Tagliabue resiging


Nov 7, 2004
I'm surprised Paul Tagliabue's pending retirement hasn't yet been broached on CF. Especially since one Condoleeza Rice, a black, has been bandied about in some circles as a potential succesor. What gives?

foreverfree said:
Especially since one Condoleeza Rice, a black, has been bandied about in some circles as a potential succesor.John

That has to be a joke, right?
She won't take the job even though she has been talked about for years as a possible NFL commisioner. Bob Costas has always been talked about as a replacement for Bud Selig someday. Both would be better than who they replaced. Both are real fans of the game and wouldn't just be shills for the owners like those two. That's why it won't happen.
Hmm, this will be interesting to follow. I wonder how long it will take before they name a new Commissioner?
One of Tags' first acts as Commissioner of the NFL was to strongarm the state of Arizona into adopting a MLK Holiday. In 1990, the state held a referendum, wherein the voters rejected adding a MLK holiday to the official state calendar. Tagliabue threatened to withdraw the then-upcoming Super Bowl to be held in Tempe.

The NFL was not the only blackmailer: all media outlets, along with several large corporations, bashed Arizona. But the NFL, led by Tagliabue, led the way. And it was probably the blackmail by the NFL that made the difference in Arizona finally relenting.

If there is a hell, Tags will rot there for eternity.
Gov. Evan Mechamheld strong against the MLK holiday in Arizona in the late '80s. Hecame under tremendous pressure from thecorporate mediabut stuck to his guns. The system then concocted some bogus "corruption" charges against him and he was soon gone and Arizona then dutifully enacted the King holiday. Getting Mecham out of the way was the real key to forcing Arizona's capitulation to the powersthat runAmerica's "democracy." Of course, whenvirtually the entire Republican Party also adopts King as their secular saint, it was only a matter of time. . .
I wonder if it had anything to do with the Arizona territory belonging to the Confederacy? Just joking of course, but I wonder if that was mentioned in the bashing back then at all.
And now one out of every three people in Arizona is a Dirt person (most probably an illegal.)
And don't forget that state is probably going to supply us with our next president the traitorous John McCain!
You mean the "maverick" don't you? He is just as willing to sell our national sovreignty down the drain as anyone else. I don't trust him or almost anyone else in Washington as far as I can throw them.