support your puppy killers


Aug 9, 2005
We need to humanize our country again.

100s of these animal torture vids are coming out now.
freedom1 said:
We need to humanize our country again.

100s of these animal torture vids are coming out now.

freedom1 said:
We need to humanize our country again.

100s of these animal torture vids are coming out now.

Some of those videos are indeed sickening but I will worry more about the problem of animals getting tortured in this country when they solve the problem of babies getting tortured. That's what a midterm to late term abortion is, babies getting torn apart by a doctor's forceps or burned alive by a saline solution. Much more worried and concerned about that.
Humans matter more than dogs. Any human on this planet matters more than any dog. Some things are absolute.
Maple Leaf said:
Humans matter more than dogs. Any human on this planet matters more than any dog. Some things are absolute.

I would disagree. "Matter" is a relative term. My dog (rest his soul) mattered more to me then some douche bag criminal sitting in a prison cell for child molestation. If there was a burning building and I could only save one, the choice wouldn't even be that difficult.
reclaimsocal said:
Maple Leaf said:
Humans matter more than dogs. Any human on this planet matters more than any dog. Some things are absolute.

I would disagree. "Matter" is a relative term. My dog (rest his soul) mattered more to me then some douche bag criminal sitting in a prison cell for child molestation. If there was a burning building and I could only save one, the choice wouldn't even be that difficult.

I agree with reclaimsocal. Didn't always feel that way, but do now.
The dog still feels pain and fear. When a puppy gets picked up by the scruff of the neck like that, it's hard wired to contract it's body in and be still because that's how its mother carries it around. Anyone who's had dogs knows that puppies are submissive and trusting like that. To betray that trust and get pleasure from suffering transcends the level of being in question.
is that video real??? i thought it was some f'ing internet prank? are these guys getting disciplined?
Not to excuse what these guys are doing but they are at war and are desensitized to human suffering and pain so they probably don't give a hoot about how these animals feel. I see problems down the road for our society and these troops we have over there in this crazy war.
There needs to be all-around accountability and decency...first with humans & then with animals. I agree ending/slowing things like abortion are crucial, but we also need to hold those who blatantly abuse animals accountable as well. I'm no (crooked) PETA fanatic, but think we cannot allow random, vicious abuse of animals. People first, then animals, but as Reclaimsocal indicated, there are some exceptions indeed.
Edited by: DixieDestroyer
One must never misuse or abuse animals. One should never take pleasure in killing animals. If those two men did throw a live dog into that ravine then they should be dealt with by the military in some way. But animals are simply animals, they are not humans and should not be personified. We kill animals for food; animals will kill us for food if they can and when they can. Every day millions of animals are slaughtered for food. Millions of people even eat dogs. That is life.

Humans do matter more than animals. Even the worst human being must be treated with human respect, human dignity, and human justice. A human life is always more important than an animal's life. There is simply no grey area here. These are not just my beliefs, they are the beliefs of our society: Western Civilization. These beliefs are encoded in our laws: if you kill a human you will get life in prison or worse; if you kill an animal, most of the time you will get nothing.Edited by: Maple Leaf
Maple Leaf said:
One must never misuse or abuse animals. One should never take pleasure in killing animals. If those two men did throw a live dog into that ravine then they should be dealt with by the military in some way. But animals are simply animals, they are not humans and should not be personified. We kill animals for food; animals will kill us for food if they can and when they can. Every day millions of animals are slaughtered for food. Millions of people even eat dogs. That is life.

Humans do matter more than animals. Even the worst human being must be treated with human respect, human dignity, and human justice. A human life is always more important than an animal's life. There is simply no grey area here. These are not just my beliefs, they are the beliefs of our society: Western Civilization. These beliefs are encoded in our laws: if you kill a human you will get life in prison or worse; if you kill an animal, most of the time you will get nothing.

Good Post!
DixieDestroyer said:
There needs to be all-around accountability and decency...first with humans & then with animals. I agree ending/slowing things like abortion are crucial, but we also need to hold those who blatantly abuse animals accountable as well. I'm no (crooked) PETA fanatic, but think we cannot allow random, vicious abuse of animals. People first, then animals, but as Reclaimsocal indicated, there are some exceptions indeed.

Lots of thought provoking posts on this thread and I see some merit in every post so far. This one above by Dixie is the one I am in most agreement with . Good posts by Menelik, Maple Leaf and Reclaimslocal as well.Edited by: guest301
The compartive value of humans and animals is NOT the point. The point is how much this war is corrupting our young men.
Maple Leaf said:
One must never misuse or abuse animals. One should never take pleasure in killing animals. If those two men did throw a live dog into that ravine then they should be dealt with by the military in some way. But animals are simply animals, they are not humans and should not be personified. We kill animals for food; animals will kill us for food if they can and when they can. Every day millions of animals are slaughtered for food. Millions of people even eat dogs. That is life.

Factually correct; however, man is a sentimental creature that does not live by reason alone. Given my feelings towards most of the population, I equate dogs much higher on my personal scale. Is my dog worth an African savage? An unknown Chinaman? Or even you, someone I don't know?For me, I choose the dog.

Humans do matter more than animals. Even the worst human being must be treated with human respect, human dignity, and human justice. A human life is always more important than an animal's life. There is simply no grey area here. These are not just my beliefs, they are the beliefs of our society: Western Civilization. These beliefs are encoded in our laws: if you kill a human you will get life in prison or worse; if you kill an animal, most of the time you will get nothing.

The law isn't always right or just. I point to the many criminals who are successfully taking their victims to court and winning when the victim fights back. Is that right? Is that encoded into Western Civ? You senselessly kill an animal, its just a prelude to bigger and better things. Most serial killers start with the family pet, after all.
freedom1 said:
The compartive value of humans and animals is NOT the point. The point is how much this war is corrupting our young men.

Couldn't agree more, part of the Bush administration's embrace of torture, wars of aggression, endless lying about anything and everything, and its grab of unopposed dictatorial powers. Then there's the extreme, utterly depraved and dehumanizingviolence that is commonplace on TV, in movies, and in video games played by boys starting at the youngest ages. Evil has been set loose in the land.Edited by: Don Wassall
I think we have to come to the realization that are military men on average are not made of same metal of generation's past. What do you expect when 18 year olds are pulled away from video games and street gangs and given automatic weapons and a license to kill? Top to bottom, more and more our country is looking like well-funded morally bankrupt street thugs. No wonder the rest of the world hates us. No offense to the many uncorrupted service men.

John McCain says its not about length of the war but about casualties. He is right in that we have relatively few casualties in our military compared to other wars. But, aren't we supposed to be a right and just nation? Some say guided by Christian priniciples. If our soldiers can so callously kill animals who are obviously not the enemy what do they do to innocent Iraqis that can easily be labeled as "insurgents" or potential terrorists? Several videos are also out there that are labeled something to the effect; "killing insurgents." How many are really insurgents? McCain, it isn't about our casualties it's about our morality.

BTW, abortion has nothing to do with arguement just as it had nothing to do with the Michael Vick dog-fighting scandal.

Another BTW, the dog-killing videos have been out there for awhile. Why hasn't the MSM paid them any attention? Even now I've only seen the one video being played. What about all the others?