Tea Parties on April 15th


Oct 18, 2008
Hey men, were there any blacks, Asians, or brown/Mexican folks at any of these tea parties?
Because, you know how there is always white people at pro-black/multicultural events.
I wonder how many "people of color" showed up to support....

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

There was one black woman at the Tea Party I was at. She seemed out of it. Not all there in the head. Blacks generally don't pay taxes, they receive tax money, so why would they show up at anything having to do with protesting taxes?

There was a lot more than taxes being discussed at the one I attended. This is our meat gentlemen. We should all attend these things if we can. This isn't going away. There's going to be plenty of action from the sponsors of this event.

It's my opinion that the people behind this are the original Ron Paul people. I had a gut feeling they weren't going to just fold up shop after the election and go away. I was right. Now I hear they're planning something for DC on July 4th (one hot town with not a bit of shade).

Let's see how all this turns out.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Freethinker said:
CNN reporter putting out propaganda about a Tea Party gets put in her place.

Alamo & Cali Protests

These protests seem to be percursor of more violent clashes. There is a lot of anger amongst people. People in crowds do crazy things. I think it's about time.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Don Wassall said:
I'm not an Ann Coulter fan, but this is a very good piece:

&lt;SPAN =er&gt;I had no idea how important this week's nationwide anti-tax tea parties were until hearing liberals denounce them with such ferocity. The New York Times' Paul Krugman wrote a column attacking the tea parties, apologizing for making fun of "crazy people." It's OK, Paul, you're allowed to do that for the same reason Jews can make fun of Jews. On MSNBC, hosts Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow have been tittering over the similarity of the name "tea parties" to an obscure homosexual sexual practice known as "tea bagging." Night after night, they sneer at Republicans for being so stupid as to call their rallies "tea bagging." Every host on Air America and every unbathed, basement-dwelling loser on the left wing blogosphere has spent the last week making jokes about tea bagging, a practice they show a surprising degree of familiarity with. Except no one is calling the tea parties "tea bagging" -- except Olbermann and Maddow. Republicans call them "tea parties." But if the Republicans were calling them "tea-bagging parties," the MSNBC hosts would have a fantastically hilarious segment for viewers in San Francisco and the West Village and not anyplace else in the rest of the country. On the other hand, they're not called "tea-bagging parties." (That, of course refers to the wienertail hour at Barney Frank's condo in Georgetown.) You know what else would be hilarious? It would be hilarious if Hillary Clinton's name were "Ima Douche." Unfortunately, it's not. It was just a dream. Most people would wake up, realize it was just a dream and scrap the joke. Not MSNBC hosts. The point of the tea parties is to note the fact that the Democrats' modus operandi is to lead voters to believe they are no more likely to raise taxes than Republicans, get elected and immediately raise taxes. Apparently, the people who actually pay taxes consider this a bad idea. Obama's biggest shortcoming is that he believes the things believed by all Democrats, which have had devastating consequences every time they are put into effect. Among these is the Democrats' admiration for raising taxes on the productive. All Democrats for the last 30 years have tried to stimulate the economy by giving "tax cuts" to people who don't pay taxes. Evidently, offering to expand welfare payments isn't a big vote-getter. Even Bush had a "stimulus" bill that sent government checks to lots of people last year. Guess what happened? It didn't stimulate the economy. Obama's stimulus bill is the mother of all pork bills for friends of O and of Congressional Democrats. ("O" stands for Obama, not Oprah, but there's probably a lot of overlap.) And all that government spending on the Democrats' constituents will be paid for by raising taxes on the productive. Raise taxes and the productive will work less, adopt tax shelters, barter instead of sell, turn to an underground economy -- and the government will get less money. The perfect bar bet with a liberal would be to wager that massive government deficits in the '80s were not caused by Reagan's tax cuts. If you casually mentioned that you thought Reagan's tax cuts brought in more revenue to the government -- which they did -- you could get odds in Hollywood and Manhattan. (This became a less attractive wager in New York this week after Gov. David Paterson announced his new plan to tax bar bets.) The lie at the heart of liberals' mantra on taxes -- "tax increases only for the rich" -- is the ineluctable fact that unless taxes are raised across the board, the government won't get its money to fund layers and layers of useless government bureaucrats, none of whom can possibly be laid off. How much would you have to raise taxes before any of Obama's constituents noticed? They don't pay taxes, they engage in "tax-reduction" strategies, they work for the government, or they're too rich to care. (Or they have off-shore tax shelters, like George Soros.) California tried the Obama soak-the-productive "stimulus" plan years ago and was hailed as the perfect exemplar of Democratic governance. In June 2002, the liberal American Prospect magazine called California a "laboratory" for Democratic policies, noting that "California is the only one of the nation's 10 largest states that is uniformly under Democratic control." They said this, mind you, as if it were a good thing. In California, the article proclaimed, "the next new deal is in tryouts." As they say in show biz: "Thanks, we'll call you. Next!" In just a few years, Democrats had turned California into a state -- or as it's now known, a "job-free zone" -- with a $41 billion deficit, a credit rating that was slashed to junk-bond status and a middle class now located in Arizona. Democrats governed California the way Democrats always govern. They bought the votes of government workers with taxpayer-funded jobs, salaries and benefits -- and then turned around and accused the productive class of "greed" for wanting not to have their taxes raised through the roof. Having run out of things to tax, now the California legislature is considering a tax on taxes. Seriously. The only way out now for California is a tax on Botox and steroids. Sure, the governor will protest, but it is the best solution ... California was, in fact, a laboratory of Democratic policies. The rabbit died, so now Obama is trying it on a national level. That's what the tea parties are about. &lt;/SPAN&gt;

&lt;SPAN =er&gt;http://www.anncoulter.com/&lt;/SPAN&gt;

&lt;SPAN =er&gt;&lt;/SPAN&gt; 


I am a big Ann Coulter fan and that is a great article.

This grassroots tea party movement is the start of something really special as long as we don't get bogged down in too many litmus tests to determine whether we are a part of this. This tea party movement is clearly against big goverment, high taxes, deficit spending and the replacement of our capitalist free market system with socialism. Just on that basis alone, this movement should have the support of almost everybody at CF. There is also alot of outright hatred and distrust for the mainstream media within this movement, you can already tell the MSM types are worried about this.
By the way, I have never heard of the homosexual practice of tea bagging until these MSM sodomites started talking about it. Still not sure what it is and don't want to know.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
edit...There is some type of protest and march on the federal reserve buildings coming up in about ten days or so according to a speaker at the event I attended. He was so loud that I couldn't quite understand all the details but it's called "End the Fed". I am sure there are more details on the various tea party websites.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
P-NutLane said:
Hey men, were there any blacks, Asians, or brown/Mexican folks at any of these tea parties?
Because, you know how there is always white people at pro-black/multicultural events.
I wonder how many "people of color" showed up to support....

P-NutLane, there are more black hockey players in the NHL than there are minorities at these events. in fact, there is a lot of mainstream hatred toward this movement because of the fact that it is SO VERY White.

check out this article by a negro skank who insists all the Tea Party protestors are white devils.
an excerpt:
The Rotting Racist Underbelly of the Tea Party Protests
Jill Tubman, Jack and Jill Politics, April 13, 2009

Were you wondering what happened to all the rabid, wild-eyed bigots yelling, "Kill him!" and "Terrorist" and "Socialist" carrying stuffed monkey plush dolls at the McCain-Palin rallies? It's easy in our jubilation over Obama's victory to forget the many people in America who were deeply fearful and hate-oriented towards an Obama presidency. Those people didn't just shrug their shoulders at the Democratic victory in Nov 2008. No, they've re-organized. Largely abandoned by the Republican party who tapped cynically into their ignorance, fear and hatred and whipped these folks into a racist lather as a Get Out The Vote strategy, the Tax Day Tea Party people have used the internet to find each other and organize.

They're getting plenty of news coverage. And don't get me wrong: the teabaggers (heh) have expressed some legitimate concerns about the impact of the economic stimulus on the ballooning deficit and the evolving structure of the financial bailout strategy. Concerns some progressives and many Americans share actually. Yet Obama's kept his promise to lower taxes for most Americans except the very wealthyâ€â€￾I don't know about you but I definitely am getting more back than I expected personally on my own taxes. So...whassup, really? Are these folks really concerned about their taxes going up or is it about what they perceive their taxes to be funding? Here's an image from the Michelle Malkin blog that sums up their real concerns, IMHOâ€â€￾note the bloody imagery, btw.

I've been parsing the words and the racists have been very careful to cover their tracks and fury that a black man is President. But not well enough. I'm starting to become pretty convinced at this point that "socialist" is some kind of code word for "******".

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Jimmy Chitwood said:
P-NutLane said:
Hey men, were there any blacks, Asians, or brown/Mexican folks at any of these tea parties?
Because, you know how there is always white people at pro-black/multicultural events.
I wonder how many "people of color" showed up to support....

P-NutLane, there are more black hockey players in the NHL than there are minorities at these events. in fact, there is a lot of mainstream hatred toward this movement because of the fact that it is SO VERY White.

There were a few asians and hispanics at the two I went to out of over a thousand people, but they were only a tiny portion of their population ratio in this very "diverse" city. There wasn't a single black. There is one black guy in a wheelchair who goes to Minuteman type meetings here, and the supporters always mention him as proof that they are not "racist." In fact, Minutemen promotional material anywhere in the United States is required to contain a disclaimer that they condemn any individuals or groups with white racial consciousness.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
guest301 said:
edit...There is some type of protest and march on the federal reserve buildings coming up in about ten days or so according to a speaker at the event I attended. He was so loud that I couldn't quite understand all the details but it's called "End the Fed". I am sure there are more details on the various tea party websites.

You can also check for related Meetup groups in your area. There are some that specialize in "end the Fed" meetings and activities.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Don Wassall said:
guest301 said:
edit...There is some type of protest and march on the federal reserve buildings coming up in about ten days or so according to a speaker at the event I attended. He was so loud that I couldn't quite understand all the details but it's called "End the Fed". I am sure there are more details on the various tea party websites.

You can also check for related Meetup groups in your area.  There are some that specialize in "end the Fed" meetings and activities.

Thanks Don. I know there will be a some type of protest at the Federal Reserve building in Cleveland soon which is a little more than a hour from me.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
WorldNetDaily has several excellent reports on the Tea Parties today, and also the news that the arrogant Janet Napolitano has been sued by Michael Savage and others after DHS's Soviet style smearing of veterans and other patriots.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Don Wassall said:
WorldNetDaily has several excellent reports on the Tea Parties today, and also the news that the arrogant Janet Napolitano has been sued by Michael Savage and others after DHS's Soviet style smearing of veterans and other patriots.

World Net Daily is also getting attacked and smeared by the MSM over it's constant bringing up of the usurper Obama and his fraudulent birth certificate or lack of one. I am sure enjoying our Kenyan Muslim President.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Jewish lib-tard (and total skank!) Janeane Garofalo has shared her "valuable" opinion ... she claims the usual: the tea parties were racist.

Liberal actress and political activist Janeane Garofalo, in all seriousness, said activists who attended tea parties are racists with dysfunctional brains in a recent prime-time television appearance.

"Let's be very honest about what this is about. This is not about bashing Democrats. It's not about taxes. They have no idea what the Boston Tea party was about. They don't know their history at all. It's about hating a black man in the White House," she said on MSNBC's "The Countdown" with Keith Olbermann Thursday evening. "This is racism straight up and is nothing but a bunch of teabagging rednecks. There is no way around that."

Olbermann did not once try to challenge her on those assertions.

The actress went on to describe the brain size of typical "right-winger, Republican or conservative or your average white power activist."

"Their synapses are misfiring. ... It is a neurological problem we are dealing with," she said. This isn't the first time she's offered this analysis, either. Ms. Garofalo said similar things about Alaskan GOP Governor Sarah Palin's brain last February in an interview with an environmental blog.

The actress went on to bash the GOP on MSNBC Thursday because it had "crystallized into the white power movement" as well as Fox News, which she said has captured the "Klan demo[graphic]."

*yawn* but apparently all these lefties are quite familiar with teabagging.

<DIV style="TEXT-ALIGN: center">

<DIV style="TEXT-ALIGN: center">you now know why she's a lesbian.quite the looker, eh boys?

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
more liberal bashing of the Tea Parties, this time by an elected representative of "our" government!

<H2 id=date>April 16, 2009</H2>

<H3 =storytitle id=post-15780>Schakowsky: Tea parties 'despicable' </H3>
<DIV =>@ 1:23 pm by Eric Zimmermann

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) blasted "tea party" protests yesterday, labeling the activities "despicable" and shameful."

"The 'tea parties' being held today by groups of right-wing activists, and fueled by FOX News Channel, are an effort to mislead the public about the Obama economic plan that cuts taxes for 95 percent of Americans and creates 3.5 million jobs," Schakowsky said in a statement.

"It's despicable that right-wing Republicans would attempt to cheapen a significant, honorable moment of American history with a shameful political stunt," she added. "Not a single American household or business will be taxed at a higher rate this year. Made to look like a grassroots uprising, this is an Obama bashing party promoted by corporate interests, as well as Republican lobbyists and politicians."

This is the strongest language to date opposing the protesters, which, according to some estimates, topped 250,000 across the country.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
now then, please compare the above two posts with this report by WorldNetDaily's Jerome Corsi.

1 million attend tea parties in 50 states
'Obama has awakened a sleeping giant'

Posted: April 17, 2009
12:00 am Eastern

By Jerome Corsi and Chelsea Schilling

An estimated 1 million Americans participated in at least 1,000 tea parties, according to reports by organizers tabulating the nationwide numbers, with documented protests held in 50 states.

Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform told WND, "The Obama administration has awakened a sleeping giant."

Tax Day Tea Party national event coordinator Amy Kremer told WND she has confirmed that more than 850 parties took place. She has at least 100 more reports in her e-mail inbox that have not been posted.

Asked how many people attended the events, she responded, "I would estimate it at over 1 million. I'm waiting on more numbers to come in from organizers right now. I can tell you it is absolutely over 750,000 right now."

The largest protests occurred in Atlanta, Ga., with 15,000 participants. As many as 10,000 protesters participating in Sacramento, Calif., and Overland Park, Kan., according to data compiled by Americans for Tax Reform on more than 207 tea parties.

Americans for Tax Reform has established an Internet page on the group's website where organizers of tea parties can submit attendance estimates to be included in the running tally.

Michael DePrimo, special counsel to American Family Association President Tim Wildmon, told WND that AFA's tea party website, Tea Party Day, had 2,031 confirmations that tea parties were to be held in as many cities.

"Since yesterday, we have had 394 cities give us reports, many with photographs, about the tea parties that were held," he said. "We have not been able to get all the information up. We expect more to come in as the days go by."

Glenn Beck reported yesterday on his Fox News program that official estimates of the participation in the Tea Party held in San Antonio, Texas, reached as many as 20,000 people ...


an aerial view of the Alamo Tea Party in San Antonio


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
The vermin Leftists are such numbskulls. They love throwing around the "ignorant" label, but it is these idiots are totally without understanding of the facts. Although the tea parties were partially co-opt'd by the statist Globalists at "Faux" News, the spirit of the events was right, and serves as good grass-roots bolstering point.

P.S. - The specific focus of these rallies should've been abolition of the Fed & the un-Constitutional income tax & IRS.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
DixieDestroyer said:
The vermin Leftists are such numbskulls. They love throwing around the "ignorant" label, but it is these idiots are totally without understanding of the facts. Although the tea parties were partially co-opt'd by the statist Globalists at "Faux" News, the spirit of the events was right, and serves as good grass-roots bolstering point.

P.S. - The specific focus of these rallies should've been abolition of the Fed & the un-Constitutional income tax & IRS.

At least Fox News is covering the story. These tea parties are news. One million people, 1000 tea parties, 50 states sounds like news worth covering to me. The other networks will cover a group of "Code Pink" war protesting lesbians as long as about a half dozen of them are gathered together and have a sign or two..

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Another thing about the Tea Parties. There were many "Don't Tread on Me" flags. i think that should become the signal of an anti-taxer. I'm going to have one sown on my pack. My pack goes everywhere with me.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Tom Iron said:
Another thing about the Tea Parties. There were many "Don't Tread on Me" flags. i think that should become the signal of an anti-taxer. I'm going to have one sown on my pack. My pack goes everywhere with me.

Tom Iron...

There were also a few "Don't Tread on Me" T-shirts that I saw at the Tea Party.
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
When White agression comes out in full force, the enemies' true colors show in spades. Nothing irritates them more than ordinary White people publicly speaking their mind. Because they know they are automatically intimidated by the sight of it they don't know how to conduct themselves in a professional or objective manner.

Granted, kosher conservatives were gaga over the whole event, but if an event like this brought out White agression then more the merrier.

The Left got pawned big time.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Another blog post by James Edwards of The Political Cesspool.

The big nationwide taxpayer revolt turned out to be a dud. For
starters, the organizers let themselves be completely co-opted by the
phony conservatives at FOX News. The big "grassroots" movement turned
into a free advertising campaign for Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity.
Another reason it's going nowhere is that it's a racial movement, while
everyone in the movement is pretending not to notice this inconvenient
fact. They even try to cover it up. One of the big stars of the Tea
Parties is Lloyd Marcus, a black songwriter, and they're going gaga
over him. Never mind that he's "married" to a white woman,
and that government spending pales in comparison next to miscegenation.
They want a black mascot, and they've got one, never mind that they
have to embrace white genocide to include him. But hey, maybe the Jews
and liberals won't call them racist if they have a black token! Nah,
they're still being called racist left and right. I'm not even going to
bother to link to any stories about the tea parties being "racist",
because there's so many of them. And as long as they're so scared of
being called racist that they keep pretending they're not a white
movement, and keep embracing the genocide of their own people through
interracially married black tokens, the Tea Party movement isn't going
anywhere. Which is just how Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck like it.
They're not being paid tens of millions of dollars a year to upset the
apple cart. They're being paid tens of millions to make sure nothing
ever happens to the apple cart. And there's no denying they do a great
job with their fake opposition.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Colonel Reb, with all due respect and much is due, you are wrong here. This is not a white movement, it's not a misceganation movement and the tea party protests would never have gotten past the planning stages if it were. As to Glen Beck and Sean Hannity, they have ALWAYS spoken out against big goverment, high taxes, deficit spending and socialism. Whether you like their views on foreign policy, racial issues and what not is immaterial. Some good things are being done here and maybe it's a forerunner to some of the things you would like to see happen. By the way, I would never be a part of a misceganation protest, not my "cup of tea".
Edited by: guest301


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
301, those aren't my words, but those of James Edwards. I don't believe its a miscegenation movement either, but I do believe to deny the almost completely white aspect of it is to be PC. I too think the Tea Parties are a good start, but we have a long way to go if anything is going to change.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I was dubious myself, but after participating I agree with 301's assessment much more than James Edwards'. There's no question these events were promoted by Fox News and some neo-cons, who, like it or not, deserve credit for helping to get so many people to turn out, but the tea parties weren't a GOP thing. Most of the people were mad as hell at both parties and the status quo in Washington. If it had been promoted as a "white thing," the turnout would have been less than one percent of what it was, if that. Americans are fed up, and this was an extremely healthy turnout, something to be praised and celebrated, not nitpicked.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Perhaps I'm being too idealistic then. Anything that awakens people in this day should be given some credit. I do agree that people in general are getting fed up and starting to stand up for themselves. This can't be anything but good, considering the slumber most people are in. I do look forward to seeing what James has to say about them later today on the radio. Maybe he will modify his views once he has a chance to think about it.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Don Wassall said:
I was dubious myself, but after participating I agree with 301's assessment much more than James Edwards'.  There's no question these events were promoted by Fox News and some neo-cons, who, like it or not, deserve credit for helping to get so many people to turn out, but the tea parties weren't a GOP thing.  Most of the people were mad as hell at both parties and the status quo in Washington.  If it had been promoted as a "white thing," the turnout would have been less than one percent of what it was, if that.  Americans are fed up, and this was an extremely healthy turnout, something to be praised and celebrated, not nitpicked.  &lt;!-- Message ''"" --&gt;


There were many people at the event I attended who were and are extremely disappointed with the GOP and feel betrayed by them. So while I suspect a good percentage of the people at these events probably leaned Republican in their voting patters, there was plenty of sentiment for "throwing all the bums out" and starting over although I think there are a few politicans worth reelecting. I can't wait to attend my next protest and do anything else I can to help and the mid-term elections can't come soon enough for me.