Superior athleticism of blacks is a myth

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Here's a fight, between a full-blooded African and a white fighter. This was for the vacant IBF middleweight title a couple of years ago...

Abraham vs. Ikeke

Watch carefully - first, who has longer arms and legs? Obviously, the black fighter.

But who has quicker reflexes and better "twitch muscle" action? It's obvious the white fighter has.

There is a myth that black athletes have superior "athletism" - this idea is promoted by the caste media, by people like Max Kellerman and Kevin "The *******" Iole. Blacks do have one advantage, but it's not athleticisn. They generally have proportionately longer arms and legs, and it doesn't require a brilliant mind to figure out that longer legs would give them an advantage in any sport where running is a factor.

Having longer legs and a relative short, lighter body and head would obviously make running much easier! And those long arms make reaching for a basketball a lot easier. In boxing, longer arms and a well-developed jab can keep an opponent at bay, and obviously make it easier to land punches. I recently watched Ali vs. Bonaventa from 1970 - Ali's long reach advantage was clearly the difference in the fight.

The truth is that the ONLY sports where blacks have been more successful than whites, is those where their proportionately longer legs and arms give them an advantage, such as short distance running and basketball.

Watch the Olympics - whites do better in MOST SPORTS. The caste media pays more attention to those few sports blacks do well at, and pays less attention to the many others where whites excel, such as swimming and gymnastics.
Edited by: JD1986
Blacks have a natural advantage in boxing because they have longer arms and thicker skulls.

We should be promoting the idea that the races are different in hundreds of ways, not this BS that we are all the same excpet for skin color.

Here's an online book detailing many differences between blacks and whites. by:
Whites also have an advantage in stamina. If fights were the length of fights at the turn of the 20th century, this would be very pronounced. Watch some Julio Cesar Chavez fights(he is Mestizo)and watch the way he chops down faster black fighters in the second half of the fight. Chavez-Taylor I or Chavez vs Terrance Ali is another.
I think whites have a higher pain tolerance. I don't know if any studies support this. There have been some blacks who are very tough though, like Marvin Hagler.
What about flat noses? The classic long thin European nose keeps many white athletes out of boxing. All blacks have flat noses.
The best advantage I believe blacks have is their thicker skin. I noticed this when Vitali Klitschko was dominating Lennox Lewis and Chris Byrd but lost those two fights due to cuts. HE was clearly ahead on the score cards. Whites tend to cut more easily and if it wasnt for that Vitali would still be undefeated to this day. Whites definetely have a strength advantage. Even in the 70's their were always white sluggers around due to their power in the ring.
89Glory said:
What about flat noses? The classic long thin European nose keeps many white athletes out of boxing. All blacks have flat noses.

Very true. Whites cut easier and the contrast with their white skin makes it look worse than when blacks get cut.

This article talks about race and boxing.
whiteathlete33 said:
The best advantage I believe blacks have is their thicker skin. I noticed this when Vitali Klitschko was dominating Lennox Lewis and Chris Byrd but lost those two fights due to cuts. HE was clearly ahead on the score cards. Whites tend to cut more easily and if it wasnt for that Vitali would still be undefeated to this day. Whites definetely have a strength advantage. Even in the 70's their were always white sluggers around due to their power in the ring.

Vitali was stopped by the ref due to cuts vs Lewis.

Vitali quit in the 10th round against Byrd because he had torn a tendon in his left shoulder in the 2nd round and by the tenth the pain had become unbearable.

Losing that Lewis fight really pisses me off and I didn't see that fight or care about boxing when it happened.Edited by:
You are right AMREM. I remember the Lewis fight was stopped because of cuts because I watched it. I wasnt sure about the Byrd fight though. Vitali could still have been undefeated.
whiteathlete33 said:
You are right AMREM. I remember the Lewis fight was stopped because of cuts because I watched it. I wasnt sure about the Byrd fight though. Vitali could still have been undefeated.

He would have won the Byrd fight if not for the injury and he could have beat Lewis if not for that cut.

We could have had our great HW white champion years ago
if Vitali hadn't sustained injuries from his kickboxing career.
whiteathlete33 said:
Hell be champ again. Im looking for him to destroy Peter. If Vitali comes in at 80 percent Peter better run.

He could get injured in training camp, he could get injured during the fight, he hasn't fought in 4 years, and he's getting up in age. If he wins, he won't be recognized as undisputed HW champion, in fact, we won't have an undisputed HW champion as long as he holds one of the belts.

I'd love to see Vitali kick Peter's ass but I could accept a withdrawal or loss as long as Wlad fought Peter next and kicked Peter's ass.
Abraham is only 28 Pavlik is only 26. This would be a great fight and the winner would hold three of the four major belts and if he chose to call Felix Sturm out , Sturm would have little choice but answer especially if Pavlik won because it would also be a major money fight.
The facts are blacks have thicker skin and skulls, but in the combat sports whites will always be a force, because of our strengh stamina and mental advantages.
I asked a well known english caucasian world champion about 7 years ago, about the differences beetween
genotypes, and he said just smash there f*****g faces in. If you train hard, and take that advice we will mostly win because altogether we are more athlectic.
Youre exactly right webtoughguy. Just smash there F-----g faces in. The media intimidates white athletes by always hyping up the black man as the strongest out there. The fear puts the black man at a phsycological edge. Things are changing for the better though.
Great Post JD1986! However, I don't agree that blacks have a thicker skull or a lighter head, I have seen no research to prove this, but much of the rest of what you guys say is correct. Not so sure about whites cutting less easily either, but it is certainly a possibility. But if you see the Vatali vs. Lewis fight, I don't know if the fight would have been stopped if it was the other way around. It is hard to see how bad a cut is on a black fighter. The dark skin hides it and that may be where the cutting stereotype comes from. The slightly longer arms and legs of blacks proportional to their body height is definitely true, facts prove it.

I also believe that blacks have a slight advantage in
40 + yard to 300 meter track speed b/c of slightly better leg lift. But blacks may actually be at a slight disadvantage over 25 yards or so and under. I just recently did research on this. Whites have slightly stronger quads and equally impressive calfs. But blacks tend to have a slight advantage in their butt muscles and muscles around the hips and slightly better flexibility where the femur attaches to the hip structure for leg lift and darting on the move. I talked to someone who told me about research that backs this up.

I don't buy the tight hipped theory about whites as far as cutting ability and think this mostly has to do with leg lift for sprinting, not RB agility. However, whites tend to cut in more of a slashing style when running and blacks darting. Whites make that first cut better especially from behind the line of scrimmage to find the seam. Where blacks can make 2 quick cuts slightly better in the open field when moving very fast. But it is so extremely rare for any runner to have a 40 + yard run, that this slight black advantage is "way" overrated.

The white ability to get those first downs and break off lots of 20, 30 yard runs before they are caught or cut off by a safety or CB is way underrated. Of course their are white freaks in the last 2 years like Sam McGuffie, Brandon Wegher or Mike Trumpy that defy all these stereotypes and are great in the open field and getting those 50, 70 yard runs. But will the NFL ever give them a chance? Probably not, with maybe McGuffie as an exception.

McGuffie and Wegher where certainly in the top 3 RBs or so in the country in "Best in Space" and "Home run threat" ability. Mike Trumpy would be in the top 7 or so in the country this year in "best in space" this year and is also a great tackle breaker. Rex Burkhead would probably be in the top 7 this year in "best in space" IMO, but isn't quite fast enough to make the top 10 IMO in home run threat. But generally blacks are a little better when moving full speed with room and whites are better using our shorter strides and quickness and strength to work through traffic in tighter space.

As far as boxing, we whites tend to have a slightly better short area burst IMO. In a small ring, whites probably have an advantage with using our elite quickness and awareness in the ring to our advantage over blacks. Overall blacks have some slight advantages as do whites. And playing RB in the NFL has nothing to do with world class 100 meter speed being mandatory. Black supremacist Tom Luginbill of ESPN is a total idiot and hate monger!
Any ever heard of this moron John entine or something like that? I think this guy is white. He wrote a book called Taboo why blacks dominate sports. He says whites need not apply in sprinting and other sports. When young white athletes read crap like this it really destroys their hopes and self esteem. I would really like to embarrass this guy.
Jon Entine's book was based on very weak research and his own theories of what makes an athlete. He clearly favors the 2 or 3 areas of football where blacks have an advantage over the 5, 6, 7 areas where whites have an advantage. His book was actually criticized by at least a few. I will tell you I want to right a book one day that silences Entine's speciously reasoned book. The guy is a self loathing white prick!
He is also a guy that has never played a down or ran leg of a relay or done anything athletically. It's pretty obvious from his writing. He just churns out stats, but doesn't have any theories why these stats could be interpreted in multiple ways. His book was written before Wariner and Rock, who would throw a wrench in his running theories, that come off as match book science.
I think much of this black mythology comes from football scouts. They are probably not the most scientific people you'll meet, in spite of their charts. They need to sit down and think a little harder about what they want for their end product. Actually, if they had one more measurement tool, I think much of the mythology would evaporate. The tool they need to measure is "heart", or "non-stop motor".

It is not "over-achieving", as they are so fond of saying --- but rather, a trait which I believe really is quite measurable and largely inherited.

When they call it "heart", they are probably close to the truth. More specifically, heart and lungs. Caucasians tend to have deeper chests, more lung capacity, stronger core; and consequently they are "tough", "high motor", and can recover more quickly --- whether that be from an exhausting play, a rough game, or intense training. It is not only a recovery of the muscles, but also will show itself in "game alertness" simply because a black guy with his tongue hanging on the ground from exhaustion will not be thinking very clearly.

I read the interview with the men's Olympic marathon winner from Kenya today, and this durability of Europeans (also Asians) is apparently known by the Africans. I suppose that's why East Africans run in packs with a pace-setter because they know if they don't get a big enough lead in the beginning of the race, the Europeans tend to come on stronger at the end: "then Kenyans are trapped because the Europeans and others will be very strong in the later stages... I tried to push at a high pace because the Asians and Europeans are usually very strong in the second half." (I don't mean to lump East Africans together with other blacks, because they don't seem to be very similar physiologically.)

Whoever takes the time to quantify this "high-motor" ability will do a great service for his sports organization, because he will produce a better quality athlete immediately, and probably also with a longer career.

The chest is way under-rated in modern athletics. People look at things like limb length, and stupidly make assumptions about athletic ability. Limb length is important for heat dissapation, but for many other things the speed-length-torque ratio is a wash. The great black 200/400 sprinter Michael Johnson confounded the experts because of his short limbs --- because they do not realize the importance of the chest and trunk.

I am no expert, but it seems that race horses are an interesting example of this. If there is one thing that a racing thoroughbred breeder wants to improve, it is not limb length, or even muscularity --- rather, it is lung and heart capacity. On the very short races of the quarter horses, it is power that is needed rather than lung capacity or limb length.

In the men's 4x400 Olympic relays, there were 5 men who ran their 400 meter leg in under 44 seconds. 4 of these men were white, including the 3 fastest. In my mind, this is a news-worthy item, the kind of thing that should have a short write-up in a kids' magazine, and that would have a positive effect on White youth. But how could a person possibly get news like this to a typical American youth without getting branded as a racist? Kids of all races and ethnic groups need role models with which they can identify, but "they" sure do make it difficult for any promotion of specifically White achievement.Edited by: Observer
I actually wrote Jon Entine an email in 2001 (his email address at the time was but I don't know if he's since changed it) confronting him about his racist book and stated that with few exceptions, decathlon results demonstrate that whites make excellent all around athletes, and the dude replied that "running is the purest sport because you don't need any equipment to do it -- blacks are just better and the sooner you stop being jealous and just deal with it, the better off we'll all be."

Seriously, what a twat.
ToughJ.Riggins said:
I will tell you I want to right a book one day that silences Entine's speciously reasoned book. The guy is a self loathing white prick!

That would be admirable. Itis notaccurate to describe him as a self loathing white prick. Yes, he is anti-white, but not self loathing.No, no, no. He is a Jew. That should not come as too much of a shock.
Bart said:
ToughJ.Riggins said:
I will tell you I want to right a book one day that silences Entine's speciously reasoned book. The guy is a self loathing white prick!


That would be admirable.  It is not accurate to describe him as a self loathing white prick.  Yes, he is anti-white, but not self loathing.  No, no, no.  He is a Jew.  That should not come as too much of a shock. [/QUOTE

I read joe entines book, and i agree blacks are faster at sprinting, come on guys dont live in a fantacy world they just are. But running doesnt impress me at all, i like swiming those men who do the butterfly would eat those spinkle spanks for breakfast if they did mma.
The emascilization that the white have endured come from the absolute lie that blacks are better fighters, and are mentally stronger. White people dominate mma k1 and boxing, because we are the toughest men on earth.
All the negro nutt huggers who cum in there fair trade pants over brothers like mayweather and co, cant be helped its a mental illness and the only cure is caste football. When i have a son im going to show him peter aerts calzaghe fedor and the like of forest griffen, so he knows that he isnt part of a weak race. I have come to the conclusion the stereo type of white cowardness to black aggresion is also spurious, my mates if there was no witness would bash any blue lipped loudmouth who stepped to them.
Bart said:
ToughJ.Riggins said:
I will tell you I want to right a book one day that silences Entine's speciously reasoned book. The guy is a self loathing white prick!


That would be admirable.  It is not accurate to describe him as a self loathing white prick.  Yes, he is anti-white, but not self loathing.  No, no, no.  He is a Jew.  That should not come as too much of a shock.

Yep. Entine is the sports world's answer to Tim Wise.
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