Ted Kennedy-Hero of Chappaquiddick


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
[url]http://www.politico.com/blogs/thecrypt/0508/Report_Kennedy_r ushed_to_hospital_.html[/url]
Kennedy rushed to hospital with stroke symptoms

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, one of the longest serving Democrats in the Senate, has been rushed to the hospital with "stroke like symptoms," according to cable networks and wire services.

Kennedy, 76, was rushed to Massachusetts General Hospital and is being treated there in Boston. Kennedy has served in the Senate since 1962, and has become one of the leading surrogates for Sen. Barack Obama's presidential run.

The news is already dominating the cable networks, as commentators are reviewing Kennedy's nearly 50 year public career.

Kennedy is a lion of the Senate, chairman of the Education and Labor Committee and one of the most skilled legislators in the chamber. He has not had a recent history of health problems, but his current condition was serious enough for him to be airlifted from the family compound on Cape Cod to Boston.

The Crypt will update with independent confirmation of Kennedy's condition and any other news as it develops.

UPDATE: Politico has confirmed Kennedy's condition, but Senate sources are being very careful about discussing the situation, given potential seriousness of a stroke for a 76 year old man.

The Cape Cod Times is reporting that local rescue crews responded to an emergency call from the Kennedy compound at 8:30 this morning.

Here is what the Cape Cod Times is reporting:

"Hyannis fire responded to the compound after a call was made around 8:30 a.m. It's unclear what Kennedy's medical condition is, but after he spent almost two hours in the emergency room a decision was made to transfer him to Mass General Hospital in Boston.

Kennedy, 76, was placed on a stretcher and wheeled out to the MedFlight helicopter around 10:15 a.m. where it took off from Barnstable Municipal Airport.

The Kennedy family is preparing to host the annual Best Buddies Challenge event in Hyannisport this afternoon, which is a fund-raiser for the organization. Best Buddies was founded by Anthony Kennedy Shriver and helps people with intellectual disabilities.

Hundreds are expected to participate in the event, which kicked off this morning with a 100-mile bicycle ride from the Kennedy Library in Boston to Hyannisport.

A concert at the Kennedy compound is scheduled for tonight."


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Wouldn't be sorry to see this fool and awful human being die. Finally some justice for Mary Jo. One of the Senators most responsible for our open borders situation, gay marriage and abortion being legal in this country. Good riddance. I kinda feel unchristian to say all that but I just got the news on this a few minutes a go and that's how I feel at the moment. I don't think I will feel any different tommorrow.
Edited by: guest301


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
He's a Obama superdelegate even though his state of Massachusetts voted for Hillary. Would have liked to have been a fly on the wall when the Clintons got the news. I am sure publically they will be very saddened and sending best wishes to the Kennedy family.
Edited by: guest301


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Sen. Kennedy had a seizure instead of a stroke. It's still a "country for old men". The tough old bastard is still alive.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Tom Iron said:

He's still alive - Too bad!!!

Tom Iron...

Well it's too bad for all of us. Since Massachuesetts is his home state, he probably would have been replaced with a younger version of him and maybe even another Kennedy. There seems to be hundreds of America's unofficial "royal family". So maybe it's a wash anyway.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Well, at least there is a thread for it now, whenever it happens.
Oct 24, 2005
In all fairness, when I was younger, Ted Kennedy did inspire me to take swimming lessons.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
screamingeagle said:
In all fairness, when I was younger, Ted Kennedy did inspire me to take swimming lessons.

That's a classic.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
They call him flipper, flipper, faster than lightning!

That was a good one screamingeagle!
Oct 24, 2005
I wasn't joking. A couple days after the incident I did sign up for swimming lessons. After four hours of instruction, I learned the basics of swimming. I am confident that if I was on a sinking ship, I could swim 200 meters away and not be sucked down in the whirlpool. The last two summers, I have done more swimming as a substitude for running. It is easier on the knees. So Ted kennedy has done something positive, at least for me.
Now that I am older, I realize the folly of my youth. If you are in a car with a drunk coward, you are a goner, no matter how good a swimmer you are.


Apr 6, 2007
guest301 said:
Tom Iron said:

He's still alive - Too bad!!!

Tom Iron...

Well it's too bad for all of us. Since Massachuesetts is his home state, he probably would have been replaced with a younger version of him and maybe even another Kennedy. There seems to be hundreds of America's unofficial "royal family". So maybe it's a wash anyway.

I don't agree with his politics but having said that I can't believe some of the crass comments on here. Not that anyone here really gives a sh*t but I have better things to do than to beat on someone while they are down and out.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I must say that distillers and escort services are cheering for Ted to pull through....
Oh I forgot to mention Fizer........

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Menelik said:
guest301 said:
Tom Iron said:

He's still alive - Too bad!!!

Tom Iron...

Well it's too bad for all of us. Since Massachuesetts is his home state, he probably would have been replaced with a younger version of him and maybe even another Kennedy. There seems to be hundreds of America's unofficial "royal family". So maybe it's a wash anyway.

I don't agree with his politics but having said that I can't believe some of the crass comments on here. Not that anyone here really gives a sh*t but I have better things to do than to beat on someone while they are down and out.

If you're a Christian and hope he dies, you better hope he is saved or finds Jesus on his death bed, or you're effectively wishing him into an eternity of hell. If you don't mind that, so be it, but I don't wish hell on anybody,

Otherwise, he is just dead and in the grave and left behind a legacy that will make him a martyr to millions of liberals.

I would prefer that he narrowly escape death, see the error of his ways, and set about amending a lifetime of deleterious politics.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Menelik said:
guest301 said:
Tom Iron said:

He's still alive - Too bad!!!

Tom Iron...

Well it's too bad for all of us. Since Massachuesetts is his home state, he probably would have been replaced with a younger version of him and maybe even another Kennedy. There seems to be hundreds of America's unofficial "royal family". So maybe it's a wash anyway.

I don't agree with his politics but having said that I can't believe some of the crass comments on here. Not that anyone here really gives a sh*t but I have better things to do than to beat on someone while they are down and out.

That SOB deserves a far worse punishment than unkind words.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Now they are saying he has a brain tumor. I don't wish him to spend eternity in hell, but I don't like him at all. He's been one of the most destructive senators in the U.S. during the time he's been in D.C. Plus I believe he's responsible for a young lady's death. I just don't have anything for the man. They say those who live a hard life die a hard death.


Oct 21, 2004
I agree with Menelik. What is the point of rejoicing over anyone's sickness? Remember the Golden Rule....

Just a quick point about Chappaquidick. Ted Kennedy's version of events that night is obviously impossible, and the mainstream media certainly covered things up. However, after researching this case, I came to the following conclusions:

1. Ted Kennedy was not driving the car when it went off
the bridge. In fact, he was not in the car.
2. Kennedy's ridiculous story about what happened sprung
from his need to explain a dead girl in his car
with him at the wheel.
3. Kennedy was actually politically assassinated that
night, in terms of any future chance at the
presidency. Those who killed Mary Jo Kopechne were
representatives of the same forces who assassinated
JFK and RFK.

Don't get me wrong- Ted Kennedy's Senate career has been
tremendously disappointing to me. His role in the 1965 Immigration "Reform" Act, as well as co-sponsoring disastrous amnesty legislation with McCainiac, helped to create Don King's America. He also remained curiously silent about the deaths of JFK, RFK and JFK, Jr. One speech from the floor of the U.S. Senate about the conspiracy and cover up behind all three deaths would have represented a real profile in courage.

I realize Ted Kennedy will evoke very little sympathy from most of the posters here, but he is still a human being. We gain little from laughing at his misery, except for the cheers of like-minded posters.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
White Shogun said:
Menelik said:
guest301 said:
Tom Iron said:

He's still alive - Too bad!!!

Tom Iron...

Well it's too bad for all of us. Since Massachuesetts is his home state, he probably would have been replaced with a younger version of him and maybe even another Kennedy. There seems to be hundreds of America's unofficial "royal family". So maybe it's a wash anyway.

I don't agree with his politics but having said that I can't believe some of the crass comments on here. Not that anyone here really gives a sh*t but I have better things to do than to beat on someone while they are down and out.

If you're a Christian and hope he dies, you better hope he is saved or finds Jesus on his death bed, or you're effectively wishing him into an eternity of hell. If you don't mind that, so be it, but I don't wish hell on anybody,

Otherwise, he is just dead and in the grave and left behind a legacy that will make him a martyr to millions of liberals.

I would prefer that he narrowly escape death, see the error of his ways, and set about amending a lifetime of deleterious politics.

I don't wish hell on Kennedy or anybody else for that matter. Although my view of hell is different from mainstream christianity's viewpoint on the subject. I am a annihilationist, see theologian Clark Pinnock for his proper interpetation of all those passages concerning hell in the Bible.

I know my previous posts concerning Sen. Kennedy's health and very likely death has seemed unseemly to some on here and I respect those viewpoints. I am not celebrating his soon to be death nor will I do a symbolic dance on his grave but I will derive a quite satisfaction with his demise. Like another poster above put it, The SOB deserves worse than a few harsh words. The man is quite simply a awful human being and a terrible Senator and I refuse to shed any crocodile tears and give any credence to all the political figures now talking about all the good things he has done and what a good man he is.

I am a very practical minded Christian and I am also a patriot. I know for a fact that he has brought great harm on my country and the moment he breathes his last breath my country is better off. Millions of babies have been aborted and died needless deaths on his watch. Their blood is on his hands as much as it is on anybody. So Shogun, yes I would prefer he get saved and and repent of all his bad deeds and have even prayed on several occassions that he would do just that but I am practical enough to know that isn't likely to happen.

So in conclusion, I just wanted to clarify in full what my thinking and attitude on this situation is. If it has come across like I am rejoicing, singing Hallelujahs and dancing on his soon to be grave, I apologize and sincerly regret that I have come across that way and that is not my thinking on the issue. I just want justice and my country to be better off and his passing will accomplish just that. I can think of hundreds of other congressman, Senators, ex-presidents and a few Supreme court justices who also deserve Kennedy's fate. I won't let typical milquetoast Christianity get in the way of what I know is right. That is not a shot at you Shogun, your Christianity is far from milquetoast.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Ted Kennedy is one of the MAJOR reasons this country is so messed up. He has been pimping the Cultural Marxist party line for his whole career and using his considerable power and clout to advance that agenda. If you can't get some satisfaction about that slimeball finally getting his comeuppance after 70 years of screwing you and yours then you're the one with a problem.

I won't rejoice that the fat bastard is sick and dying but I will happilly drink a cold one when they shovel dirt in that f**kers face.

As for wishing him an eternity in hell, I would do just that but I have some sympathy for the devil having to deal with yet another Kennedy.


Apr 6, 2007
jaxvid said:
Ted Kennedy is one of the MAJOR reasons this country is so messed up. He has been pimping the Cultural Marxist party line for his whole career and using his considerable power and clout to advance that agenda. If you can't get some satisfaction about that slimeball finally getting his comeuppance after 70 years of screwing you and yours then you're the one with a problem.

Like I stated before I TOTALLY disagree with his politics but I see no satisfaction in gloating over his present illness. If thats your thing cool.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
<H1>News of Ted Kennedy's illness brings roll call of tears at nation's Capitol </H1>
Wednesday, May 21st 2008, 4:00 AM

Grown menwept on both sides of the political aisle Tuesday when word of Sen. Edward Kennedy's illness hit the Senate, his political home of 46 years, where he has been known for a soft heart, a strong arm and a ready joke.

"I have described Ted Kennedy as the last lion in the Senate," said presumptive GOP presidential nominee Sen. John McCain, his eyes glistening and his voice thick.

"He remains the single most effective member of the Senate," McCain said of his Democratic friend. "He is not reluctant to share the credit. And when it fails, he's willing to take the blame. We will miss him for that and many other reasons."

The normally voluble Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) choked up as he spoke. "He's a strong guy. He has a great heart. We're confident he'll be back here," he said, then abruptly strode away.

West Virginia Democrat Robert Byrd, 90, wept openly. "Ted, Ted, my dear friend, I love you and I miss you," he grieved. "I thank God for you, Ted."

Lawmakers took comfort in Kennedy's scrappy spirit. "Sen. Kennedy is a real fighter - we all know that. I'm betting on Sen. Kennedy," said Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.), a cancer survivor.

Republicans may love to run against Kennedy as a liberal bogeyman, but he is personally widely popular.

"If you ask the 99 other senators to name the most powerful member, and then to name the most popular, Kennedy is the only one who would end up on both lists," said Boston political consultant Michael Goldman.

One of his best pals is Utah Republican Orrin Hatch. "Ted and I have sparred a lot," he said. "So I know firsthand what a formidable fighter he is."

Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, whose Democratic presidential bid enjoyed a big boost from Kennedy's symbolism-laden endorsement, called the illness "grim news."

"He has been there for the American people during some of our country's most trying moments, and now that he's facing his own, I ask all Americans to keep him in our thoughts and prayers," Obama said.


[url]http://www.nydailynews.com/news/us_world/2008/05/21/2008-05- 21_news_of_ted_kennedys_illness_brings_roll.html [/url]
With Richard Sisk


He's one of the main reasons my kids will grow up to be a minority in their own nation.

I hope the cancer hurts and he dies.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
jaxvid said:
As for wishing him an eternity in hell, I would do just that but I have some sympathy for the devil having to deal with yet another Kennedy.
