Synagogue Shooting

This is not good. This kind of thing is evil and only hurts everyone. Trump is probably (and wisely) going to cancel his rally tonight. If he didn't he'd be assailed from every side, nook and cranny.

Btw, related to this, to see an untethered tribesman at his worst, check out the tweets from one Joshua Albert. He's some Leftist writer from Philly. You will see his true nature. He's one of those "wow, just wow" type of insane and rabid full tilt Leftists at their kosher best, er, um, worst.
This is not good. This kind of thing is evil and only hurts everyone. Trump is probably (and wisely) going to cancel his rally tonight. If he didn't he'd be assailed from every side, nook and cranny.

Btw, related to this, to see an untethered tribesman at his worst, check out the tweets from one Joshua Albert. He's some Leftist writer from Philly. You will see his true nature. He's one of those "wow, just wow" type of insane and rabid full tilt Leftists at their kosher best, er, um, worst.
Yep. I know someone who worships there. He's OK.
I'm sorry, but knowing how the globalists operate, I just can't help but think this is a false flag. I mean, every day in the run up to the midterms, there is some new dirty trick.
This is not good. This kind of thing is evil and only hurts everyone. Trump is probably (and wisely) going to cancel his rally tonight. If he didn't he'd be assailed from every side, nook and cranny.

Btw, related to this, to see an untethered tribesman at his worst, check out the tweets from one Joshua Albert. He's some Leftist writer from Philly. You will see his true nature. He's one of those "wow, just wow" type of insane and rabid full tilt Leftists at their kosher best, er, um, worst.
It's going on, as planned, and should. He probably knows what's really going on with these "events". He only has Twitter and his rallies to get his message out. He's going to get "assailed from every side, nook and cranny" anyway no matter what he does, so why give in to them?
Have to give credit the alternative media for pointing out that the shooter was not a Trump - MAGA supporter. If the alternative media had not come out and done that the MSM would of portrayed the shooter as a Trump supporter. The fact all of these events are occurring so close to the election should make anyone wonder what is actually going on. The mail bomb story is especially suspicious though.
It's going on, as planned, and should. He probably knows what's really going on with these "events". He only has Twitter and his rallies to get his message out. He's going to get "assailed from every side, nook and cranny" anyway no matter what he does, so why give in to them?
I agree that it should go on and he announced right after my post that it would indeed. I support him for going forward and having it. And you are correct that no matter what he does or says the Communists/MSM will slander him at every opportunity.
Every church or synagogue should have undercover armed guards at every service. Living in America now with the 2nd Amendment is the price of freedom. Simple.
Every church or synagogue should have undercover armed guards at every service. Living in America now with the 2nd Amendment is the price of freedom. Simple.
ours certainly does.
It's telling that **** like this is going to sway people one way or the other.

They don't vote according to ideas or principles. They vote on emotionalism or the last media story they saw that made the biggest impression on them.
It makes me sick that this happened in my home city. I highly doubt it was a false flag, there are ticking time bombs out there and this maniac appears to be one of them. The kind of mind that would conceive and carry out something like this is incomprehensible, just a very sad day for the 'Burgh.
It's telling that **** like this is going to sway people one way or the other.

They don't vote according to ideas or principles. They vote on emotionalism or the last media story they saw that made the biggest impression on them.

Well it won't sway you, me, anyone on this board, or anyone who is aware of what is going on in the world. It will only sway people who aren't very aware or informed. Unfortunately those people are allowed to vote.

I honestly think their should be a literacy test for people to be able to vote in any given election. A twenty question multiple choice on the positions of each candidate. If you don't get twelve correct, you can't vote.It would minimize the amount of damage the uninformed dumbshi#s could do. Of course it would all depend on who grades the tests. Just like now it depends on who counts the votes.
It makes me sick that this happened in my home city. I highly doubt it was a false flag, there are ticking time bombs out there and this maniac appears to be one of them. The kind of mind that would conceive and carry out something like this is incomprehensible, just a very sad day for the 'Burgh.
As I said in an earlier post, I know someone who worships there. No it isn't false flag!!
The Left and The Deep State are full court pressing now up until the midterm. Expect more crazy things to happen between now and then. Everyone stay safe.
It's telling that **** like this is going to sway people one way or the other.

They don't vote according to ideas or principles. They vote on emotionalism or the last media story they saw that made the biggest impression on them.

I don't really think there's any "undecided" voters in any significant numbers out there. I could be wrong but I think most people are totally on one side or the other now. There are no "moderate" Dems in my opinion. They mostly all seem like full on, dead set at destroying what they perceive as "Trump supporters/haters/bigots/Nazis/anti-women's rights/homophobic/xenophobic knuckle-draggers that need to be exterminated subhumans".

The country is totally divided and the LSM is leading the charge for the Left and doing it 24/7 making sure nobody can be in the middle and undecided. Objective journalism died and got buried decades ago and the topsoil just gets raked occasionally in between commercials. It's actually a line in the sand now. The Leftists are getting their wish as far as "positions" go.

I have no clue except demonic influence how anyone can be on or stay on the Left now, even though the Republicans are mostly political cowards. God help us on Nov. 6th and afterward...
It makes me sick that this happened in my home city. I highly doubt it was a false flag, there are ticking time bombs out there and this maniac appears to be one of them. The kind of mind that would conceive and carry out something like this is incomprehensible, just a very sad day for the 'Burgh.
Don, sometimes men who are middle-aged and realize their lives did not pan out the way they thought look to others for their lot in life. They say to hell with the consequences and go out and mass murder ppl. It's sad, but if you have weapons and know how to use them, it's quite easy to do what his person did. In the end, he is a coward for surrendering. He should have gone out blazing if he truly believed in his cause. Actually, he had the mindset of a lot of negroes. Someone else to blame for their failure.
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As I said in an earlier post, I know someone who worships there. No it isn't false flag!!

I didn't meant its a false flag in the sense that it didn't happen. I have no doubt that it actually happened and that people were killed. I mean it could be a false flag in that the motivations of the person who carried it out might not be what they appear to be. He could have been propelled to commit this act by something other than his own anger. Either way, its an extremely tragic and avoidable event.
Have to give credit the alternative media for pointing out that the shooter was not a Trump - MAGA supporter. If the alternative media had not come out and done that the MSM would of portrayed the shooter as a Trump supporter. The fact all of these events are occurring so close to the election should make anyone wonder what is actually going on. The mail bomb story is especially suspicious though.
Yes, unlike the mail b0mb story which was a hoax, replete with the van covered in pro-Trump stickers that couldn't be "scrubbed" and then plastered all over the MSM to help prop up their ongoing anti-Trump, anti-MAGA and anti-"Deplorables" narrative, this madman's social media has been "scrubbed" to try to hide the fact that he was anti-Trump, anti-MAGA and even anti-QAnon, just like them (the MSM).
The Left and The Deep State are full court pressing now up until the midterm. Expect more crazy things to happen between now and then. Everyone stay safe.

Yep, every day from now until Nov. 6th there will be one or more crazy events unfold. The Globalist Ultracriminal Establishment are the dregs of humanity. True demonic scum that need to be ground into the mud. We need to be relentless against them.
I know this guy was crazy but doesn't it even occur to him that the people going to a local house of worship are not the ones to hate? It's like the guy that shot up that black church in Carolina. Those church people are not the problem. Is it that hard to understand the difference? For example (and I am NOT advocating it) if this guy would have shot up a Fed meeting, or a big banking conference, then the discussion would be different.
Dylan Roof shoots up a small black church when he could have went to a big city neighborhood where thugs are selling drugs. It's so misguided along with insane.
The shooter hated Donald Trump and called him a globalist, so the MSM can't say it was "Trump inspired".
Sorry, I don’t believe in any of these so called “mass shootings.” They are purely deep state creations with a complicit media.

In the history of criminology, the “mass shooter” is only a recent creation. Wherein a motiveless individual arms himself with “asssault rifles”. and attempts to murder as many random or semi-random targets. We are urged to believe that there are evil madmen who go on motiveless suicide missions in contravention to human nature.

While the shooter had no motive, the entities who benefit from the event are the police state and the media. Filling the public with angst, fear and political discord is part and parcel of the Hegelian dialectic.
I know this guy was crazy but doesn't it even occur to him that the people going to a local house of worship are not the ones to hate? It's like the guy that shot up that black church in Carolina. Those church people are not the problem. Is it that hard to understand the difference? For example (and I am NOT advocating it) if this guy would have shot up a Fed meeting, or a big banking conference, then the discussion would be different.
Dylan Roof shoots up a small black church when he could have went to a big city neighborhood where thugs are selling drugs. It's so misguided along with insane.
I don't believe they would not get their 15 minutes of fame if they shot some blacks in a ghetto like they would in a church.
These shootings are very bad for white people. The anti-whites will do what they always do, blame all white people for what one criminal does.
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