences of China's 1 child policy. According to several credible studies, by the end of this decade, there will be a surplus of 30 million+ men of marrying age in China with virtually no hope of finding a wife and getting married. What's going to happend to them, and what will be the impact to society? A war to draw down the numbers of these men? A rise in crime, child kidnappings, prostitution, and homosexuality?

It will be quite interesting to see how this ticking demographic timebomb plays out in the coming years, since nothing like it can be found in history. This is the direct result of what happens when you mess with the natural order of things.

I fully agree that something has gotta be done to increase the number of white children being born, while proportionally decreasing the number of non-whites. Otherwise, if the current projections hold, the white race could be near extinct in another 100 years.